Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Goodbye 2006. I can't believe another year has come and gone. I am surprised how much has changed since last New Year's Eve. I distinctly remember writing at my first blogger page around this time, and I had this long post. There after I wrote about the Super Bowl which was all last January. Now look at me, back then I was just a teeny bopper who became addicted to reading her friend Buddy Foote's big ol' long blog entries. Never did I think by the following New Year I'd be writing there myself. Hehe I just love thinking about how that happened, it's so cool. =) Anyways I am going to try to revovle this entry around the events of 2006 that made it different than any other year. A time for me to simply reflect over things. I have a whole hour to spend on this entry before I must go shower and get dressed up for the New Year's Party I am going to over my friend Abby's house.(:

I think the thing I will remember most about 2006 is the number of "firsts" that occured in my life. I could probably go on and on, but let me just name a select few. One thing stands out in my mind most, and I know to some it may seem silly that I still talk about it as often as I do, but being asked and going to the semi at my school this year meant a lot to me. I never thought that would happen to me, and it caught me by surprise. I always figured I would just end up going to like my school's senior prom, with friends if I had to, because that's just one of those events you only get one chance for. The semi was so much fun and I got to go with the person I would have wanted to go with most out of any others, I felt soo lucky. I don't think I am ever going to forget that night..Now I am pretty embarrassed because he most likely will read this but it's the truth, and the biggest first I had to admit...(:

Some other firsts I suppose could be getting my very own computer, driving for my first time, starting to play Runescape(hehehe), getting invovled in an extracurricular activity at school again (I hadn't been invovled in anything since Softball in 6th grade), volunteering, and more personal things. It is pretty cool to look back like that. I think I became a lot more independent this year. My friends have even commented that I have changed a lot since a year or two ago and they like it a lot. It's cool that they notice things like that, but to be honest I think they are right, I have changed but I think and hope it's in a good way ^.^

I am looking forward to 2007 though. I will be turning a big 16 years old in 10 days. I haven't decided whether I want to get my permit this year or not. I am pretty sure I have my parent's permission, my father even urges it. I just don't know if I am ready. I may go for my permit sometime in the spring or summer just to see if I can pass it and then I can just have that done and practice driving like I have been until I want to go any farther than that. Things can change so much in a short period of time it blows my mind sometime. We'll just have to wait and see what this year brings, right?(:

To keep with the swing of things on this blog where Runescape is spoken of quite frequently, I will let you all know that I have bee playing very often this past week of being off from school. I sort of got addicted to it the past two nights :P I was able to raise my combat level and mining level to 40! I am so proud of that accomplishment, tehe. Now just to smelt my 298 iron ores to raise my rather low smithing level, then I'd be a happy camper. I had been battling Skeletons in this sewer/manhole behind Varrock for a time. After growing bored from that, I simply needed a break. I went on a mission to see how far I could get in the Security Stronghold since if you get to the last level of it, you win the grand prize of choosing Rainbow Boots that I have been eyeing for a while now. I started out steady in there, and started to follow this one girl who's combat level was on 8, so I figured she is much lower than I am, if she can make it through this so can I. (I had this fear I was going to be killed, since I was told it is very possible for me to be attacked down there as I got closer.) I continued on my way and picked the gates that girl chose, and she seemed to really know what she was doing because she always ended up choosing the right gate that got us to the ladder quickest. She didn't know I was following her lead of choosing gates, and we didn't speak, I just kept an eye on which way she chose and it turned out to be the safest and quickest ways. Once I got to the final level of that place I lost sight of that girl, and ended up on my own where I went the long way and had to turn around and go back through to find the other gate. There were things in there that attacked be automatically but I was able to outrun them, and thankfully other strong people were in there battling them which kept those ghosts and such occupied to let me scurry to the other side. It wasn't as difficult as I had thought, and boy I felt like jumping up and down when I opened the final chest and put my spiffy rainbow-colored boots on for the first time. :D I also collected 11,000 some gp on my way up there from previous chest (;

I suppose that about wraps up my last entry for 2006. Now I tried to get together a nice daily blog special for today, and found a one liner toast kind of thing I liked and had to end with something related to the New Year. (: Before I officially sign off though, yep, sign off, I want to send my best wishes to everybody out there for the New Year!=]

Radically Random...

"Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold."

Another Year Gone

As I sit here pondering on what to type about in my last blog entry of the year 2006, I realize that the beginning of a new year is nothing too exciting and isn't worth to celebrate, but is rather a time where I feel the most depressed about life. Why is that? A new year, to me, symbolizes that old times have ended and new times are about to begin in the single fact that we work up the trail which are the months of the year, and then we start right back over on a new calendar within a single day. Also it's depressing because we go back to school the day after tomorrow. Why would we have to go back to school the day after we stay up well past midnight and celebrate? But it's just not the fact of going back to school that bothers me but rather what awaits us when we return. First we're going to have fifty tests sarcastically saying, a paper or two to write, and then starting a week after we go back, midterms. What's even worse is that you can hardly remember much after Christmas break -- the second largest break from school that we have in a year, and for us it's only a week! The first largest is, of course, summer vacation. So after having our memories brainwashed on an overdose of eggnog and ham, we're expected to go back to school early in the morning on January 2nd, 2007 with our heads in thinking mode and the useless knowledge of factoring polynomials, Spanish vocabulary, and a story about some girl who likes leather jackets still known well. Teachers are funny. I actually want to go for a degree in education and if I was a teacher at my school, I would at least go easy on the kids when we got back, reviewing some things for about three to four days nice and slowly, and then start back up as if Christmas vacation never happened, but at least the kids would be on the same page as me. That's the problem with most teachers. They have a degree in what they're teaching, therefore they know the material like they know their first name. But us teenagers who are lacking the knowledge are expected to know the material as well as the teacher who probably took a whole college course on a single chapter that we're doing in the book. I'm just going to stop right there with my rant and move on to a happier note.

#Foote_Chat, the official forum of Buddy Foote's Blog v.2, is doing pretty well with only ten members and out of those ten, four active ones. We have Aeron (you may know him as Dante when I refer to him on this blog), Botanreaper2 (a good friend of mine on Runescape and is into helping the forum a lot), Caydalyn (Caitlin, of course, from the blog), and myself (BuddyFoote). The other six, as of this very minute, are inactive, but we hope for a change there, and I hope for a change in the size of the forum's members. That is why I'm so eager on the forum, posting in the Forum News board, about going around and getting the word out about #Foote_Chat. Caitlin made a button (very well designed) and I then posted it on friend's comments on MySpace, hopefully for a small population of the forum from there. I got nothing so far. Caitlin's actually having more luck than me grabbing new members. I'm not a man who can advertise well. Also I made two special boards for Chase on there for his clan, Squad 4. So far there's no activity on them. If you're interested in the forum, then please click the button that was made by Caitlin:

What a year in terms of unique visitors though. If you haven't read a post I made a while ago about unique visitors, then I'll copy and paste this short explanation of what they are taken from

Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visitors and first time visitors - all your visitors.

Actually that's a different definition than what I go by, but that's okay. Anyway, this year was an amazing year when it comes to unique visitors of this blog. There were so many shifts and changes and ups and downs that it truly goes to show the hardships of the blog and the evolution of it too. For example, the "February depression" and the "HTML Error Times" that followed the birthday and layout change of the blog -- July 24. [Speaking of layout changes, the next one is being postponed to the early summer.] I'm now going to paste a bunch of numbers for reference of the unique visitors for every month of the year, up to the current one of today. Each number will represent a month, starting from January of this year to today.


Now for the year in total, we have had 11,268 unique visitors.

For me and most of us here at BFBv.2, that's a grand accomplishment right there. Last year from August to December, we only had 1,016 uniques. Hopefully the following year we'll have many more, and hopefully the blog will be in a better state with more activity and more original ideas. And hopefully the forum, #Foote_Chat, won't fall down a well but will instead flourish into a beautiful flower. Yes, me and my similes and metaphors.

I had a lot more planned out to write about, but I'm being rushed off to go to a dinner at my brother's house. What a shame though because I wanted to write a whole novel expressing my love of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Craig and I were on the phone for four hours last night, from about ten to two in the morning, mostly talking about LoZ, Runescape, and watching this show on the Discovery Channel about caveman and mocking them. Yes, the cavemen from the insurance commercials would be quite angry at us. That was about the first time I watched a television show since I was sick a few weeks ago and was forced to just lay down and watch TV. What torture that was.

Well, I hope you have a happy New Year, but first I just want to comment a keyword before the year ends.

"Comment That Keyword!"

"pretend your runescape guy is amazing"

Why should I pretend when I can just log into the game, look at my guy, and see that he's amazing the way he is? Why should you pretend that your Runescape avatar is amazing when he should already be amazing to you? Why should you care what others think about you when you should be happy about who you are in-game and what you have accomplished? Why shouldn't you think getting magic to 10 is an accomplishment, even when others think, "Oh, big deal noob!"? Don't pretend your Runescape guy is amazing when he already is to you.

That's why beggars should stop begging in the game and realize that having 2 gp is amazing to them, and to rather make that 2 gp multiple themselves rather than depending off of others and annoying them badly. Just ask Botanreaper2 on #Foote_Chat. We were hanging out together on f2p the other day because I felt like reporting rule breakers as I wanted to take a break from slayer (I have 63 slayer now) and everywhere we went, people were begging their brains out following me around. We would teleport and go stand in a deserted place in the woods, and yet some guy would still follow us around, begging. Just please do stuff yourself people, and don't go macro either! Do you think that I got the way I am today by begging, stealing, scamming, etc.? No! I raised skills and got money that way! Go chop trees, fish, runecraft, etc. or something for money and sell the products! Just don't waste your time begging. Like Botanreaper2 said to a bunch of beggars in Falador the other day -- "You could've made 15k in the time that you were begging." And that is the truth. But then the beggars asked "How?" and we just gave up and teleported away.

Sigh on that one. Have a good day and have a good year and I hope you had a good year and I hope you have a future good year and I hope every year that you live out is a good year and I hope you have a taco because I'm hungry.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Joy

Hey ho ho ho. Guess what I did today? I had a careless mistake. I was using a knife to peel an orange because I didn't feel like doing it by hand since I had to hurry. I was supposed to be in the shower when I noticed some fresh oranges on my way and just had to stop and eat one. I started peeling it with the knife when all of a sudden my hand slipped and I started peeling a little more than the orange. I sliced the knife into my finger and made a little deep gash that started bleeding immediately all over. It hurt pretty bad at first, then went numb and I felt like crying but didn't. I took a paper towel and tried holding it against the blood flow so I could attempt to eat my half-peeled orange. Well, I managed alright, ate my orange, then later put a band-aid on which didn't stay long since it is in a very awkward place on your finger, right on the skin up top after your nail ends. Sheesh, and all I wanted to do was eat an delicious orange! :P Typing this blog entry is becoming a bit difficult for me now. I cut myself right on the tip like I said, so each time that finger hits the keys, it stings and I have to take it away. Oh well.

How was everyone's Christmas? Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you still had a wonderful time celeberating whatever you may. =) I enjoyed my Christmas with my family, but think it came and went too fast this year, like it feels like everytime anyways. I recieved some really nice gifts this year, and I can't wait any longer to just announce that I got my very own LAPTOP this year !!! :D I absolutly love love LOVE it! Oh, wow. I had no idea if I was going to get one or not. I mean, I've never had my own computer before, so this is so new to me. I don't have to take turns with my brother or share &fight over hours. I can put up any desktop picture I want and play my music as loud as I want. It's sooo cool! It was the last gift I was given to open on Christmas morning. I kept eyeing this big box under the tree, and was hoping deep down inside it was a laptop. Once I got to it, I opened it real slowly, and saw a brown box with HP stickers on it. I literally hid my face in the wrapping paper and laughed or maybe giggled with joy. Then I was being urged on to open it the rest of the way, but I coudn't believe that a laptop was very well inside that box. It is a very nice laptop too. It's an HP Pavilion Widescreen Notebook that is silver and black with blue lights. (: AHhH just waking up everyday and seeing it makes me smile to think how much memories are going to made on that computer =P I am on it right now as i type this entry, aw my first blog entry with this new laptopper. ^^ How nice the keys feel on all my fingers except that sliced one. xD I really hope this laptop lasts me a long time and I vow to take the best care of it. -pats it-

Besides that being my favorite gift, I got some cool clothes, $120, games, socks, pens, a purse, and a watch. I like the games my brother and I got this year. I got this mini Scrabble game and it's like mini and lots of fun. My brother got this electronic dartboard that is loads of fun as well. Santa spoiled us this year. Haha..shh(; I'm thankful for it all though ^^

Now I am pretty excited for New Year's. Thankfully my cold seems to be going away, and I have to choose what I want to do on New year's eve. I am torn between friends again, just like the 4th of july. I was invitied to a party with some of my friends, but then my other friend wants to come over to my house and hang out here with me all by ourselves. It's complicated because I am friends with some people who aren't friends with others, and I don't know why..but it always puts me in the middle. If I can't have my one friend over, which looks like it won't happen, then I'll probably want to go to the party, and then have that friend come over for my birthday and sleepover instead...hmm.. :P I think life would be easier if everybody I was friend's with were friends with one another and then the whole lot of us could hang out as, well, one big lot of us together, hah.

I went out shopping today before it was time for my late afternoon orthodontist appointment. I went to this one store, and I couldn't believe how cute the clothes they had there were. I mean, everything I looked at made me just think how cool it would be to get to wear such stuff. The outfits were so cute and so cool. :P This past year I have randomly started to like clothes and fashion a lot more, it's weird. I used to barely care and now I think its so fun to try finding nice outfits to wear. Although I can guarantee I will never ever look good and dress in style, but it's fun to at least try, haha. While at this same store, my mom noticed some fancy dresses out of the corner of her eye as we were leaving, and we went and took a peek. There were only a couple dresses, but there were these two black&white dresses that were short, frilly, sparkly, and had a sash. This one was so cute and a really reasonable price. My mom told me I could look to come back and buy it if I really wanted to, since we'd have to plan to try it on. I was stunned and got all excited! I loved shopping for dresses last year when I got so lucky and was asked to the semi-formal dance and had a reason to. =)) Oh what a blast that was! I could go back tomorrow or Saturday and buy the dress if I want to..and there is no problem in it fitting me of course..but the thing is I don't know if I should.. I don't know how to say why .. but it's like I just don't know if I will need it, y'know?: You just don't know... Who knows if I'll ever get such a chance to be asked to go to some really fancy dance or event/something again while that dress fits me anyway .. :P That's why it's hard, yet I can't stop thinking about it. It was weird how we stumbled upon such a cute dress at a great deal. Maybe it's a sign, or was it meant to be I find it? I was really pondering over that dress the whole ride home...thinking well maybe it would be good to just have a dress in case something randomly came up and you needed one last minute...I don't know though..

Great, now my mind is back thinking about the silly dress, haha... Anyways, after that store we went to Target, which is like one of my favorite stores, I don't know why, it just is. I like want to work there someday, haha. I was trying on some of their sunglasses (those really big, fat sunglasses you see people wearing these days) and making faces in the mirrors, haha, then I went to look at their books , clothes, belts, CDs, and socks! I mean that's just what I need, more pairs of socks, right? Hehe. I think that's enough talking about my shopping adventures, I just think it was fun to go on and on like that. (; My ortho. appt. lasted about 5 minutes, no joke. He looked at my mouth a whiles, sighed, looked at my old x-rays, smiled, scratched his chin, attached a small chain band between two little teeth on the top/side, then announced my smile is looking great and he can guarantee me that in 2007 sometime my braces will be coming off! I am nearing the end =O I can't believe it, I've only had them for two years. ^.~

I think I should get ready to post this entry now, so I can post at the spiffy new forums you all should join if you haven't done so already! Then I may play Runescape..advertise the oreos..or all three, lawlz. I will post again 'round someday soon. My daily blog special is a picture of my brother and I on Runescape last night. Now that I have a laptop and high-speed internet, he and I can be on and play together. It is so much fun! He came up with the idea to play hide-n-seek in Lumbridge. I found him on my very first try! The first ladder I popped up, bam, I found you! xD mwahaha. Taking that screenshot was hard work, so you all better appreciate it! Just kidding ;) Take care ya tater tots<3

Radically Random...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

X-Mas 2006

well another Christmas was here and gone. I have not decided yet if I am happy or sad about this. I love Christmas...... I do not love this holiday because of the gifts that you get, I love it for family and friends and especially my grandparents Christmas Eve Tradition. Since I was probably 2 years old my grandparents (my dad's parents) have been having Christmas Eve dinner at their house. When my cousins and I were all younger the house used to be a disaster with all the wrapping paper that we previously tore off all the gifts. The past few years have been different since we are all grown up and either living on our own or in college. My older brother (Pete) has 2 kids of his own , so now they are the ones that receive all the gifts. The thing that I found humorous about this year is that all of my cousins are all old enough to drink, well all of them except for my cousin's Robert (who will turn 21 in Feb) and my cousin Anne (who is only 19), but we all sat in the kitchen at the kiddie table. We have sat at this table through all the years, when we were all younger my aunt used to buy us Welch's grape juice that we used to pretend was wine, but this year it seemed that we all had a good time at the kiddie table , maybe too much of a good time. On Christmas Day Bobby and I woke up at 7:30 and opened the gifts that we bought for each other. Then I called my mother's house and my step father answered the phone and said that everyone was still asleep. Bobby and I got dressed and headed up to Jermyn, I thought that it came my time in life to wake my younger brother Stephen up for Christmas morning. When he was younger and still believed in Santa and all that fun stuff he used to come running into my room around 6 in the morning yelling "Sissy, Santa came". I always tell him that payback is a bitch :) anyway, I think that Christmas this year was alot o fun, but I still think that it's definitely for kids......Just thought that I would post a quick blog about my holiday since I have been absent from this thing for a while now..... Hope that everyone had a great holiday as well!

364 days until Christmas!

The 80 GB

Before I bring you this blog entry, I'd like to put up a self-advertisement to promote #Foote_Chat, the official forums of Buddy Foote's Blog v.2.

[Click image to visit the site]

Actually it's not much of an ad at all, but just the pretty logo for the forums to catch an eye or two, and hopefully a click or two, and hopefully a new member or two. And to add a quick note about the forums that I couldn't fit into the global announcement -- Because the forums are in its early stages, if you join and you're active and loyal to the forum, you have a great chance to be promoted to moderator status in the future. If the forum is to ever pull through and have a lot of members, the chance to be promoted is then very slim unless you make something great happen, or you're a best friend to me like the current mods are. But even if you don't have a desire to ever be a mod, then I still beg of you to join. Like I said and always will say, every member counts to making the forum a better place in the future, and an active community. Thank you for your patience -- on to the blog post!

While typing up that ad, I felt dizzy all of a sudden, so I'm going to make the actual entry shorter than I wish it to be. On Christmas Eve, I kept on ranting on about how Christmas wasn't going to be so great this year compared to other years, and in one way or another that was true. But I did receive a present that's going to be very practical for me to use, and a big necessity for my demand of music and videos. My biggest present was an 80 GB iPod. It took me a while to get everything straightened out to import my library from iTunes onto it, such as updating my iTunes to version 7, but in the end within an hour I had my iPod at my other grandmother's house, listening to clean songs while my little cousins were running around. Later on after coming home from there, I took the time to investigate on how to import videos from YouTube onto my iPod, and got two videos from there and a video from Google Video. When I go home from my sister's later on, I'm going to continue importing my favorite videos onto my iPod. So far I have 402 songs and 3 videos on my iPod, and I still have 72.8 GB available to use out of 74.3 GB. That's one thing I hate. Something will say that it has 149 GB of space, and then when you get it fresh out of the box, the software on it already takes that hard drive amount down to something like 139 GB. Sure, it's "only" 10 GB, but if you refer to having a 40 GB laptop or an old Windows 95, then not every GB counts, but a little MB.

What really ticked me off about the iPod and threw me up into a tree was that you can only sync one library. That means you can only import songs, pictures, and videos from a single library on a single computer. Why does this tick me off? At midnight this morning I was up getting the Firefox add-on that downloads videos from YouTube and updating iTunes on my laptop (because I'm at my sister's) so that I could import videos onto my iPod. Now, the upgrading for the iTunes took a good half hour about, maybe more, maybe less. And being that my laptop is a RAM eater and I'm using an unknown internet connection that has a 'very low' signal, this took forever compared to how quickly my desktop did it. If it wasn't for my sister's cats and my iPod for my own personal entertainment, I would've went insane. But then after everything upgraded and I restarted my laptop which can take five to ten minutes, I learned the thing that kicked me in the you-know-where. If I wanted to import anything from my iTunes library on my laptop, I would have to go and delete everything from my desktop's library that was on my iPod, and then sync whatever I wanted from my laptop. I immediately hit no, thought it over for a way around it, and then went to bed, disgusted. Now as I type this I wonder, "What would happen if something happened to my desktop and I needed a new one? Does that mean that I not only lose everything on there in means of songs, photos, and videos, but I must also delete them from my iPod?" Now I didn't take the time to look this up online yet as it's not a major problem yet, but I hope there's some way around it, like a hack that'll make your iPod/iTunes think it's the same one as another.

My other presents for Christmas included but are not limited to: nunchunk controller for the Wii, a fishing game for the Wii that I didn't know existed, a cooling station for the Wii with holds for two controller sets, camera binoculars that I can't use because my father wants to take them back and get better ones that they didn't have in the store at the time, iPod PowerBlock, iPod cover, clothes, $75 in gift cards for Borders, $25 in a gift card for the mall, and a $50 bill. In all though, it was a great Christmas, and it even snowed for three seconds!

I'd also like to mention a pretty bad accident that happened involving the Nintendo Wii yesterday. I was boxing with my cousin John on Wii Sports and I really was getting into it, when I whipped my hand back and felt that I hit something. I thought it was the rocking chair next to me. I looked over my shoulder and saw my niece, Willow, standing there, just starring at me, and then ran into the kitchen crying. I was yelled at by my father and felt pretty bad for the rest of the day. Then I turned into a bad mood and when my mother asked me to use my camera to take a picture of my nieces on their new Dora the Explorer bikes, I said, "I don't know. I might not be able to use any of my presents that I get anymore." I said this as I wasn't allowed to play the Wii for the rest of the night. My niece seemed to forgive me though, and that's all that matters, isn't it?

Well, I'm out of daily blog specials for the day, so I'm going to leave you with one last thing before I go.

Please join the forum!

Have a good one!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Is It Christmas?

Ever since the week or two before Thanksgiving I remember seeing the first Christmas decorations put up, and then everybody else followed. Around the time that Thanksgiving came about almost everybody besides a select few houses or certain parts of town had lights and decorations on their houses, trees put up, and even the town had the decorations put up on the telephone poles. My house didn't even consider having decorations put up until two weeks or so before Christmas. But being that the spirit of Christmas seemed to come so early, it's just a habit to me now to turn the radio on and hear Christmas tunes or to go outside at night and see the house behind ours lit up with their multicolored lights. It's such a custom that Christmas seemed to sneak up on me this year to the point that I hardly care about it -- actually I only care about it as the fact that it's the birthday of Jesus. And to make matters worse, it's not a white Christmas, but a green and brown one. Maybe I'd feel a bit more joyful if two feet of snow just plopped out of the heavens on my town, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. The forecast calls for some small snow showers tomorrow night, but isn't that a tad too late to wake up on Christmas morning to see the small, white flakes fall from the sky right in time to open your presents? Heck, I don't even care about the presents. I'm old enough to know that the olden years of Christmas will never come back, with the good beliefs that made me want to wake up on Christmas mornings, and the yearning to know what secrets are hiding under the wrapping paper. This year it was a matter of my father asking me what I wanted and me replying with an answer of, "an 80 GB iPod." Where's the secret there? I know what I'm getting, and because it costs so much, that's the only thing that I am getting. And I don't even like the getting -- this year I'd rather give. But am I employed everywhere and have the money to buy gifts? No. My parents have to go out and buy gifts for each other or other family members and put on the tag that it's from me. I have no spirit whatsoever this year. I think last year was my last best Christmas.

My father was nagging at me to help everybody today, but without the spirit and without any snow (weather can make a world of difference with me), I just did not have any motivation to do so, and instead I just wandered around like a zombie being the Grinch. I was in such a bad mood that I did this to some poor crackers just to waste time:

At least I had the Nintendo Wii to help save my mood a bit from going into a bottomless pit. After winning two baseball games and a tennis match on Wii Sports, I slipped Zelda in and played that for a few hours. My mother, grandmother, and father even came into the living room and watched me play it for a while, as I completed the first temple and wandered into the next providence in the twilight realm. My grandmother was actually pretty into it, and would comment every time a giant spider popped up and also said that it reminded her of The Lord of the Rings. I thought that she would sit down for a second, watch it, and go do something, but she didn't feel too well today, so I think her sickness sort of forced her to watch me. While wondering around the twilight realm as the wolf, my grandmother commented asking if the game I was playing was a different game, such as in the fact that Wii Sports consists of different games. I replied that it wasn't, and that the game I was playing was just one huge game. After I finished playing for the day, I asked her what she thought of Zelda, and she replied, "It was different."

In other news...

If you have a laptop, do not put it on a soft surface such as a bed, couch, etc. as it has a risk of overheating, catching on fire, or can reduce the battery life of your laptop. If you must have the laptop on a soft surface, then find a board, plank, etc. to put your laptop on. Thankfully the door on my desk has been off for years, so I just took a few screws out and then I had a board to put my laptop on whenever I'm on my bed. It was a common sense solution that I came up with myself.

Now for your pre-Christmas daily blog specials:

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"peoples runescape usernames, passwords and recovery questions that were posted today"

This is a very stupid keyword. I bet that there's a website out there with a gigantic list of every single Runescape account, its password, and recovery questions. Now, it goes even more into the realm of stupid when it says "recovery questions". Relate to my rant on specific keywords that I had in my post yesterday. In a keyword like this, wouldn't it be better to say "recovery question answers"? Just getting the questions wouldn't do you any good, but the answers would. But even just by adding a more detailed word to that keyword will not help you at all. Just please stop trying to hack others accounts and maybe be productive and pick some flax or cut some trees in the game, sell them, and you'll be amazed in a matter of time that you can be rich and have high levels like the accounts that you're dying to hack in Runescape. Or in other words, get a real life or a Runescape life -- not a life of greediness and the destruction of others self esteem and hard work.

"where's the watchtower on runescape?"

It's by Yanille. I think to the north of it. If you want the exact location though as I'm of very little help to you, then pull up the world map on Runescape.

Pictures of the Day

A large collection of a variety of pictures that I took today all thrown together into a pile that's a mess bigger than the mess on Times Square after the ball has dropped on New Years. Enjoy:

Also before I go, I just want to mention that Opera on the Wii doesn't seem to be working for me anymore. The browser loads, but the loading of a web page is a different story. I'll keep on trying though.

Have a good one and Merry Christmas! I hope Santa brings you a lot of gifts this year!

Sick on Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve =) I came on just for a smidge to make sure I wrote a quick blog before the actual Christmas since I said I would. Well, not much is going on right now, and unfortunately I will be spending this year's holiday sick. I have a really bad cold that my brother gave to me. I have pretty much all the symptoms on the back of my medicine box, which include coughs, body aches, headache, stuffy&runny nose, sneezing, itchy&watery eyes, and a sore throat. I tend to sneeze a lot when I get a cold, I don't know, maybe everyone does, but I honestly sneezed every 15-30 minutes all day today, and as a result my one right eye is watering like a fountain plus my whole body hurts. Ah, I even feel like I am going to sneeze right now :P -scrunches nose- I mostly lounged around today, played Runescape, drank tea, blew my nose, and played PacMan on PlayStation 2. I am still excited for Christmas though. ^^

Yesterday was when I first started to feel sick, while at school on Friday my throat just hurt a tiny bit. That's always a warning for me that I'll be getting sick. I did stop by my friend Heather's house yesterday afternoon to exchange gifts. She got me pajamas, an ornament with my name on it, plaid socks, and a backpack with plaid interior. I absolutely adore it all! I got such awesome gifts from my great friends this past week and it's not even Christmas day yet! :P -hugz yooh all- I also brought a holiday figurine and card for Heather's mother who is sweet as pie. -achoooo!- It turned out that my mother and her mother had this wonderful conversation that lasted, hm, it had to be an hour, so I got to run off into Heather's room and hang out for a bit. I think she really liked my gift, and one of the things I got her were these little sparkly jewel pieces that her and I plan to glue some around our belly buttons and nails during the summer. I was telling her that if I have a pool birthday party, or even anything else, we can wear these tube tops we got and show off our sparkly belly buttons. Haha :P Ah, I miss summer time. I also gave her this horse figure from my collection. When I was little I had this whole set of ponies with different color real hair, and they all smelled pretty. Well, I was dying to give Heather something horse-related since she loves horses, and I have my one favorite horse figure on my dresser so I thought I'd pick one from my collection and give it to her so she too can add it on her dresser. She seemed to really like it. ^^ It was a last minute idea I grabbed practically as I was leaving for her house.

Since I am in this strange mood to keep on typing more on this blog (probably because I am sick and writing is keeping my mind away from sneezing..oh dear I feel one coming now, lol), well I want to mention the book I finished reading the other day, and the new one I started today. I finished my previous novel, "A Northern Light", that was almost 400pgs long and my book for SAT prep, so now I am unsure what to do but I want to keep on reading because I get on a roll and fall for novel after novel. I even told my teacher I will probably just keep going, it'd be hard for me to stick with one a while anyway. Well, "A Northern Light", by Jennifer Donnelly was a great book! It was centered around this teen girl's life, Mattie Gokey, set in the early 1900's. Let me tell you, I seem to adore books set in that time, when the United States was so different than today with people struggling to get by in their everyday life, and in reality it was only really 100 years ago (1906 was the exact date for this story). Mattie has a goal she wants to achieve in life, and that dream is to go off to college and pursue her interest in writing. She is a brilliant girl, in the top two of her small schoolhouse class, (her African American friend Weaver is up there with her), and they both have to take tests they must pass to get admission into Barnard College. In her time, reading and writing was mainly out casted because the main focus was to farm and for women to care for and bore children. Mattie loves books and words. She picks a word of the day (which helped my SAT vocab. list grow by almost 2 pages!) and uses it somewhere in her daily conversations that day. I remember in the story Mattie cherishes every book her teacher, Miss Wilcox, ever lends to her, including stories by famous authors I was reading in school at the time like Emily Dickinson and Louisa May Alcott (the author of my favorite book, Little Women). In order for Mattie to go off to college she needs to earn the money for the train ride and board. It's quite interesting to read how things turn out, especially when it seems for a time that this young man, Royal Loomis, sweeps her off her feet and asks to marry her, which may definitely alter her intentions at certain points. Although he even makes fun of her "reading dem silly books and writing dose words on papers", she is able to put that aside, which is something that would probably make me upset because don't you think if you were in love and to marry somebody, you would want them to support your interests, right? I won't say much further since I don't want to ruin the story for you in case somebody out there is interested in picking up a good young adult novel. -sneezes!- :P

Today I started the book, "Gimme a Kiss", by Christopher Pike, and it's another juicy teen murder mystery. Some of his books truly spook me. Maybe when I finish that one I'll write about my book's plot again. I am starting to love writing just as much as I love to read, so why not? =D I think it will be fun. ^.^

My last paragraph here will speak about my time spent Runescaping it up. Haha. I got my defense tied with the rest at level 30, and started to go off and mine iron so I can raise my pretty low smithing level. :P It was a relaxing game to sit back and play yesterday and today since I have been sick and all. Unfortunately, I have no interesting stories that occurred to write about, but maybe something will happen soon...a good something! ;P I guess that will be it, since I have to go take some medicine and lie down so Santa Claus can come in peace, y'know? ;-) I don't have a daily blog special prepared for today and no time to find one since my brother wants to go on and I had to go 10 minutes ago but ran into major computer problems. My new so -called fast internet is having major problems and pages won't load so I am lucky if I can even get this posted. I do apologize though. I will try writing Tuesday or Wednesday about my Christmas, therefore until then I wish you all the Best and Merry Christmas possible. =)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

*NEW* #Foote_Chat Forums

Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 now has its own official forum/message boards, where readers and writers of the blog can meet together and throw up conversations and topics in the air to discuss, and rather than have the live IRC chat room #Foote_Chat, we'll now have the forums where everything will be written in stone. #Foote_Chat, not to be confused with our previous IRC room, still has some work to be done on it, but we won't know what to add or fix until we have active members test everything out and give us input on what to do. With your input in mind, we'll try to fix/add things to the best of our ability, but many of the options we have are limited. However, the offer we got for the forums could not be turned down, which is the reason why they even exist right this minute in the first place. I was surfing the internet looking for a 'free forum maker' out of curiosity of what was out there (I wanted a forum for when the new layout came out) and in the Google ads saw I then clicked on it and saw that the site was having a special offer of getting premium user status of their forum service for free. At this moment I think it was always free, as I just went onto it and it has a countdown of three hours, and the other night I went on and it only had fourty-eight minutes left in the countdown -- maybe just something that you see and think, "Wow, I better join now!" What a great way to scam people, but only if these forums involved scams.

See, I drifted off onto another note that involved a story when instead it should be more about the forum, and not how the forum came to be. The forum is pretty basic at the moment and only has a handful of smaller forums, but yet again that's why member input is important. We will listen to what you have to say, and will consider adding any forums if we find them appropriate. Actually if you register, at the top of the forums is a small dashboard that has a link to my e-mail right there if you need to contact me for any reasons, serious or not. There is a category labeled "Topics of Interest" that has many different forums involving blogs, the arts, school and work, sports, movies, music, computers, video games, and for all Jagex lovers, Runescape. This will probably be the main area of discussion, but we also have the "Introductions and Farewells", "General Discussion" (for everything that doesn't fit in the other forums), and "Your Site Here", a forum where you can advertise your site once for free -- all you need is fifty posts.

Sign-up is easy. Click this link, and at the top of the page toward the middle in bold is "Register". From there you just have to follow the simple steps, and within minutes you'll be ready to post at the forums. Even if you aren't familiar at all with forums, we want you here. My first forum was a Harvest Moon one and I was a great member in its community, and just by that forum alone I always wanted to make a great, big, and successful forum, and to this day it has failed. Hopefully with #Foote_Chat we'll have something to go to everyday and make a comment or two in somebody's topic, or create a topic of our own to put or two cents into, and create a grand discussion. And when I say our, I really mean your. Our forum is your forum. We aren't mean admins and moderators who want to make everybody's life a living hell, but passionate and kind people who find themselves as equals to the rest of the members.

So jump on #Foote_Chat today, create an account, customize your avatar and signature (I have yet to work on mine), and begin off with a new topic in "Introductions and Farewells"! We're small now, but every single new member contributes to the future empire that we hope to be. Active members are even more welcomed.

In other news...

Today for me was Wii Day. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve and the next day Christmas, but today in my family, it was Wii Day. Wasn't the day that the Wii came out declared Wii Day by me? Yes, it was. But isn't everyday a Wii Day? My nephew slept over last night and last night and today he was playing the Wii. My mother, sister, and I too also played the Wii. Yesterday Opera for the Wii came out. I had troubles connecting to the Wii Shop Channel to download it, but on my third try it finally connected. The first site I went onto was this very blog, and I must say it looks pretty sexy on my HDTV television screen. It'll look even sexier with its new layout that Caitlin and I have yet to discuss (the forum got in the way). Anyway, it works great streaming videos from Google Video, but YouTube is a different story -- only certain videos work. And to confirm it, Runescape does not work on the Wii. It goes as far as the actual page that loads when a world is selected and then the bar at the top of the playing area loads with the world map and everything, but that's it. Mostly total blackness. What I really, really hate about it is that either my connection is bad or there's a minor problem with Opera but while surfing the internet on the Wii, it only lets you do so many pages before it just seems to give up and doesn't load anymore. I do actually think it's my connection because when I turned my Wii on today, the forecast channel couldn't connect right away and I had to go into it to check the weather besides quickly viewing the weather from the Wii Menu. I tested my connection and it worked fine, but I don't know, something is fishy. I mean, the internet router is right in the room next door to the living room and it has maximum bars when shown on the Wii Settings, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Oh, by the way, the forecast channel is really well done and the globe is very smooth, but the only downside is that there's not a lot of options dealing with weather besides today's forecast, tomorrow's forecast, and the five day forecast. And the UV index, who cares? We all know that there's a hole in the ozone layer and that we're screwed every time we walk out the door.

I just want to mention a grand accomplishment that I made on Wii Sports today. My rating on bowling is now pro, and the actual score is 1100+. My best record on bowling is a 218. And today I bowled two fourths (four strikes in a row). And I believe that my nephew is a natural gamer. He hardly played the Wii at all (actually this is one of his real first times playing it) and he was great! I mean, he got an eagle in golf, won two matches in boxing, hit the ball a lot in baseball, and got tons of spares and strikes in bowling. Goes to show that anybody can play the Wii. Just to note, my nephew is age five.

Now for the daily onslaught of daily blog specials:


"Comment Those Keywords!"

"what hospital was n0valyfe born in?"

I don't know about you, but this keyword just freaks me out a little bit. Not only does it freak me out, but I wonder why anybody would want to dive that deep into a famous Runescape player's life like that for. I mean, unless you know somebody in his family that's closely linked to n0valyfe would you only know this answer. Like, it's sad that he's gone from Runescape, but do you really have to hunt down the location of where this great man first came into life? What's next? His mother's maiden name? Unless somebody is trying to recover his password and this is a question, then you really sicken me.

"somebody's account for runescape"

Why are these keywords always Runescape? C'mon here, I talk about the Nintendo Wii and general things in life, and really rarely does a good keyword concerning those pop up. Sure there's one concerning the San Andreas hot coffee mod (that was so, like, summer '05) and "wii runescape" (Runescape does not work on the Wii), but even that last one had Runescape in it!

Anyway, these keywords aren't even specific half the time. Sure, maybe "runescape the answer to clue scrolls 00 degrees 20 minutes south 23 degrees 15 minutes east" is specific, but then we have "runescape, sleeping cap". Yea, what about the sleeping cap? Want a picture? Want to know what it does? Want to know how much it costs? Like, c'mon here! When I look up what lions eat I don't type in "Africa lions"; I type in "what do lions eat in central Africa?"

As with the matter of this keyword that's causing me to burst a bubble, whose account on Runescape? Uh? What do you want to do with somebody's account? Do you want a random name of an account? Do you want to hack the account? Do you want a bank picture of somebody's account? What do you want with somebody's Runescape account!? This is going to drive me crazy!

And to the next keyword...

"easiest game maker"

If this keyword was in question forum, I'd raise my hand and proclaim, "RPG Maker XP!" Sure, it's a game maker mostly dealing with RPGs, but yet again the keyword wasn't specific enough for me to clarify myself. Most people would say that Game Maker is the easiest, but I actually have a hard time understanding it -- mostly because I'm pretty stupid when it comes to stuff like that. RPG Maker XP is simple and easy, yet knocks a powerful enough punch to make a pretty advanced and in-depth game. Plus you even have the coding system if you want to go the extra mile and incorporate something big into your game that you couldn't do with the basic events. The concept of switches is a must to understand, but as it is with almost every game maker. It's a simple concept though, along with variables, but a concept that, at the same time, can be used together to create the biggest internet game of the century.

I'm done here. Merry Christmas and have a good one. See, I wasn't specific. Did I mean have a good Christmas or did I mean have a good day? Maybe I meant both? But if so, shouldn't I have said 'have a good two'?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Zoom, Baby

Hey there, it's Caydalyn. (; I had a great day today besides a few mishaps which I hope can be resolved before the holiday. Anyways I have so much to speak of! Where do I start!? =) Haha. Well, tonight marks the official start of my holiday break from school. I go back on January 2nd, I believe, so I have a real good week to sleep in, relax, eat, laugh, and have a good time. ^^ This week we didn't do too much school work, the majority of teachers went easy on us, although I did have a select few who wanted to work us to the end :P I was given some problems in Algebra on a new lesson, without notes, to work on this afternoon. I doubt anybody will do it, I did a little less than half, because after getting the first few I hit some that just looked way to difficult. It is impossible to teach yourself something you never even saw before. =P In my first period class, World Cultures, we watched one of my favorite movies ever, Finding Nemo! If you have never seen it, I don't care what age you are, you should watch it. It is so sweet, cute, and funny. It was the second time I got to see it, and actually looked forward to coming to that class because I couldn't wait to watch that movie again, hehe. (: Besides that, I passed out little gifties to all my friends, and it was nice to receive sweet compliments in return, along with some gifts from them to me! That was really nice, and I love the stuff I got. I got two pairs of socks, (star print! ah! :P ), lip glosses, nail polish, body spray, hand lotion, hot chocolate, a cute teddy bear, and a scarf with gloves and a hat all in some of my favorite colors. =) I was thrilled, and appreciate every single thing! I hope all of my lovely friends have a sweet holiday themselves! xo<3

Now, I have some big news! I may have hinted that if my father really wanted to, getting high speed internet considered as a Christmas present, would be pretty spiffy with chocolate sprinkles on top. Well, last night I noticed items shifted around by the television and pondered why this was so. I asked my father why our lamp was moved, and he said something along the lines of making it easier to access the plugs behind the TV. After hearing that it all hit me, and I started saying "no, no no, omg no way." Then I scurried (yeah scurry is a pretty cool word I started to use tonight) out of the room. I was called back in and explained the details. The cable man was coming the following morning to install high speed internet, broadband style. Well, when I got home from school today I checked it out. I had dial-up my whole short internet life, and compared to what I get to experience now, it is amazing. I absolutely love it. Pages load within the blink of an eye, and music, oh oh my music, links load without barely a buffer, and it is so strange. I am used to saying to myself "Oh, I'll just run to the bathroom or fill my water up while this page or song loads.." but then I have to actually remind myself that the second I stand up it is going to be loaded. Haha. It is very cool! Zoom, baby. xD

In other news, Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 now has it's very own official forum, #Foote_Chat that I'd like to introduce, which can be found by clicking here or hitting the little banner on the left handed sidebar underneath the ads. Please check it out, and possibly sign up, because I think it's very cool, and if you were wondering, it is different and separate from the IRC room (since that is live). =) I hope having a forum will be successful, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. ^.^

One more thing I'd like to mention before I 'sign off' is that I did play Runescape a night or two this week and completed the fun Christmas Event, which was shorter than my brother made it out to be. :P I also kept on killing skeletons, rats, and whatever else to get my Defense level to 30 to make it all even. I am almost there, and believe I'm at 27. I plan on going back to woodcutting, fire making, cooking, and fishing (those fun original outdoors-ey type of skills) over the holiday in my free time. For my daily blog special I found an adorable picture of Nemo, the little fishy from the movie I mentioned earlier, and thought I'd stick it in here somewhere (; What a cute wil fishy wishy.

Radically Random...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Light

Waking up in the morning for school, work, an event, surgery, etc. sucks. Period. Not only are you awaken quite rudely by the annoying beep of the alarm clock located right next to your bed or somewhere in your room (or even more annoying -- a friend or relative shaking you to get up) but you have to find motivation to open your eyes, turn off the alarm clock, and get out of bed to get up and move quickly to get ready. Then while you're getting ready you're mentally reminded that you were just sleeping about three minutes ago all nice and cozy under the covers in bed, but now here you are pouring yourself a bowl of cereal to get the required energy needed for the first part of the day until lunchtime. Then after the fog has drifted away from your mind, a common side effect of waking up in the morning suddenly from a soundless sleep, you begin to actually think again, and you're immediately reminded of all the worries of the world and what obstacles are in your way today, and then you realize how much you just want to float back upstairs, go right through the wall, and back into bed with the alarm clock off and shutting the outside world off along with it. And then sometimes in the morning, something alarming and out of the ordinary occurs, and being all groggy from sleep your brain doesn't have its logic ready to use at the moment in a situation, and mostly the worst outcome occurs, or not the smartest one. Then after it's all said and done, you feel awake, like your body just had some instant coffee. And then sometimes you wonder why you write blog entries that have nothing to freaking do with what you wanted to type up and then you just stop what you were doing and move onto the next and correct subject while an awkward silence follows afterwards.


Well, the huge paragraph above does have a minor thing to do with the main subject I wanted to address here. When I woke up this morning having all the effects that were listed above, I slowly proceeded downstairs and was heading into the bathroom when I noticed one of those strange events that don't normally happen in the corner of my eye. In the corner of my eye in the range of my sight I saw a light. It wasn't just a light, it was the light. A definite light. If I said 'a' light, it could've been any light in the house. Y'know, the light above the stove in the kitchen; the light on the LCD screen on the desktop's monitor; the light from the lamp in the hallway -- but it was not any of these but it was 'the' light. This light was the very blue light that I love to see when I turn this baby on. It was the blue light that illuminates the disc slot of the Nintendo Wii. I was freaking out at first, and became wide awake when I saw the light just there, being on while the Wii remained idle. Without thinking, I turned the Wii on, and then when the light on the power button turned green, back off. This made the blue light go away, but then I got ticked off when I realized what I had done.

There was a system update going on. As soon as I turned my Wii off and my logic flowed back into my brain, a little too late, did I realize this. At that moment, I remembered reading in the Nintendo Support section of their site back when my first Wii broke that the light on the Wii goes on when you either get a message or e-mail, or when there's a system update going on. Maybe it wasn't Nintendo's site but JoyStiq. Either way, I knew that it had to be a system update, as my Wii has no friends yet. I just went and continued my normal get-ready-for-school routine after this event happened, but something about this event I couldn't get out of my head all day today. Maybe I was just curious to know what the update was. Upon thinking about this, I thought right away that it had to be the forecast channel. Even after coming home from school, I didn't touch my Wii at all, but went onto the internet and looked at flashcards for my Spanish test tomorrow -- the usual internet and schoolwork I do after school. I popped onto Joystiq just a little while ago and saw that the system update for the Wii was in fact that forecast channel, and a greater surprise came along with that blog entry on there. On December 22 (this Friday) the free demo trial of the Wii's internet browser, Opera, will be up for download. The full version won't be out until Spring 2007, but even the full version will be free until June 2007, and then it will require 500 Wii Points (which is $5 worth) to download permanently and keep. This got me pretty excited and stoked. Even though in the comments, people were ranting on about what the purpose of a browser is on the Wii when almost everybody has desktops and laptops, but I see it as a change in surfing the internet in a different way. I mean, honestly, don't you think mouses and keyboards are getting old? Why not instead use a Wiimote and the Wii's Keyboard, built right on the screen? I'm going to make sure that I don't shut off that system update Friday morning.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is an amazing game. If you don't have a Wii and you don't plan on getting one in a year or two, then just get it for the Gamecube at least. It won't be the same experience (once you go Wii, it's hard to go analog again), but at least you're getting the game. It's like the case scenario if somebody offered you a half piece of pie for fifty cents, and a full piece for a dollar and fifty cents. Say you only have seventy-five cents and you're starving. What are you going to get? Same case with LOZ:TP. In other words, would you rather wait and fork up the 250 for the Wii, and then even have to wait until stores have them at the point where you don't have to sleep outside for them, or would you rather get the LOZ:TP for the Gamecube now? If I was in this situation, I probably would not even get LOZ:TP. Why? I'm not much of a big Legend of Zelda fan, and even into consoles in general (Gamecube went a long time ago in my mind to console heaven), so therefore the chance of me even having this game without having purchased the Wii is slim. But this is coming from a guy who didn't like Legend of Zelda pre-Wii -- get the game! It's not that I didn't like it, but some games I just can't get into. These include Zelda and Metroid, and even Star Fox. I'm now converting myself to Zeldaism, and I shall practice the works of Zelda!

In other news...

I might do the Runescape Christmas 2006 update later tonight and while doing it, I'm going to take a lot of pictures just so that this very blog could one day contain some of the only pictures of the event or even of Runescape, if it is to ever go -poof-. I also need to take these pictures as I'm out of stock of "Pictures of the Day" specials.

Have a good one.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Addicted to Runescape

Hello everyone, it is I, Chase. I have brought with me some interesting stories about my runescaping adventures. First, i will list all of my levels:

Rune Crafting=25
Cooking= 42
Fire making=30
Quest Points=36
Total Combat=40
Total Level=514

Those are my levels. Recently I have been working on many different skills, but I mainly focused on smithing, prayer, and magic and ranged. I do offers for smithing, and slowly creep my way up. An offer is when another player asks you to make him armor for money. I have a great business and bring money in by the bushels. I also have ranged. I trained my range to 30 with my 750 iron arrows from a mysterious stranger, and used my equipment a lot too. I wear studded body and chaps, a coif, leather vambraces, boots, and gloves. I also have my trustworthy amulet of accuracy. In no time I reached my goal and moved over to magic. My goal for magic is level 43 so I can super smelt. I am 34, but real close. I am a fire mage( I fit in with my mage team perfectly) and usually use fire strike with my fire staff.. I make 400 air runes by runecrafting and 200 mind runes. I make double minds and triple airs. Then I use them all either in the wilderness or the scorpian pit mine. I recently discovered the many uses of guilds, and visit two often. the Champions and Cooking guilds. The one guild I want to visit most is the prayer guild. If I get 31 prayer I can go and achieve all of the benefits. i am 29, so only two more levels to go.

Now for my adventurous fun. I ventured with my two friends into the Edgeville dungeon and splurged on all of the goodies. While my friends held off the monsters, i got plenty of brass keys. Now i go in the easy way and fight Hill Giants like you would not believe. Since it is a free for all place, me and my team just tear through them. I also have been making several trips to the bone yard and the Bandit Camp in the wilderness. I go pking all of the time. I usually will go alone, but sometimes I bring my team with me. I have pked at least 25 people so far. I also mastered the Draynor Dungeon, finding the anvils and the secret passage. I also accidentally went to this weird place. I think it is called Crandor, but I am not sure yet. I spent a lot of time trying to find new places, but I usually get scared and run. i also mastered the stronghold of security. I beat all levels and got all the prizes including my rainbow boots. My crafting is growing steadily, mostly because I make jewelry and enchant them right away. I make a ton of money doing this. My fishing is 41 and I am splurging on lobsters. i make a ton of money and am doing well. I also ventured into the Varrock sewers to fight Moss Giants. They are big and tough, but I can get the job done. I like the teleportation spells I can use, and often use them even if I do not need to. I like to steal stuff with telekinetic grab as well, but It is too costly in the end. I ventured all around Gielinor and found a lot of things I did not even know existed. I want my cooking 45 and fishing 50 so i can catch and cook the grand slam of all free world fish, sword fish.

I get bored a lot when I am the only one playing. For this reason my stats just grow out of repetitive boredom. The skills are not boring it is just the loneliness I guess. I brought one of my friends to fight some level 28 hobgoblins, and he died. i felt terrible and had to make him a lot of stuff in return. I also found some game secrets. I found a secret path through the wilderness and to the wizards tower. Also, I was sent to ScapeRune two times in one week. i met this one guy who was there for two whole months. I escaped both times, and barely came out alive. i also got two genie bottles in one day, so that made me leaps and bounds happier. Obviously, I used them on prayer. So to sum everything up, I have been having a ton of adventures, and learning a lot in the process. I will post again this week, as a continuation of this one. So for now, goodbye.

Daily Blog Special!!!!

The age of the oldest person that ever lived was a French woman who lived for 122 years and 164 days. She was born in 1875, so you do the math. :P

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Hello, it's Caitlin. I have been in a writing mood the past few days so this may be a long entry. We'll just have to wait and see. :P

I didn't have the greatest week. I was not feeling or doing well, to the point where I had an emergency and had to go home Wednesday after 3rd period. I just did not feel good at all, and continued to not be so well the next day. I am doing much better now, I hope I can say anyways, but feeling bad makes it hard to get through school sometimes. I don't like being sick, who does? =/

Today I went in to volunteer at the library again. It just keeps getting more and more fun for me! I absolutely love it there =) Maybe you can't relate, but I have been going to libraries for years and always wished I could spend hours there to just search and stay there for awhile. xD Now I actually have that chance, and it's pretty fun ^.^ I came in for three hours today, and went right upstairs to meet with Mark, who is a 9th grader that works there. (Boy! When he told me for the first time today he was only in 9th grade I almost fainted. He looks like he could be a senior, and I thought he was, so I was shocked I am actually older than him :P) Mark is a really funny kid, and easy to talk to. I get along with him very well as he is very friendly. I helped him around upstairs this afternoon, and he gave me the big whoop-de-doo tour of the crazy confusion order of the children's books. He has got to have that library memorized inside&out, because I was like "woah." Then, it gets better! He taught me how to help patrons by showing me what to do on the computer in order for me to check books in and out for people. I was SO SO excited! I couldn't stop smiling, I ALWAYS wanted to do that!!! I was like jumping up and down. =) Ah Ah Ah I loooovvveee scanning books and hearing that "beep, beep, beep" sound, saying "Have a nice day!" to people and sitting behind the desk as if I actually work there! (: Haha, yeah, so I am a little stoked, that's alright though, I mean, I feel so privileged and I have tons of fun. My friend John was there volunteering again and he is really funny, yet scary. :P Before I get to the funny part, he and I were talking for a little and I found out that according to him I am technically getting volunteer hours much earlier than needed to join the National Honor Society, and that this year he thinks I only need to meet the other requirements, but it's good to get an early start and won't hurt. This isn't bad news or anything, I enjoy volunteering very much, and it will look terrific on a college transcript paper of stuff you do that I volunteer in the community. xD Hehe ^^ Okay so back to John, he was jokingly calling me names like "loser" in front of these two little girls and I was getting all into it and the little girls were like to John "I am gonna call the police on you! Stop calling her names! We'll get you in trouble and say you killed her." John replies "WhAT!? I didn't kill her, what will you do when the police see she's alive and you lied! Huh, huh HUH!?" and they go "Well, we will make her go hide!" And I was laughing like nuts, because the whole thing and more was just so funny. Then John pretended to act dead to show the little girls he could, and he literally laid flat on the tabletop and rolled around moaning. It was a good time, and we had doughnuts, and then everyone including Mark kinda just fooled around until John left. Then I put some books away, and Mark had his laptop with him so I told him how I want one and we talked about dial-up connections and how slow they are, but he brings his laptop to the library which anyone can do and use their free fast connection. My gooodnessssss!! He was on YouTube loading music videos so music could play for the kids, and he asked out loud to nobody in particular, "Name a song!" so I yelled out "Make you smile by Plus 44!" and I guess he typed it in because the next thing I knew it started playing and I flipped out, ran over, sighed, and went over to exclaim how much I like that song and how shocked I am that music like that can just load uber fast and how I have spent hours searching on my home computer to listen to that song somewhere on the internet where it worked yet came up empty-handed. Then he let me sit by his laptop for a little while so I could listen and maybe search for more songs I liked, while I was finishing up some of my Math homework, but then he had to go. He was about to go when he was told of one more job to do (bringing an old refrigerator downstairs) and I was going to help him. Well, we went and got a dolly, and then when Mark opened the fridge there was that gross-smelling water that drips from air-conditioners inside, I forget what it's called, and it started spilling everywhere and got on the carpet and I was just standing there, not knowing what to do, and I told Mark to go get the librarian. :P Haha it was hilariousss and I can't help but laugh! xD So he told the librarian and she said just let it go for now, & then he went home, I surfed the internet for a while, signed on Runescape for 5 minutes so my brother could trade me some items he had saved for me, did a math problem, then checked out my OWN books, and went home ;-)

As you can tell, I had a good day volunteering. I wish Steve would have came once or twice since I think he'd like it. :P I asked him awhile back if he wanted to go and collect hours, but now as someone might have filled me in wrong and we may not need hours right away (I'm not sure) he doesn't have to, unless he wanted to, like me xD To be honest, I don't know how many or when I need hours anymore. I know some of my friends got a number of volunteer hours collected over the past summer and they told me I needed it, but either way I guess I'll have it and it can only help me, y'know? (:

I played Runescape last night for a little bit and then this morning. I have been working on fighting random monsters to raise my Strength and Defense levels, so they are at least 30 like my Attack. Then I think I want to go back to mining and smithing, magic, and ranged. I want to try raising all the levels of stuff I have tried out, tied with my other skills at a minimum of lvl 30 :P I was fighting Barbarians for awhile because I simply wasn't in the mood to go down in the Security Stronghold. It's not as exciting and packed with people down there xD On my way to drop off items in the bank, this one guy started following me and said "Hello", I replied and he asked "How are you?" I continued the conversation, saying I was "Fine, and you?" I usually ignore this type of thing but I guess I felt like talking to someone, lol. He wanted to be my friend, and had levels higher than me so I just said "um sure" to be nice. I told him I was fighting barbarians at the moment and he took me down that manhole behind Varrock to fight skeletons and scorpions but I didn't follow him for that long because my brother scared me saying he was going to take me somewhere where I could be attacked and die. Haha. Therefore I logged out and "hid" for awhile, but I think I'll stay down in that manhole for awhile, we'll see what happens. :]

Now it is time for my Daily Blog Special. I signed up on my friend Audrey's site to be sent a weekly Girly Newsletter. I read it today and it had some neat fun facts and the celebrity of the week was this cute singer I like, Teddy Geiger, pictures included. I thought I'd share some of my favorite facts and two adorable pics of Teddy as my DBS thanks to Audrey and her fun newsletter she puts together. (:

Radically Random...

*It's illegal to have a pet dog in Iceland!
*One out of every seven birds in the world is a finch.
*A plucked eyebrow takes nearly 90 days to grow back!
*Most Americans have a favorite color of blue.
*One third of Earth's fresh water is located in Canada.
*An average person has a vocabulary of 45,000 words!

Teddy Geiger

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Friday, December 15, 2006

New Layout?

After celebrating our 300th post here at Buddy Foote's Blog v.2, I'm wondering if it is time for change here again. When I say change, I mean a great layout with the new Blogger beta additions such as the labels. When I say change, I mean saying good-bye to the blackness of BFBv.2 that we have seen in the background since July 24th, 2005 and moving on to a more complex design. To if any of this will actually pull through is a different story though, as the layout editor for Blogger beta seems very limited to me, it is without a doubt that Caitlin, who made the blog template we're currently enjoying as of today, and I will whip something up. To whether it be abstract, solid, or geometric, we will whip up some new layout. However with the new widgets and everything, it's going to complicated to a simple-minded person like myself. Hopefully Caitlin as the HTML knowledge to make up for my hiding talent. Main point though is that new changes will occurring in the future, and hopefully regular readers of BFBv.2 will agree with the changes, as it does help in navigating around the site which is a must as the site is growing more and more every week in blog posts and new and old readers alike can easily go through posts. This may not be a big deal for anybody, but it is for us here at BFBv.2, and especially myself as I hate change, but it's a must to catch on with the modern world. To actually see any changes, you're going to have to wait until well after Christmas. This process is going to take awhile, and just like the value that separates the bad movies or video games from the good ones is the time put into them, and how long it takes.

I have one thing to say: expect silver.

In other news...

I went with Jenifer and Bobby to Cinamark in Moosic yesterday evening to see Borat, as he was in the theaters for the last day yesterday. I have one thing to say about the movie -- it's freaking hilarious. Just the fact that the majority of the movie wasn't staged and many of the events were real and people did not know that they were being filmed until after anything happened is priceless. Just the character of Borat himself is great! The naked fight scene just puts the cherry filling in the pie and completes the movie. I'm not going to ruin anything else, but if you haven't seen it already, get Borat when it comes out on DVD.

Now I'm going to go and teach myself how to create a layout, and also how to fool around with hacks. Have a good one.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hitchhiker In Runescape

While I was doing my math homework in my hallway after school today, my mother, who was on the computer, yelled to me that Craig was talking to me online. So I quickly ran in and spoke with him for probably less than five minutes and he told me a strange tale that he allowed me to share on the blog about a certain glitch that occurred in Runescape, and he even has a picture to go along with it.

Craig told me that he was coming back from finishing a slayer task in the desert when he was about to use the fairy ring teleportation system to get out of there. He must've clicked on it at the time a jackal was wondering by, as it hitchhiked with him all the way to Zanaris through the fairy ring. He said that when he arrived in Zanaris that a jackal came running out from underneath him, and walked around a bit until it vanished. That's a very interesting glitch that I'm going to one day try out when I'm bored on Runescape -- to try and abduct things that are around me. Maybe it was a one time ordeal, who knows? When Craig told me that he picked up a hitchhiker, I thought that somebody must've been passing by or standing on the portal and when he teleported, he took them with him. But besides a human, it was a jackal. Very cool story and thinks for allowing me to share it, Craig.

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On the way out of school today, Craig was telling me that he was going to attempt to go and get a fire cape in Runescape when his total skill level reaches 1600. I then replied that I'll probably not get the chance of getting the cape until I'm in college, as between my internet connection, my computers that either cause extreme lag or have tons of pop-ups, and the fact that I cannot play Runescape half the time without being called by my family to do something. I'd be in the middle of fighting the level 702 in the last wave and my mother will be screaming at me to hook the dog outside. Thankfully Craig was nice enough to offer his desktop whenever I want to do the fight caves for the cape, but I'll only do it if I'm really desperate. Why? I'm not a guy too keen on combat nor quests, mini-quests, or even mini-games. Games like Pest Control and Castle Wars I can only stand for a few games, then I'm no longer interested. I'm more interested woodcutting, fishing, or doing a skill. I'm mainly a skiller but with a combat level, which people point fingers at me and say, "Yea, it's because it's your main account." Well, do I have another accounts that this is my main account? No. And I never will, unless I wanted to go around bullshitting as a f2per and a level three while people call me a 'noob' and I say that I have a level 126 to back me up (which would be myself [or Craig] at the time). I just like to skill mainly, and I'm only into combat because of slayer. I swear, if it wasn't for slayer, I'd be hunting, woodcutting, fletching, and fishing right now. But am I? No, because I'm writing a blog. Oh, I got you!

I also got a new idea that I applied at school today during computer class. I realized that I never had the time to go on BlogExplosion that much anymore, and that I'd rather be taking the time to be chatting, playing Runescape, or broadcasting "The Bear Radio". Maybe to even do more important things like studying and reading. My idea is to use BlogExplosion during computer class at school. I can go on, look at the blog quickly for five to ten seconds that comes up when I'm surfing them, get back to work, and then quickly bring up the window, click the correct number to continue surfing, and slowly gain some credits. Today I was earning credits to do a Battle of the Blogs today, but I just got a Gmail notice saying that we were defeated, again, so from now on I'm just going to assign credits to the blog to gain some traffic and, hopefully, some permanent traffic.

I'm in the mood today for...

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"quitting runescape having drop party december 25th of christmas"

Upon looking at the keywords that this blog receives, I noticed this one straight away by the length of it compared to the little keywords around it, and then I began to laugh. Why? In the past here at BFBv.2, we have seen a keyword where a guy was asking the search engine what the best PC world was, and I think they were also buying or selling something to the search engine Runescape-related but that was a different guy. Now, this guy is putting up an advertisement through a keyword and y'know, it worked because I'm displaying it in flying colors right here. So this guy is having a drop party in Runescape on Christmas, or is trying to find a guy who is having a drop party during Christmas. Now, if you go to Runescape Community, I remember reading that this one guy was, so maybe this searcher was referring to him, or maybe the searcher is that guy, or maybe even a different guy having a drop party that very day? Who knows?

But if nobody shows up, can I have your items please?

"runescape: clue scroll panic on the pier"

I was looking at this keyword and I'm not even going to directly comment it (what is there to comment? -- it's a searcher looking up how to do the new emote scrolls probably) but for some reason I was thinking that they should have a scroll that reads "Panic at Pete's" which is, of course, Party Pete's place and can panic at the disco!

"what does the stranger random event in runescape"

He's involved in the Desert Treasure quest and if you're carrying one of the four diamonds in your inventory, there is a risk that he can pop up and attack you. Watch out though, as I believe he has a dragon dagger that is poisoned .

"how to get into seers village bank upstairs- runesc"

I don't know if you're referring to Runescape Classic by the "runesc", but by my knowledge of Runescape 2 standards, there's a ladder in the eastern section of the bank by the deposit box that you can use to get upstairs in the bank.

"blog de zezima"

Oh! Oh! I can translate this keyword into English! I can do it!

blog de Zezima translates into Zezima's blog!

Oh, I know my basic Spanish pretty good.

That is all from me for today. I just want to quickly mention that this blog post is number #300 of BFBv.2 and we'll be starting off fresh with #301 next entry (fresh as in a new hundred value).

Have a good one.

Surveyy Funn

Hey all. I promised myself I'd try writing a blog entry today and I intend to keep that promise (: Well, I stayed after school today to sign up with my friend again to be a part of my school's drama club for the Spring Musical, Fiddler on the Roof. I just signed up for tech crew again, because I don't think I have the patience to be in the actual play, although I'd still like to help. I put down that I am interested in Stage Crew and Set painting, but props would be cool too. During this year's fall play I was on costumes and stage crew. I like stage crew because you are sort of in the real play without having to speak any lines. You are moving stuff in the background and act as an extra. For example, last play we all wore lab coats so when we came out it would appear as if we were just doctors running around. I heard set painting is pretty fun and you get to paint all day on a Saturday. My friends put it down so I did too. Hopefully all goes well, and I am placed in something I can handle and would enjoy. ^^

I haven't gotten around to actually playing Runescape, even though I wanted to last night, had the time, and the same goes for tonight. It turned out I wanted to listen to the famoys Foote Radio, you may have read about in Steve's previous entry, a whole lot more. :P My computer doesn't allow me to multi-task, and if I dare try to open Runescape and have audio playing, my computer is as good as ice. (Since it would freeze..get it? Yeah I don't make sense :P)

I was given a good idea I totally forgot about to tell a story in my blog entries when there is nothing current worth writing about. I think I will definately start doing that. I would have right now, but I started out rambling about drama so I didn't want to have such a mix-up by jumping into some weird ol' story from my past just yet :P I am going to go see if I can get a fun daily blog for ya'll. ^.~

Radically Random...

Surveyy Funn for the Bored..Bold all that you answer yes to!

1. Had/Have a dog?
2. Painted your room?
3. Kissed a member of the same gender?
4. Drove a car?
5. Danced in front of your mirror?
6. Have a crush?
7. Been dumped?
8. Stole money from a friend?
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
10. Been in a fist fight?
11. Snuck out of your house?
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
13. Been arrested?
14. Made out with a stranger?
15. Met up with a member of the opposite gender somewhere?
16. Left your house without telling your parents?
17. Had a crush on your neighbor?
18. Ditched school to do something more fun?
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same gender?
20. Seen someone die?
21. Been on a plane?
22. Kissed a picture?
23. Slept in until 3?
24. Love someone or miss someone right now?
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
26. Made a snow angel?
27. Played dress up?
28. Cheated while playing a game?
29. Been lonely?
30. Fallen asleep at work/school?
31. Been to a club?
32. Felt an earthquake?
33. Touched a snake?
34. Ran a red light?
35. Been suspended from school?
36. Had detention?
37. Been in a car accident?
38. Hated the way you look?
39. Witnessed a crime?
40. Pole danced?
41. Been lost?
42. Been to the opposite side of the country?
43. Felt like dying?
44. Cried yourself to sleep?
46. Sang karaoke?
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
50. Kissed in the rain?
51. Sang in the shower?
52. Made out in a park?
53. Had a dream that you married someone?
54. Glued your hand to something?
55. Had feelings for one of your good friends of the opposite gender?
56. Ever gone to school partially naked?
57. Been a cheerleader?
58. Sat on a roof top?
59. Don't brush your teeth?
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
61. Played chicken?
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
64. Broken a bone?
65. Been easily amused?
66. Laugh so hard you cry?
67. Mooned/flashed someone?
68. Cheated on a test?
69. Forgotten someone's name?
70. Slept naked?
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool?
73. Blacked out from drinking?
74. Played a prank on someone?
75. Gone to a late night movie?
76. Made love to anything not human?
77. Failed a class?
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend?
81. Do you celebrate the fourth of July?
82. Thrown strange objects?
83. Felt like killing someone?
84. Felt like running away?
85. Ran away?
86. Did drugs?
87. Had detention and not attend it?
89. Made a parent cry?
90. Cried over someone?
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
92. Dated someone more than once?
93. Taken a picture naked?
95. Own an instrument?
96. Been in a band?
97. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
98. Broken a CD?
99. Shot a gun?
100. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?