Two days ago, I found out some stuff about a fake love note I got in school a long time ago so I felt like going to my friend's, Craig, house to tell him some information on it because he was involved in the investigation efforts. I had nothing better to do with my time than trying to find out who wrote a fake note as you can tell. Although as the search efforts got me no where, just a simple conversation with a friend recently reveiled everything. Back to the point, when I got to his house, he wasn't home. He was at his brother's football practice which he was required to go everyday from Monday to Thursday.
I quickly got on my bike and rode all the way to the Mayfield Elementary School and met him there in a baseball dugout with my other friend, Shawn. Craig was being forced to read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" for school so he couldn't talk much. I was just sitting there with Shawn reveiling some aspects of the story that I'm writing on the computer. He's one of the only people who likes my writing. I once was writing a story called "Notes" on my computer and gave him the first chapter to read and he really liked it. He wanted the next chapter, however, it never came because I found the efforts of the story insane. I like play format better in stories because the dialouge is a lot easier to write:
Man: Hello good lad!
Steve: Um...hi. Can I help you?
Man: Do you have any chocolate? I have an errie stomach ache and chocolate heals it quite nicely.
Steve: Sorry. I have no chocolate.
Man: Then it is time for Plan B!
(Steve crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the man.)
Man: I shall go downtown and buy some.
Steve: Great! You're using common sense. Have a brownie.
Man: So you do have chocolate then?
Steve: I don't have any freaking chocolate!
(Steve walks back in the house and slams the door behind. He quickly locks it.)
Sorry about that. That's a short-handed version of a conversation in my story. Yes, short.
Back to the main point. After Craig finished the chapter he was reading, we went for a walk in the back of the school and up onto a hill that was a path that led into the woods behind the school. We walked around back there and we went down a path near the Lackawanna River in which I found a nice place to hang out. The area was three large rocks very close to each other and they were located near three trees. We established this area for our own. We then walked down the path until we got to some stepping stones to cross the river to the rocky island in the middle of it. We walked down this rocky shore until we got to the end. We didn't feel like going back the same way so we went up the hill that was in front of us to a forest full of ferns and ivy. We walked up and threw it, heading in the direction back to the school and walking through thorns.
We found ourselves on the other side of a large ditch located in the back of the school where the kickball always used to get kicked into. Sowhat did we do? Cross it. We went down the hill (in which I had a difficult time doing and slid, crashing into Craig and sending him over the dirty water located in the depth of the ditch), and then back up to our starting point where the whole journey began.
We went back to our establishment and were sitting there when Craig wanted to build a bridge out of stepping stones to the rocky shore in the middle of the river. There weren't any large rocks besides the unmovable ones we were sitting on. All of the good rocks were in the middle of the river. So you know who went to the other side of the river? Yep, I did. Our bridge which shortly turned into a dam didn't work out too well because the water just kept on going over the rocks. I tried to point this out to Craig but he disagrred with me. Finally after going back and forth across the river about five times, I gave up. Anyway shortly after, football practice was over so we headed back.
The moral of this story? Your shoes will be soaking wet afterwards walking through a river. Sure my shoes were runied anyways, but that's not the point.
Have a good day! My uncle still didn't come yet so I don't know what's going on...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Cleaning Day
I'm going to have busy coming days. Yesterday my nephew and neice were here so I had to watch them all day although the rest of the day when I was on the computer, I started writing a story. I was influenced by some fan fictions I was reading on the computer and two songs, Yellow and Blue by The Used and Letters From God by Boxcar Racer. It was about those B.U.R.N. Mission stuff I was telling youabout in my first real blog posting although I added just a little paranormal to it. Okay, maybe a lot. Also I'm a year older in the story and it takes place in the summer of 2006. Well in that case, I would be older. Come October 27th and I'll be fifteen.
Now today I did a major cleaning scheme. While my mother was outside in the pool, I cleaned the litter boxes, swept up the floor, took the garbage cans up, brought the recyables down, took a shower, cleaned a hairball out of my ex-bedroom, ran the sweaper on the front steps, washed the railing, ran the sweaper in my room, cleaned my room, and then fed my lizard. That's a lot for me saying that I hate cleaning. Now my room is going to look nice for the next six hours until I go to bed.
Tomorrow my uncle from Flordia is coming in because of a family emergency on his wife's side of the family. I'd hate to get specific for privacy's sake. Although my uncle and neice are coming tomorrow also. So the point of cleaning was? You'd get my drift if you have little kids or ever watched them. House destroyers. Tomorrow I doubt I'll be able to hit the on button for the computer nevertheless write a blog entry.
Then the day after, my nephew, neice, and other neice is coming over for my mother to watch and my cousin, his wife, two daughters, and two sons are coming. I'm going to lock my door, hide under the covers, and stay as quiet as possible while blasting Blink 182 on my radio. Or maybe play with my lizard. Don't think dirty you fools, my leopard gecko. Wait, my door doesn't have a lock on it. Damn...
Afterwards it might be smooth sailing. I finished reading my second book for school today, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", which got me tired beause I read eleven chapters in less than two hours (there's only seventeen in the book). Now, "Shane" is next. Oh Lord for that.
Good day. Just updating blog readers, if there's any.
Now today I did a major cleaning scheme. While my mother was outside in the pool, I cleaned the litter boxes, swept up the floor, took the garbage cans up, brought the recyables down, took a shower, cleaned a hairball out of my ex-bedroom, ran the sweaper on the front steps, washed the railing, ran the sweaper in my room, cleaned my room, and then fed my lizard. That's a lot for me saying that I hate cleaning. Now my room is going to look nice for the next six hours until I go to bed.
Tomorrow my uncle from Flordia is coming in because of a family emergency on his wife's side of the family. I'd hate to get specific for privacy's sake. Although my uncle and neice are coming tomorrow also. So the point of cleaning was? You'd get my drift if you have little kids or ever watched them. House destroyers. Tomorrow I doubt I'll be able to hit the on button for the computer nevertheless write a blog entry.
Then the day after, my nephew, neice, and other neice is coming over for my mother to watch and my cousin, his wife, two daughters, and two sons are coming. I'm going to lock my door, hide under the covers, and stay as quiet as possible while blasting Blink 182 on my radio. Or maybe play with my lizard. Don't think dirty you fools, my leopard gecko. Wait, my door doesn't have a lock on it. Damn...
Afterwards it might be smooth sailing. I finished reading my second book for school today, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", which got me tired beause I read eleven chapters in less than two hours (there's only seventeen in the book). Now, "Shane" is next. Oh Lord for that.
Good day. Just updating blog readers, if there's any.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
All Modding Gone?
While going to today to check and see if there were any news, it turns out that there was. And this isn't good news either in my case, in any Grand Theft Auto fans case, The Sims' case, Sim City 4's case, Half-Life's case, and any other games that have a large modding community. What's going on you may be wondering. In case you're too lazy to visit, I'll quote what they had to say on it.
Now, I believe the only reason the ESRB is doing this is because they don't want anymore trouble. They're blaming modding for the hissey fits that Hilary Clinton and Jack Thompson so they just want to stop it. Now stopping all modders is like stopping everybody in the world from drinking or smoking weed, it's just not possible. No matter what, there will always be some program that can hack into a game for fans of the game to mod it. Modding is what makes the replay value of a PC game high because even if you finish 100% of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you can download or make your own mod for a new island, mission, etc. Wouldn't this elimanate Multi Theft Auto or the future San Andreas Online? Wouldn't this call everybody who makes an object for a Sims game a bad name because that's sort of modding. To politicans, fooling around with the files in the game is probably modding. However to them, it's hacking and 100% illegeal.
Now, Rockstar did put the Hot Coffee Mod into their game codes on purpose. Remember that Rockstar stated they were going to support the modding community? By leaving this code in there, they may be just helping the community giving them some inspiration. They also left some codes for the skateboard in the game. You can't ride it, however I believe you can use it as a melee weapon. So if the ESRB happens to stop all modding by some miracle (in their case), does that mean that Rockstar is supporting an illegal cause? What about the Sim City series? The programmers put programs in there so the players can create their own buildings and import them into the game. That's somewhat modding, isn't it?
Stop it ESRB. Now. You have no chance. Do not listen to Hilary Clinton and Jackass Thompson. That is all.
"After recent statments from the ESRB stating they wish to see modding for all games stopped, some of us decided it would be a good idea to defend ourselves from the whole "modders are evil" myth they are perpetuating. Namely that we somehow made something so shocking and offensive with Hot Coffee that it undermines their whole rating system, even though they've rated at least a half dozen titles as M which are just as (if not more) explicit than anything in San Andreas; modded or otherwise."Yes, the ESRB are back attacking video games again because of the "Hot Coffee" mod for San Andreas and the whole controversey now starting over The Sims 2 and how there's a cheat in the game to view nude sims, even though no reproductive organs are shown; only breasts. If you want a history lesson, the ESRB was started in the early 90's as a compromise over the nation's court about the violent games that were showing up such as Mortal Kombat. If the ESRB wasn't formed, the court would take action aganist the gaming industry.
Now, I believe the only reason the ESRB is doing this is because they don't want anymore trouble. They're blaming modding for the hissey fits that Hilary Clinton and Jack Thompson so they just want to stop it. Now stopping all modders is like stopping everybody in the world from drinking or smoking weed, it's just not possible. No matter what, there will always be some program that can hack into a game for fans of the game to mod it. Modding is what makes the replay value of a PC game high because even if you finish 100% of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you can download or make your own mod for a new island, mission, etc. Wouldn't this elimanate Multi Theft Auto or the future San Andreas Online? Wouldn't this call everybody who makes an object for a Sims game a bad name because that's sort of modding. To politicans, fooling around with the files in the game is probably modding. However to them, it's hacking and 100% illegeal.
Now, Rockstar did put the Hot Coffee Mod into their game codes on purpose. Remember that Rockstar stated they were going to support the modding community? By leaving this code in there, they may be just helping the community giving them some inspiration. They also left some codes for the skateboard in the game. You can't ride it, however I believe you can use it as a melee weapon. So if the ESRB happens to stop all modding by some miracle (in their case), does that mean that Rockstar is supporting an illegal cause? What about the Sim City series? The programmers put programs in there so the players can create their own buildings and import them into the game. That's somewhat modding, isn't it?
Stop it ESRB. Now. You have no chance. Do not listen to Hilary Clinton and Jackass Thompson. That is all.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Links Galore! #1
Well, here's the deal. Once in a while on this new blog, I'm going to have a post every once in a while containing links. Yes, nothing but links. Well, there will be a description going with the links but otherwise, it's just all about the wonderful links. You don't care what I have to say, although you sort of have to to be reading up to this far. Enough ranting! On with the links!
These first four links were provided by my good friend, Chris. You should know him from my old blog and if you don't know him, then do not check out my old blog to know him. Very bad retarded conversations were made. And it wasn't him being a stupid ass at all, it was me.
Enough worthless text! The first link comes from an article on video game violence. This article provides very good information if you want to support the cause that video games do not teach kids that it's okay to grab your father's hunting rifle and go out on the highway and snipe cars. Crazy lunitics who don't lock up their guns correctly and don't take proper care of their kids teach their kids to snipe on highways. Ever since I got pissed badly by Jack Thompson and Hiliary Clinton and their decesions with Rockstar about turning Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas into an Adult Only (AO) game over a mod called "The Hot Coffee Mod", I thought an article like this was needed. And more. really covered the case good and blew the steam off my chest for me.
This article I didn't fully read because it was weird and I didn't want to believe it. It was an interview or a press conference or something with a government offical from Afraica explaining to us to "not give money to the needy in Africa because the rich and powerful are taking it and wasting the money." So was the whole Live 8 concert a waste? Well, it was good entertainment. We should still do something however and not listen to this guy, but that's just me and I don't matter.
When Chris sent me this extremely weird page, I was very curious. You can only listen to this so much without having the urge to bang your head off of the keyoard. Most people won't even be able to go that far. They see Pee-Wee Herman and they run for the hills, causing them to get rid of every tab they have on Firefox.
A giant gummy bear! Run for the hills! This creative project must've took a while (a day and a half of work) but as the many pictures of it shows, it was worth the effort. Now I wonder what he did with this. Did they eat it or did they put it inside of an air-tight glass jar and worship it? There's probably mold growing on it if they kept it. I noticed that while watching last Thursday's episode of Attack of the Show (AOT) on G4TV this morning at midnight (I like to use details as you can see), they had this page on there as one of Kevin's interesting pages to see or whatever it is. The moral of the story, I didn't get this from Attack of the Show, I got it from Chris.
Well, I got those four from Chris but does that mean that's all that I have? Of course not!
Have you been a Nintendo gamer for a while? Enjoy listening to MIDI's or humming along to Bom-omb's Battlefield from Super Mario 64/DS? Then this video, "Nintendo Themes, A Cappella" may be for you. Even Chris was impressed by this, and for things that I show him, that doesn't happen much. In this "action-packed" video, you have them actually singing and used their talented voices to mimic the great Nintendo tunes we all grew up. Dr. Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Tetris, and Super Mario Brothers 3 are just some of the tunes they "sing" to. I love this!
The last link I'll show you because it's getting late. This site is just another Runescape fan site like the one I gave to you earlier today. This page offers a little bit more articles such as one on noobs although once you read one fan site, there isn't much more insperation to read the other. I like them both however and learned a lot.
And that's all for Links Galore! #1. I'll leave you at a good night for this. Just wait for Links Galore! #2 when I upd...ALAYEELAYAEEYAEEEYEAYYE!
These first four links were provided by my good friend, Chris. You should know him from my old blog and if you don't know him, then do not check out my old blog to know him. Very bad retarded conversations were made. And it wasn't him being a stupid ass at all, it was me.
Enough worthless text! The first link comes from an article on video game violence. This article provides very good information if you want to support the cause that video games do not teach kids that it's okay to grab your father's hunting rifle and go out on the highway and snipe cars. Crazy lunitics who don't lock up their guns correctly and don't take proper care of their kids teach their kids to snipe on highways. Ever since I got pissed badly by Jack Thompson and Hiliary Clinton and their decesions with Rockstar about turning Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas into an Adult Only (AO) game over a mod called "The Hot Coffee Mod", I thought an article like this was needed. And more. really covered the case good and blew the steam off my chest for me.
This article I didn't fully read because it was weird and I didn't want to believe it. It was an interview or a press conference or something with a government offical from Afraica explaining to us to "not give money to the needy in Africa because the rich and powerful are taking it and wasting the money." So was the whole Live 8 concert a waste? Well, it was good entertainment. We should still do something however and not listen to this guy, but that's just me and I don't matter.
When Chris sent me this extremely weird page, I was very curious. You can only listen to this so much without having the urge to bang your head off of the keyoard. Most people won't even be able to go that far. They see Pee-Wee Herman and they run for the hills, causing them to get rid of every tab they have on Firefox.
A giant gummy bear! Run for the hills! This creative project must've took a while (a day and a half of work) but as the many pictures of it shows, it was worth the effort. Now I wonder what he did with this. Did they eat it or did they put it inside of an air-tight glass jar and worship it? There's probably mold growing on it if they kept it. I noticed that while watching last Thursday's episode of Attack of the Show (AOT) on G4TV this morning at midnight (I like to use details as you can see), they had this page on there as one of Kevin's interesting pages to see or whatever it is. The moral of the story, I didn't get this from Attack of the Show, I got it from Chris.
Well, I got those four from Chris but does that mean that's all that I have? Of course not!
Have you been a Nintendo gamer for a while? Enjoy listening to MIDI's or humming along to Bom-omb's Battlefield from Super Mario 64/DS? Then this video, "Nintendo Themes, A Cappella" may be for you. Even Chris was impressed by this, and for things that I show him, that doesn't happen much. In this "action-packed" video, you have them actually singing and used their talented voices to mimic the great Nintendo tunes we all grew up. Dr. Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Tetris, and Super Mario Brothers 3 are just some of the tunes they "sing" to. I love this!
The last link I'll show you because it's getting late. This site is just another Runescape fan site like the one I gave to you earlier today. This page offers a little bit more articles such as one on noobs although once you read one fan site, there isn't much more insperation to read the other. I like them both however and learned a lot.
And that's all for Links Galore! #1. I'll leave you at a good night for this. Just wait for Links Galore! #2 when I upd...ALAYEELAYAEEYAEEEYEAYYE!
Runescape Sharing
Last night, my friend, Matt, called just checking up asking what's going on and we talked for about an hour. During that time, I was on the computer so I thought I'd show him the website I'm working on with a friend on MySpace called Ham Ahoy. He was complaining about how his computer was so slow so I asked him what browser he had. After explaining to him what a browser was ("The program that you're using to surf the web and view web pages."), he stated Internet Explorer (IE). Afterwards, I asked him if he ever played the game, Runescape. He said no so I passed on the link to the web site and told him what to do to sign up. He did so correctly, but he when he went to play the game, the Java script would not load.
At this I knew it was time to take action. I told him that he needs Firefox. I told him that many programs, scripts, and web pages are best viewed on Firefox, and it is the truth. After some troubleshooting after he downloaded it and installed it, it finally worked. He went back to and tried it, and it worked. Although he was on it for only three seconds until he turned it off; he's not too interested in games first of all, nevertheless a RPG.
Runescape is a great game however and I say everybody should check it out. I only go on World 43, the first one under St. Louis, and my name is Buddy_Foote. I believe I stated my user name in my last blog post. I did three quests and succeded and now I have seven quest points. If you play Runescape or once did or will, then I'll tell you my current stats now that I believe is right. I'm only going to tell you what I have more than 1 level on.
At this I knew it was time to take action. I told him that he needs Firefox. I told him that many programs, scripts, and web pages are best viewed on Firefox, and it is the truth. After some troubleshooting after he downloaded it and installed it, it finally worked. He went back to and tried it, and it worked. Although he was on it for only three seconds until he turned it off; he's not too interested in games first of all, nevertheless a RPG.
Runescape is a great game however and I say everybody should check it out. I only go on World 43, the first one under St. Louis, and my name is Buddy_Foote. I believe I stated my user name in my last blog post. I did three quests and succeded and now I have seven quest points. If you play Runescape or once did or will, then I'll tell you my current stats now that I believe is right. I'm only going to tell you what I have more than 1 level on.
- Attack - 23
- Strength - 25
- Defense - 23
- Hitpoints - 25
- Prayer - 17
- Craft - 3
- Cooking - 13
- Woodcutting - 17
- Firemaking - 11
I believe I got everything I leveled up in. My overall combat level is 29.
Here's a good fan site I can upon related to Runescape. You can say that I do cheat off of it for quests. Not in any bad hacking sort of way, just going on there and seeing what to do.
Have a good day!
Here's a good fan site I can upon related to Runescape. You can say that I do cheat off of it for quests. Not in any bad hacking sort of way, just going on there and seeing what to do.
Have a good day!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
The New Buddy Foote
Hello once again. If you never heard of me before, Buddy Foote, then I assure that you stay and read this blog as the days goes on and I update as much as I possibily can. If you were a regular reader of my old blog, version number one of Buddy Foote's Blog found on the servers, then you should know me well; however I have changed.
Ever since I ended my older blog on May 26th, many events have taken place but with my short memory I will not be able to state them all. Shortly after I ended my old blog, a friend of mine, known as Craig, and I formed some group called the B.U.R.N. Table and we stated it as being the "Table of Secerts". Although the BURN aspect of it stood for nothing. We just rode around the town of Jermyn and Mayfield on our bikes, looking for stuff to do. We stated objectives as being "B.U.R.N. Missions". Sure this sounds childish, but it gave us something to do. We even went all the way up to downtown Carbondale to a major fire once on our bikes and were in the mist of it all; a whole block was on fire. Sure our clothes smelt like smoke for a while and we were burnt by some stuff falling from the sky, but it was an experience that we would never forget.
I also finally left the state this summer. The last day that I went to school, I came home and my mother informed me that we were going to North Carolina on June 9th (or 10th) to a location known as Oak Island. My cousin, John, was also going with me. We were staying for a week at this huge house that cost $5000 to stay there. The house had three stories, a screened-in porch, a porch that went around the whole length of the house, four balconies, two living rooms, a huge kitchen, elevator, five bedrooms, outside shower, two boat docks located on the bay, and five bathrooms. Also a nice laundery room with new dryers and washers. This house is owned by Pat and Keith Semmons. My uncle with his wife are the ones who payed for the trip and took us. My other aunt went, my cousin Ryan, my other cousin John, another cousin Billy and his two friends, my mother, and my nephew Zach. We had many experiences there like the time I dug a massive hole at the beach and fell in to which John buried me in and I was sreaming curses to the time that John and Ryan tipped over while kyacking where the bay meets the ocean and almost drowned.
That shall be enough that I'll tell you about my summer for now, but as the coming days go on, you'll find out more. Although school and the 9th grade will be approaching soon and I have yet to finish reading my books I need to read. These books include To Kill A Mockingbird, Shane, and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I finished already To Kill A Mockingbird and started reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, but I need to hurry soon otherwise I'll never finish. My friend, Corey, already read all three!
I hope you enjoy my new blog. I don't have any plans on deleting my old blog because of all the memories that it has, although if any more comments saying that somebody committed sucide after going to the Devil's Playground (which I don't really care about anymore being that it is only a dirt rode and taking pictures of it was incredibly retarded) or anymore messages saying in the tag board harassing me will result in deletion.
Also my new posts on my blog will never be long, and hardly as long as this one. Plus I might be doing more than one a day (which will make up for the short entries) besides on the old blog that I did one for a day that was huge. Also I'm not going to go kill myself over taking pictures for this blog. So that means pictures on this blog will be very limited. My old blog was my life at the time but I had to stop writing it because of that. I plan on this blog just being there and when I want to add something, I can, and at any minute of the day.
Just to add that during the summer, I have been going to the park almost everyday until one day when I was riding my bike with another friend, Dom, and these potheads stuck their smoke right into my face. Ever since then they have been there more and more. I try to avoid that place now. Another note -- I have been playing Runescape a lot lately also so check that game out. I'm Buddy_Foote on it.
Have a great day! Over and out!
Ever since I ended my older blog on May 26th, many events have taken place but with my short memory I will not be able to state them all. Shortly after I ended my old blog, a friend of mine, known as Craig, and I formed some group called the B.U.R.N. Table and we stated it as being the "Table of Secerts". Although the BURN aspect of it stood for nothing. We just rode around the town of Jermyn and Mayfield on our bikes, looking for stuff to do. We stated objectives as being "B.U.R.N. Missions". Sure this sounds childish, but it gave us something to do. We even went all the way up to downtown Carbondale to a major fire once on our bikes and were in the mist of it all; a whole block was on fire. Sure our clothes smelt like smoke for a while and we were burnt by some stuff falling from the sky, but it was an experience that we would never forget.
I also finally left the state this summer. The last day that I went to school, I came home and my mother informed me that we were going to North Carolina on June 9th (or 10th) to a location known as Oak Island. My cousin, John, was also going with me. We were staying for a week at this huge house that cost $5000 to stay there. The house had three stories, a screened-in porch, a porch that went around the whole length of the house, four balconies, two living rooms, a huge kitchen, elevator, five bedrooms, outside shower, two boat docks located on the bay, and five bathrooms. Also a nice laundery room with new dryers and washers. This house is owned by Pat and Keith Semmons. My uncle with his wife are the ones who payed for the trip and took us. My other aunt went, my cousin Ryan, my other cousin John, another cousin Billy and his two friends, my mother, and my nephew Zach. We had many experiences there like the time I dug a massive hole at the beach and fell in to which John buried me in and I was sreaming curses to the time that John and Ryan tipped over while kyacking where the bay meets the ocean and almost drowned.
That shall be enough that I'll tell you about my summer for now, but as the coming days go on, you'll find out more. Although school and the 9th grade will be approaching soon and I have yet to finish reading my books I need to read. These books include To Kill A Mockingbird, Shane, and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I finished already To Kill A Mockingbird and started reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, but I need to hurry soon otherwise I'll never finish. My friend, Corey, already read all three!
I hope you enjoy my new blog. I don't have any plans on deleting my old blog because of all the memories that it has, although if any more comments saying that somebody committed sucide after going to the Devil's Playground (which I don't really care about anymore being that it is only a dirt rode and taking pictures of it was incredibly retarded) or anymore messages saying in the tag board harassing me will result in deletion.
Also my new posts on my blog will never be long, and hardly as long as this one. Plus I might be doing more than one a day (which will make up for the short entries) besides on the old blog that I did one for a day that was huge. Also I'm not going to go kill myself over taking pictures for this blog. So that means pictures on this blog will be very limited. My old blog was my life at the time but I had to stop writing it because of that. I plan on this blog just being there and when I want to add something, I can, and at any minute of the day.
Just to add that during the summer, I have been going to the park almost everyday until one day when I was riding my bike with another friend, Dom, and these potheads stuck their smoke right into my face. Ever since then they have been there more and more. I try to avoid that place now. Another note -- I have been playing Runescape a lot lately also so check that game out. I'm Buddy_Foote on it.
Have a great day! Over and out!
Test Post
Testing now the abilities of the blogs. Also testing so I will be able to view a preview of my blog while testing my template. Thank God Blogger has a spell checker...
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