Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wake up Blog!

Hey hey hey. Caitalindae to the rescue. I kept checking the blog in my free time over this very busy weekend and was sad to see no new posts so even though I don't have much time I want to save the blog from being in a major rut of having no new entries in a week. ;) In a sense, I am here to awake the blog&bloggers for that matter, tehe. Well, I didn't spend too much time on the computer this weekend because I had a lot going on. I had some school assignments to keep up with, and then my brother's birthday was today. =] I wish he'd post..I bet half of you don't even know who Chase is because he shows his face so rarely on this here blog. :P Oh well, you can't say I haven't tried to get him more active! x)

I have some really good news! About a month ago I had filled out my sheet to be considered for my school's National Honor Society (for those unaware of what this is, it's a nice extracurricular club type of thing..that runs fundraisers or other events of some sort I think..and it looks good for college) :P Ever since 7th grade and attending the induction ceremony every year I hoped to join the NHS. Many teachers had to evaluate our papers and character, leadership, service, and scholarship skills, awarding us points for each. If we totalled 160 or more we automatically got in. Well, just this Friday they gave the envelopes out to everyone either saying "Congratulations!" or "We're sorry to say.." I guess by me starting this paragraph with "I have some really good news!" eludes to the fact that yes, I was one of the lucky few to be accepted!! =D I was rather excited and look forward to getting more invovled in whatever things I might do as a member of the NHS. Both my parents were really proud of me, you could tell, which made me feel even better. ^^ On May 15th there will be an in-school induction ceremony (the one I've watched every year since 7th grade) and an after-school banquet. I am using this as an excuse to dress up a little and buy a new outfit. I already got this pleated black skirt that I adore. =) Anyways, that was a great end to my school week.

Tuesday night I went over to my friend Heather's house for her family birthday dinner party. It's become tradition and I am invited every year. Her family is very sweet, and the homemade lasagna was delicious and I nearly engulfed the cake because it was sooo good. Haha =P Heather got this super cute halter top camo bikini that I am very jealous of! Hehe she tried it on and I was like "man...I want that bikini!" Lol, my mother said that if I have my sweet 16 pool party this summer I can buy a halter top bikini since "I'll just need tooo!!" Hehe those are cuuuuteeee. Plus more teenager-ish looking. ;] (hott!) She also got some cute bracelets, an antique necklace from her grandmother, a jean purse, &a huge stuffed bear. I gave her two pairs of earrings and bracelets because she is addicted to wearing them. =) She seemed to like everything very well.

I felt buried in school assignments this weekend. I had some World Cultures outline, some Spanish project, and some massive English assignment &test for Monday. Most of my classmates I know for a fact will not touch the English assignment left by the sub and I too even doubt it was homework or anything, actually I probably know it wasn't. I worked on it though as it helped me review some of the short stories we've read. However, I don't know how to study for this test because how do I know what the correct themes and epiphanies are? :P -shrugs-

I've just completely rambled on about some useless information and it made a nice sized blog entry for ya'll. I wasn't going to write at all this weekend because I had other things to do, but seeing the blog so empty made me sad! I hope this entry counts for something though, just a little update how 'bout? Hey and visit the forum everyone please! Steve spent all that time spam-cleaning it and then we replied and started a few new topics last week. I feel bad when it remains kind of quiet on that page...I think it's fun..why shouldn't you? ;]

Radically Random...

This is very random. This weekend I was looking for hairstyles on the computer :P Lol I am developing the courage to consider getting a haircut of some sort (aside from my typical trim). I feel now I'm at the age where I need to try different styles and see what looks cute and not, a girl's gotta feel young&fresh. (hah..but i'm such an ugly duckling at heart -quacks- :P ) I've been talking to my mom about maybe getting bangs again, but kind of to the side a little, since I feel my forehead is really wide (my friend's even told me it was). And I desperately need a new hair product to calm my natural curls. I figure it can't hurt to try to cut bangs on me and keep them straightened so they won't be curly puffs like they were in first grade y'know? Below is the link to the one hairstyle I liked a whole lot. Is it possible? I'm not sure, but if it is I really like it. xD

Have a good week! <3

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Hey, is anybody lonely out there tonight? If you are, reading a blog is always good to pass the time. :P Friends might work too, oh those friends, you gotta love them huh? I'm not neccessarily lonely or friendless tonight though, I guess I wanted to try a spiffy attention grabber. Speaking of 'grabbers', I am not sure I like the grabber I chose for my world cultures paper. In fact, after this blog I might be so "lonely" that I'm going to work some on my outline for that particular upcoming paper. Hah, I don't know. I have trouble starting blog entries sometimes. I enjoy jumping all over the place and saying this and that about my days.

Well, I last wrote last weekend. I wish I had written more than once between then and now, but guess what? I didn't. xD Don't worry, I'll try again this week. I think Steve previously mentioned about us getting a snowstorm Monday and having no school. Today it was in the 70s and seeing any snow left was a rarity. Weird, eh? Makes me think just a little about the whole global warming topic with how we can get a foot of snow Monday and by Friday it be warm enough to go swimming. The sound of swimming might sound a bit absurd but according to my friend she saw some neighbors in their backyard pools taking a dip, so I suppose people were hot enough to go swimming this afternoon. :P

I keep flip-flopping my mind over whether or not I want to purchase a class ring for high school. At first I didn't want one, then I really did (had even started to fill out the sheet), but then I changed my mind. As of now I "don't want one" and only have until Monday maybe to make up my mind. Some of the rings are nice, but those are expensive and even though my parents are willing (in some way) to pay for it I wouldn't be that greedy. The rings that are reasonable I like as well, but I don't really want one. I'm not crazy about them, and I figure how often would I really wear it? I use my hands constantly and wear rings less and less. Actually, cheap thumb rings are my favorite and I used to wear one everyday, everywhere, but if I got a class ring I'd be scared of losing or ruining it if I wore it all the time and I don't see the point I guess. They're nice for some people, but I'm not sure it's for me. Plus, once I go off to college I probably would grow out of it. :P The only thing that keeps me from officially deciding yes or no is "will I regret not getting one when I had the chance?" I think not, because a cheap, fake plastic ring would make me so much happier actually. =)

After school Wednesday I went shopping with my mom. Boy, that was a good day. I'd tell you all what extremely nice special item we purchased but I want to keep it a secret until the time is right. ;) Thinking about it now, all secretive, makes me smile. =) Yesterday was another warm day, and my father put the swing up in the yard. I sat outside for awhile eating popcorn and listening to music after I went out to the library to get three large novels. When I got home from school my dad mentioned he was going out and I knew the library was that way and y'know, I bet my mouth could've drooled I was craving a juicy novel that bad. It'd been about two weeks maybe since I finished "Prep", an outstanding story I almost started to read twice I was that attached to it, and so I really wanted some more books to read. I love that I am addicted to reading sometimes. It's such a healthy habit, wouldn't you think? Well, I am happy I have books now because nice weather + porch swing + teenage novel = a happy reader. I started the book "Catalyst" this morning. It's about a senior girl in high school, whose a straight-A math&science geek, ranked third in her class, and right now she is scared she won't get accepted into the one and only college she applied to. That brief introduction probably made the story out as boring but it's much better than that, trust me. (;

I've been saving mentioning today until last because I want to tell about my day with some of my best girlyfriendz. ;]<33 Despite having a sniffly cold, I had a good start to my weekend. About a month or maybe more ago, my friend Lauren and I promised each other that since it didn't look like we were going to get to go to the school's semi-formal dance, then the Saturday that it fell on (today), we needed to make it a point to make good plans to have something else to do. Just this week, with semi-saturday nearing, I asked Abby if she wanted to join us, and Nicole ended up joining us too. Abby, Nicole and Lauren are probably my closest friends and they're all you really see me with at school. (:<3 Unfortunately, whether we wanted to have gone or not, not a one of us was asked to semi or made plans to go with friends so why not hang out together? ;P Abby wanted us to all come to her house so around noon Lauren and I showed up. (Nicole came later after her dance class.) Lauren, Abby and I took a long walk over to the lake because the weather was so gorgeous we planned to spend most of our time outside. The water in the lake was cold, and the docks weren't up yet. There was a whole bunch of bugs around us so that was funny :P We took the path through the field back to Abby's. Sure it was a bit muddy, but the sun felt really nice and we laughed &talked a lot. Through the field we ended up at the "Decamp" aka Abby and Nicole's adopted trailer home. It's uber small and still is a bit dirty inside but Abby and Nicole have been cleaning that thing out and adding their own finds to it and adore the place. I saw it once before but this was Lauren's first. :P This summer we're going to sleep in it, which will be hilarious because it's so stuffy I don't know how we'd fit. Hahahaha ohmygosh I laugh just thinking of that fun time. =P

After the DeCamp (which is a girl, by the way. -cough-) we went inside Abby's house to play "Imaginiff" (a board game) and that was HiLaRiOuS! Oh mannn we laughed so hard sometimes that my stomache hurt baaaad. xD It's a game where you write like seven people's names on the board and take turns reading cards with the person who landed on name's in it. For example, a question could be like "Imagine Iff ___Name___ was a car, which would he/she be?" Then 6 choices are given and each player has 6 cards, one with each number on it. You answer by picking the card with the number of your answer on it, and then you all flip over at once to see if you either got the same as someone or the same as "Name" would pick for themselves, if they are there. :P Using inanimate objects over people and just some of those questions were so so so so funny. One funny time, Lauren had my name and was like "Imagine if Cat was upset by some event, which would most concern her?" (or something like that) and the choices were funny and Lauren mispronounced one and we thought she said something else and it felt good to laugh so hard that you can't breathe. Those are the good laughs. =)) Abby and I tied at that board game, so we played DDR next. DDR rocks out loud and Lauren played with us. She's pretty good!! I stink, but Abby rocks. xD We played many rounds until Nicole showed up and joined us before we all went to get a bag of coins (surprisingly enough Abby and Nicole had regained a whole lot of fund coins despite their loss in the school hallway that one day). The four of us were going to walk the road over to Pecks Discount Store, (which hey if Joey ever reads this it's like real close to his house I think) :P I had never went inside Pecks before, but Abby and Nicole walk there a lot and buy candy. They like love that place, hahaa. It's real small but most stuff is just a few coins (candy stuff that is, bigger items obviously aren't). :P We got a bag of peach rings, sour patch kids, and ice creams. Then we headed back walking real slow haha I think our legs were getting tired, we did a lot of walking that day. Back to Abby's we ended up where we grabbed drinks and retreated to going out to her backyard to play catch. That was fun ^^ Too bad Abby's trampoline wasn't up yet though..that would have been fun too, hehe. After so long it was time to go home but I'm really happy I got to spend the day with my friends. =) I love those girliez! :P I think I got sunburn..haha. Well, it was fun and such a better alternative to staying home all by myself wandering around in my huge backyard aimlessly. :P

I hope those of my peers that went to the semi tonight are having fun. ^^ I will admit I am a bit jealous how beautiful the weather ended up being this year as opposed to last year when I went and it rained. :P Oh well. If you were to ask me how come I didn't go to the semi again this year, esp. if I went last year, I probably wouldn't be able to answer that. -.- It was a lot of fun last year, and I guess the reason I am talking about it now is that I know what I am missing out on. :P School dances are a little rare at my school, as opposed to others which might have a lot more, and I think they are fun and really special and I guess I am a little sad that I am missing it xP -sighs- I am sure there will be others though and hopefully I'll get to go.... :] Despite it all, I had a real good time with my friends today, and we agreed to at least go to our junior prom together next year. Whether we are lucky enough to have a date or not, we will all be there together, and I guess that's what matters most right? Friends. :)

I mentioned all I intended to this blog. I know I don't stick to one topic, but I can't help it. I like writing what happened recently because then I can look back and read through a little. ^.^

Radically Random...

a seven letter word that i can`t live seven seconds without (:
you know you have the best of friends, when everytime your with them ;you cant stop laughing. & when people ask you what your laughing at, youjust shrug & say
"oh you wouldnt understand ".
=] cyaa.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Random Topics

Buddy Foote here with my second blog entry in a single day. Isn't mankind lucky at this glorious second in time? Not only am I posting a second entry after more than a week long hiatus from the blog, but the Northeastern states today got some sticky snow dumped on them. And I mean sticky as in the snow sticking to surfaces, such as roofs, pavement, etc. Not sticky as a cinnamon bun. That would be strange. You allow your child to go out to play in the snow, they're all bundled up in their snowsuit, boots, and gloves, and then fifteen minutes later you look outside to discover that your child is stuck to the snow, face first, with their muffled screams hardly recognized unless a foot away from the scene. Yes, that would stink for the child. Thankfully this snow clings to surfaces, and you do not cling to it. Well, I had to shovel this sticky snow. Thankfully my father came home from work a bit early and he was able to use the plow on the ATV to get a majority of the sidewalks and the driveway cleared, but "poor" little me had to sweep off the back porch and shovel the front porch. What a task! Well, everything was fine and dandy at first besides the fact that my allergies are acting up and my noses feels like there's a mouse stuck in there, until I was going over the front sidewalks after my father suspected the plow on the ATV broke and my right arm stopped working. Seriously, I think the nerves from my brain to my right arm temporarily disconnected. I just stopped shoveling at that point and walked back to the rear of my house with my left hand carrying the shovel and my right arm just dangling there. Thankfully, shortly after, I was able to function my arm again. I believe the problem occurred because on Saturday I was shooting my shotgun with my father. Well, I hate shotguns. To me, they kick like a mule. And I always hurt myself when operating a shotgun. Rifles, I love them. But shotguns aren't my style. And a muzzleloader, well, I'll probably never use those. For example, on Saturday on my last shot using, oh, not the Rimmington bullets but the, oh yes, Winchesters, which have less of a kick than the Rimmingtons, I banged my head off the tree I was leaning up against for support. Don't ask how. The tree was those skinny and white kinds and it already hurt my back resting up against it. Now when you fire the shotgun and receive that kick, that back-hurting surface really hurts your back now because you're being pushed backwards into it. Well, I don't know how I banged my head off of the tree. I know I had my leg that was resting the front of the gun off of the ground and my head was probably not resting on the tree, so when I shot my leg might have went up a bit and with that the rest of me, and then when I received the kick I must've then hit my head. And that all pretty much happens in a second. I was a bit shaken up after that happened with a splitting headache. My father stopped at a gas station before we took off to my great uncle's cabin near a lake up in Wayne County to get us bottles of water, so I was able to take a pain-relieving pill that he had in the truck. And that is why my shoulder was hurting. The butt of the gun is up against the shoulder, then the gun kicks, and after four shots you start to feel great pain. I just get hurt too easily.

The thing about Peeps is that I always hate them until I first eat one. My mother got me a package of Peeps for Easter and I was just feasting on them now when I realized that I like them after I bite into the first one. I used to be like this all the time. I wouldn't know that I liked something until after I tried it, even after trying it a lot in the past. I'm weird like that. I do have many weird views too. I find myself to be a philosopher, a thinker that thinks outside of the box. If I was able to import my thoughts directly from my head to some outside source, then I would probably be viewed as a genius. I, however, have a hard time expressing myself. I get too wrapped up with words to fully write my thoughts out, and hell, I can't speak. When I think and talk at the same time, I stumble over my words and I sound like a complete idiot. Which is the reason why I practice oral presentations for school a lot -- so it becomes habit to me besides me having to think and reflect while giving the presentation. The circumstances would result in a pretty bad grade, but at least I was gifted with a '99' in speech class last school year. Anyway, I like to just sit around and think sometimes. When it's just my father and I in the truck cruising around, I'm mostly silent, unless I bring up a good point to converse over. I may be physically silent, but when it comes to mental, I would be yelling aloud a thousand thoughts a second. Yes, over exaggeration there. I'm always thinking about the end of mankind, how something came to exist, how something works or is made, why something is the way it is, why people do things in such a way, and so on. Those are just some of the topics I can think of at the moment. The problem is that I have a horrible memory. When I create a good point and think out a great thought, it's mostly erased a few moments afterwards. That's why I wish I can hook up some device to my head to import the thoughts I think up from their home to some electronic device. Similar to my old 'dream machine' wants -- a machine when hooked up to your head will record your dreams while you were in a deep slumber. I want such a thing because I can never remember my dreams. The last dream that I can recall was actually from this past weekend when two friends and I were up alongside the nearby Route 6 Scranton-Carbondale Highway in Eynon with rifles hunting turkeys -- to which I shot a big one and my father was proud of me. Maybe not remembering dreams has to do with my poor memory.

Also stored in my mind are vast worlds just waiting to be explored. I have actually planned out the story lines and gameplay mechanics of ten video games (and an MMORPG), all original and created by your very own. I refuse to give out information on the ten creations as I may actually translate my proposed games into books in the future. Also, after reading some parts of Don Quixote the other day, I have started to think of logical sayings and passages in my head. This could possibly play out for an eleventh book, or better yet, a continuing story sequence for the blog. But yet again, I have a hard time capturing these thoughts. My mind is wild, and when I create an idea it goes loose and the chances of recapturing it are one to one million. Mostly the very bad ideas are caught too. The funny part is that people think my bad ideas are good, when they would be in for a surprise if my true form was revealed. I'm trying to think back now. My allergies are creating a fog to the passages locked away in the back of my mind. I remember:

I was thinking of a line such as this: "Let me ask you Dorro, what is the difference between a green bowl and a red bowl? The bowls are of equal size, created of equal materials, and both get the job done in the same manner, but why should we criticize one of the bowls because of their color? We shouldn't, but yet the masses of the public look at the green and red bowls and pick the one they favor. Favoritism, I say! It corrupts the minds of many. We should all accept both bowls and not choose favorites because of color. The same should go for humans, as the same case is seen in discrimination of colors, races, origins, and the such. We're all humans! Accept the fate of who you are! We're all made out of the same materials created by God the Almighty but yet people choose the color. Why should we choose what's on the outside when the inside is what matters? Say the red bowl is the one everybody favorites, yet it's the weakest bowl. They don't care that it's weak because it's red! Red is their preferred color, their preferred trait. They assume what they can from the cover of the book. But let me tell you: an author who puts all their time on the cover of a book has worst writing within than an author who has a blank cover on. Dorro, remember, never assume anything. You'll be corrupt like the other money-loving hogs that inhabit this planet. A color is a color, but a human is a soul!"

Think whatever you want from this. But remember, I thought of the framework of such from pure imagination. Out of thin air while walking from Point A to Point B in my house, or sitting starring out the window ahead in a car. My thoughts are unmanageable and in a way I like it like that. It forces me to think more, to create something greater than my loss. It's the foundation of a pyramid. The top, however, will be the ultimate fate.

And now I shall leave you be. Have a good one.

Problem Solved: Runescape Fixed

If you had been paying attention to the shoutbox recently or read the passage in Caitlin's last blog entry that mentioned my problem, then you should know what terrible event had occurred to me these last few days. The problem: Runescape would not work on my laptop. Why? I'm not too sure. I believe it had to do with some factors, such as the multiple versions of Java that I had installed, something to do with Winsocks, and also some files in the system registry were defective. It may be all three, only one of the three, or none of the three at all, but I used those three to help me solve my problem.

The problem first started on Thursday, April 12. I was just north of Seers' Bank cutting the four maple trees located there for some firewood when I experienced some lag, then a freeze, and then I was logged out because my connection was lost. Acceptable, as it happens every now and then. But then the log-in screen was too lagging and the animations were skipping, causing my computer to go slow. At this point, I either closed the window or hit the back button, and then tried to load up Runescape again. However an obstacle stopped me from entering the world of Runescape again that day. The problem started at this point. The game window would not load as Java did not want to work.

The actions that I have taken from then to now are all scrambled up in my mind, and I would not be able to go through each one in chronological order. I ran spyware and virus scans, ran this one program that optimizes your computer to make the computer's health and protection greater (Fix-It Utilities 7 Professional), disk cleanup, system restores, deleting versions of Java other than the newest one (version 6), looking throughout the Java console and internet settings, and deleting Internet Explorer 7 (I guess it's known to cause problems). None of these helped. My father then stepped in to help, and he paid out thirty dollars for this program known as PC MightyMax, which is known to fix a lot of problems on your PC by fixing up the registry and other areas of the PC. Well, PC MightyMax fixed some problems, such as finally allowing Speedbit's Video Accelerator for YouTube to work, but it did not fix the problem of allowing Java to work. I thank my father for helping me with such a problem and for purchasing the program, as he tried a lot to help me fix my problem. However, he finally, in the end, left the problem for me to look at. I don't know which one helped Runescape, but I did two things at once that might've been the ultimate step for allowing Java to work again. First, while my father was at thr computer, he tried to delete the older versions of Java. Yes, I already did that, but after the multiple system restores we did the versions seemed to appear back. Well, problem: The versions in the Add/Remove Programs window from the Control Panel had 'fatal errors' when we tried to get rid of them. After my father was done, I went to 'C:\ > Program Files > Java' and deleted all the folders other than 'jre1.6.0_01'. Then, after looking at a troubleshooting topic at the official Runescape forums (thank you Dante for referring me to them to search for help) I read something about Winsocks (or something similar). Well, I did some quick research on Winsocks and discovered that it had to do with some programs connecting to a network (I may be wrong) and that sometimes they can malfunction. So I went and download this freeware program known as WinsockxpFix (only use this program if you have Windows XP) and after this program went through the Winsocks, it restarted the computer. Well, after the restart, Java and Runescape worked. Because I did those two things before a restart, I don't know which one did it. I would guess that the combination of PC MightyMax and WinsocksxpFix were the ultimate solutions to fixing the problem, but I may be wrong. I'm mostly always wrong.

I was actually going to quit Runescape if the problem could not be fixed, but thankfully we found the solution and I'm back and flying around leveling. I recently got levels in smithing, farming, hitpoints, firemaking, and very shortly I'm going to get a hunter level. Yes, life is once again good.

Today is a snow day. Yes, a snow day in the middle of the month of April. What happened to the April showers? Well, we did get some rain before the snow began to fall last night, but I don't see any possibilities of May flowers sprouting up anytime soon. I mean, for crying out loud, there's not even buds on the trees yet. This is a very screwy year. I was looking around Wikipedia last night at some articles that discuss the end of the world and looked upon the article on how Daylight Savings Time came much earlier this year and will last longer. Something like the 'Problem of 2007'. That explains why the times of the blog entries here at Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 are off, but shouldn't they have been fixed by now? Yes, I could manually change them myself but, I'm too lazy to type a few numerals in. I also was watching videos yesterday on the 9/11 Conspiracy on how the US government planned the attacks on 9/11/01 so that they could create the foundation to the first steps of world domination. I'm actually starting to believe this, as these conspirators bring up good points. Hell, if this is true, then we can all look at the moon landings as also being fake because the US just wanted to win the competition of landing on the moon first. That's pretty bad if we cannot feel safe in our own country because our own government is attacking us. I do agree that the United States does like conflict. Well, there's my random topics rapped up in a nutshell.

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"runescape: purpose of a red bird egg"

The ultimate purpose of the bird eggs: to waste three spaces in your bank. Yes, that's all they do. You can't trade them and there's no other purpose to them. Then why keep them? You never know what surprises Jagex may throw at us, and if something is released that has to deal with those bird eggs, then you'll hit yourself over the head with a frying pan for not keeping yours. Just keep them in your bank and someday a purpose will come about. I hope we can have pet birds.

"runescape hide n seek hiding spots"

Why does it have to be Runescape hide n' go seek? Why not be healthy and go gather your buddies and do it outside? I know why, because Runescape hide n' go seek is better! Well, if you know your hiding spots, of course. It's not like real life where you can hide in a bush, behind a tree, or in a ditch, but instead you're just standing around like a deer in a field during hunting season. I recommend you play in the city of Varrock, with the boundaries established so that you cannot leave the city walls at all. The city is filled with buildings, second-story houses, a large castle, rune essence mine, banks, sewer, etc. The city provides many hiding spots and is very large, meaning that you can have fun there for a few hours without boredom setting in. Other options can be the wilderness or Falador. The wilderness may be too large yet you run the risk of getting attacked which can bring a thrill (maybe make the rule that when you find your opponent that you must kill them) and Falador is just dull when it comes to hide n' go seek. You can also pick other areas of the game too, drawing an imaginary box around to play within. I would recommend a box including Draynor Maynor, Draynor Village, and the Wizard Tower in a case like this, and oh yes, Port Sarim. Lumbridge, without a doubt, is the worst location for a game of hide n' go seek. The castle is too tiny, there's not many buildings, and the forest is just too open. Well, there's my opinion.

"what can i eat in runescape 2 put up my fishing stats for a moment"

Without even looking this up, I'm going to say admiral pie and fishing potion can get the job done here. I think these are member-only, so if you're a free-to-play player, then sorry. You must level up to the fishing level you're seeking to temporarily be.

"runescape closing down"

Runescape probably won't close down for a long time. Unless the Gower brothers passed away or were severely injured, a terrorist attack occurred near their main location, Runescape's source code was sold to another company, or if Jagex began a new project better than Runescape that could rake in more cash would be the only assumptions I can think of for any case if Runescape servers were to go offline. All of these cases would be horrible. God bless the Gowers and Jagex -- I hope none of these happen.

"zezima's bank runescape"

Curiosity killed the cat, so please leave this Runescape player alone. Sure, we have pictures of other great Runescape players' banks like N0valyfe and search around Runescape Community and Tip.It Forums to find others, but Zezima is not fully opened to share his bank with others. If Zezima wanted to show you his bank, he would've by now. Actually, I think I recall from the Tip.It interview with Zezima that Zezima wasn't comfortable with sharing his bank as it could've brought risks to his account. I envy that man not because of his skills, supposed money and items, or because he's ranked number one in the high scores, but because he's the number one target for getting hacked and I want to know how he's able to keep his account so secure. I bet he owns a computer just for playing Runescape where he has no programs on it other than a browser, and just plays Runescape on there without going on sites or the whatnot. Actually that's false because he goes on IRC channels quite a bit. Anyway, everybody is after Zezima. My response: leave him be!

I'm done here. Have a good one.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Fishload of Topics

Okay...who starts a blog by saying 'okay'? =P Caitlin does I guess. Well, I haven't written since Easter, but I had started an entry yet unfortunately never finished it. I wish I knew or had a reason why. It was going to be about lying, but I guess the feelings about lying that I wanted to include in that entry have escaped me and therefore I'm not going to bother with that topic for the current time. Instead, I will just write, write, and write freely about the details of my life since Easter. I say this often, but I know very few people read this so writing it is mainly for my satisfaction only I guess I could say, but anyone who reads this I hope it's worth your time. ;] For starters, my Easter wasn't off-the-wall spankin' exciting, (although was it ever for a friend!!). This week at school we got our report cards along with class ring orders and course scheduling for our junior year. I am really pleased with my report card, in fact, I might as well say I am ecstatic because it was just that good. =) I didn't realize it's greatness until I was told that it's probably my best report card ever! I'm really grateful for an average this quarter of 100.9286 =) I think that's the closest (in the decimal places) I've gotten to being 101, which is the highest I've seen (scored by your brilliant Buddy Foote)! :) That had me in a very pleasant and school-oriented mood for about a day and a half. ;P When I got home from school that day I spent some time looking over the electives I get to choose from for next year. At first I didn't even have a choice in mind. Actually I was kind of upset for a little. Seeing that I only have 2 full years of high school left makes me sad immediately. So much has happened, and yet so little has at the same time.

Anyways, I sat and with my mother wanted to consider the electives and try to pick something interesting, yet beneficial for me. I knew for a fact I wanted to take Spanish again, that's a given, because I decided two years ago I wanted to take Spanish for 4 years because I enjoy the subject and along with that having it look good towards a college application can't hurt any. For my major subjects, going into advanced classes is what I hope to achieve and take on. But for the side classes/elective-types, I really didn't know. I crossed out science-related ones first, because sure Science is an excellent subject, it's just never interested me in the way others have and I don't plan on majoring in science anything. Next under the Social Studies heading, there were some neat choices to take along with the American History. (Which by the way I cannot wait to start next year because I love American History and am anxious to learn about World War II all over's been a while since 4th grade. -coughnerdmuch?-) xD Some of the choices were criminolgy, economics, and a current issues one (I think it's politically related.) :P I did see Psychology/Sociology though and I am really thinking of putting that because it interested me most out of all the electives on the entire sheet (besides Spanish). I read in an e-mail I recieved about junior scheduling for college bound teens that taking a class like that or something like "Economics" is superb. =) It sounds fun, my mom is thrilled I've taken interest in that, and a few years back I always thought if I really needed a good minor for college, I'd like to consider psychology. I don't know, we'll see.

Now I just needed to choose a third one (or at least decide on some ideas...I don't even know if/when the paper needs to be handed in). :P I thought about Journalism but even though blog writing and positive feedback on my school papers has caused me to fall in love with writing, I don't want to write newspaper/reporter related articles. I already took SAT preps, home ec seems to still be teaching the same things I learned in 9th grade, anything wood, metal, or automotive related is out of my realm of interest by a mile, and any art, music, band kind of classes don't involve me. That left two business classes and Parenting. I'm not crazy about either of those, and was sad to see that for sure there aren't anymore Computer Application classes because I love that I took computers this year and wish I had the year before over Art. The "Excel using Buisness Apps" is a computer class but anything business (like the entrepreneur) doesn't have anything to do with me because I do not wish to own my own buisness or work in one forever (plus we are learning Excel somewhat this year) and anything I'd learn from there wouldn't be used as often in the long term. See how complicated I think when I make any decision? I know it, but I just can't make decisions well. :P As you can tell that left parenting. I don't know, I know I'd have a lot of fun in the class, and my mom said I should take it because with all the other advanced hard classes I can use something a little fun and refreshing. I read what it says the class is going to be about. I know they take home an egg or baby and pretend to take care of it and I'd have a blast with that, haha but it sounds so weird to say "Oh, I have to do my parenting homework." or "I'm on my way to parenting class." Sounds like something an adult pregnant woman would say. Haha, but I probably will end up choosing it and then maybe will learn something useful if I am ever given the priviledge to become a mother someday, or even a wife. :P

Now that I've gone on about school stuff for a few paragraphs I'll talk about something else. I find it funny that maybe why I don't feel like writing everyday here on this blog, or even with school 'stuff' is because when I do sit down and feel like writing good, I write a whole ton, so much so that it's enough writing for five or seven days (usually the amount of time between my blog entries and the like). x) It's not like I haven't tried to shorten my writing amount, I just get on such a roll at least once a week that I'm satisfied and not thirsty to write again until it wears off which takes a few days. haha, saying all this was probably a waste of time but y'know, it made this blog entry just that much longer. =]

Last night I had my bwest fwend Heather come home with me after school. She and I were both excited because we hadn't done anything in awhile. It had been too long. I was going to have her sleepover and then invited her to wake up bright and early on her free Saturday morning with me to go freeze our butts off outside by a lake surrounded by a bunch of men and worms to fish for 6 hours. =P I don't know how many years Heather has come with me, but it's been almost every one and it is definately a tradition and going the first day wouldn't be the same without her anymore. She gets a kick out of it, we giggle and have a good time, and my dad gets to take us out for the day. I love it. As soon as she got to my house we went out to get pizza and worms. (Not together of course, because that'd be too much of a treat for dinner.) :P The pizza was delicious by the way, haha. Then we went on the computer for like an hour. Heather recently made a myspace and since she doesn't have internet access she can't spend a lot of time online at her own house so she used my desktop as I used my laptop which she was jealous of just a teensy bit. =P Then Chase kicked her out and she used mine as I watched from behind. We then went to this doll dress-up site (one I used for BFBv.2's new mystery banner). I love talking about clothes with her, it's fun. So choosing outfits for dolls was well, fun. :) That took up a lot of time because then we needed like an hour to set up the extra air mattress and our 8 blankets :P We didn't fall asleep until 10pm, thanks to my brother throwing pillows at us which totally grossed me out because I knew for a fact they were covered in my dog's hair. We had to wake up at 5, and for once I tried to get up and get ready fast. The past 3 years I made everyone, even Heather, angry at me because I crawled out of bed like a snail and spent a half hour in the bathroom for who, the fishies? :P See, today was the opening day of trout season and you can't cast your rod in the water until 8am. But of course we have to get there early to get a spot, and everyone else gets there early so it's not unusual. I was absolutly freezing for a little while. I sat on Heather's lap for the first half hour, then we sat in the car, played cards, picked out any cute fisherboys we saw, talked, went to the bathrooms like twice and were pleased to see the giant holes in the ground didn't smell too bad for once as I think they had been pumped. xP Then we went for a walk in the woods a little ways, and this little boy was following us. Haha it was cute, and we found this run down hut thing. After all that we fished at the state park for like an hour but it was pointless because nothing was biting and nobody around us caught anything. It was disappointing. Last year (and about every year before that) we went to the state park (different spots) first too, simply because it's wide and a good place to sit until 8. Heather's feet were nearing frostbite (haha not literally) and I had this giant appetite today and wanted to eat some more food inside a heated car. People all around us at the lake were leaving because nobody at all got anything where we were, haha it was sooo weird. We went to one of my favorite cute little stream spots in a neighboring county next. The bridge there had been flooded since last year. I was devasted to see it was true. That bridge was adorable in the little town, and when my dad would fish in the summer with me I'd walk back and forth across it listening to my iPod and "awwing" at the little puppies neighbors would walk across it in the afternoon sunshine. :P I got my first few fish bites there, and Heather just kept getting stuck and I couldn't help but laugh because every 5 minutes you'd hear Heather moan "stuuuuck." :P It was a little crowded in that spot, and yet we didn't catch anything again! After gobbling down lunch at like 10:30am, Heather and I weren't sure whether we wanted to just go home or try to fish some more. This year wasn't as fun in some ways as last year when Steve came. We didn't catch a ton of fish then but we went out almost until dinnertime so every person caught at least one. =) I miss that day, it was one of the best. I, yet again, typically, couldn't make up my mind on if I wanted to go home or not so Chase decided and we went driving around to other spots until noon. We started heading towards my house and there's a stream on the way we nicknamed the 'honey hole' because it's such a good spot. Finally, success! Chase caught the first trout of the day, and my dad had one on his line because I saw the belly but it got away. I didn't catch anything though and unfortunately either did Heather. This man next to me did, he caught this beautiful brown trout. It was so large, and he even admitted he was nervous reeling it in because you don't want to lose such a "beaut". By then Heather and I had given up, and were freezing under the shady wooded trees. Our teeth were chattering, haha, but seriously we were bundled up good, it was just chilly at that spot. We occupied ourselves by playing and watching the minnows in the bucket. We left eventually though, and being tired went back to my house. Heather and I ate some more (lol) and then Heather had to go home. So in conclusion, the first day of fishing this year ended early, with little fish caught to show for it. I'm tired now writing this, but after playing Runescape (I'm killing cows for hides for crafting since I don't want to buy everything lol) I needed a break and I was well over-due for an entry dontcha' think! ;]

I'm sad now thinking about Runescape because if you saw in this here blog's shoutbox Buddy posted how he is having problems getting on Runescape, which means he can't play it right now. It has him really frustrated and stressed, and I know what he feels like because I would feel the same over the computer or a game and have when something happened that left me unable to play it. It's like, you feel so bored and unhappy with alternative things to do since the time you spent playing a particular game or whatever it may be is now open and you're upset..and confused even. :P :[ I do hope it's not the end of him playing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed things work out.

I'm going to end my entry now saying that I cannot believe a major storm is on it's way this time in April. One that could plop inches of snow and sloppy rain/sleet on my head Monday causing school to be cancelled. I guess I expected this though, we had a very late winter this year to begin with, so who's to blame.

Radically Random...

Free Image Hosting at <a href=
A big, beautiful Rainbow trout! The kind of fish we tried to catch all day today.

Have a fishy day alrighty? =]

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blog Specials

Being that I have nothing creative or any complaints to write about at the moment, I figure I would just put up some blog specials for today. I plan on taking a walk around my hometown of Jermyn, PA sometime this weekend (maybe tomorrow after Easter dinner) to snap some pictures of the environment and setting that I live in, so if you're interested in looking at pictures then stay in touch for those to be uploaded. I'm debating to whether post them all at once or one at a time underneath my 'Picture of the Day' blog special. Please help me decide there.

And now for the blog specials:

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"how to become an autoer"

This keyword is telling me "I'm interested in breaking a major Runescape rule, I want to be banned, and I want to gain both levels and earn money while I sleep and "have a life" in the real world without doing any effort whatsoever in the game and decreasing the fun I have in-game and the fun that others have." Because you told me such, I hate you. Actually, if you do become an autoer, you better watch out because I'm an autoer hunter. Go to this entry for more information. I will hunt you down, report you, and leave the rest of the work to Jagex so that they'll get rid of you. Honestly though, autoing is not the answer for getting easy money or levels. Plus you don't enjoy Runescape the way that it was created for -- to feel the accomplishments of obtaining levels and climbing up in rank toward the top. Sure, you may never come close to the top and be competing with Zezima for rank one, but just the fact that you'll look at your 80+ combat and 1400+ skill total and you'll be happy because you went through the troubles of getting that high, and not some script that did the work for you. You may think that it's stupid, tedious, and will cause you to have no life, but like I always say, "What's the difference between Halo and Runescape when it comes to the hours you spend on each?"

Become an autoer, and I'll report you. Problem solved. Actually not really...for every autoer that I may help get rid of, ten more will just take their place. But hey, it's a fun hobby to endure in when I'm bored of skilling.

"runescapes zezimas real life high school picture"

That's just a little freaky. I'm used to these keywords a lot. People want to know Zezima's recovery questions, bank PIN, password, insurance policy, license plate number, zip code, and the like, but why the hell would you want his high school picture? That's just a little obsessive, don't you think so? I mean, I could understand if you wanted his medical record or what church he goes to, but a picture!? A picture is much more personal than any credit card reports, social security number, report card grades, employer information, etc. C'mon people. I want to say one thing:

Leave Zezima alone! And the sarcasm ends there.

Picture of the Day

Well, I'm off to dye some Easter eggs. If I don't post tomorrow due to my busy Easter schedule, poem writing, and Spanish verb studying, then have a happy Easter and like always, have a good one.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Ask Teh Foote Response

Before I answer the question that John was all too kindly to ask in the last blog entry, I would like to point out some changes to the blog that may be obvious to you or not, dependent upon if you're a regular reader. If you look above this entry, you'll find some newly placed links and an ad. Ignore the ad for now (unless you're interested in what the ad is offering) and look at the links. We now have easy-to-find links to the forum, live chat, information on the new 'Ask Teh Foote' blog special (teh is spelled wrong on purpose to mock the common internet usage of the simple word 'the'), crossword puzzle archive, a poll that would help us improve the blog if you voted, and the new 'Featured Post of the Week'. Other blog changes include a new shoutbox and a 'Link to Us' button made by Caitlin featuring the five blog writers of Buddy Foote's Blog v.2. Thank you very much for the great art piece Caitlin! Also I finally added Joey's 'Link to Us' button. We sort of left him out for a while until I realized.

And now for your blog special:


"How do you get a duck to sing the blues?"

Ducks. You either hate them or you love them. You either shoot them or you watch them gracefully fly across the sky. Sometimes they're even devoured by a pelican or two, but that's okay. Getting a duck to sing the blues is a complicated process. So complicated that even George W. Bush himself cannot find a theory to how to do such an arduous task, but that's not hard to underestimate. I had to visit my buddy Jeeves from the formerly known, but instead I found that he retired from the site and could not help me. Oh bummer.

To get a duck to sing the blues, you must first capture the duck. Capturing ducks isn't easy. Purchasing duck decoys is a must. You can find these at many hunting stores, such as Dicks or Gander Mountain. Plant these decoys in a field or near a body of water and use that duck call you just magically found in your vest to call some ducks in. Make sure you're wearing camouflage or you're in a ground blind of some sort near the duck decoy. Once a duck comes in near the decoy, you cannot shoot it. A dead duck is not a blue singing duck. It may turn blue, however, from the lack of oxygen it cannot receive because, well, it's dead. When the duck is about five to ten meters in front of you or the blind, jump out and grab it in some sort of bag -- plastic bag, hand bag, money bag, luggage bag, purse, etc. You must decide. Hopefully you'll catch the duck, but there's a 99% chance that the duck will escape and you would have wasted money, energy, time, and days off of your life. If that small percentage of 1% happened to be in your favor, then you have captured a duck! Congrats! The duck will try to escape from its prison and will make horrible noises but that can all be ignored by placing two earbuds connected to an iPod placed in your ears while sweet classical music of triumph is playing at full blast. But! You must now teach the duck to sing the blues!

It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to have a duck mimic the voice of a human. Parakeets, parrots, and even crows have been known to do such, but a duck for crying out loud!? I think that it's against the laws of science for such an event to take place, but stranger things have been happening. You know that iPod you have been listening to? Put some blues song or album on the iPod, put it at full blast, hope that the battery will last long, and force the duck to swallow the iPod. Now when the duck opens its mouth, you'll hear B.B. King singing to you. This may be hazardous to the duck, a huge waste of money for having a bird digest your $350 electronic device, and may cause the duck great indigestion. Plus iPod batteries are known for dying out fast, so that duck may only "sing" for an hour or two. Temporary, yet it gets the job done.

Well, I hope my answer was good enough. Whatever your belief system is, this may have been an interesting blog entry or not, but it was fun to write and that's the objective that I always have when I open the post editor -- to have fun with my writing. Thank you John for your question, and I hope many more follow in its wake.

Have a good one.

Ask Teh Foote Information

Want to ask Buddy Foote a question? Well, you can now do so and your question along with the answer will be published in a newer blog entry written by Buddy Foote as a blog special.

'Ask Teh Foote' is a blog special (an add-on tagged to the end of a blog entry) where you may ask me, Buddy Foote, any question that you desire. I can at my own will reject a question, and your question will not always be answered right away or maybe ever. Questions must be appropriate, clean, and cannot ask any very personal details. Also I will not do any homework for you in the asking of a question. I have all the right in the world too to answer your question in any way I wish to, whether it be in a serious or mocking attitude. By asking me a question, you are thereby agreeing to not sue me in court, flame me, threaten me, or get revenge on me any way possible. Your question will become my property. Do we agree here? Good, now how can you ask me a question?
  1. Comment this blog entry asking me a question. I will reply to your question not by a comment, but rather in an upcoming blog special.
  2. My AIM name is 'Buddy Foote'. If you want to ask me a question on there, ask "Can I ask you a question for your blog?" and I'll gladly reply "Go right ahead." I will not answer you back after you asked the question, so don't think I'm ignoring you -- I'm just copying and pasting the question for future reference.
  3. Ask me the question on Runescape! I put my friend chat on every once in a while, so if you catch me on there, say "question for blog plox!!" and then ask the question. My Runescape name is 'Buddy Foote'.
  4. Last but not least, e-mail me the question. Make sure in your subject you include something like "Ask Teh Foote" or "Question for Blog" or something related, or I may ignore your mail like the other 10,000 messages I have. My address is:

Well there you have it. Ask me a question now!

Archived Crosswords of the Day

Welcome to Buddy Foote's library which does not contain books, magazines, dictionaries, computers, or any other nonsense that you're subjected to in a normal library, but instead crossword puzzles.

The 'Crossword of the Day' is a blog special operated by Buddy Foote. In this blog special, a link to a crossword puzzle created by Buddy using the program EclipseCrossword is found, along with an explanation of the puzzle. The puzzles cover different topics, such as Wikipedia searches to Runescape. Many more will be created in the future and you can find newer ones by bookmarking this entry or checking up on Buddy Foote's newer blog posts.

This entry is created only for the purpose of creating a permanent portal to an archive of the crosswords. This entry will be updated when new crosswords are released, even prior to when a 'Crossword of the Day' is posted in a newer blog entry.

Enjoy the crosswords!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Post April Fools' Joke

If I tricked you or not, I would like to say 'sorry' for the last blog entry that I have composed that was my sick idea of an April Fools' Joke. It was very ill-willed and wrong of me to create such a masterpiece as that and post it on the internet. I know, it should have been locked away inside of my twisted mind forever, but once in a while a tiger has to eat, right? I would also like to thank everybody who commented that blog entry. I would have to say that such a piece a work was a great success to the author, who is proud of his cursor for not jumping violently all over the computer screen. Thank you cursor, and stay still, please. Oh, that's because I was bumping the mouse. Stupid me. Anyway, I would like to thank Caitlin, Chase, Jen, Joey, Botanreaper2, Dante, Josh, Josh, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, and Madonna for such a chance for my fame to shine. Shine brightly and blind all! Yes, yes. I do like USB ports. They are my banana peel and bread crumbs.

Is it too late to say 'April Fools!' for everything above that I just said besides the 'thank you for commenting' part? If it is, then darn.

I hoped that my "WTF!?!?" blog entry would turn a head or two, and I think by the comments it has received that it may have. Thank you for tolerating my insanity while reading that entry. I did make myself seem angry at the end but that set the tone of the writing that I was trying to express. I actually hoped that the entry would circulate around a bit, but I guess that I made it sound too fake by adding that 'Jagex has ties with terrorist' part, which I highly agree with. But it was fun writing it and many had fun reading it and that's what matters to me. Even if the regular reader population of BFBv.2 may only be two or three people, as long as that entry interested every single one of the readers, then that made my day. I try to interest everybody in all of my entries though, so don't think I'm putting all the stress on one of my owned ones. Plus I find the other blog writer's posts to be more interesting than mine a lot of the time. Kudos to you guys. If you missed the April Fools' entry, you can find it here.

~Crossword of the Day~

The Great Wiki Search #2

Have a good one. I'll hopefully have an idea for a great entry tomorrow.

Oh That Boredom

I'm oh so very bored at this oh so very minute. x) -sighs- I don't like to say I'm bored, because I am sure if I thought hard enough I could find something productive and fun to do. Then it hit me, I am going to write an entry about boredom, but y'know what, I am going to make it a point to make this entry even slightly exciting so it doesn't bore you. If this ends up boring you too, then we're both in the same predicament and that isn't going to get us anywhere now is it?

I think I have been "bored" for the past few days actually. School only lasted three days this week before we went off on our "Easter/Spring Break". Those three days we did have school were refered to as "Spirit Week", but three days isn't really a full week is it? So they jipped us, haha. Not that it matters much to me anyway, well no, maybe it does. This blog sounds like I am having a strange aloud conversation with myself and my thoughts. Hopefully that isn't boring to you. Monday I was asked to participate in the Scholastic Bowl again, making it my third year. =) Tuesday we enjoyed a rather long talent show, and yesterday we just sit in the gym at the end of the day watching people particpate in athletic-related activites. I've never been interested in doing any, but I think every single year I end up feeling incredibly stuffy and hot with an oncoming headache by the end of the day because we're all so squished in there and I don't get any fresh air. xD

With all these activites going on, I didn't do much, if anything, in my classes all week. Although Monday I did take a Math test and read my Spanish dialogue. I'm not sure how I did on the Math, but the Spanish was half-disasterous. I never planned on raising my hand, but I couldn't take another day thinking about it, and in sorts, wanted to get it over with and before I knew it, found myself with my hand raised to volunteer myself to read it next. xD I think it went worse than I hoped. I didn't do bad or anything, I was just incredibly nervous and I bet my leg or hand was shaking and my face was all red. Then I ended up reading much faster than I had practiced. I jokingly had said to someone earlier that I should just "read fast and maybe she won't notice if I mess up a word" but I wasn't seriously going to try that. It turned out I read so fast I was stopped, asked to slow down, and then finish. I completely gave up bothering to trill any r's because my mouth was so dry from being nervous, and I just didn't like doing it very much. I was told I have a really strong "American accent", and for that lost 3 points. I'm not upset about that or anything, but I guess it's difficult for me to change the accent I was born with. :P -shrugs- I ended up with a 93, and that's real good, it was just an uncomfortable experience.

When we have school days, like before a long break or something, many of my teachers don't do anything. It's funny to me because I always feel they just 'give up teaching us for the day.' I don't mind the free time, but it can be very boring to sit in a classroom desk for 40 minutes straight with nothing to do, let alone the classes where nobody talks to me. =/ Anyways, maybe all those free periods contributed to me being sick of being bored. =P

I was home all day today, but hopefully it's the only day I am home all break. I hope to go shopping and just out places. I'm really in the mood too. I did try to keep myself occupied though. I woke up earlier than I thought I would, ate too many homemade pancakes, wrote a poem stanza, and then felt like dancing so I put on this video I found for my brother to watch and I danced along, it was fun. After it ended, I played DDR because I still felt like dancing. :P After I started to get sweaty, I tried to find something else to do but came up empty-handed. I signed in and out of Runescape all day. I mined some more ess so my brother can make me runes so I can get my magic level to 30. I got my runecrafting to 30 just yesterday, or the day before, not sure but it's 30 now nonetheless! ^^ Haha today I just wanted someone to talk to for a little bit and stood in Lumbridge to see how many times people would come up to me. I didn't get the results I expected. I was only spoke to maybe 5 times, and called a noob for declining a date offer. Maybe it was because I said "ew no lol." But I did say thank you to the guy for calling me a noob. Gotta take compliments when ya can, right? ;P Pssh.

Now I'm back to the point where I started this entry at. I went through the last few days of my life and now you're caught up (if anybody seriously cared, I doubt it :P) . I was thinking before that on days when I actually have things going on and plenty to do, is when I have people calling me, people talking to me on the computer late at night, people asking me to go places, tests the next day I should be studying for. Stuff like that y'know? Why can't it happen when I am sitting around with nothing to do and wish I had someone fun to talk to, or someplace fun to go last minute? =P -sighs- It makes me sad sometimes. My one friend is pretty lucky these days! She most definately went on a 'date' this afternoon with one of the cutest boys I know, and he invited her to come hang out again. Pretty sweet huh? =) I'm happy for her! ^^

Well, I know this entry didn't turn out majorly exciting, and I apologize for that. Maybe a cute boy will call me to come hang out this weekend, then I can write an exciting blog about it. (Hahahahahahahahahahahaha YEAH RIGHT.) =P No, but seriously, maybe I'll do something and when I write in the next few days that entry will be better. Until then, and if I don't get a chance to write before Easter, I wish whoever's eyes read this a beautiful holiday. :]

For my daily blog specials, I am going to start sharing another short series consisting of these cute funny poems my friend Abby wrote and emailed to me. I told her I'd like to share them here, and have her permission to do so, hehe. Maybe you'll like them. :]

Radically Random...

you"re good food & you"re a good friend.
we thought we"d let you know, you"re gonna end.
the food you make us,
is better than a bus.
tonight is gonna be the night
that you really bite.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm totally speechless right now. I didn't feel like playing Runescape much today and instead I went surfing around the internet typing random keywords into random search engines when one of those random Google Desktop news articles popped up in the lower right-hand corner of my laptop screen. Normally I just 'x' them out and resume whatever I was doing, but the article on the first pop-up caught my attention. Why? Because it said 'Runescape' in the header of the article. I didn't even glance at the article but clicked on it right away. I read the article curiously, but then I became horrified at what I was reading in front of me. One could say that I was sickened to the point of having a fever and a stomach flu. Here, I shall copy and paste the article here. If you play Runescape, grab a tissue.

Over the past few weeks a heated debate broke out in Congress, a discussion that is only known well to many who have experienced the political power used against Rockstar's well-known Grand Theft Auto series after an unofficial modification of the game was released to the public. Senator Hilary Clinton is ready to flip pancakes again, turning against another video game company, to gain popularity for her upcoming campaign for presidency. Her target this time: Jagex's online game known as Runescape. Runescape is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that hosts content such as swords, fighting, deforestation, player killing, shark hunting, magic casting, and what Hilary claims to have in it -- weapons of mass destruction. Hilary stated in a press release that "the game known as Runescape can be accessed by any child that has internet" and this brings up fear that "our children will be influenced by the realistic fighting actions in the game". She also goes as far to say that "the company Jagex may have ties with Al-Qaeda by hiding their nuclear weapons in-game". Andrew Gower, co-founder of Jagex Ltd, when contacted about the American issue stated "our game is not created for children but we would never release any content that isn't fit for a child to be revealed to". They did not comment on having relationships with terrorists, however. Hilary wishes to pass a bill in Congress that will ban the popular and free game from the American internet by having well-known internet providers such as Verizon Online, Comcast, etc. block the website. Hilary wishes to expand the bill to include other hit MMORPGs such as Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Hilary wishes these games to be blocked to reduce bad influences on children and to stop stalkers, child predators, online dating, and to hopefully boost American education standards. "Our children are brainwashed by such addicting games," said the senator, "and their grades in school are dropping because of this." Hilary wishes for the bill to be passed by Congress before the beginning of this summer.
That woman really sickens me. I would rather have Bin Laden as our president than her. She targeted Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, The Sims, and now Runescape!? She's working backwards there. Besides going after actual violent games such as Manhunt she's going after the innocent and safe games. What's next? Pac-man? Violence to ghosts? Give me a break. Hilary plus presidency equals no more video games. We might as well ban Super Mario Brothers for violence to goombas. What about Harvest Moon? You can hit your cows with a sickle on that game. Ouch, violence to animals. What about Pokemon? All you do in that game is enslave wild animals and force that to kill each other. Honestly, that's as violent as it gets. But no, it's Runescape. Let me rip apart the faults of this article. You can definitely tell it was written by somebody who has no experience with the game whatsoever.
  • "...hosts content such as swords, fighting, deforestation, player killing, shark hunting, magic casting, and what Hilary claims to have in it -- weapons of mass destruction." -- This line really pissed me off. This is not what the game only has! Swords!? We have whips, hammers, daggers, axes, spears, mauls, wands, etc. but they pick swords!? Oh, look. A pointy object. Fighting with a sword in a game will cause you to go out, purchase a sword, and slay random men on the street in hopes of getting a coin or two. Deforestation!? Give me a fricking break! The trees come back a few minutes after you chop them down! I don't see that happening in real life! Shark hunting!? Don't you mean fishing!? You don't hunt the sharks! You click a button and stand there and go up and down with a harpoon in your pixel hand to catch a shark hopefully every other minute. Oh, big violence there. We're hurting sharks now. But do we feel sympathy for the shark when it bites your leg off? I don't think so. Actually, I do. Your leg tastes bad. Magic casting equals no real thing in real life hence why would you compare it to reality? I think Harry Potter has a bigger influence on children there. But where the flying firetruck is there nuclear weapons in the game!? You know why Andrew didn't comment -- because he had to leave the room to laugh his damn head off so that he didn't embarass you. Runescape only has a few modern day references in the game, such as pizza, but a nuclear weapon? I think if such a thing was released that half of the players would quit because most of the players like to stick to the basic roots of an older time period. I just give up here, I'm not even going to rant on anymore.
  • "the company Jagex may have ties with Al-Qaeda by hiding their nuclear weapons in-game" -- A video game company having ties with Al-Qaeda. Yea, okay. I'm sure the citizens living in the desert region of Runescape are hiding the weapons in one of the nearby pyramids. Just because George Bush is having a hissy fit that he didn't find the real weapons as there were no weapons, he and his political supervisors are all attacking a poor and innocent video game company. Sure, Jagex does have their hidden updates, but a nuclear weapon would not be one. Wait a!?!? You can't hide real weapons in a world of pixels!? What are they going to do? Bomb the binary coding? I have a feeling that our government, I'm not going to even say it. But, go back to school.
  • "our children will be influenced by the realistic fighting actions in the game" -- Yeah, the fighting is totally as realistic as it gets. Yet again, Hilary is working down the scale. Grand Theft Auto was the most realistic, The Sims was a bit less realistic, and then you have Runescape...yes. I have blue dragons running around my backyard. Fear me.
  • " be blocked to reduce bad influences on children and to stop stalkers, child predators, online dating, and to hopefully boost American education standards." -- There's chat room, Yahoo groups, instant messengers, online dating services, porn websites, and and you're worried about Runescape having a bad influence on our children?! Look around the internet more! You'll be surprised at what you find!
I'm just sickened. I'm done here. Done! Done I say! Release the rabbits and cotton balls, I cannot take the establishment anymore! We shall reign upon those who look down upon them and they shall become crooked noses! Shoot the invaders! ...

By the way...

April Fools! Everything in this entry was fake and everything was created by me. There was no news article. I hope you didn't believe me as I tried to stick things in there that seemed totally impossible. Plus you would've heard this on almost every single Runescape forum, including the official one. Really, everything is fake. I like Hilary Clinton, but...she would honestly be the ruin of video games. But if she could stop every war, cure AIDS, and create world peace, then screw video games and go Hilary!

Spanish Genius?

¡Hola mi amigos! I am going to try to revolve this entry around Spanish because I have an interesting little story to tell. Yesterday I spent four hours volunteering at the library in order to pick up a couple last hours and to get the needed signatures for this sheet I needed to get filled out to be considered for the National Honor Society. Speaking of that paper, I am feeling doubtful that they will pick me, this year anyway. I mean I have seen some of my friends around me who have a lot more activities to put down than I do. On top of it all we were asked to write a small paragraph concerning why we think we should be considered for membership. I wrote my little pargraph Friday night, and don't know if it sounds 'good enough.' I didn't dare to go on and on about "how wonderful I am and I do everything and want it sooo bad" (because that would be lying anyway :P), but instead simply stated why I think it would be pertinent to me and for that reason I hope they pick me. -shrugs- I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I am getting far off track now, so let's get back to the library. I arrived there around noon, and after a short conversation with one librarian found out that Sandy (my favorite person there) was pretty ill but had informed them of my coming anyhow. I was sad to hear she wasn't there since she was the one I wanted to talk to and have sign my paper, but everything worked out anyway. When she's not there, I feel as though whoever is assumes I know what I need to do and how to do it, which at first makes me feel a little uncomfortable. :P I then just went to the cart and started putting away all that was on it. (Thankfully I actually did know what I needed to do and how to do it!) :P Once the cart was empty, that boy Mark came down and was to take me up with him so we could yet again work on some kind of project together. The last few times I have been coming it seems I always end up doing some kind of arts and crafts project, which remained true this time. x) Mark and I had another door to decorate for spring/Easter. At first we were going to just make a bunch of constructed Easter eggs from colored paper, but he made me draw the circle which looked like a "dead pancake", and then when we went to color them he colored really messy so we were making fun of each other's horrible artwork until it was decided that whole idea wasn't going to work.

Inbetween that, or maybe it was just before we started coloring the eggs, Mark had to go eat lunch but on his way out he greeted this older man that I had seen like everytime I've been there. I remember the one day I was there I overheard that man talking to the librarian about how he is trying to learn yet another language, on top of him already being quite fluent in Greek. He was searching for a number of language books and recording tapes to listen to. Well it just so happens he was talking to Mark (I guess he's been there so often he's made friends :P) about how he just started to learn Spanish like three weeks ago, and he keeps mixing up Spanish with his Greek. I was standing there and I don't know why, or how, (as it's very unusual for a shy one like me to engage in stranger conversation) but I found myself nodding my head and then mentioned how I take Spanish when Mark told the man he takes French. Once I said I took Spanish the man showed me the book he was reading, which was filled with simple sentences, for example "El libro es azul." (The book is blue.) He was stumbling over pronouncing a lot of it, and since I knew I used to have trouble, but lately with this dialogue project I have been pronouncing a lot better, I tried to say it correctly for him and then translate it. It seemed to help him a little, and I gave him a few tips which he took in great stride. I said that if he knew how to correctly say the vowels, that ll is pronounced like a y, and h's are silent, then it might make it easier. He was like taking notes from what I was saying, haha it was interesting. He was sitting there saying the Spanish vowels over and over to get it stuck in his head. I had to wait for Mark to return so I kind of just stood around as that guy continued going over some Spanish. I guess being a bit bored, I told him some more Spanish tips I knew from school and when he asked how often I study Spanish I told him "You can never cram it!" Haha, which I hear about everyday in that class. Then he would randomly ask me a question or two, like what does this word mean, or this verb. I told him how there was a difference between ser and estar and what the difference was. I think he really appreciated the knowledge I was able to pass on to him, and quite frankly, I felt pretty good about myself being able to know a little something and put it to some use! =) The man thought I was a 'Spanish genius." which honestly I'm not because I am sure half the kids in my class could have told him what I did, but it was nice to be thanked and when he was leaving he said "Hasta manana" and so after I replied "Hasta luego" I thought of something better to say and replied "Buena suerte con espanol!" =)

It was a really neat little experience. ^^ I felt like a tutor or something. -shrugs- Anyways since the Easter egg idea didn't work out, once Mark came back we came up with the idea to make one giant flower for the door. I cut and drew the grass, the petals, and the leaves while he just had to make a straight stem and tape it all up. I think it came out wonderful! He did have to leave early though and I was left to finish taping it up, but I was anxious to get it done as it looked adorable. =) I have so much fun going to the library. I checked out this book called "Prep". It's a thick young adult novel I can't wait to dive into over this upcoming long Easter/Spring break! ^^

Before I left I wrote down some information about joining the library's Teen Advisory Board. My friend Justin is a member of it and he wants me to join. It sounds fun, it's more of like a group of local teens who run library-related fundraisers, meet once a month, and have fun outings and events. ^^ Last month when I helped with the little Dr. Seuss event many teens were there asking me if I was a member of "TABs" and I was confused. Now I know what TABs stands for, and it has caught my interest. The librarian was telling me all the ideas they have for this summer for the teens, like a movie night and camping and stuff since us kids have little places to hang out around here. That sounded fun, but I doubt any of my friends would want to check it out with me. :P Maybe they do..anybody want to? Huh? :P I told my mom about it when I came home because I don't go out and do stuff a lot, and if I was apart of something else and they did fun stuff and attended fun events then I would have something to do once in awhile. (: But most of the teens in it (that I aware of so far) are from another high school, except Justin, but he's younger than me, so I would only really consider it if somebody else would do it with me. They said I should ask my friends so we'll see, lol. xD

Well before I completely end this entry, I will write a little about Runescape. I played for a few hours this weekend. My brother wanted me to sell some amulet necklaces for him, which I did (even though he had blocked me and maybe I shouldn't have) but it's fun when I make a sale, haha. "Sell str ammy!" I yell continuously, hehe. Then I went and mined 712 rune essence in order to rune craft my way to level 30. ^^ I am level 26 right now though. When I was at the library this one boy was playing Runescape, and (again, miss sociable, like what came over my shyness that day haha) I went right on over to him and started a conversation about Runescape with him. I think he was like 12 or something. Anyways I go "oh my gosh hey my friends and I play Runescape too! What's your combat level?" He told me it was 38, and asked mine so I replied 42. Then he asked me what armor I wear, and I asked him what his favorite skills were and levels. It was neat, and I watched him in Al Kharid for a little while. He told me he was going to buy for members next month. I always think it's cool when I see someone playing Runescape at the library, and I almost always do. If patrons aren't on Runescape or some other research related thing I have seen them on, than they are on the worst website to ever exist, myspace. Lolz. xP

My finger is getting a little sore now, and I think I am going to go around my house and change all the calendars because today is the first day of April! Oh so that means it's April Fool's day huh? I woke up this morning to see that my brother had bought my mom and I a box of doughnuts for no apparent reason, which seemed highly suspicious. I mean my mom and I love jelly and apple filled doughnuts, and I thought Chase forgot about them since we haven't bought them in like what, a year? Plus he's gone to the store a million times and never got them.. I told my mom maybe he's playing a trick on us..although I wouldn't be sure what. :P Well until the next time I post, I hope everyone has a beautiful springy-Easter-bunny-filled week. (; "¡Adios!"

Radically Random...

I was searching the web and found an interesting statistic...

'Only 2% of the United States population has red hair. '

...and therefore if you know one, consider yourself lucky! xD

Click here to get more cartoon dolls like this!