Sunday, October 29, 2006


The Nintendo Wii. A new, fresh console from the company Nintendo, a company that has been bringing us hit classics since the NES and even before then Donkey Kong, and have brought many new innovations to the video game market. The Nintendo Wii, as many gamers should already know, is Nintendo's next-generation console that they are bringing to us, and on November 19th, 2006, it is being distributed throughout the United States of America -- and on that day I am going to go to the store and without any wait, I will hand over two hundred dollars and walk away with the Nintendo Wii. That is only true because I have awoken at 5:15 A.M. today, went to my local Toys R' Us store with Jenifer and her husband, Bobby, and waited in line for four hours in the freezing cold with high MPH wind gusting around us for the preorder of the console. And boy, what an experience that was.

At 5:15, my sister came into my "bedroom" at her apartment to wake me up to go, and I jumped up from my slumber right away. I was up until twelve the night before, playing a three-minute-a-quarter game of Madden '06 on Bob's newly purchased Playstation 2. I found it sort of humorous how some of the people waiting in line this morning were there for the Playstation 3 preorder, and my brother-in-law just got a Playstation 2 -- however he did have Playstation 2's in the past, but conflicts came about and he had to get rid of them.

The three of us got dressed, jumped in the car, and drove to the Toys R' Us in Dickson City to wait in line to preorder the Nintendo Wii. We were supposed to meet my father there, as he was to give me the fifty dollars needed to preorder the Wii. After meeting him and obtaining the money, we headed over to the end of the line. The line at the time of six o' clock was already pretty large with two tents and about five people standing behind those tents. Each tent had about seven persons also. From what we learned that day, the people in the first tent were mostly there for the PS3 orders, and they were camped out there until noon time yesterday. The people who were standing in front of us were there from one to five in the morning -- a very cold and windy morning as it was actually sleeting and snowing for five minutes early on. These people in front of us, standing and in tents, deserved these console preorders off the bat, as they were hardcore gamers.

The day went on, and more and more people joined the quene line for the preorders. There were actually three items that one could preorder there today. These items were the new Tickle Me Elmo (had 120 orders), the Nintendo Wii (had 20 orders), and the Playstation 3 (had 5 orders). Many people who were in line after us were disappointed to find out the low numbers on the consoles, and many were flipping when they knew that they would not be walking away with a preorder in their name. I felt bad for this one kid and his father. The guy in front of us (who was one of the nicest people I ever met) asked the father what he was here for out of the three items and the guy replied that he was getting the PS3. Well, the first tent was the PS3 tent, so the two were probably disappointed about that. It wasn't just that either, but the fact that there were tons of other people in front of the son and father who wanted the PS3.

A problem came about in the middle of the four hour period. Two people came out of nowhere and went at the front of the line as it seemed that the people who stayed in the tent were holding these places for the two. This would have been a major problem for us as were were number nineteen before the two came, but when they cut, we were number twenty-one out of the twenty preorders for the Wii. Thankfully two other people left, putting us back down to nineteen. Actually later on at twenty to ten (store opened at ten) when the manager was passing out the tickets to guarentee that we'd be able to preorder the console once the store opened, it was discovered that you could not order both the Wii and the PS3, but one or the other. Most of the people in the first tent besides two were getting both, so this news was bad for them. By this occuring, we were put down a few numbers to seventeen or sixteen, and the lucky fellows behind us got the Wii tickets.

That was probably one of the experiences in my life that will stand out for a very long time, and it was a rewarding experience too as I'm guarenteed a Nintendo Wii on November 19th -- three weeks from today. The ticket for the Wii stated that, "You don't just play the Wii. You experience it.", and that was one helluva experience. I would go into even greater detail, but I have to rap up this blog post as I have to pack up and go home from my sister's apartment. I have one last thing to say though about getting the preorder for the Wii:


Picture of the Day

Have a good one.

P.S. Being that I'm getting a Wii on the first day it's out, expect a report from me to inform all how wonderful the Wii really is after I get my hands on it.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Daily Unique Visitors Record

It has come to my fullest attention that the number of unique visitors has skyrocketed in a matter of a few days from the regular pattern of low numbers that this blog has been seeing since what I like to call the "BFB Crash of July 2006" when a fault in the coding of the blog lead the blog into a state of hardships. To my pleasure, the amount of daily visitors daily now seems to be 40+, which beats the 10-30 numbers that have been popping up the last two months. Sometimes we only had nine or less unique visitors a day. In case you're wondering what exactlty a unique visitor is, for the few out there, here is a definition from

Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visitors and first time visitors - all your visitors.
Just to put the numbers down straight, here are the number of daily visitors so far monthly that have came upon this blog (excluding last year's [2005] numbers):
  • Jan. (612)
  • Feb. (302)
  • Mar. (485)
  • Apr. (647)
  • May (685)
  • Jun. (1,095)
  • Jul. (1,771)
  • Aug. (778)
  • Sep. (749)
  • Oct. (886) (So far this month)
As you can see from these numbers by month that some months suffered great decreases in the number of unique visitors. February was the worst month this year in uniques. The account for that was mostly on how inactive I was during that time on the blog. As you can see, the time from May to July soared high into the heavens as new BFB blog members Caitlin and Chase joined, helping with the inactivity that the blog once suffered. Everything was fine and dandy until the "BFB Crash of July 2006". This drastic event for the blog actually occured the minute the new layout on the blog's birthday (July 24th) was published to the internet. The defect in the coding was actually my fault, as I gave Caitlin, who composed more than half of the layout, the HTML for the shoutbox and forgot to add the end tag to it. This caused the shoutbox and everything in the coding under it to not load, which was actually the majority of the site. One day at my sister's house I fixed it, after hard thought and concentration, and the number of unique visitors went up a bit, but not up to the 40+ a day that they were. Actually back in July, the two best days that this blog has seen unique visitors was written into stone: July 24th (94 unique visitors) and July 25th (130 unique visitors). As you can see in August, the number decreased about 1,000 visitors, causing the largest drop in visitors since the January to February incident. The number also decreased into September, having a lower amount than August.

Thankfully though, this month spiked at the last second just in a week's time, and hopefully we'll continue to see here at BFBv.2 these numbers. It's like it was a birthday present for me, as October 26th had 65 unique visitors and October 27th (my birthday) had 62 unique visitors. But it's thanks to you guys who read this blog and happen to stumble upon it, even if you come and go in a matter of seconds, that we here at BFBv.2 keep on striving to provide activity in this blog, and try to come up with new ways to enhance your viewing and reading pleasures. Thank you all.

In other news:
  • I'll be waking up at five in the morning tomorrow, or earlier, to go stand outside of Toys R' Us to preorder the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo Wii is my birthday present, as my parents informed me, but it is my duty to actually go and preorder it. Thankfully my brother-in-law and sister, your own Jenifer here at the blog, are going to go stand in line for the four hour wait for the store to open. This is my devotion to getting the Nintendo Wii. In the past on this blog I was always speaking about the Wii, and posted pictures of the controller when the news was already about a week old. However lately, my thought of the Wii vanished, even thought the release date was dawning upon me. By preordering the Wii, I should be guarenteed a console on or very close to the release day, and damn will I be a happy fellow. I'm still thinking of what games to purchase. My thoughts so far: Legend of Zelda and Madden '07.
  • In Runescape news: I'm currently fly-fishing in Shilo Village, trying to acheive 76 fishing. Currently my fishing is 73, and is only 60k-50k xp away from 74. I also have enough trout and salmon to get from around 72-73 cooking from my current level of 70. My current cooking goal is 80. My plans to raise it up after getting 76 fishing are undetermined, but it'll probably involve sweetcorn, potatoes, and tuna. If you want to fish with me or visit me, I'll be in World 27, Shilo Village for a while now.
Now for your daily dose of blog specials:

~Crossword Puzzle of the Day~

Runescape People n' Places

"Comment That Keyword!"

"n0valyfe blog"
"runescape blog n0valyfe"

Most of the unique visitors that I mentioned in the majority of this post came to this blog from this very keyword. Why is that? If you look up one of the above keywords in Google, you will find that Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 is either in the top three or four. The large demand for his blog is probably due to the fact that n0valyfe is in the Runescape news for two main reasons. For one, he passed off Zezima in the hiscores, taking the top spot. And for two, n0valyfe is quitting Runescape in the matter of a few days and is ready to take the real world on. I tried Googling keywords to find n0valyfe's blog, but could not find the site. Instead I found the blog through Runescape Escape, a forum that n0valyfe is a member of. Now for n0valyfe's blog:

N0valyfe's Blog

Pictures of the Day

It has just come to my attention (I wrote this blog throughout the day so I found out something new just a while ago) that there are only twenty Wii preorders at Toys R' Us tomorrow. This means that if we get at the store around six and there's 20+ people in line that we may as well turn around and go home. I'm just hoping that nobody knows of this event besides me, or that I'm one of the top five people in line. I'm also afraid of people cutting the line, being sneaky and getting the Wii before me even though they weren't in line, or some guy with a handgun walks up to me after I preorder ordering me to hand over the slip stating that I have preordered and am guarenteed a Wii. So many possibilites can occur, and with my luck I'll probably get a negative one.

Have a good one.

Friday, October 27, 2006

PlayTime with a Daily Blog Special

Hey fella's :) What a busyyy weeek! I am so happy to be relaxing right now, and typing up a blog. I was drifting off (almost into sleep :P) on the bus ride home this afternoon, as I was thinking about what I'd write about in the blog tonight. I like having a place to store my general thoughts, since hand writing them never lasted for me. Anyways, I have been spending the majority of my time living at school, haha. Last weekend I had to wake up early to take the PSATs (practice SAT test) at the high school and they went rather well for me. I left a number blank though, which is alright, plus it doesn't count for anything quite yet. I am curious to get them back sometime in December though. Then I stayed put at the school all day Saturday until 6PM for Drama. I am on Stage Crew and Costumes in helping with the fall production of "Flowers for Algernon". Saturday was the most fun I had at drama. My friend's mom brought up a tray of pizza, and my friends and I sat around in the Commons and ate, played soccer with a ball made from toilet paper and duct tape, and then did gymnastics xD I think it was really neat to hang out in the school after hours. Abby and I took a few walks(and runs) throughout the dark hall to speak privately. I always wanted to get a chance to skip, jump, and run full speed through those school hallways, and I got my wish :P Hehe.

Now for the drama part, once we got there we couldn't leave. The drama director woman really needs everyone's help, and so many people were way serious. The play was rehearsed every night I was there (I had to be there Sunday 12-6 again, then everyday after school until 8PM). Yes, dinner was even served to us at the school..haha it was weird but lots o' fun. Let's see..there was hot dogs Monday, Pizza Hut Tuesday, and McDonalds on Wednesday :P Anyways I was shocked at how seriously people acted. I mean, Sunday they split everyone up onto their designated sides&duties. Sadly, I got cut from Abby, and during the rehearsal people would yell at others to be quiet, and not open doors with lights on, etc etc and it wasn't even the real thing...I mean I know people wouldn't be like that during the real show lol but I was scared and simply made sure I did what I had too, haha -meep-. For stage crew, I am on the left side. There are certain flats that need to be moved on and off inbetween specific scenes that I am in charge of. It's not that bad. I don't do too much because I am on the stage crew side with two older boys who kind of take lead and do most of the stuff, lol. I can also be considered an extra in the play. We have costumes to wear that consist of being in black pants, black shoes, white top, and then a lab coat over it. That way when we have to go on stage, we will blend in and look like doctors which is a section of the play. Last night was the first play performance (the other two are Saturday night and Sunday afternoon). It went really nice last night. I was there until 10:30pm though. It was so exciting =) My friend's mother even had bought flower bouquets for her and I after the show, hehe so that was such a sweet surprise. (: I think being in Drama is really fun, and if it's just one week to spend so many hours at school, I can handle it. I needed to look into something, anythinggg :P I may look into the spring musical this year, too. =) I think I will miss Drama once it ends Sunday since I was getting so used to spending so much time at school, it feels weird coming home. I missed the computer &stuff ;P Plus I can study and do homework easier. It was difficult studying for big bio and spanish tests with a flashlight backstage. Thankfully, I got VERY lucky and both those tests were cancelled due to a teacher being absent and an assembly. =) I made some new friends being in Drama already too. Haha there is this one cool guy who is hilarious and Abby and I just love watching him be so great. Him and this one other person were being really funny one day..they were dancing like cheerleaders and acting up and saying some pretty funny lines that at the time were so funnyy! "Shriek it upPpPP!" and "Let's give everyone concussions, okay? okay!!" to name Abby and I's favorites (: Plus, I am socializing with many of my classmates I never even spoke with before during school, so it is nice to get to know some other people :P To sum this up, let's just say the drama club is very accepting xD

I think that is more than enough about my drama week for now. I am in such a blog mood right now. It feels so good to type! :P I have been away from my dino compy for too many days -hugglez it- xD okay..not really..but yah, hehe :P

Halloween is coming up, and so far the weather may improve for it which makes me happy as I'd really like to go (as a cowgirl!). My friends and I were invited to go with some others as Pirates, and part of me really wants to, but I can't since it is like tradition to go with my best friend Heather and brother Chase. They were invited too, but as I see it, they would rather it just be the three of us. :P Who knows though. -sighs- I have been feeling so down at times recently, for example, today I was this close to starting to cry at school. I can barely explain even why, I am happy&fine now but I was thinking to myself while reading more of this novel series I started called "The Clique" (pretty much about high school) that at times I am not sure I like high school so much. It's hard to explain to be honest with you..but I guess it can be difficult on a social level which is something I try SO hard not to care about but sheesh it changes people :P

This was such a week, I feel like there is so much more I could type for hours and hours :P I won't bore you though, don't worry. I will try ending now with my fresh and first Daily Blog Special debut! I knew about this for such a while, and am disappointed that I couldn't come up with anything more creative. I probably tried to think too hard and my brain died out. :P Anyways, I have decided to do something I want to call "Radically Random" ^.^ Every time I post an entry, I will add something random at the end. I had a list of choices for daily blog specials, and could not choose. If anything, the list just grew. Therefore (me being the bad decicion maker that I am) decided maybe I can have a little bit of everything. Maybe I want to post a funny/favorite icon, joke, or away message I like, survey or quiz I had taken, songs or song lyrics I wish to share, book reviews, runescape tales, instant message conversations I had with friends that were too good for words, or even an interesting story tale from my own life that happened that day. Whatever it may be, I could have the choice of whichever I desire. That way I could keep my daily blog special "fresh&funky" with something unpredictable each time I came around =) I hope this idea goes over smoothly && works out well. I am exctied and really happy Buddy Foote came up with this neat contest to have everyone who writes at this blog come up with something of their own daily. Fun fun. :) Before I post my first daily special, I'd like to wish my friend Steve "Happy Birthday!" one more time (:

//__Radically Random__\
Caitlin --
[adjective]: Like in nature to a kangaroo
How will you be defined in the dictionary? o.o

Monday, October 23, 2006

Daily Blog Special

In my previous entry I have stated a large number of homework and tests that I would probably be having this week, creating another stressful week -- the second in a row of them. Was I correct? Yes, and plus out of nowhere we have a biology test Thursday. Thankfully I have completed my English essay today, and I might even share it on here later on during the week after all essays are handed in and over with. I thought I did a good job on it and was actually pleased with it. That's a rare feeling that I have with my literary work. Mostly I look down upon my work, and in the end get great grades on them. Last year only did I begin apprechating the writing that I was doing. For an orginal lyric poem that I actually submitted on here called "A Weekend Home", I felt proud that I came up with, according to me, a grand piece of poetry. I handed the work in and discovered that I got an A- because it was overdone. I'm sorry if you don't like the steak cooked that way, but I do (actually I hate steak, but it's just a metaphor). Anyway, I have to thank Drake who read my essay and fixed some errors I had. So, thank you.

And now for your daily blog special:

Pictures of the Day

Have a good one.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Spanish, PSATs, and Life

The inactivity in this blog has been horrid the last six days as the members of this blog are busy with school, work, and life in general lately. I can pretty much say that as Caitlin has the same classes as me in school, Jenifer is related to me, and Chase, well, we accidentally left him in the Bermuda Triangle. What else can I say though? School has been a stress-producing enzyme the past week alone, and with the coming two weeks it should promise to increase and digest the cell that we function upon. Damn, that biology got to my head. Anyhow, school this past week was like the following:
  • Monday - Got Spanish skit assigned.
  • Tuesday - Craig came over to work on Spanish skit with me. It took seven hours to look up and translate plus just creating the skit in English alone.
  • Wednesday - Fixed errors in Spanish skit. I think we took a pop quiz this day, which I failed. Went over Carol's house with Craig, Kyle, and Darrin to do homework (math, English, and Spanish)
  • Thursday - Spanish teacher wasn't there -- hurray! But still, we had to practice the Spanish skit, which I typed up the night before, and study it. I already had my eight lines memorized from the night before, but practice makes perfect.
  • Friday - We did the skit and later received a 100 on it. Good, right? No! The teacher goes and accuses us of "punching in" the words on the computer and having the computer translate for us, as we had "a lot of grammar mistakes" and "things that we were never taught before". The two things, and the only two things, that we used to help Craig and I translate our skit was the yellow Spanish dictionary we have, and this audio CD that I bought back a long time ago at Sam's Club that had some Spanish restaurant translations in there. Oh yes, our skit was supposed to be a restaurant skit -- I forgot to mention.
The following week includes the following:
  • An essay called "Freedom's Challenge" is due for English on Friday. This essay also has to be recorded on a voice recorder.
  • Big, and I mean huge, Spanish test this week.
  • Computer test Wednesday and Thursday.
  • We'll probably get another Spanish project assigned, as we still have these upcoming assignments that she quickly mentioned in the past that we'll probably have to do: family tree, map of Spain/Mexico/South America, and Christmas cards.
  • Reflections is due in a following week after this one. This is for English.
  • Math homework probably everday.
  • Reading chapter two of a book in SAT Prep that we'll be taking a test on next Monday.
  • World cultures quiz on ancient China.
I think that summed about everything up, and I'm happy that I was able to type that up because I just realized that I really need to move my ass. That Spanish last week, that was accused of being wrongly done, clogged up my schedule for doing any of my favorite hobbies, like playing Runescape and playing catch with the football. Actually I haven't played Runescape since last weekend, and I haven't touched the game today yet, and probably won't. This may be a good thing because my addiction to Runescape just came to a hault all of a sudden, as I had no desire whatsoever to play it at all this week. If anything it may come to the point of (x.y) that I might only play Runescape once a week, like Caitlin, or just quit for a while all together. I realized that I have wasted too much of my life on a video game (about one year and five months) when I could have been advicing in my level of education by studying more and reading books. The one thing that I always question is why I did so good in school last year in the 9th grade, being first in the class, while playing Runescape a lot more than I did this year so far. Even if I had a lot of homework, I would come home from school and sit on the computer for a good hour playing Runescape and then get off and do homework and/or study. Was it the easy electives that I took last year compared to the harder ones of this year? Just maybe. Just maybe...

Even with all of this school work, I had to go to school early this chilly Saturday morning for not Saturday detention or anything of that matter, but for the PSATs. I'm not permitted to say any exact information about these standarized tests that will prepare you to take the SATs that count, but I shall make a general statement behind them. That is: it was the best guessing game I ever played. Honestly, I only knew exact answers for some of both the English, math, writing, and grammar questions of the test, but the others were just a guess, or I left them blank. With the two math sections combined, I left about 15 questions blank. Those that I left blank could've either earned me 15 points, or have made me lose 3 3/4 points if I had knew them or guessed on them. Well, that's actually a false statement because the grid problems for math are different, because if you get one wrong, you don't lose any points. Anyhow, the test isn't that easy unless you know vocabulary terms that you may have never seen before or have seen but don't know the different meanings of it, know everything about basic math, geometry, and algebra and how to apply these ways in problems that have weird wording, and can read extremely fast and interpret what you have read to the fullest when questioned about the selection you had read -- in a 25 minute limit too. Before this exam, I never realized how fast 25 minutes flew by. To prepare for the actual SATs, I'm going to start reading more in my spare time besides playing Runescape, try to go online and learn some math because math is the subject I have the most trouble with as I cannot logically think, and also buy some books and workbooks concerning different types of SAT questions. I don't know if I should be typing this to the public viewing, but thank God there was no essay on the PSAT test.

I'll be going bowling shortly with Darrin, Corey, Kyle, and the other guys (and the single girl Carol) so I'll be ending this blog entry in exactly three seconds., wait! I forgot about the blog special:

Picture of the Day

Have a good one.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Daily Blog Specials

Even though they haven't been too daily lately and I haven't been posting too much due to school and Runescape, I have the daily blog specials to put up today, mainly as to at least post an entry every once in a while. I haven't been too keen on thinking up things to write on the blog, and mostly when I find a good topic that would be interesting to talk about on here, it's mostly when I'm doing something or in a place far away from a computer -- for example, in school or in the shower. Strangely enough, I think the most in three places. These three places are in school, in the shower, and at night in bed when trying to fall asleep. In other times, my brain seems to just shut off and run away. In all of these cases besides school, I'm mostly relaxed, thus my brain can pump all thoughts through seriously and I can think logically. Like right now, the new surround sound in the living room we're redoing is blasting while my grandmother and mother are talking loudly and the dog's making noises by walking on the hardwood floor so I can't really concentrate right now and I have a minor headache, thus why you're only getting the daily blog specials, and here they are:

"Comment That Keyword!"

"what's a good pest control world in runescape"

Okay, where to start. Google is not the place to be asking for the current Pest Control world, and if you're using Google, I'm going to help you out right now. The best place to find out the current Pest Control world is by going on a specific Pest Control channel on a Runescape IRC server, such as SwiftIRC. To do this, download SwiftSwitch and use the IRC client on that, or hop onto Zybez's Tiko and use their Runescape client to hop into an IRC channel. Or, just get some program like mIRC to hop onto the channel. I'm not going to give any more specific directions unless I'm asked, but I'm just pointing anybody in need in the right direction. If you're trying to find the Pest Control world on forums or on Google, such as this poor fellow, then please, for your own sake and convience of time, use IRC.

Picture of the Day

Free Image Hosting at

I just quickly want to congraulate my grandmother, Rose, and my grandfather, Steve, on their 50th wedding anniversity that was on the 13th. Today we had a party at the Montdale Country Club for them and it was a very nice party, and I must say, cute in a way. More information might be provided by Jenifer because she went also to this party. Also a happy birthday to my grandfather as his birthday was also today. Let the coming years be good and filled with happiness and joy.

Have a good one.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Be Weird!

Heyy. Guess what I'm doing? Importing songs onto iTunes, which I mentioned makes my webpages load slow and therefore inspires me to type a blog up. =) I have three CDs to add, The Pussycat Dolls, Kelly Clarkson, and an old Good Charlotte CD. I am also sitting here waiting for some pizza to come along for dinner =P I find it hard to start this entry..uHhh..I can't really remember if I mentioned this or that last time and if pages were to load I'd check the blog to see what I wrote last time, lawlz. Okay I will just start anywhere then. fine this week. Did anything worth noting happen? Not that I recall.. :P Ew this is sounding so boring. Um. Moving on!

Last night it was pretty chilly, and I neglected to go to the home football game. I think I am finished with going to the games for this season though unless I end up going to the game this upcoming Friday which is unpredictable. ;-) Plus, it being cold out made it seem less appealing to stand out there for a few hours, aNd my friend Heather didn't want to go. I ended up spending the night at her house instead, which was a lot of fun ;D We didn't even go outside to the barn yesterday, we stayed inside the whole time. She got out blankets so we bundled up, and we sat on the living room carpet to draw, color, watch TV, and listen to music. It was great =P Then we turned on these fancy lights in Heather's room, and made a runway type thing lined with purple lights to walk through them. It was fun, and we tried to teach each other how to walk like models do, y'know on a runway, from what we've seen on television while playing older songs from bands such as N'Sync, the Backstreet Boys, and Britney Spears 'cause y'know what we decided that we don't care what other people think, and that if we want to listen to music that isn't considered "cool" anymore then we are going to do just that! =) Haha and so it was fun to act weird. I think everyone should show their weird-o side more than once a week xD It feels good!

I got to play Runescape one school night this week! Ya like no wai !! =) It was fun because how often do I get a school night where I not only finished my homework, and had no studying, but got to play about an hour of Runescape because I really had the time too!? Not often, let me tell you that :P Stephen made me sort of a Runescape to-do list. I really like it because now that I have set goals to try to accomplish, rather than aimless wandering which makes me quite bored, I am having a lot of fun playing it again (: See, before a few times I didn't know what I should do in that game, and just standing there thinking isn't having fun playing any game now is it? So thanks Steve, I plan on playing Runescape tonight too :] I am working on finishing the Goblin quest, and I am almost done with it. During this quest, I experienced a first. I had never attacked anything that was higher than Level 2, so these goblins being level 5 broke that which was fine because I mean I think I am more than strong enough to handle those, but still it was a first I thought I'd mention :P I noticed this week that I look forward to Saturday nights because it just ends up that Saturday nights are the nights I get to play Runescape =) Hmm y'know what? I haven't been on my previous favorite site, Neopets, in more than a month. I guess I really lost interest in that site, which 3 or 4 years ago I never would have dreamed was possible :P I don't know why I bothered to mention this, but I did.

I won't drag this entry on any longer because my importing songs has completed and this Good Charlotte CD is amazing!! =)
TTFN ;) *

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ain't Love Grand???

Being in love is the best feeling in the world and I am so glad that I finally found the one that I fell in love with. Some people go through life and they may love someone, but not be "IN LOVE". My husband & I are soulmates and the loves of each other's lives. When my husband & I started dating people doubted us and said that we would never make it and never become husband & wife. I am proud that we showed them and proved them all wrong. My husband & I have been together for almost 4 years and as time goes by our love continues to grow stronger and stronger. It's so amazing when you have such a strong bond and connection with someone. It's almost unbelieveable that two people of the opposite sex can be so much alike and have so much in common. When (and if) you find that special someone and fall "IN LOVE", hold onto it , because chances are it's once in a lifetime.

"Love is not about finding the one you can live with, it's about finding the one you can't live without"

Monday, October 09, 2006

On My Own

Hi, this is Caitlin, again for another post within two days! Miracle, eh? :] I am currently eating a chocolate poptart. It's pretty tasty in case you were wondering =P

I played Runescape the past two nights! I completed two quests, all on my own. The other two quests I had done with Steve guiding me, but this time was different. I really liked doing them, it was a lot of fun! For one, I learned my way around much better because I tried hard not to use a map unless I was really stuck. I did the Romeo and Juliet quest first, since that was one I really wanted to do. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it'd be, haha and I couldn't find the specific berries for a very long time, but finished it anyways. Then I did a quest called 'Witch's Potion' after that one. I got done with this one rather quickly, and I used a cooking range for the first time, on my own anyways. I needed a burnt piece of meat, and after I got some raw meat I realized a bank was far away to try retrieving my tinderbox and logs from, so I noticed on my mini-map a cooking pot icon next to the witch's house. I went in there and was able to overcook the meat. :] I am so proud of myself. I am getting better at this, tehe ^^

Now I was scanning someone's blog, and found something neat (one of those random blog to blog sharing surveys/games/etc kinda things) and I want to put up because these things can be fun. (:

1. Put your birth month in an entry.
2. Cross out/italicize anything that you don't tend to think of yourself.
3. Bold the ones that you think best apply to you, as well as the name of the month you were born in.
4. Keep the other eleven for those who want to use this.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but those not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and softspoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotion. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive.Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance.Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable.Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praise. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

-- Caitlin (:

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I don't wanna grow up......

Hello :-) it's Jenifer and I find myself very bored again and I think that I really need to find myself an adult extracurricular activity (whatever that is). I have been doing alot of thinking the past few days about growing up and entering the "real" world (which actually I have been in for the past 6 years). Everyone thinks that it's so easy being on your own and paying your own bills, they think that it's a big party and that you won't have to listen to your parent's rules anymore and all that. I am just going to give you all some advice, it's not a party (at all). Living on your own does have it's up and downs and I think that it has more down's then up's. I mean sure you don't have to be told what time to go to bed, what time to come home, or in general what you can and can't do. What happenes though when you have 5 bills or more in one month and not enough money to pay for them??? Who do you call then??? I have been living on my own (well with my husband) and sometimes times do get tough, but we always manage to get through. As the Beatles say.... Money can't buy love, but I honestly feel that love can buy things..... if that makes any sense, I think that love gets you through alot in life. I am 25 years old now and to be honest I don't think that I am really ever going to grow up. In some senses yes, but I will always be a kid at heart. Just thought that I would post another quick blog, so nowI will leave you with the quote of the day..... "Friends are the siblings that god forgot to give us".....

Bored......Just Bored

Well as my lovely younger brother informed everyone, I often find myself bored , with nothing to do or nowhere to go, so it brings me to this..... TIME to post a blog. As I already said I am honored to be the newest member of this blog and I would just like to say thank you again for having me. As far as my life has been going, it's actually been kind of BORING..... I have been working so much (to much) that all I want to do when I get home is sleep. My husband & I do things on the weekend sometimes, but as I he is always tired as well. We both work @ the same place, so spending time together during the week is usually at work. This past weekend we were at a friends house from about 8 p.m. on Friday night until 11:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, all that I could say it what a night..... it was a fun time though and it was a chance to get together with some old friends that we haven't seen in what seems like forever. It's always fun to sit and reminise with old friends. Other than that my husband had to work yesterday @ the Flea Market in the old Sugerman's building and when he got home (at 4p.m.) we both went to sleep and slept til 8 a.m. this morning. We really needed to catch up on the sleep that we missed being out so late (early) ...whatever. Just thought that I would put a quick post up , as we are leaving our freezing cold apartment now to go for breakfast, so I will put another post up later with the "Quote of the day in there"

til next time.....

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Zezima Hunted

It has been a fact for the longest of time that the majority of the Runescape population is obsessed with Zezima, whether it be because he's number one in the game, they worship him because of his levels and supposed wealth, or they like to ruin his day, harassing him, calling him names, and trying to show him the negative side of Runescape, that Zezima probably knows all too well. Zezima is the only person in Runescape outside of my friends that I'll ever feel bad for (and of course the passing away of The Old Nite) as he can't even enjoy and play the game that he has mastered because once somebody finds him, the cat is let out of the bad. This means that word spreads fast, and within minutes people will be flocking around Runescape and Spam Fest '06 will begin. And that is what happened to me today.

Today, in Runescape, was like any other ordinary day. Log in and resume leveling up the skill I was currently working on is my regular routine, and I normally hate to break it. In the past I broke it by going on trips to f2p, but I have greatly cut down on the trips there because I want to see my goals getting acheived faster. My next planned trip to f2p is whenever I hit 100 combat and purchase dragon legs. Anyway, I went off-track a bit. Currently I am training one of my favorite skills, farming. Today I was showing Dante how to farm in a more effective way, as he obtained 25 farming just by planting potatoes, which I can tell would be very long and tedious. After showing him my tips and tricks, we parted afterwards and later on he was cutting magic trees again and I resumed farming. I was picking my irit herbs when I just walked past the guards at the south enterance to Falador heading toward the full farm just to the east when I noticed that Zezima had his private chat on as he showed up on my friends list. I thought that Zezima might've been throwing another house party being that his private was on, so I told Dante to go to the world he was on, Worlf 48, and to join me at the house portal at Rimmington. I wouldn't have bothered to go, however, if I wasn't nearby. So I switched worlds, which took a while because World 48 was full, and heading toward the Rimmington portal.

To my surprise, Zezima wasn't holding a party. I got to the portal and entered Zezima's name but the message box stated that the owner was not home. I then just stood reading what everybody was typing about Zezima when Dante, who finally got onto World 48 with me, private messenged me saying that he saw Zezima near the bank in western Falador. I ran up to the bank, using the under-the-wall agility shortcut, and looked around. I didn't see Zezima anywhere. Then I noticed a green dot outside of the bank on the right of it. Thinking it was Dante, I ran out to meet him. To my surprise though, that green dot was none other than Zezima. I just stood there next to Zezima as everybody crowded around and started to spam the screen. Zezima then walked into the bank to the bank teller, and shortly after disapeared, teleporting somewhere. I then went back to picking my irits when Dante said this huge line, of about 200+ people, were marching around looking for Zezima. Too bad I was in the Canfsis area at the time at that full farm, as when I teled to Falador the huge line was gone. I then went to Pest Control, Edgeville, and East Ardounge to look around, but Zezima wasn't anywhere, and then he started to fool with us switching worlds. Everybody in the world was hunting Zezima, a whole 2,000 people wanting to see the number one player. Poor Zezima, I honestly feel bad for him.

At least I got 45 farming so far -- only five more levels to my goal.

Anyhow, here are some pictures of this event I was stuck up in today:

Pictures of Zezima:

Other Pictures:

And I shall now end this entry with the daily blog specials. But before that: if you're interested, check out this video of Zezima's wedding to his real life lover Eli. A Runescape wedding that was as formal as it gets in this game.

"Comment That Keyword!"

"i can't play runescape at school because of runescape"

Y'know, I sometimes have the same problem as this keyworder. Somedays I wake up in the morning and I just can't play Runescape because of Runescape. I can play Runescape with a headache, with no power, outside, and while hunting but I just can't play Runescape because of Runescape. Like, Runescape is the only problem I'll ever have in Runescape. Runescape just sucks when I want to play Runescape, because Runescape gets in the way. I hate having a Runescape, I hate being at Runescape, and I hate Runescaping with a gun. My school has a Runescape too where I can't play Runescape, and it Runescaping stinks. Like geez, I'll just never play Runescape again if Runescape doesn't go away first, but I love Runescape, even though Runescape gets in the way of Runescape. And sometimes Runescape blocks Runescape with a Runescape firewall. Man, I give up.

Note: This keyword was probably cut off, as long keywords in my blog stats only show the first half of the keyword, so there was probably more logical stuff to this keyword, but y' know, I had to poke fun at the half that was showing.

Picture of the Day

Have a Runescaping day.

Hello Goodbye

Hello there =) I had a real nice day today, and since I am importing music onto iTunes (the bands HelloGoodbye and Plain White T's) I love writing blogs when I am listening to music. Plus when you import, webpages load much slower and it agitates me so opening a notepad to type is more relaxing. I stayed after school yesterday for drama with my friends Ashley and Abby to work on deciding what costumes need to be worn in the school play. I think we are kind of behind, therefore Abby and I went over Ashley's house Friday night to work more on this project. Abby and I were being ridiculously silly. I mean, when we walked on her bus we felt like we were 'being kidnapped' and her bus was awesome. I wish mine was that cool. They play good music, it's covered with magnets, has paper towels, and a real sweet bus driver. Haha. Then it just got better from there. Abby and I couldn't get over Ashley's nice house, and we just kept pointing out all the little things we loved about it =P Yeah, pretty weird us girls, but it was fun. We had to babysit a couple youngins' at first, then worked on drama, ate a long time, ate some more for a long time, painted our nails, then went home. We kind of gave up the drama work which I knew would happen. xD ..but what can you do, y'know?

As Steve mentioned, he is sick and I was asked to get his missed work together Friday, which I had no problem doing so Steve you are very welcome, and I know I say this a lot but I still hope you'll get well soon! =) -nods-

Today I went out all day, and that felt good because my house can be freezing cold and I wanted fresh air =P I went for a long, brisk walk at a park, went to the library, out to eat, then shopping with my mother. I checked out two books I saw/heard are pretty good, and were popular sellers I wanted to check out. I think one is called "The Clique" and it's the first in a series I may read, and the other has a funny title called "The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things" =P I'll let you know what I think about them [; I also looked into finding information on volunteering at the library! I was pleased to learn they do take volunteers, because I was informed I need to do 20 or 25 hours of volunteering to join my school's National Honor Society sometime in May. They gave me a paper and told me some things, and I said I'll get back to them if I am interested. I want to find something I can do like every Saturday for so many hours, rather than after school. I may check out another library to see what they offer me (all the libraries are different depending on what they need) so we'll see what happens.

I am going to try to write another blog or two this weekend, depending on how things go, haha. I have a lot I need to get done...I think xP Maybe tomorrow I can write about Runescape because I hope to play some tonight. =) After or before I watch the season premiere of "Little People, Big World" which if you watched last year would agree it's a cute show (: Oh! If anyone has any really good halloween costume ideas, let me know. I need a new idea for what I should dress up as..hmMm =P Well, Goodbye * ; )

Friday, October 06, 2006

Stuck Home Sick

The time now: 9:34 A.M. Where am I on this Friday morning, a school day: at home. And no, I am not skipping school or anything of that sort. I actually hate missing school as it's very tedious to catch up the next day you go back as new notes were given, a project assigned, etc. Thankfully Caitlin, who is in every single class that I have this year, is getting the missed assignments from today and shipping them to my house using Craig. Thanks to both of them. Yes, right now Caitlin is sitting in Spanish with Doud, Chase is in his class, and Jenifer, the newest and last member to the blog, is doing whatever she does at 9:30 in the morning, such as either sleeping or working, and I'm sitting here writing a blog entry in WordPad because some guys are downstairs installing Adam's Cable Internet, which runs up to 5 MB a second. Oh yes, I forgot to mention why I'm not in school right now showing Doud my Spanish menu rough draft that I didn't do because I am sick. I have strip throat, and it highly sucks because for one I have a hard time swallowing; for two I have some post nasal drip going on and an ear ache; for three I have a tiny toothache; and for four, I'm starving right now and I cannot eat just anything as I have difficulty swallowing -- even a cold glass of water hurts to swallow. It honestly feels like there's razor blades and a big lump in my throat.

I had this actually for the last two days -- days that I went to school. Yesterday after coming home, I had difficulty swallowing some grape juice that my mother handed to me, so my father took me to my doctor in Carbondale. At the doctor's, my doctor had a medical student there with her (she always seems to have a different student almost everytime I go there) that was freaking excited because I had strip throat. The doctor, just my looking in the back of my throat, confirmed by the strawberry-redness in my throat that it was strip, but the damn medical student wanted to give me a throat culture outside of the hospital anyway for practice. There was no frecking reason to get a culture if the doctor confirmed that I had strip, but she said that I had good medical insurance so if anything happened, it wouldn't matter. Well f*** her! The student gave me the culture, causing my throat to hurt 2x more, and we had to go to the hospital in Carbondale still to give the culture to the lab there -- even though the doctor knew as a downright fact that I had strip. That doctor is a quack, and I refuse to go to her anymore. My father is thinking of changing my doctor to the doctor who he just built the office for behind Pine Line on the Scranton-Carbondale Highway, Route 6. Any doctor would be better than the f-ed up doctor I go to. And she'd just corrupting every medical student who goes to her.

I haven't posted an entry since about September 24th as I have been, formerly, on an unannounced hitaus from the blog, even though I was always thinking about the blog. To cure the inactivity on the blog that I was causing, I knew that I needed yet another member to BFBv.2 to help keep the number of posts go up. Caitlin and I were both tied up in the massive amount of school work getting thrown at us, and Chase was too, according to Caitlin, on a small hitaus, which is perfectly fine with me. The thought of my sister, Jenifer, to join the blog popped into my head off the bat, because by having Jenifer join, the blog would be updated more often having four members than three who were always busy in the real world (and -cough- Runescape). I knew Jenifer would be perfect as she loves to write and always seems to be bored, so I thought that by having her join, she can enjoy herself by writing on this blog having others on it too, and would solve her boredom problem. By having Jen join, it makes the blog unique in a way. How? This blog sort of turns into a brother-sister blog. Chase-Caitlin are brother and sister, and Jenifer and I are brother and sister. This adds a new dimension on the blog and maybe even the blogging community, and I hope that the four of us will always blog until we're old and Windows 2070 comes out. Thank you very much for joining the BFBv.2 family Jen.

As for the 'daily blog special' contest that has been announced on this blog, it has been pushed back twenty days from its old seadline of October 7th to my birthday, October 27th. I did this for Jen's convience, but if you can't already tell, she did her first blog special from Day One, with her "Quote of the Day". Therefore, Jen's already set for the deadline, but I'm very curious to see what Caitlin and Chase might pull off. Good luck guys.

And like almost every blog entry I put onto the grocery shelf, I need to have an update of my Runescape life on here. I really don't have anything worth mentioning besides that I mined 5.2k pure essence and now I have begun runecrafting those into nature runes. My goal currently is to get 54 runecrafting for the option of crafting laws, and right now I'm only about 6k exp away from 53 runecrafting. Right now I have 4k+ natures in my bank, and still a little over 2k essence left. When I'm all done, I'll have 6.2k nature runes, and if I made 6.2k yew longs, I'd make about 4.7 million gp on top of the 900k I have in my bank now. With that much money, I'd probably buy dragon legs and a dragon woodcutting axe. And een with those bought, I'd still have a little over a million gp. I have actually wrote up a master Runescape plan for myself that will keep me busy. The plan has three different steps, but right off the bat I can only remember the first two. I don't have to complete the steps in any particular order with the goals I have set within the steps though. I'll just quickly share this plan with you.

Current goal: 54 rcing.

1st Step)
-50 farming
-50 herblore

2nd Step)
-65+ slayer
-100 combat
-80 cooking
-76 fishing

And in Runescape news, N0valyfe is quitting Runescape. For more information, check out the events board on Runescape Comunity.

And that is all I have for you today. Have yourself a good one, and don't get strip throat -- it's horrible.

Picture of the Day

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Do I Need a Title?

Hey Howdy Hey. (: It's Caitlin. Umhmyah. I'm listening to a weird song,
actually it's really good :P It's called "Lying is the most fun a girl can
have without taking her clothes off" by Panic! At The Disco. I like this
band, they rock. I never liked that song though..until two weekends ago
when I gave it one more chance to be added to my playlist. Okie Dokie!
Enough about that. I just like to start entries off really strange, in hopes
of it grabbing people's attention. ^_^

I went to the football game last Friday night! Yay, it was so much fun. =)
I found a duck beak on the ground, burnt my tongue, did ballet in front of
the scoreboard, showed off my shoes, and yelled 'Lakeland's better!' over
on the opposing school's bleacher side while they all gave the meanest
looks at my friends and I all the while yelling much worse statements
back. Pretty fun ^^ Oh and my school won too! =D I'm real happy I got to

On Saturday, I didn't do anything interesting. I worked on my English
homework a lot, and then got barely an hour of Runescape time in. I
wanted to play Runescape longer, but I was so tired. I really am hoping
to have a free night or so after school this week so I can log in and play! I
am using my free time tonight to write a blog rather than play Runescape
though, since I half started this entry a few days ago and wanted to
finish it :P

It's so nice having a moment to breathe on a school night! Sometimes I
just feel so busy with homework, studying, and other stuff on top of that
it makes me stressed and I go nuts but now I can just relax and wow it
feels good, haha. I am staying after school tomorrow for Drama again. I
am on the costume comittee and the stage crew. I need to meet
tomorrow with the costumes group. That should be fun! As the end of
October comes around, I am going to be going to drama a whole lot. The
play, Flowers for Algernon, is being performed the 26th, 28th and 29th
and I need to be there for all those play times backstage. Plus the entire
week of days before that is called 'tech week' which is where I need to
stay after school everyday for a long time, plus the previous Saturday
and Sunday afternoons. I am looking forward to it though, I mean it is
something to do right? (:

Other than that, we had a short assembly this week concerning taking
the PSAT (practice SAT type-of-test). It is encouraged we take it, so I
paid my 15 dollars for that because I believe it would be something real
beneficial for me to look into. I have to be at the school 7:45 on a
Saturday morning in 2 weeks though to take it. xD

I feel like I have a whole lot going on right now this month. It's weird, but
good I guess =P This upcoming 3-day weekend is going to be nice to
have. Wow this entry is getting really boring now. Much like the songs
playing on my computer now. I popped in the CD of this band "Better
Than Ezra" and it is all plain, relaxing, soft songs. I mean a violin is
heard now! Haha, I guess I am in the mood for something more upbeat
and rocky. I don't like this band very much, eh, I don't know why -shrugs-
o.o -puts on that panic at the disco song again-

Nobody is online to chat with either. Haha I am getting bored. I think I'll
go read this book called "Dreamland" that I started but didn't get that far
in yet. One more thing -- welcome to this ggrreeaatt blog Jenifer ;D

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's NOT what you know, it's WHO you know....'s Jenifer... Today I came to the conclusion today that in life it's not what you know, but whom..... I knew this for some time now, but I didn't really realize it until I started working at my new job several months ago. I am currently employed @ a warehouse (as I stated in my previous post) and our bosses mother, boyfriend and daughter are all employees there. Her mother thinks that she's a boss and could tell people what to do, same with her boyfriend and her daughter does computer work. I have been trying to get an office job for some time now ( and I am actually learning how to do things on the computer there now), but the point is that there is so much favortism in that place that it makes me sick. I could type approximatley 200 wpm , as her daughter has to sit there and look @ the keys while she types, it really annoys me. She only has that job (easy) because like I said her mother is the boss. Everyday I am forced to bite my tongue if one of them tell me to do something (even though I technically don't have to listen to them), but I do because I don't want to (and can't afford to) lose my job. In ending I would just like to say that life is so unfair sometimes, but most of the time you just have to grin and ignore it and go on like normal. So in ending I would just like to say to everyone that you should get your education while you can, study hard and go to college. Even though I do have skills that I could (and want to use) I am still forced to be just an average everyday, 40 hour a week worker....

"QUOTE" Of The Day....
"When the world gets dark, friends are the batteries in your flashlight"

Monday, October 02, 2006

Newest Member

Hello everyone, it's Jenifer and I am the newest member to Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 .... Since some of you that may read this blog on a daily basis don't know me allow me to introduce myself. As I said my name is Jenifer I am 25 years old and I am Buddy Foote's older sister. I have the most amazing husband that I have been married to for almost 2 years now. We live in a spacious apartment above a pizza shop and we have 2 kitties (Buster -4 & Cuddles-8 weeks). I have the best and most supportive family, husband and friends. I am currently a warehouse worker and I love it. I know it kind of sounds strange for a girl to love working in a warehouse, but I am not afraid to get dirty....haha.... This may not be the most exciting post in the world, but I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone......

"Take it easy and if it ain't easy , don't take it"