Pssh oh yeah right. I gots yooh! =P And that just sounds oh so believable of a good girl like me. Haha, just kidding. I am home though, but in no way am I skipping school unless everyone lied to me and we really only had a delay rather than a fantastic snow day! -giggles- I woke up at 6am, tore my eyelids open, and stared at the bottom of the TV screen from the W's to the C's before the channel was changed and we got lucky and bam it was on Lake Lehem which only means my school comes next. Then I saw in big, fat, bold, juicy white computer font CLOSED. Then I smiled this huge smile, as the majority of other schools were only given a delay. Once the TV was turned off, I slept until ten, but not a good sleep because I couldn't fall back asleep so it was more of a restless lay. Haha xD
Hm..and right now I am wearing this New York Giants sweatshirt and everyone is laughing at me as I go around saying they are the best team ever, sarcastically, as I know nothing of football except this sweatshirt is warm and my family likes the Eagles. Pointless paragraph, eh? =P
Okay, in all seriousness I am happy we were given the day off today because I plan on playing Runescape, writing this very entry, and straightening my hair, which I didn't have time to do yesterday although wanted to have accomplished before I went back to school. =P I had an excellent weekend. I did end up going to the library to volunteer Saturday afternoon and had a blast. I always have so much fun going, and really enjoy spending a few hours there. (: I was a little nervous walking in at first because I hadn't been there in what felt like so long that I feared they'd, I don't know, give me this look like "ew so you're the girl who somewhat quit and now thinks she can walk on back in here." But, y'know, that was all in my mind because I am one big walking worry-wart. It turned out, when I went to the desk and said hello to my favorite librarian she welcomed me with open arms, saying she missed me and was wondering what had happened to me. I explained my reasoning, which wasn't excuses, but the truth. I got sick after the holidays and then had nobody willing to give me a ride. I wanted to go last week, but due to the snow storm had to prolong my time even farther. She said the library here is "very forgiving" and I was able to settle right back into things again. This made me all very much at ease allowing me to feel relaxed and enjoy the afternoon stacking books, magazines, cds, dvds, and talking books back on their designated shelves in alphabetical order. Then I ran into Mark, the young man who I had started to become friends with last time. He works there, so I figured I'd see him around. Again I asked him his age, and he told me he is fourteen, almost fifteen after I explained how I just turned sixteen last month. I can't get over that kid's age, haha, even he agreed with me that he looks at least seventeen, and then, he even agreed that I look fourteen or something. Well, sheesh, thanks for the boost of confidence. Haha, just joking, I know I look twelve or something, but what can I do. =P I don't want to be, act, or dress older if that's not who I am.
Anyhow, he took me back to the mini kitchen in the staff room I guess, where he wanted to heat up this salsa the librarian had homemade and brought in. I don't really like that kind of food, and I always refuse it at home. Long story, so I just ate tortilla chips while Mark made funny faces eating that salsa. xP Then I was told to go upstairs as I had a fun little project to do. The librarian had Mark come up with me and explain that I was to decorate the front desk in the children's section of the library with red paper and Dr. Seuss decor. I was a little nervous because this was a new task for me. I had fun doing it though! =) I love decorating and at home I always vision things in my mind how "picture perfect" I would like such and such decorations to look. I took the red construction paper and taped it to cover the bottom of the front desk. Then I taped the book pictures in a pattern across the top, stuck Dr. Seuss in the middle, Thing 1 and Thing 2 on the side with two young children staring in awe at him, and then a clock and toy ball on the right hand side, to create a little scene in a way. I thought it came out bad, and I kept telling Mark that it's stinky and that I wasn't sure what to do with this little bulgy space left over, since it bothered me a little. Mark ended up calling the librarian upstairs, so I was standing there a little nervous again (I get nervous all the time, it's nuts) waiting for her to tell me what she thought of it. What a relief!! She stepped out of the elevator and exclaimed "Oh my gawsh! It's fantastic! That is exactly how I wanted it to look! I love it! I love it!" =D Oh, how happy I felt! I did something right, and was being praised for it, hehe, it made me feel really good that she liked it (= Once she left Mark and I started decorating the doors a little bit but then he had to go and I had to go soon too so I told him he couldn't just leave me hanging like this and I was able to stop too and check out books the remainder of the time. When I was downstairs picking out a CD (found James Blunt's by the way!) the same librarian called me into her little office- typed room as she was sitting at her desk. It reminded me of one of those scenes you may see on a TV business show, where the boss is in their office and calls one of their employees in to speak "privately." I tiptoped in all shy and timid with a polite smile on my face, as I wasn't sure why she wanted me to come here. She started telling me that I was the first person ever, first ever, to actually nail a job exactly the way she wanted it. With the decorating of her desk, she had envisioned it a certain way she wished it to look, and without having told me she was surprised at how I, especially for a volunteer, apparently got it the exact way she imagined liking it in her mind and therefore she was so thankful and really pleased about it. =) I was beaming, and kept saying "aw thank you, I'm so happy you like it" =] That made the day much more wonderful, and it felt good to be back. After she thanked me for doing a job well done, she told me about why we were decorating for Dr. Seuss. This Friday after school, from 4-5, there's going to be a little Dr. Seuss birthday party for children of all ages to attend for free as long as they have their library card. She went on to describe the adorable little games to be played then, like pin the green eggs on the ham. Haha =P Plus there will be birthday cake. ^^ She wanted to know if I can come, and maybe help out. It looks like I will be able to go, so that's something cute&fun to look forward too. =)
Well, my fingers are starting to hurt a little bit after typing this much so I think I'll stop and save anything else I wanted to say for another time. =] I am going to continue with sharing more random facts about myself for the daily blog special. I wanted to have a total of 50 facts when I was done, and I've shared 30 so far. Have a nice day<'3
Radically Random...
1) I like to sleep in. Period(=
2) I keep a calendar in my room and mark it everyday in a pink or purple X at the end of each day, writing any notes of events as they occur.
3) My favorite school subject is English.
4) I think I have very little common sense.
5) I own an iPod and a laptop. I don't care to be in love with a cellphone like every other teenager, so I don't have one. =P
6) I like girly things, but I also have a tomboy side too. I think I'm a bit of both. (;
7) I have never gone to a live concert before, but I would like to someday.
8) I have shot a gun quite a few times before, but could never be a hunter myself, although I do respect those that hunt and understand why it's a sport.
9) I love the outdoors and nature. It's so pretty and makes me feel really good. The city is exciting from time to time, but if I had to chose, I want to live in the country forever.
10) It really bothers me if a friend is mad at me. It really bugs me, and I do anything I can to fix things immediately.