Wow, I have to thank the [currently] six different people that commented my last entry! That's terrific, thank you people, it's pretty fun coming online and seeing somebody read a thing or two from my blog and left me a lil love, hehe. ;]
Well, "yalleventh" grade has started! [As my friend wrote in my journal ;)] Wednesday was my first day, and it was a very nice day. The only problems I had was that I developed two terrible blisters on the back of my ankles due to new shoes and the fact my socks didn't stay up. However I just have worn open shoes everyday since and even tonight as I write this, pus is sort of coming out still...sorry for the gross image but it's true. xD See this year I actually got two wonderful brand new pairs of shoes that I simply adore, I just have to figure out a painless way to wear the pair that gave me blisters. ;] Hah, I'll be fine though. I was also very tired the first day of school, I remember my eyes almost closing when the day was only half over, and yawning all evening after school that day. I suppose that's just due to my not being used to waking up at 6am and going through such a long day. I probably sound like a baby to some, because I know for a fact other people get up earlier and work longer [and harder] so who am I to complain really. Not that I am even complaining technically, just, stating some thoughts. :P
I will say all of my teachers appear incredibly sweet, and my classes very promising for the year. =] I'd like to take a moment to run through my schedule with a few thoughts of each period.
English - So far so good. I like having it first period. English is my favorite, and I sit right up front. I had the teacher last year, so I know how she is a little, but she seems better this year even. Last year I know she never knew who I was, as I never spoke in SAT Prep, but she's recognizing me now, like the second day she patted my shoulder and said morning in the hall before class. That was nice. :] [lol] :P
Spanish - I love Spanish. Plain and simple. :] I like the teacher, she's sweet to me and ever since first grade I've been attached to new teachers in an idolizing type of way because I looked up to them more as they just started a career I knew since first grade I wanted to follow as well. xD She's not as new anymore as in 9th grade, so this last part was rambling :P I love how all of my Spanish friends are in that class with me too. :]
Health - I'm actually going to say something about Health just 'because'. :P In 7th grade I never had "case" and to be 100% honest I knew he never knew who I was. This past summer he was jogging around the school when I was practice driving my father's large truck. He jokingly ran out of the way for fear I'd "hit" him, and then came over and was saying stuff like "mighty big truck for a little girl there" etc etc. Ever since then I guess he's remembered me, and now that I'm in his class it's as though he knows me on a friend basis, calling me a nickname, Cait, everytime and asking me the general in-class discussion sort of questions. xD It's sort of funny when I think of it, and how he'll be talking about something and be like "What do you think Cait?" :P Haha. :]
Psych - I really really like and will love this class, as I hoped and knew I would when I picked it as one of my top electives. I cannot wait to learn more about numerous topics that interest me very much, and the teacher is so pleasant to sit and listen to. :]
History - Same teacher for Psych, and I love history. Social studies rules over science in my book. ;] It was like the second day and whatever was being talked about at the time was sooo interesting to me, I was very into it, not even realizing the bell had rung. xD That's a good sign then right? ;]
AP Chem - As of now, I am predicting this class will be my most challenging above all else. I didn't suffer poorly or anything in Pre chem 2 years ago, but everything about this AP class just yells "hard". :P Having a new teacher for this may either help or hinder this point, I've yet to find out for sure. xD I will say the new teacher is adorable though, and nerdy to the point I want him to join my "fanclub". xD Come on nerds, unite! ;] The second day I ran back to his class before lunch to give him some papers, and he started talking to me about how I thought his notes were for his first time, and if I understood them, were they clear, was it too much, etc. I gave him my honest best opinion. :] I thought he gave good notes, I didn't have a problem reading them, and went on to say he did a good job. I could tell that flattered him and made him proud inside because he grinned with his head down and was all "aw well thank you...thank you.." like someone shy or something. :P I'm telling ya, new teachers are superb. I just love them, they're so new and fresh and naive and I feel like I can relate to them like I said before. In reality I can't too much, but I picture myself as a new teacher and then I can, haha. :]
Lunch - Late. Afternoon flies by though like you wouldn't believe. xD
Pre-cal - Another new teacher! Oh goodie. :] She's nice. The first day I thought I was late to her class or lost, and I just saw a new face and ran to her asking if she was so and so, then I went in and the room was empty, me being early. Haha. :P I have to say I like that I sit in the backest back of the room for Math. Nobody can see me, I'm in my own corner, I can concentrate, spread out, and for Math, I need that, because otherwise I'm nervous. Why? I don't know. :P Last year I was in a second seat, and I was just so...nervous. Ugh, it was weird and awkward. xD haha don't ask. :P This class may be on my list for second most challenging for me, I predict anyway.
Journalism - Finally, last class of this day, and a fun one at that! This class is a perfect last period class. We have it in the computer lab, and it's laid back so far. It's super noisy with seniors&juniors mixed, the teacher doesn't seem to mind and just chatters on with everyone. We played an interview game, talked some. I love it. It's nice to just chill out last period in that sort of fun way. :] This class is supposed to improve my writing and grammar skills. Perfecto! Like a third English type class. [I count Spanish too, it has grammar,
reading& favorite stuff pretty much. xD] We're going to get to interview some teachers and I like the sound of that. It's supposed to help us get more comfortable talking to people, asking them things, something I need SO SO bad [if you know my shy background...sheesh!] :P My closest friend in this class is Cassandra, and she and I sit together and it's great because I like Cassandra's personality a lot and we get to finally talk together a lot and get to be better friends, so that's always nice. :]
That about sums up my typical day. I enjoy my schedule and classes and all seems so well. :] The second and third day of school went lots better than the first. I got a good night's sleep and that helped I'm sure. xD I'm trying to be very positive for this school year, if you couldn't tell from my optimistic words everywhere for every class. ;P That's not a bad thing though, right? :]
A nice long Labor Day weekend sounds great right about now too. ;] I have plans with my friend Nicole for half the weekend, so I am looking forward to that. :] I'm feeling tired now and my fingers have that sore post-blog syndrome tingle in them. Wow, what a nice medical term there huh? ;P My daily blog special is an FF5 Promo vid for their upcoming tour which if I'm lucky, maybe can attend? Nah, well, maybe? Hmm. :P It's short and just thrilling to me because it's them live and reminds me of Warped Tour like crazy. :)
Family Force 5 Dance Rawr Dance Tour Promo Vid! =)