Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thanksgiving Weekend

If you didn't like the other post I posted today, then sorry. I tried to be sarcastic, original, chessey, and a little funny in that entry to go along with the pictures. I believe from now on I may go along with that format for the game, "Where's the Pizza Boy". If you're offended, then just don't read the text and try to find the Pizza Boy in the pictures. I am saying this because there are people I know who read this and are offended by such entries as the one below.

I am trying some new things these days for the blog besides writing about my life. I know I'm always saying this and in some occasions it doesn't hold true, but I'm trying to move on with this blog. I am actually thinking of a very big plan in the future and this will not occur if I don't move on with the development of this blog.

Anyway just to have it brief, my disease is gone and I'm addicted as all hell to Runescape. I got a cat, I'm really into fishing, I played with my friend and my friend's brother on there for the first time, and I got a rune pickaxe and addy armour (besides the kite).

That is all. I want to play Runescape today before LOST comes on.


The Return of the Pizza Boy

This ad contains words unsuitable to some children and middle-aged men and women of all shapes and sizes and some disturbing pictures that may be made in the mind, to women and children of all shapes and sizes. Just a warning. Oh yes, some green people may be offended in the sarcasism included in this ad.

I return after a long period of time without posting (due to my damn disease and my terrible addiction to Runescape) with a new entry to the series of famous books by Buddy Foote containing the worldwide popular game, "Where's the Pizza Boy?" Well, this isn't the actual book. The actual book is in production for the future and should be sold for $24.99 each. Spend an extra couple bucks to get the exclusive book with gold shiny cover and a picture of a nude pixeled woman on a Pizza Boy. Also, the exclusive book has a picture of Buddy Foote himself, on a Pizza Boy!

These pictures I am hosting to you on this horrible slumy blog is just a mere preview of the future book. The book will include these pictures and two more that you never saw before and never will! Well, until this wonderful book comes out that is. Go on the journey around the state of San Andreas with our photographer, Carl Johnson, and his friend, Willy Wonka, to find the dreaded horror that we call the Pizza Boy!

Before we provide the pictures, let us give you some interesting information on this species:

  • The Pizza Boy weighs 50 tons, eating thirty boxes of pizza six times a day!
  • The Pizza Boy cannot be destroyed in any way! Believe us, we tried!
  • The Pizza Boy is indeed not a person but a ridable bike!
  • The Pizza Boy is immortal!
  • The Pizza Boy is the color red; a warning color for posionous!
  • The Pizza Boy was once rumored to consume it's rider! This does not hold true today.
  • The Pizza Boy was once thought to be Bigfoot in San Andreas. However, Bigfoot is not in San Andreas.
  • The Pizza Boy can fly, but only if it's happy and high.
  • The Pizza Boy reproduces once a month. However, their young one is just a cube and does not grow.
  • There are only three Pizza Boys in the wild in San Andreas today, each loyal to their own island. They only come over once a month to reproduce with a mate.
  • The Pizza Boy was once thought to be all men. It holds true that the Pizza Boy's are actually all females!
  • The Pizza Boy is indeed the best creature to ever not live on this planet and will someday reproduce so much that hopefully their baby's will grow and they'll take over the world, devouring all human beings and being the ruler of all things small and furry! That's a fact!
I believe that is enough gay facts about the Pizza Boy. More facts will be covered in the exclusive version of the book. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that this book will not be sold in New Mexico and Pennsylvania. Those mayors are bastards to my staff! Damn you! Damn you all! Extra copies will be sold in Canada for no reason at all. Japan will also get a special copy with a picture of Mario and Peach driving a Pizza Boy together in sweet romantic love. Now onto the damn pictures that you're eagerly waiting for!

This is Willy Wonka's favorite picture out of the whole book. We don't know why. Maybe because he took this picture. That dumbass took a picture of the Pizza Boy at night in the desert so that the viewer is unable to see the damn creature! What kind of service is that! His damn pay check is losing twenty freaking dollars! Go back to working at your damn factory. Oh yes, you gave it all up to the little boy. I remember now...

I have to say that this is the viewer's favorite picture. Just the whole atmosphere of the sandstorm gives them a chill down their spine. Thank God it was stormin' out because Willy Wonka was running nude somewhere in this picture screaming, "There's peanut butter flakes coming from the sky!" We don't know either... The Pizza Boy didn't mind however. Remember, they're women; who make out with each other...

Carl, being how creative he is, came up with this picture.

Mysteriously, the sandstorm continued for hours. Pizza Boy's seem to like this kind of weather because they cannot be seen. Although, with the picture like the one above, CJ is the master catcher of these guys, on film that is.

Fort Carson. The sand is piling up. The Pizza Boy finds the chance to advance into the territory of mankind, showing that they will indeed invade us. Why do you think that weird messed up guy in the black trenchcoat is always walking around saying that they're coming. He's speaking of the Pizza Boy.

The Pizza Boy flew to this spot after our chase. He laughed at our pity because we can't climb up a cliff.

Willy Wonka yet again took this picture. And he's yet again a dumbass! He ran away from the Pizza Boy trying to take a picture besides running up closer to it. I should fire him...

I should kick Willy Wonka in the ass. He takes a picture of the beast behind a tree. When they take over, I'm sacrifing Willy Wonka to them. Maybe they'll spare me. They'll eat the fat ones first.

Another picture taken by Willy Wonka. Thankfully this one is half decent. This Pizza Boy is watching over the huge city of Los Santos.

This Pizza Boy is out in the open on the beach. But Willy Wonka is stupid and takes a picture so we can't see the damn thing.

We will try to exclude all pictures taken by Willy Wonka from the book, unless a micracle happens and he gets better at his job.

Are you already excited and horny over this book? That's disturbing. Go shut the hell up and go watch Pizza Boy porn. Darn you all!

Anyway, this book is coming out soon after we hire a printing press and a layout master and somebody to make an offical website for this book. We will not take blue people because the last time I hired a blue person, they ate my wife alive. Now I'm a depressed little person who's trying to sell you a book to take your money from a copyrighted video game. I hate my life...

Please consider buying!

  • Only $24.99 for the normal version of the book and $32.04 for the exclusive version, containing Pizza Boy facts, a nude woman on a Pizza Boy, a golden shiny cover, and much, much more!
  • The book will not be sold to New Mexico and Pennsylvania due to legal problems.
  • Japan gets a special version of the book, just because they make us weird video games and we wouldn't be alive without them. Actually they tried to kill Americans...darn World War II...
  • We will love you dearly if you buy this book!
  • Exclusive book also contains an autograph and a picture of DrakeGTA trying to murder a Pizza Boy but he fails because they're immortal.
Good day!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Even More SA Pictures

I'm just in the visual mood today. Here's some more San Andreas pictures for your own viewing pleasure. Also as a side note (I always have a side note, don't I?), you're able to control the amount of draw distance you can see in the game under advanced options. Yesterday while playing, I was fooling around with the menus and found that my draw distance was actually turned down all of the way. I was amazed. Here I am commenting on the great draw distance of the PC version and I'm not even seeing the full possibily of what I have in front of me. Now, the draw distance on my game is much better.

Here are the pictures. The first picture if a picture of me next to my Pizza Boy, taken by a Grove Street homie, just for the knowledge there.

Will I post again today? Only time will tell...

Edit 11/29/05: Four of the last pictures were disabled so I removed them.

Find the Pizza Boy

Even though I just posted an entry, I'm back for another one. But this time, it's a game. And very similar to "Where's Waldo", the picture finding book where you have to find a guy with huge glasses and a striped red and white shirt and stocking hat. Well, now we're going to play, "Where's Pizza Boy"! Yes, "Where's Pizza Boy" involves the player to look at a screenshot of San Andreas and try to find the moped in it, called the Pizza Boy. Some are easy, some are hard. I think they're all easy, but that's because I know where I parked the bike in each one.

Now, onward to the game!

Here's a picture of a Pizza Boy just to help you:

Click on it in full view for better viewing. This is also recommended for any picture posted. Makes the game a lot easier. Now the true game shall begin!

The darkness in this screenshot makes this a challenge. Can you find the Pizza Boy, or no?

Don't let the two cars in the front distract you from looking all around! This one's pretty easy.

This picture isn't really a part of the game. I just thought that light over the ocean in the horizon looked weird so...I took a picture.

Here's a harder one for you.

This one's pretty easy...

And here's one from the post I had yesterday with the desert screenshots. Too easy.

If by popular demand you ever want to play another game of "Where's Pizza Boy", then just leave a comment or send me an e-mail and just by one request I'll make more.

Happy gaming!

Touching Stuff...

I horribily suck at creating a title that matches the topic at hand so please bear with me.

Anyhow, it has come to my attention today that my nephew touches my video games upstairs and that really pisses me off. Now, my nephew steals my bed on me everytime he sleeps over until we clean my old bedroom up (which is the size of a large closet) and that doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon. I promised that around June, cleaned up the floor, and destroyed the project. Anyway, when my nephew wakes up, I'm not home because it's Monday and Monday is the start of a new school week. So, he's upstairs in my room with my stuff all by himself. So he normally turns the TV on blast and watches his cartoons.

Now the last time he slept over, all hell broke out. When I went upstairs after school on that Monday whenever that Monday was, I found my Playstation 2 on, my Teteis game on the floor, and my memory cards being played with. I was at the height of being so furious that I destroyed his eye drums yelling at him. Now today while turning my Playstation 2 on to play a football game, I found that he must've been playing with my Gamecube too, because Super Mario Sunshine was in the cube and Animal Crossing was lying on my dresser, unprotected aganist all elements of nature. That is the last time he plays a game again in this household.

As you may or may not know (concerning if you were a reader of my old blog and you remember anything from it), my nephew is addicted to games. Although his gaming aspects turned to many destructions, such as deleting my save file on Super Mario 64 with my brother's 120 stars on it (a historic day in my book that I remember well) and my hard-earned save file on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. He also caused many other destructions, such as almost destroying my Super Nintendo controller by biting on the wire, and he did it recently, and he's four. He destroyed his father's Playstation 2 at an earlier age by putting a coin in the disk slot. If he did that to me, I wouldn't know what to do. Seriously. I'd probably catch my body on fire and run around screaming.

Although, he's good at games and he's getting better. It's a lot of fun sitting down with him and playing battle mode on Mario Kart 64. He's just way too addicted to the games. And now I heard he's getting a Gamecube for Christmas. Amazing. I'd be afraid to hand over a delicate Gamecube over to him if he broke a huge box (Playstation 2). Now if he broke an Xbox, I might as well call him the Incredible Hulk.

Hopefully with him earning a Gamecube, he'll catch on using more modern day controls and gameplay. Maybe this'll will be an advantage, and besides him touching my Gamecube stuff, he'll only touch his own.

Now onto non-family news, San Andreas does in fact already have a multiplayer mod out, found here. It works pretty good, although I was dissconected from the server a lot. If Multi Theft Auto is supposed to be a lot better than this, then they have done themselves good, and us too. Try that out though. It's worth it. I might actually go play it again but I doubt I'll take any screenshots. It's only a bunch of CJ's running around.

Good day!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Even More SA Pictures

Here's the pictures I promised. I was playing the game for about an hour today using the admin console and I got no lag at all. I think I finally found out the secret. Pauce the game, then hit TAB + ALT. Also my computer seems to run smoother with an AOL name is logged in. Normally when I see AOL on at the bottom, I click on the tab and get rid of the whole application. This seems to make the computer have a major lag course. I'm going to experiment with this over a course of a week or more and see what happens.

Now for the pictures. I always seem to have an odd over an even amount...

Also I have updated my wishlist for what I want around Christmas, although the Revolution won't be possible.

Now I must go watch football. Bye.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to any reader who actually reads this. If you're from the United States, have a great day eating turkey or whatever your family tradation if of eating (my grandmother's is ham) but the point is, you're home with your family sitting around a large table eating a wonderful feast that your mother stayed up all night making, or your wife, or your grandmother's ex-boyfriend's cousin... (that was just random for the note).

Anyhow, I cannot enjoy the Thankgiving meal because of my mouth disease. I woke up at six in the morning because I couldn't even sleep, and at four in the morning, I woke up to a pulled muscle in my right leg. I don't know why but almost once a week I pull a muscle in my right leg early in the morning in bed just by stretching. But everytime I do it now, it gets a bit worse and worse as in the pain and how long it lasts. I was there for a good two minutes clutching my leg holding back the pain. Anyway, off-topic here. I can't eat anything hot or spicy. So, no turkey, gravy, stuffing, etc. And no hot sauce. Oh no! I live off of hot sauce! Damn it! Err...anyway, there goes my feast. Instead, I have to chug down yogurts, cottage cheese, and mouth wash. Hell, I couldn't even eat a chocolate bar yesterday the pain was so bitter. I almost forgot what it felt like not to have canker sores all over my mouth. I'm getting them on my fricking tongue now! And with the sickness, I'm pissed off as all hell so last night trying to get more pictures off of San Andreas for this blog (and just to play), I hit TAB + ALT to get off the game to activate the SA admin console. Well, the game lagged on me so poorly that when I got outside the Johnson house, it just froze. I was cursing my brains out at my computer, spitting at it and pounding on it, and yelling at my father (who was upstairs sleeping by the way) that he should get a faster internet connection besides Verizon and besides saying it's my fault the computer is going slow when it's his.

Anyway, the bright side is that we got snow overnight and it's still snowing a little bit now, but mostly just a flurry or two. You can still see tall strands of grass though so we didn't receive too much. Now maybe up on higher elevation where my school is got a bit more, but being down in the valley, we never get anything. My future plans when I move out is to buy property up in the country so that I have a huge ass yard and maybe a forest in the back. Then when deer season comes around, I'll just sit on the balcony on my back porch and wait for a huge twelve-pointer buck to come by before blowing its head off.

Also, I heard recently that the next big Grand Theft Auto title is supposed to be an exclusive to the Playstation 3 and the Playstation 3 only. Okay. Now I'm pissed off even more and not relating to my damn canker sores. First, I had my plans for the Nintendo Revolution. I'm loyal to Nintendo. If I were offered a free Nintendo DS or a PSP, I would rather get another Nintendo DS because I just don't find the PSP to be fascinating. Sure, it's cool. Sure, I'd love to carry it around with MP3's I uploaded from my computer on it. But guess what, I'm not going to. For one, it costs too much and with memory card and all. Two, it breaks like a skinny ass twig. And three, I perfer a screen that didn't give me a stiff neck like the Game Boy Advance did. I just love Nintendo that much that I will buy a product from them even though criticals says it might suck or it's below average. Now to furthur customize this plan, I was planning on getting GTA4 on my new computer in the future. I thought that hopefully San Andreas would help me master my gaming skills on a computer. Now, with this news, I can't do my original plan if I want GTA4. But I refuse to buy Sony's shitty silver box. So guess what, no GTA4 for me unless they release an emulator and ROM on the computer.

I hate Sony. And I hate Microsoft. Now, I don't hate the Xbox that much. I hate Windows. Make Windows ad-free, virus-free, and full of GB's and processing RAM, and maybe I'd change my mind. But Sony, I'll always hate you...

Anyway, I pulled something in my typing hand just now after falling on the floor because I can't walk with my pulled muscle, so I'll go now. There's a virus scan on my computer now so after that, I may reset and finally get those San Andreas pictures with action.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

More SA Pictures

Even though I took these pictures a while ago in-game (maybe a week ago), I'll share these anyway. Like them, hate them. This place needs visuals. Plus I'm hardly posting anything because I'm still sick and it turns out today that I have a contagious disease, known formerly as hoof and mouth disease. Mostly, you have canker sores and cold sores all throughout your mouth and you have rashes all over your arms, legs, and back. It sucks. I'm also achy as all hell. And I had these sores for four to five days now, rash today. I can't even eat. I had to get stuff to numb them and that hardly works. And my doctor who is more directed toward kids twelve and below is a quack. I have dark red dots all over my leg (the rash) and she said that she couldn't see it. Wow, just wow. I'm getting a new doctor right away.

Then after my father got gorrecies for my mother being that Thanksgiving is tomorrow (by the way, have a great day tomorrow with your family), he came into the truck saying we had a flat tire. So I stood outside with him for a good twenty minutes helping him in 25 degree F weather. A side effect to my sickness, I get cold easily. My house is at 75 degress F and I'm freezing right now. So, that didn't help much.

At least we're getting three inches of snow overnight...

Anyway, for the pictures now:

I'll probably get better ones with more action by using the SA admin console. Have unlimited health and get cops after me all over the place and maybe throw riot mode in there. I'll enjoy that...

Good day!