Here's the flipping blog entry I promised I'd flipping write about Nicole's flipping party that ended flipping yesterday. I can't believe how much flipping fun we had. Abby was being such a flipping pig as flipping usual, and her and I have flipping started to say flipping after every other flipping word because it's so flipping funny to flipping say in flipping person that we flipping love it and since we don't flipping curse this is our flipping substitute that we flipping adore and we flipping said the flipping word 'flipping' about 500 plus flipping times yesterday so flipping give me a flipping break.
[rofl.] How about that? :P I think we drove Nicole crazy over the amount of times Abby and I said flipping at her party. Ha flipping ha!
I mentioned that this weekend I'd be going to my friend Nicole's Sweet 16th, and I did do just that. I slept over Friday night and didn't come home until Saturday night. It was a really nice time. We went to the movies on Friday and saw 'Waitress'. There wasn't any good movies out, and it was more of a random pick. Every year we end up seeing some interesting movies, but I really enjoyed the pick this year. It was absolutly hilarious. :P My friends Abby, Nicole, and I have a unique sense of humor. The things we find funny are usually not what the typical movie-goer will find funny. Therefore we were definately the three loudest laughing teenage girls in the back left hand corner of the room. We must have laughed every two minutes about something we found funny, or that had some connection to any of our personal jokes. :P We really liked the movie because of this. The story of the movie was that this woman worked as a waitress at a pie restaurant. [Don't read on further if you want to see it as it may possibly spoil some.] She was married to an abusive husband whom she entirely disdained. She tried to save money to run away from him even. One night he gets her drunk and she ends up pregnant. This makes her feel upset and angry, as she doesn't know how to even raise a child. She is one of the greatest pie makers in the area, and the whole movie revovles around pies and all the different kinds she makes up. I was sick of seeing pies after this movie, haha. Anyways, she has an affair with her 'baby woman doctor [ob-gyn]' who is this new man in town. Their affair lasts the length of her pregnancy. By the end of the movie she eventually stands up for herself and makes some decisions that change her life. I won't go into any more detail than that, because what you think will happen doesn't really at all go that way. You'd think by the way I am making this sound it would be some serious love story, but it's not at all. It's really funny sometimes, especially the woman's friends at the restaurant. The one was pretty funny, haha.
I think the funniest thing that happened at the movies that makes me smile now even is that maybe 3/4 through the movie, I'm not even sure what happened but Abby, Nicole, and I were actually sitting quietly for once watching when suddenly some guy yells "L-M-A-O!" Abby and I started to laugh so hard it was uncontrollable. We laughed out loud and the guy must have heard the response from us because he tried to joke again and it wasn't even funny this time, haha. But boy, when he said LMAO it was so random and unexpected and chat- speakish we loved it. xD
Once back to Nicole's she opened her presents and I am glad she liked the purse I got her. [and also really happy to see Abby was wearing one of the shirts I got her from her party last weekend] =) We then didn't do a whole lot. Nicole put in another movie that I actually did want to see but didn't really get to because I had a tragedy happen to my toes.
Seriously now. I was sitting up between Abby and Nicole trying to see the TV better when a strong pins and needles sensation went through my left leg down to my toes. My two toes completely seperated from the rest, like opened so there was this gap between them and that's like impossible for people to do unless they are double jointed I guess. I couldn't put them back in place until the feeling went away because my foot was so numb. It hurt really bad, and then it happened three or four more times after that. Abby was amazed and had no idea what happened and thought it was the flippin' most hilarious thing she's ever seen [we made a big deal of it]. Haha. It was REALLY weird! =P
The next morning Abby left briefly for an appointment, and by the time she got back the three of us played outside pretty much the entire day. We played on Nicole's fun tree swing, scooters, baby trucks, and played with her golden retriever Precious a lot too. We also pretended to walk the catwalk which was hilarious to do in the driveway. After that we did all these weird things, like pick each other high up in the air and take a picture. Abby let me sit on her shoulders [because she is such a flippin' macho man!] Then we did a number of other poses, flips, handstands, and cartwheel-type-moves. :P It was fun, I love being picked up and stuff, haha.
By the afternoon Nicole's family arrived and a few more friends. There was a dunk tank at Nicole's party that afternoon, and it was really fun. Nicole got to sit up on the seat first and we all took turns throwing balls at the button. Unfortunately, the water was frigid due to it being cold hose water. :P By the time it was my turn, I wasn't really scared or anything, just nervous. You get really nervous sitting up there because you know it's coming, that you'll be dunked, but you don't know when and as the ball's thrown become closer you get scared. Haha and then I'd slide off that seat so fast and sink completely underwater. I didn't even think I'd go under as much as I did because it's not a deep tub, but the fact you're slammed into it I guess gets you down good. :P I liked it though, and maybe would have gone lots more if the water wasn't so cold, the shade wasn't starting to cover it, and the day was 10 degrees warmer. :P
By evening, a family friend had arrived to play live guitar and sing for everyone. I give the man props, he did a nice job, and it was relaxing to sit and listen to. He started by playing songs he hoped we'd know [such as his own rendition of Wake me up when September ends by Greenday.] He was still playing and singing when my ride arrived and I had to leave. I had a real good time though, lots o' flippin' fun! xD [I did get some wicked sunburn though. =/ Thankfully I had sunscreen on my face, but my poor shoulders, neck, thighs, and feet are quite toasty &red.]
I really don't like how spontaneous my mood has been today. I woke up annoyed, and rudely walked right outside claiming I needed some fresh air. Then I sat on the computer for a few hours working on a website layout that probably stinks. That's another thing, I've been feeling really sarcastic and stubborn today. I don't know why. Later on I was talking to Buddy Foote and completely went on more than necessary bashing a new game he has taken interest in. What kind of friend is that? I'm not even sure if half the things I said today altogether were serious. Just before I began this entry I was sulking, yes, absolutly sulking out in a chair situatued in my sunroom. At first I had tried to read some pages from my current novel, but lost interest and proceeded to close the book, sit there, and sulk. Sulk over what!? Probably my strange behavior today is what I am feeling guilty over. I feel tired and moody, and I have no real reason to be. It's a beautiful day out, yet I am openly letting it slip away. -shrugs and sighs-
I haven't eaten since breakfast and it's almost 3pm, so I should probably eat very shortly, but I think my mind was too consumed with being 'moody' that I didn't even realize if I was hungry or not. Until I go eat, I want to keep typing up an entry here because it seems to be making me feel less pathetic. :P Blogs are wonderful diaries.
I have to pop into school tomorrow for one hour. Yes, one hour not because I am leaving early, but because one hour is our entire official last day of school tomorrow. I wasn't planning on going, since finals are done and I have permission not to go in, but I don't mind and since there is a chance we'll recieve our report cards, eh why not? My friends Heather, Abby and Nicole go every year despite anything because they take pictures and have fun, so I'll surprise them when I show up since I told them I probably wasn't going to be there. I think one hour is a waste of gas to start up all the school buses when 98% of the school's population is not going to bother going in, even if they were forced. :P Why not tack the extra hour on one of our half days last week? Even so, you can't really count the hour tomorrow as the 180th day or anything, lol. x)
I'm guessing that's all I have the energy for. I feel a whole lot less moody now and ready to do something. :P I plan on playing Runescape tonight. During my time of "sulking", I came to the conclusion that I am looking forward to Buddy Foote playing World of Warcraft. It's something new I'll get to read about here on the blog. I don't find the game personally interesting as it's just another RPG, and I have Runescape for that. I am upset though, that I think it's going to be for real this time, Buddy Foote's abscense of Runescape anyhow. It's been mentioned for the past months on and off, rumors almost, that he was thinking of leaving because interest was being lost. The whole reason I even joined and played Runescape the last year was for him, and knowing he's going to stop paying for members shows he is serious about opening a new chapter in his 'gaming' life. :P It just makes me sad, I don't have anybody to play Runescape really 'for' anymore. My brother stopped playing a few months ago. It was only really fun when I had some real life friends to play it with. :P Now I sort of don't. It'd be selfish and pointless of me to stop playing the game period though. I like it a lot, and will play it now when I want to for myself. It won't feel the same though y'know? :P Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. For those of you that are Runescape players who read this blog [and I think there are a few], I'll make sure to write about what I do in Runescape once in a while then. =]
My daily blog special consists of a sneak preview to my personal website's [Starry Bliss] new layout. I don't know what I am trying to get at yet, I want to make a sort of collage of neat photography pictures I've collected, and go with that sort of theme. I like what I've made so far, but it looks messy and uneven to me. Tell me what you think? :P -cough- Or else have a flipping nice day.
Radically Random...
I've yet to decide I like this yet. :P