Sunday, October 30, 2005

Yet Another Busy Weekend

Well, first I'll propose to you like I always do for why I didn't post since Wednesday. (1) Thursday I had to study for my Romeo and Juliet skit and go eat with a friend for my birthday, (2) Friday I played Runescape and went to the football game (Lakeland won), (3) and yesterday I went hunting until one-thirty then worked on my speech that's due tomorrow until ten. I actually just finished that speech (the visual part of it) one-thirty today. But did I take that extra hour of sleep for my own good? No, I woke up at seven, played a football game that frozed on me at half time, then went on the computer until eight-thirty when I got off to print out pictures for my posterboard. Now let's take a step back in the week, shall we?

Thursday was my birthday and I am now 15. Now I have to go through the trouble of changing my "About Me" from 14-years old to 15-years old. A caring friend at school made me chocolate cupcakes that were very good. I only enjoyed two of the 13 though being that everybody was around me like vultures and I promised some to other friends, including her and her friends. But let's go two periods before lunch lunch. Speech class. If you read my last entry, you know I already had three tests on Thursday (math, Spanish, and home ec.) but guess what, a turn in the plot occured. We had a pop test. A pop test. Pop test. TEST! She claimed she told us about this test but she never did. I missed three questions and got five others wrong because she never told us about this test. If it wasn't for the ten minutes she gave us to study, I would've failed. And guess what the bonus was? What does VHS, DVD, and CD stand for? I knew what CD stood for (compact disc) but not the other two (but I do now). I don't want to be mean or inpolite to her, but she really has mental problems! Once she told us to do a page in the book, something like page 310. Then two minutes later somebody goes to ask or a question or to go hand it in and she starts freaking out, screaming, saying she never told us to do that page. Explain to me how that isn't mental. I bet you can't. Thankfully after all of that, my father took Craig and me to eat at the Old Country Buffet for my birthday.

Shit, I wrote an essay just for Thursday. Anyway, for Friday, we had that skit in English to do. My group and a friend's group both got 100's in the class. He was at aew at how well the two groups did. It was quite easy. I had that fear of forgetting my lines as soon as I got up there which I did for a split second, but then everything came back to me. Everytime I go to act or speak in front of an audience of more than six people, my voice breaks and has a shaky tone to it. That's why I'm screwed in my speech tommorrow. About 45 points of the speech is just on presentation itself. Later on at the game, Lakeland playing the Dunmore Bucks and won with a score similar to 35-28. I'm surprised on how bad we did. That should've been a boring game with us winning 52-0 but no, they have to have a fast quarterback who does a quarterback sneak almost every drive.

Yesterday I woke up at 5:45 to go hunting. We saw four turkeys all together. Now for the stories behind not getting a shot at any of them. The first turkey I saw was a hen. I was sitting up on the top of a ledge when I heard footsteps like a person walking. I actually heard two of them. Then I saw movement in front of me and then the hen came out of the brush. Now in front of me was the rounded part of the ledge or, I don't know how to explain it. The turkey came out, went back in, and went somewhere on the other side of me where I couldn't see it. I tried to aim at it but my scope was zoomed in too far and all I saw were dots. By the time I put the zoom down to six, the hen was gone. The other three I saw altogether. We were walking down a dirt road above the mine pits talking with my father about the hen I saw and wonder where it went. We circled the whole preimeter of the area we saw the hen (and couldn't go back in being that there were two hunters where I first saw the hen) when a hen (probably the same one) ran in front of us. We then got down on the ground and was scanning over the pit mine when my father told me to move down the road a little ways more and to look around. When I got to a good spot, I heard a noise behind me and spun around to see a big gobler running up a coal bank. I aimed at it and was about to take the safety off but I have bad instinct, and besides clicking the safety off, I pulled the hatch to the chamber up. So that got away. Then another gobler flew from the coal bank, over us, and down into the pit mines. So I got nothing....

I have CCD tonight and I have to bring in the Passion of the Christ in to watch. My teacher has the movie in DVD format and his son brought in the Playstation 2 last week to watch it on but there was now "video" button anywhere on the TV being how old the TV is. So I have it on VHS so besides having them bring a TV in, I'll just take that. I never saw the movie because I was always afraid to, but I guess I'm forced to watch it tonight.

I know I'm always going on about my life on my blog, but if I made an entry everyday, that might not happen. But I never know what to write about. So in an effort to clear that all up, when I get back on my feet in Runescape money-wise and supply-wise, I'll post Runescape blogs. I would do game reviews but I didn't play a new game in a long time. I might post previews instead. Maybe more Runescape pictures. I'm also take screen captures but I never get around to posting them on the same day I take them. And when I get San Andreas for the PC whenever that may be, you'll never have not enough pictures and stories to hear about. And when Animal Crossing DS and The Movies gets into my hands too... I think I may also go back into the RPG Maker XP screen captures again. Also I'm trying to get ideas for the blog overall as in extras. Just so that I'm not always going on about my boring life which nobody really cares about. Also the SAPI is alive again.

I'm going to go. Adios.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


"There can be more than one overlapping line containing the same two points."

"There are 3,500 calories in one pound."

"Patinar, to skate; caminar, to walk; bailar, to dance."

"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage/ To such a greeting. Villian I am none./ Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest me not."

Verb: esquiar - to ski


yo - esquio (I ski)
tu - esquias (You ski) (informal)
el - esquia (He skies)
ella - esquia (She skies)
usted - esquia (You ski) (formal)


nosotros - esquiamos (We ski) (men/all)
nosotras - esquiamos (We ski) (women)
vosotros - esquiais (You ski) (men/all) (informal)
vosotras - esquiais (You ski) (women) (informal)
ellos - esquian (They ski) (men/all)
ellas - esquian (They ski) (women)
ustedes - esquian (You ski) (formal)

*accents over the e in el, the u in tu, and the a in the -AR ending ais*

"This day's black fate on moe day's doth depend/ That but begins the woes others must end"

*Other confusing geometry stuff involving graph theory, plane coordinate geometry, some other kinds of geometry, x-intercepts and y-intercepts, graphing, absolute value, distance assumption, dimensions, slope, rise over run, ax+by=c and y=mx+b, rays, opposite rays, undefined terms, angles, line segments, planes, points, lines, ordered pairs, nodes, arches, transverable network (or something similar), discrete geometry, and inequality rays.*

-An empty-caloire food is high in caloires.

This is just a taste of what I had to study today and I studied very little for each. Sorry about the headache and pain if you actually read through that. I learn informayion better when writing it down so why not on my blog? Four huge tests tomorrow and it's my birthday? Sheesh. "Forbid this outrage". Although that Romeo and Juliet skit may be pushed back to Friday now. Plus I still hardly got any research done on my speech. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get something in on the history of Nintendo but I have a major pre chem test. At least I won't have a test in these for a while having them all at once. Although I'm going to fail half of them. Why?

Math is getting me pissed. Our teacher thinks that because we're the advanced and upper class (with the other advanced geometry class) that we should understand all the material she covers with us the first time. But do we? No. Only about six people out of a little bit below fifty understand what we're doing. Plus even if she listened to our demands, she can't push it back to Friday because she's going to a wedding that day. And now to pre chemistry, my teacher wasn't there today and we have a test next class meaning we never even got a review; and nobody understands anything in there either. The only thing that comes through to me is electron configuration. And home ec. (my third test tomorrow; with Spanish being one and math being the other) is confusing because the test almost always follows nothing what we did and there's really nothing to study off of relating to the test. We just get these activites that involve you to find out how much excercise it takes to burn off a pound in a certain amount of time by jogging, or maybe weight lifting, and you can throw in even talking. Yes, you burn calories just by sitting where you're at. Being the speed typer I am, I believe I just lost 600 calories.

Time to go now and to add it snowed yesterday up at our school (it's at a higher elevation from where I lived) so we may very well be getting off to an early "wintery" start. Even one school in Sullivan County had a two hour delay. Some places closer to the New York borderline got close to a foot or over. I disdain them.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not Enough Time

There is just not enough time this week to do anything. So why am I writing my blog? I don't know. Maybe to blow off some steam. So if you don't want to hear me complain, go read another entry then. Well, I'm always complaining about something so...

Anyway, I have four tests this week first off. A Romeo and Juliet test and pre chem quiz tomorrow, a math and Spanish test Thursday, and a pre chem test Friday. Second, I have my "skit" to do on Romeo and Juliet Thursday. And third, I have that speech due next Monday and the only thing I did so far was do a little bit of research during speech class today. So I have a lot to do and a lot to memorize.

Today during English we practiced our skits and my group and I were just humping around doing a huge swordfight besides memorizing lines. We went over our lines three times then we just said, "Screw it! We're going to stab each other." Yesterday our English teacher wasn't in so I had to take the swords with me to study hall and Andy and Matt had to take them out and play with them and they got yelled at.

And I have about 10k worth of coal thus far on Runescape.

Now I'm tired so night....

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Good Play

First I'm going to say that I went hunting yesterday for the early deer season. I didn't get a doe although I could've got one but the story behind that is the following: the owner of the property we hunt on has a pet doe called Bambi. She has an orange collar on her neck so we don't have to worry about shooting her. Just make sure you see the doe's neck you're looking it. Well, the doe I had in front of me didn't have a collar on so why didn't I shoot? Bambi recently had a baby. And there's no collar on the baby because the baby shys away from the owner of Bambi. So the deer seemed small so my father wanted to make sure it wasn't Bambi's pet buck by looking around for a second doe. We found the second doe and it wasn't Bambi. Then my father said the doe wasn't small but was actually big. Then the deer turned it's back on us and walked away in pine trees. I was angry because I had my crosshairs right behind the doe's shoulder, safety off, ready to shoot and he says no, then when he says yes, my opportunity is gone. Although I did see ten doe altogether yesterday. Only two (the two I saw while in my tree stand) I could've shot at because the other eight were laying right in the field of the property we go on as soon as we got there. And two of them I could've shot but it was dark. It also didn't help that it was pouring, cold, and windy. Oh well...turkey next Saturday.

Then afterwards after I came home, I went with Corey and Craig to a play up at the high school called the "Soapy Murder Case". It was a hilarious play with a mixture of comedy and drama, yet the comedy overpowered all of the other elements of the play. We have some precent talent at our school yet what EDIT: ____ told me yesterday night, the last couple of plays sucked and that this one was actually good for a change. He said it was mainly because the script was good being that there's only two great actors in the whole drama club. Being that this was the only play I went to in my high school career, I can't say anything about that. I say all of the actors and actresses were good.

I started playing Runescape again. Friday before I went to the football game I went on requesting a bank PIN. Then I headed toward a mine but I had to shut the game off to get ready for the game. Then Saturday before I went hunting I played for about three minutes mining coal. I'm slowly getting back into the game. My main goal is to get rich off of selling coal. Being that 28 ores of coal selling for 180 gp each is already about 5040 gp earned. So in about ten full trips of mining coal, I should have 50,400 gp. I would need to get to work then...

...however I can't. Probably not for a while. And this, the following, may be why I won't post much this week. Right now I'm studying for a music test I have tomorrow on the six Broadway musicals we watched. I have to know who composed the music and who wrote the story for each musical. That's giving me a hard time. Then I have to go memorize my lines for Romeo and Juilet because tomorrow we're reherssing our parts. I just got back from the Dollar Tree in Carbondale getting plastic swords for the two fighting scenes my group is in. Then next week we have this big informative speech due on the 31st. Actually it was supposed to be this Tuesday but thankfully she moved it back.

Now I must go study, memorize, go to CCD, study and memorize some more, maybe play Runescape...dammit, why am I typing down my schedule that'll never work out!?

EDITED on October 24th at 9:18 P.M. due to demand and by being threatened with a machete.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Careful...Very Careful

First off, sorry I didn't post in a while. I mean a long time. A week is a long time in my book so please mind me. I didn't post because of homework (thankfully I didn't have too much this week), being active outside a lot, and being careful, very careful. I didn't want to really post a lot because I find my blog is like a back door to all of my friends at school who hack into my things. First off was Runescape. Here I am on my blog ranting on about my membership and then what happens? I get hacked and everything in my bank (200k of my work) is gone. So that ruined everything. So I'm afraid to really speak about anything. To make a stupid move or say something wrong can get me into a really bad position. Here are the people who wanted me to have my blog return and now they're hacking into everything? Seriously, what kind of a friend is that?

Anyway, my birthday is in six days. Big whoop. Just a year closer to getting a job and to drive. I already got my present, my Runescape membership, which is already ruined because I hate logging in knowing everything I had was gone.

I'm pissed now. You can't trust anyone. People who I were friends with for a long time are now betraying me. The only good thing this year is that people who hated me last year now like me. I don't know why besides the fact that my personality went from being a retard (literally, I was an oversized idiot) to being "cooler" and more mature. I better shut up now before anything I say is used against me.

Let's see...anything new...anything new... Well, we have a book detector installed at the enterance to our school libaray. Yes, a book detector. It's like a metal detector but it detects if the person walking out of the libaray stole a book or not. First off, our school is poor. We have a huge mold problem and the freshmen (us) still have the old, kick open, green lockers that were probably in the school since it opened back in the 60's. But no, the school doesn't care about our health or if the items in our lockers are stolen (similar to a locker being like a Runescape bank and the person kicking open your locker to steal the stuff is a hacker), they care if their books are stolen. Wow. Just wow. Second off, you can easily get around the detector. Sure there's metal "ropes" on the side of the detector so you can't step around it, but can't you throw the book underneath the rope? Over the detector? Or just walk out of another libaray door? There's one detector and four doors to the libaray. Can you put two and two together? Yes, it's four. Not one. And is somebody really that desperate to steal a book? It's not like you're paying for the book. Just check it out, read it, and then return it later on. Do you really want to keep that book? I'm sure it doesn't cost that much to buy.

And our school is getting stricter. Now they're saying that next Tuesday, if you're not in school uniform and follow all of the dress code policies, that you can't even attend school. Doesn't affect me but affects a lot of my friends. And now they're cutting back on people roaming the halls so you have to carry around a lav report with you now wherever you go. It's because of that new principal! Our school was terrible before he came around but now it sucks even more! Can't have food and drinks in glass (something our science teacher let us do last year plus now those candy bar sales that students have for school teams you can't eat them during class in which that's the period of time when most of them are sold) and some other rule I forgot of that makes me angry. Our school's going downhill. I mean our mold problem is so bad that it's almost dripping from the ceilings.

Now I must go to Craig's house soon to play some 2002 football game. I wasn't on the computer that much this week so I really need to check my daily routine. Have a good one.

Also there's a game tonight aganist Western Wayne. The highest they scored this season was a score of seven. The average that they lost by, I heard, was about forty-two. So they didn't win one game. That means this game isn't even going to be worth watching. See ya.

Friday, October 14, 2005

What a Week...

Even though it was a four day week of school, it still sucked. I had a pre chem prsentation today which I did pretty good on with my friend Matt. We had to pair up in partners and do research on an atomic scientist. Your parters were picked according to what scientist you picked out of a box and you had to be partners with whoever got the other scientist. I really disdain ideas like that because our grade in a group project depends on our partner and you can't make somebody do something (say your partner wants you to do all of the work). Thankfully I got picked with Matt. We had to do our project on Erwin Schrodinger or however you spell it, and his quantum mechanics. I typed it out all yesterday afternoon and evening while I had an expected English and civics test today. However our teacher tricked us on the civics test being it wasn't a test on the chapter but on the Current Events magizines we get.

I got back an hour ago from our high school football game. It was wet and cold. It rained all week and this is noted to be the wettest October on record. Lakeland won 28-17. We should get into the play-offs now beating Scranton Prep, a team as good as theirs. If you're wondering why I'm making thousands of mistakes, it's because my typing finger is numb and I'm tired. Actually the only receiving I'm posting is that I didn't all this week.

I'm not pissed at Jagex anymore. I was actually hacked. My friend, James, the maker of Black Tom Cartoons, hacked into my account somehow and deleted all of my stuff out of my bank. He thought it would be funny to do so. Even though I got mad at him and cursed my brains out over it, I forgave him. I said it would've been funnier if he put all of my stuff at the bottom of the bank so that when I signed on, I would panic, and my stuff would be there the whole time. He really didn't understand that I worked weeks on getting everytime and he threw away 200k of my life. Oh well...I didn't even play since that happened on Wednesday. Now James is addicted to Runescape in which he wasn't before (he wants to get everything I lost back for me) so now I have a friend who enjoys the game, besides Mike.

Now for next Friday, our English teacher told us we have to memorize two pages of dialouge and act it out for Romeo and Juliet. This is going to suck badly being that I can't act in front of others and can't memorize whole speeches of old English. Oh well......

I have nothing special for the two readers I have (you know who you are) so have a good day. I may be invited over a friend's house tomorrow to watch a Penn State game. Not much of a fan but I may be after tomorrow...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pissed at Jagex

I can't believe it. This is twice this happened. What you may be asking? It is the fact that all of my items in my inventory on Runescape were gone, my cakes and cooked chicken. I signed on today and saw I had nothing and I signed off right away angry. This happened to me another time in which I had some money and coal ores and they just vanished. I would issue a complaint to Jagex (and probably will after posting this) but they'll probably just reply that they can't do anything about it. And if they can't, I'll put them with Google Adsense on my shit list. Why? Because Google never replied back to me, only doing it once saying I can never come back to their service which was three weeks after I sent the e-mail. Now, Google Adsense I didn't pay for, I was getting money. I'm okay with that. But Runescape I'm paying for it and they're taking my stuff away.

I'm just ticked. I have research to do, two tests to study for, a hell of a lot of homework I don't understand, and I thought I'd play some Runescape before three o' clock (the time I'm starting my homework) but no, this happens. Plus my mother is sick so...

Time to go complain to Jagex and eat breakfast.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Too Much Rain

Deja vu. Every fall so far for the last three years (including this year) we had a flood. The last two years they were in September and one small one in March of last year, but now we're getting flooding in October. Strange espically with the fact we got about two rain storms all summer long. So far I know that around this area we didn't get any flooding yet but other places like the Delaware River Gap did. Somebody on the news said we're expected to get ten inches but I think he's wrong just by a little bit. It's been raining since Friday now and is expected to until Monday. Now what kind of weekend is this!? I've been waiting all week for a three-day vacation so I can enjoy myself outside playing football and riding my bike around Jermyn but no, we have to get hit by a tropical storm system. Now tomorrow I'm expected to go to my hunting cabin to go shooting, but am I in the rain? Yes actually. Which sucks because I can hardly shoot in sunshine nevertheless a downpour! depends on the gun. A .22 I can shoot fine but a shotgun...

So you may think I was inside all day playing Runescape. Not all day. I played a little bit but then I felt like making a fake Runescape map. I'm not going to show it off yet (even though it sucks) being that I still have to make explanations, the dungeon, quest explanation, and so on. I'll put it in the extra department of the blog when I'm done but I'll keep you notified here.

Now I must go. I'm being kicked off of my computer because I was on until one last night. I'm going crazy already...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Too Much Too Soon

Mind the title. I had nothing to come up with.

What a week…. Too busy for me. I have every book from my locker in my house right now besides my English-Spanish dictionary. I have a lot due for next Tuesday and I’ll need this three day weekend just to do it all. We have a speech due October 25th (an informative speech in which I’m doing the history of video games or maybe just Nintendo) and a pre chemistry project due next week in which we have to do research on some chemist and present it to the class. Now back to the speech, it has to also be visual. My idea is to bring a Super Nintendo in and have somebody play The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as I read my speech, so that nobody will listen to me but concentrate on the game giving me an easy hundred.

I was just watching Doctor Phil when the whole episode was composed of debates and one of the debates was on the topic of if condoms should be given out in school. I say they should. We can have water balloon fights then with the condoms. Last year there were always broken condoms lying on the hallway floor and I saw not one this year and I’m a little disappointed in our school spirit for that. That’s probably because of those surveillance cameras and the new principal. Last year, our midget of a principal would be running around handing out Trojan condoms if he saw that on Dr. Phil. Why? Because Dr. Phil said so.

I think I might go play Runescape now. I need to mine some more coal so I can get at least 100k in gold. So far I have 60k worth of ores. If you’re interested in buying any, just give me the word and I’d be happy to sell. Iron is 100 gp each and coal is 180 gp each.

Good day!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A World to Explore

The Runescape membership is awesome. Everybody besides a few are nice, everybody is helpful, the variety of monsters are nice, the quests are exciting, and the new skills as a member are rewarding to earn. Plus you also get more bank space as a member. Here are some screen captures I took of the game yesterday if you want to view them:

I realized that a lot of people were saying "own" or "ownz" or "ownage" more than "noob". It's a nice world and it's not as crowded. The most crowded location is probably the Seers Bank.

I was going to write more but my mother's being a ------. Bye....

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Owning a Membership

I only have about three minutes left on the computer (plus I'm getting tired from my four mile walk today) so I'm going to say this quick and you probably know from the title already.

I own a Runescape membership now.

At seven in the morning I got it, right before I went for a two hour walk on the mountain with my father. Then I fixed my bike with him. Then we went to the flea market afterwards in which there was a wreck right in the front of the exit out so we were stuck there for a while. Then I was able to start playing at around one-thirty. The moral of this story of my day: God did not want me to play my membership.

But it's nice to have it. Now I'm mining coal and iron outside of East something in which a bank is only a short walk away. Not as crowded and everybody is nice besides this one guy who called me a noob because he thought I was trying to pick up his cannon.

Now I must go and get a drink before I get a sore thoart. Good day. I'll try to post as much as I can this week but the chances are not too likely. Like tomorrow, I have two quizzes to study for already knowing and I'll probably have a lot of homework again, so I'll probably do all of it and jump on Runescape. Maybe I'll get some pictures though...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Getting a Membership

My plan worked out. I'm getting my member account for Runescape tomorrow. I had my mother ask my father about if it's okay because "I was nagging her about it", and then while going to my tree stand around five today, he asked me about it and agreed. I thought I'd be playing the wonderful world of members by now but he was tired and went to bed, saying he'd do it tomorrow if I reminded him.

Now I have a little problem and it's called waiting until the last minute. And for what you may be wondering. The answer is: homework. I always wait until Sunday to do my homework. While everybody enjoys there Sundays, I'm stuck inside doing math and English. And lately I've been pushing my homework off so much that I get tired and don't do it (normally that's only studying). And with a membership tomorrow, do you think I'm going to push off doing my homework? Exactly. I have ten questions in English, a math worksheet, a civics creative writing homework, and a big pre chemistry test all due for Monday. I'm screwed.

And here Mike is grounded for four weeks starting tomorrow. C'mon! Mike was always there for me, giving me advice on what to do on Runescape, the best shortcuts and trading advice and et centra. Now I'm going to finally be playing the whole world of Runescape without Mike there, for four weeks! I'm going to need his phone number or something!

So I have a couple of troubles, big deal. I know I'm just going to sleep in tomorrow, have my father register the membership, play for hours, going to CCD, and then hurry up and do all of my homework within an hour, giving up and not doing some because I'll be tired from sitting in front of the computer all day. If that comes true, I'm screwed, yet again. My father is working in the morning so if I get up early enough to go to church, I'll go (at least I might) and then get some homework done. Oh the heck with it, I'll do my math right now. Or maybe I'll Runescape instead...

Wanting a Membership

For Runescape that is.

I enjoyed playing Runescape quite a bit today. First, I was mining iron south of Falador when everybody kept coming over and stealing my rocks, plus I was mining too slow with my bronze pick ax. So I mined iron until I jumped two levels up to level 31, then went to the Dwarfen Mines to the pick ax shop to see how much an addy was. I saw it was pretty darn cheap, being only 3200 gp. So I traveled back to the west Falador Bank, grabbed the money, and walked back. Turned out there was no more so I had to wait five minutes for the shop to restock. Finally I had an addy pick ax so I was able to fight and mine at the same time. My goal right now is to gain access to the Mining Guild, being it's located right next to a bank.

While fighting the little dwarves, I was talking to Mike who was also on. He was telling me about the great membership he has and how there is almost no one anywhere besides some cities being how widespread the member's region is. I became excited and knew this is the time I should really consider getting a membership. He explained to me how if you were mining a set of rocks, went to the bank, and then came back, that nobody would even be at those rocks. I was amazed to hear that once while he was in Varrock, there was hardly anybody there. Plus he told me how he got to level 65 combat in just one day.

I plan on asking my father for a membership as soon as three hours. I thought I'd go and try to cancel my TSO (The Sims Online) account because I never play that anymore (and didn't since about February) so I was going to throw that out of the window. He's been complaining during the summer how he had to pay ten dollars a month for something I don't play and wanted me to find out how to get rid of it. Turned out it's not even on my computer anymore and I can't access my TSO account from the EA page. I'm figuring he got to it before me. Now, I know as a fact my father is going to say something like "No. I won't get it. Because last time, you promised to pay for The Sims Online and you didn't, I did. Plus you hardly played it that much." I would respond back with "Runescape is only five dollars a month, not a bogus amount like ten. Plus there's no downloading or installing anything. It's all on Jagex's servers. Plus my birthday is in twenty-six days and this would be a nice early present and the only one I want." Hey, it worked for Mike.

As a member, I'd mine my heart out getting XP until I got to a mining level of 60, get access to the Mining Guild, and then mine coal, selling it 100 gp each to the free-to-play players. It'll take a while, but a lot faster with a membership.

If you want to know my Runescape stats, then here you go:

Have a good day and please wish me some luck. I'll need it.