Friday, August 31, 2007

11th's Beginning

Hey yuns! I like saying "yuns" now. Want to know why? Sure you do. My favorite band, Family Force 5, speaks that way because they are just a hunk of southern crunkers that have stolen my heart and ran right out of Warped Tour with it. xD By the way, I've been advertising my brand new fanlisting for them lately, and so far so good! =) Please check it out/maybe join for yourself here!

Wow, I have to thank the [currently] six different people that commented my last entry! That's terrific, thank you people, it's pretty fun coming online and seeing somebody read a thing or two from my blog and left me a lil love, hehe. ;]

Well, "yalleventh" grade has started! [As my friend wrote in my journal ;)] Wednesday was my first day, and it was a very nice day. The only problems I had was that I developed two terrible blisters on the back of my ankles due to new shoes and the fact my socks didn't stay up. However I just have worn open shoes everyday since and even tonight as I write this, pus is sort of coming out still...sorry for the gross image but it's true. xD See this year I actually got two wonderful brand new pairs of shoes that I simply adore, I just have to figure out a painless way to wear the pair that gave me blisters. ;] Hah, I'll be fine though. I was also very tired the first day of school, I remember my eyes almost closing when the day was only half over, and yawning all evening after school that day. I suppose that's just due to my not being used to waking up at 6am and going through such a long day. I probably sound like a baby to some, because I know for a fact other people get up earlier and work longer [and harder] so who am I to complain really. Not that I am even complaining technically, just, stating some thoughts. :P

I will say all of my teachers appear incredibly sweet, and my classes very promising for the year. =] I'd like to take a moment to run through my schedule with a few thoughts of each period.

English - So far so good. I like having it first period. English is my favorite, and I sit right up front. I had the teacher last year, so I know how she is a little, but she seems better this year even. Last year I know she never knew who I was, as I never spoke in SAT Prep, but she's recognizing me now, like the second day she patted my shoulder and said morning in the hall before class. That was nice. :] [lol] :P

Spanish - I love Spanish. Plain and simple. :] I like the teacher, she's sweet to me and ever since first grade I've been attached to new teachers in an idolizing type of way because I looked up to them more as they just started a career I knew since first grade I wanted to follow as well. xD She's not as new anymore as in 9th grade, so this last part was rambling :P I love how all of my Spanish friends are in that class with me too. :]

Health - I'm actually going to say something about Health just 'because'. :P In 7th grade I never had "case" and to be 100% honest I knew he never knew who I was. This past summer he was jogging around the school when I was practice driving my father's large truck. He jokingly ran out of the way for fear I'd "hit" him, and then came over and was saying stuff like "mighty big truck for a little girl there" etc etc. Ever since then I guess he's remembered me, and now that I'm in his class it's as though he knows me on a friend basis, calling me a nickname, Cait, everytime and asking me the general in-class discussion sort of questions. xD It's sort of funny when I think of it, and how he'll be talking about something and be like "What do you think Cait?" :P Haha. :]

Psych - I really really like and will love this class, as I hoped and knew I would when I picked it as one of my top electives. I cannot wait to learn more about numerous topics that interest me very much, and the teacher is so pleasant to sit and listen to. :]

History - Same teacher for Psych, and I love history. Social studies rules over science in my book. ;] It was like the second day and whatever was being talked about at the time was sooo interesting to me, I was very into it, not even realizing the bell had rung. xD That's a good sign then right? ;]

AP Chem - As of now, I am predicting this class will be my most challenging above all else. I didn't suffer poorly or anything in Pre chem 2 years ago, but everything about this AP class just yells "hard". :P Having a new teacher for this may either help or hinder this point, I've yet to find out for sure. xD I will say the new teacher is adorable though, and nerdy to the point I want him to join my "fanclub". xD Come on nerds, unite! ;] The second day I ran back to his class before lunch to give him some papers, and he started talking to me about how I thought his notes were for his first time, and if I understood them, were they clear, was it too much, etc. I gave him my honest best opinion. :] I thought he gave good notes, I didn't have a problem reading them, and went on to say he did a good job. I could tell that flattered him and made him proud inside because he grinned with his head down and was all "aw well thank you...thank you.." like someone shy or something. :P I'm telling ya, new teachers are superb. I just love them, they're so new and fresh and naive and I feel like I can relate to them like I said before. In reality I can't too much, but I picture myself as a new teacher and then I can, haha. :]

Lunch - Late. Afternoon flies by though like you wouldn't believe. xD

Pre-cal - Another new teacher! Oh goodie. :] She's nice. The first day I thought I was late to her class or lost, and I just saw a new face and ran to her asking if she was so and so, then I went in and the room was empty, me being early. Haha. :P I have to say I like that I sit in the backest back of the room for Math. Nobody can see me, I'm in my own corner, I can concentrate, spread out, and for Math, I need that, because otherwise I'm nervous. Why? I don't know. :P Last year I was in a second seat, and I was just so...nervous. Ugh, it was weird and awkward. xD haha don't ask. :P This class may be on my list for second most challenging for me, I predict anyway.

Journalism - Finally, last class of this day, and a fun one at that! This class is a perfect last period class. We have it in the computer lab, and it's laid back so far. It's super noisy with seniors&juniors mixed, the teacher doesn't seem to mind and just chatters on with everyone. We played an interview game, talked some. I love it. It's nice to just chill out last period in that sort of fun way. :] This class is supposed to improve my writing and grammar skills. Perfecto! Like a third English type class. [I count Spanish too, it has grammar,
reading& favorite stuff pretty much. xD] We're going to get to interview some teachers and I like the sound of that. It's supposed to help us get more comfortable talking to people, asking them things, something I need SO SO bad [if you know my shy background...sheesh!] :P My closest friend in this class is Cassandra, and she and I sit together and it's great because I like Cassandra's personality a lot and we get to finally talk together a lot and get to be better friends, so that's always nice. :]

That about sums up my typical day. I enjoy my schedule and classes and all seems so well. :] The second and third day of school went lots better than the first. I got a good night's sleep and that helped I'm sure. xD I'm trying to be very positive for this school year, if you couldn't tell from my optimistic words everywhere for every class. ;P That's not a bad thing though, right? :]

A nice long Labor Day weekend sounds great right about now too. ;] I have plans with my friend Nicole for half the weekend, so I am looking forward to that. :] I'm feeling tired now and my fingers have that sore post-blog syndrome tingle in them. Wow, what a nice medical term there huh? ;P My daily blog special is an FF5 Promo vid for their upcoming tour which if I'm lucky, maybe can attend? Nah, well, maybe? Hmm. :P It's short and just thrilling to me because it's them live and reminds me of Warped Tour like crazy. :)

Radically Random...

Family Force 5 Dance Rawr Dance Tour Promo Vid! =)

Monday, August 27, 2007

CAN Campout

Aw friends!Let me start out by saying that I have some really spectacular friends. :] I know for a fact that my summer would not have been as fun without them. The other day I was reflecting upon my summer and couldn't believe this one is almost over. I really don't feel as though school is just two days away. Honestly, I feel like I have two months left of summer. xD Someone told me their summer was one of the best ever, and I have to agree with them in saying mine was too. :] I've always loved summertime, and usually spent them laying around, running outside, or playing some type of game in past years just at my home, and then you'd have my one week vacation to the beach. This summer was not like that. This summer I did so many things with all my friends, whether it be together or at seperate times.=) If I look back on my calendar I can see that I spent some super fun time with a friend or two at least one day every week this summer. That was great, because it's something I always told my friends I wanted to get to do, but we'd end up busy and not staying in contact much until school came back, and then we'd go "aww why didn't we do stuff!" :P Those fun days I had this summer with friends, Warped Tour being a favorite example, makes up for not being able to go to the beach this year. :] I had a lot of fun this summer though, maybe more than in past years, and I'm happy to say I'll miss it. :)

Party lyke a rockstArThis last "unofficial" weekend of summer was one I'll never forget. :] I had two wonderfully close friends of mine, Abby and Nicole, come spend time at my house and then sleepover outside in my tent. :) We had SO much fun! They both came over lunchtime on Friday, with so many bags and things I bet my neighbors thought they were moving in. xD They had baked me a cake and came bearing birthday presents too! That was extremely sweet of my friends to do for me! :) They knew I never had my birthday party like was sort of planned, and they said they had always wanted to do this for me, and they made it into a party and we had a great great time. =) I couldn't believe it. :]

We spent the first half of our time talking all about Family Force 5. :] My laptop, now nicknamed "grounds", was the center of attention 95% of the time. xD We ended up watching again all the FF5 Really Real Shows and then when we'd find a favorite part or funny part we loved, the three of us would act it out! Nicole brought a video camera with her, so it was perfect. My one house is filled with all sorts of goodies [being the "playhouse" it is] so we found props galore from fake food, plates&cups to funky outfits for the parts. We even memorized some lines or wrote them in notebooks. It was so fun!! We had to have done a short couple minute piece from each of the like 17 Really Real Shows. =) My favorite was the one scene we did where Abby is Crouton, I was Ziploc, and Nicole was Nadaddy. They're eating in a cafe and I'm talking all about how great Hard Rock is and I love my new t-shirt. Then Abby was pretending to spit out black olives, yells at me, throws her bib, and goes "I HATE BLACK OLIVES!!!" then I say something snooty and she literally throws a glass of water in my face, and Nicole throws one at my shirt and I push her and run away. That was soo funny we loved it. =) Haha, mannnn, and it's all on camera too! ;) We did a lot of scenes, like I said, and we're calling it our "Really Fake Shows." ;P

True friends..We stayed up the entire night on Friday too. I was hoping we would, as I was so in the mood for an all-nighter. xD I guess you can call this party "Awakeover #3" if you will. ;] The tent was a lot of fun setting up and such. They let me open my presents early in the day, and I was so thankful for it! Abby and Nicole really didn't need to do that for me, but the fact they did, shows how sweet, special&caring they wanted to make this time be for me. :] I'm telling ya, my summer could not have ended any better.=) I got two cute shirts from the both of them, a plaid headband, a plaid STAR necklace [lovelovelove], an AWESOME new mousepad of me and my twin Xanadu!, a plush pink crayon, and two surprise gift bags they got from the fair so nobody knew what was in them. One turned out to be an anklet bracelet, the other a necklace. We found that really funny and I remember laughing hard over it. xD Why, I don't know. :P :P Plus, they each made me a special card that said some special things that I bet could have made me cry if I let myself. =] Aww, everything was SO nice. Abby, Nicole and I [C-A-Ns] have been friends since 6th grade, and we were talking how we have never been closer than we are this past year. :) It's really special. I hope we stay that way. :]

The rest of the night was really fun too. At first we tried some "wagoning" down my hills, then I was glad we had a long extension cord to blast music inside the tent. Around 11:30 food was wanted, perferably leftover pizza, so we had to sneak up to my house and try to microwave some. This act I found to be VERY loud as everyone I guess was sleeping and we had to "try" to be quiet. Abby was microwaving the pieces one by one, and then I don't know what even happened, but my arm must have flung weird [typical, as my body is so clumsy acting this summer!] and I knocked over this griddle thing and it made a really loud crack as it hit the floor and got stuck. =O A side handle even broke, so I was worried, and we had to have Abby climb entirely over the side to reach it and get it back up. :P Phew, that was a close call kind of deal. :P Everyone got their food and drink safely though. xD

Once back in the tent, the three of us spent three straight hours just talking. Yes, talking talking talking about everythinggggggg! :) It was one of the best talks of my life. :P It's really nice and comforting to know you have people who can relate to you, and you can share stuff with and get if off your chest. Everyone of us ended up sharing things and we just talked and laughed all through the late night. It was special, and as Nicole said "therapeautic". It just makes ya feel so much better that way. =] Aw, it was lovelyyy. ;]

Hammocks are fun.The night we camped out was the most perfect tent night ever, I have to say. When I had my other friend Heather camp out with me, we frozeeeee. Friday night was so humid, it was like tropically warm. xD I was so so shocked. I mean 1, 2, 3 in the morning it was still toasty like day and nobody needed a blanket [not that we were laying down sleeping] but still it was unbelievable. I loved it!! So perfect for a perfect day! :D The only thing was our sleeping bags did kind of start to stick to us at one point, and there was this nice tropical-like breeze blowing around outside, so all three of us climbed into my hammock with pillows and just lay there for about a half hour at 4:30 in the morning. Abby really wanted to just sleep there, but then Nicole and I said we'd be going back to the tent. :P Everybody seems to love my hammock&laptop most when they come over, because those things are always used the most, haha.

JoCoAround 5 I believe we officially crawled into the tent and went to sleep soundly. =] Then we were awaken at 8:30 to eat breakfast. Uggg the smell of breakfast literally almost made me sick :P Haha I guess because my body was mixed up with sleep and then the thought of eating so soon was like, nauseating to me personally, xD. We did have to eat though, as Nicole was leaving at nine as she had an appointment&such. :] Abby ended up staying until 3:00ish in the afternoon though. After eating and getting our stuff together, Abby and I got my laptop, plugged it in outside and "bAM" I get wireless internet in my hammock, so we sat there alllllll morning until about 2pm listening to music, checking myspaces, and going on AiM. Even made a new screename, haha. :P Halfway through the time we spent in the hammock laptopping it up, I guess we were eating watermelon and I had my laptop on my lap and just looked at me IE favorites and saw Jonathan Coulton's download page, and just spur of the moment thing kinda clicked it. Then I said "hey abby listen to this song I love it" and that song being "I'm having a party" fit quite well, in a way. ;] Abby cracked up, like really laughed and I was surprised because all this time I never thought she'd enjoy JoCo! :P She liked him and the other random songs not really by him [but on his page] so much that we did nothing but listen to JoCo until she left! Haha, how cool?! x) The song "Sibling Rivalry", "W's Duty" and that 25, 64 something song I think were played most, we just found them hilariousssss, and Abby loved them. She also LOVED LOVED the beginning of "baby got back" where they say "LA's faced with the oakland booty" or something. That line must have been played 100 times. She loveddddddd it, hahahaha. Oh man it was fUN! =) We also played some "I'm so strong I can throw things" as we love that very very much. I remember dancing like a ballerina on my hill when we were wagoning in the night and Abby going "I like ballet". [you won't get this part unless you saw that video..aha.] :P

So in conclusion, I had a blast, and I'm pretty sure my friends had a blast over "Cat's Crib" this weekend. ;D

Now, as I said, I only have two days before the first day of 11th grade. I finished reading my final required book yesterday, "Lord of the Flies". I'm not sure what to expect of 11th grade, so it's exciting to see what may happen this year. :] I do know there will probably be plenty of work&tests, along with me preparing for the SATs. I went to the 7th grade orientation last week and it made me sad. Why? Because they have all of high school to look forward too, I think it was said they're the class of 2013. I'm the class of 2009, and that is approaching quickly. I remember my orientation and my brother's vividly, and I miss back then. :P It's weird being a Junior, a bigger kid, one supposed to be driving and looking at colleges. xD I just hope I can do well this year, and make each day great. :]

Our schedules came over a week ago, and I suppose I'd like to share it here. I originally put Parenting down as my final elective, but got my alternate choice, Journalism, instead. First time that happened to me, but I'm happy in a way, and more excited to be in Journalism after all. Maybe it'll help my writing. :)

1st Period- Adv. English 3
2nd Period- Spanish 3
3rd Period- Health/Study/Gym
4th Period- Psych/Soc.
5th Period- Adv. American History
6th Period- AP Chem
Lunch. Toooo late in the day. I will be starved. xD
7th Period- Pre-calculus
8th Period- Journalism

..and there ya have it! ;] I probably won't have time to write again until after the first day of school, so wish me luck &have a good one!

Radically Random...

[ this was a good picture my friends&I got with Soul Glow Activatur of FF5 that I've yet to share since it was on my camera ;) ]

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Welcome to Buddy Foote's Blog v.4!

Yes, it is finally here. After a long wait and for the makers of it (Buddy Foote and Caitlin) going through hours of extreme headaches and thus the abuse of pain-killing drugs, the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' layout is now released to the public! Now I'm going to come out and warn you right now: We have been having problems with this layout displaying on certain browsers, screen resolutions, and computer monitors, so if you see any problems with the layout or if any glitches occur, please contact me or post a comment here as soon as possible! But other from that, I hope the layout displays good for you and thus you shall be able to breathe in the beauty of it. The 'BFBv.4' layout takes the form of a three-column blog with four different sections divided up in the columns -- Blog Authors, Blog Stuff (such as archives, counter, etc. and there is no image to depict this section), Blog Features, and Affiliate Section. I hope the contents of all the sections work properly for you and therefore you shall be able to use them to your advantage.

Actually, I'm going to now display a list of known problems this layout has. If you encounter any of the following problems or problems not listed, please contact me or post a comment!
  • The banner being cut off due to the Blogger Navigation.
  • The right sidebar displaying at the bottom of the page (major problem).
  • Images on the sidebars not being aligned properly.
  • The sidebars and the middle column should have their own separate borders -- there should be a space in between the left sidebar border and the middle column border, and the right sidebar border and the middle column border. Sometimes they're "fused" or one doesn't display.
  • The 'Affiliates' portion of the 'Affiliate Section' should be a vertically scrolling marquee. If not, we have a problem.
  • The rest of the 'Ask The Author' form not displaying. If only the drop-down menu displays and not the text area where the typed question should go, as well as the 'Submit' and 'Reset' buttons, then we have a problem.
  • Some of the forms not displaying the proper white-text-on-black-background style.
  • With a 800x600 resolution, the images may overlap borders or even the entries and sometimes the right sidebar is displayed at the bottom of the page.
I have tested this layout on multiple computers with different screen monitors (15.4'' and 19'' wide screen monitors as well as others), screen resolutions, web browsers (Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and AOL), and operating systems (Wii, Windows XP, and Windows Vista). Also I asked my friends to check up on the layout also to confirm that it works on their computers (special thanks to Josh, Burge, Emily, Chris, Matt, and others). And from all these different methods of displaying the layout, only my Internet Explorer on my 19'' monitor on my desktop (right sidebar at the bottom of page and discoloration of form styles) and my Wii which runs on Opera (the 'Ask The Author' form not displaying text area and buttons) had any problems. So yes, the layout is not perfect but it shouldn't bombard you with problems either even though the list is quite long. I tested the layout quite good and created it to suit most of my testing platforms, however problems will occur and thus I'll need you to help me point them out.

This layout started around the beginning of August 2007 and ended the same month. There were many different versions of the layout, and different plans to approach a successful three-column blog, but in the end, only one prevailed. Thanks to the blog Random Bytes, however, for pointing me in the right direction for making this blog layout a dream-come-true. Like I said, the coding of the layout involved me staying up for long hours into the night with headaches trying to solve a problem that I was having, and thanks to Caitlin for creating many amazing banners as well as the blended one displayed at the top of the page.

For the record, here is a comparison between the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.3' layout and the current 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' layout:

Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 has been up and running for over two years and finally we have a blog layout to provide for the evolution of the blog. The new blog layout has a great eye candy element as well as organization and interactive blog features. In the end, I'm proud of the new BFBv.2 layout called 'BFBv.4' (confusing, eh?) and I hope it survives to accompany this blog for many years to come.

Have any compliments, complaints, or problems with the new layout? Please comment!

Have a good one!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thunderbird: You Need It

*The following article is for informative purposes and is used with the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' layout:

Upon the release of the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' layout comes two new forms located on the right sidebar -- one underneath 'Blog Features' and the other underneath 'Affiliate Section'. These forms are used to effectively communicate to Buddy Foote or the other blog authors for stated purposes. The one form is used for 'Ask The Author' and provides an easy way to ask a blog author any question you desire, and the other form is used for the 'Affiliate Sign-Up' and provides an easy way to become affiliated with BFBv.2. However, with the way the forms are set up, you have to send an e-mail for the receiver to receive it. There's no advanced features here, such as having the form save the posted information to another file on a server and then having that process so it sends to the receiver without any manual labor from you. Thus you must have some e-mail program that automatically opens upon hitting 'Submit' so that you may use the forms without the hassle of creating your own e-mail. If you have Windows (and I'm not sure about versions other than XP), Microsoft Outlook will probably open for you. If you are unaware on how to use Microsoft Outlook or you hold some grudge against it, then Mozilla Thunderbird is probably the right answer for you. [Note: I'm not sure about other operating systems such as Mac and Linux and if they have or how their default e-mail programs operate, but Thunderbird works on all three systems so use it if you will.]

I'm going to write a guide based on my preferences and of my understanding of the Thunderbird program. If you want to use Thunderbird for any purposes such as the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' forms, then please follow along.
  1. Download Mozilla Thunderbird here. Once the file is finished downloading, install the software.
  2. Once the installation is complete open the Thunderbird program.
  3. Go to File > New > Account...
  4. If you have Gmail (as I have), then the following step will be easy. If not, you may have to do a bit of research on how to set up your account. Or just get a Gmail account and use it only for Thunderbird. If you have a Gmail account, select Gmail on the Account Wizard, follow the steps, and you should be done.
  5. Go to your Start menu and select 'Set Program Access and Defaults'. If this does not show, then go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Set Program Access and Defaults (on the left sidebar). Go to Custom > Choose a default e-mail program > Mozilla Thunderbird. Hit 'OK' and you're done. The forms should now easily work for you.
Once you have Thunderbird operating, test out the forms. Once you fill out a form and hit 'Submit', Thunderbird should open with a new e-mail that already has information filled in, for example:

Subject: Ask The Author

Question=How many licks does it take to get the center of a balloon?

All you have to do now is send the mail and you're done! Thunderbird is, in general, a very good e-mail managing program and outside of using it just for the forms at BFBv.2 you'll find many other interesting purposes for it.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you use Thunderbird, or any other e-mail program, and take advantage of the new forms here at BFBv.2!

Author of the Month Archives

*The following article is for informative purposes and is used with the 'Buddy Foote's Blog v.4' layout:

Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 has a unique blog feature that one will not find anywhere else in cyberspace. This feature, called 'Author of the Month', has you, the citizens of the internet, vote for your favorite author here at Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 depending on the posts they have written that month. By having this feature, the authors of BFBv.2 may feel good about themselves if they're elected the title 'Author of the Month' and may brag to fellow peers in the outside world, as their fellow peers stare at them strangely and walk away from them. But what an achievement of winning this little contest be and you, fellow reader, must decide who shall be 'Author of the Month'! Yes, you are playing God and doesn't it feel good choosing the destiny of us! We bow before you, begging to be voted for, and you smirk knowing that you hold the almighty power in your hand to click your mouse at the polls, hit submit, and make your ultimate and final decision. Who shall it be? Buddy Foote, Caitlin, Chase, Jenifer, or Joey? You decide!

When an author wins the contest, the following banner is placed under their picture on the left sidebar:

Now what happens once a new author is elected? Does the initial banner disappear, being lost in cyberspace forever, and do we all forget about the amazing achievement that the blog author made? No! Never! And that's why you're reading this post, "Author of the Month Archive". This post is dedicated to keeping the history of the elected AotM's and whenever a new AotM is elected, the old banner shall be placed here. Think of it as a hall of fame.

And now for the list of past Author of the Month's!

  • Caitlin (June '07) --

If you're not familiar with the system used in the electing of an author to the position of 'Author of the Month', then please read these guidelines:
  • 22nd of the month -- A new poll on the right sidebar under 'Blog Features' goes into effect. The authors placed in the poll are the authors that posted that month before the 22nd. Authors who are not in the poll yet post an entry or two after the 22nd and before the first of the following month have a 50% chance of being added to the poll depending on the quality of their post(s). If such an author posts after or on the first, they cannot be added to the current poll but have a 100% of being added to the AotM poll for that following month.
  • 6th of the following month -- Based on the votes in the polls, the Author of the Month is chosen and they receive their banner. This banner will remain under their profile picture until the 6th of the following month, where the next AotM is nominated. If the same author wins again, their certificate is replaced with the updated version, and the older certificate is placed in the AotM archives.
For a better understanding, this example was used in an earlier article explaining "Author of the Month":

"Caitlin and Buddy Foote are the only blog authors who wrote entries for June '07. When June 22 comes around, their names are added to the new poll. Chase chooses to post on June 27 and the post contains great quality, thus his name is added to the poll. However, Joey posts on July 2 and cannot be added to the current poll, but will be added to the July 22nd poll. Depending on the votes in the poll, the winner for June is chosen on July 6. The winner has their new shiny Author of the Month banner under their picture in their profile until August 6th, where the July AotM is chosen."

Also, please read this paragraph that was also taken from the older post:

"I ask that you scan the entries for the featured month (you can easily do so by selecting the month in the archives as they will not all be listed on the front page) and then make your choice. Please do not be discriminating in your decision -- do not vote depending on gender, who you're a friend with, etc. and if you're a blog author on the poll, please do not vote for yourself. I ask that you make your decision fairly based on only the blog entries for the featured month. Please no not get confused and look at posts in a month that do not matter to the poll."

Thank you very much for reading, thank you for voting when the poll goes into effect, and thank you for aiding in choosing the next 'Author of the Month'!

Have a good one.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Layout Continues

The new Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 layout is still in development and I'm happy to say that it seems to be coming out great! I just finished up the layout of the layout today and all we need to do is add a few banners that Caitlin will be making as well as filling out sections left undone and various other unfinished elements. This layout caused multiple headaches in the coding stages, but thankfully it should be coming to an end by sometime this week and you'll be able to see the new three-column Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 before we start to head back to school. The new layout will actually have a few unfinished parts due to not having contact with some blog authors and thus not able to get some needed information from them, but such can wait until post-release of the layout. It was quite a long and windy road to get to the point where we're at today, but hopefully the hard work of Caitlin and me will pay off and others will enjoy the new layout the way that we do. I will have to make a few informative entries this week to inform readers about some things they'll need to be aware of with the coming of the new layout. For example, I recommend that you go and download Thunderbird to use the forms in the new layout unless you're comfortable with Microsoft Outlook or any other e-mailing programs. Especially if you're a Gmail user, Thunderbird will be a great addition to your software needs. Anyway, I hope that you'll like the future layout, which I like to call Buddy Foote's Blog v.4, and if you have any comments regarding the layout upon release, then please post your comment on the upcoming entry, "Welcome to Buddy Foote's Blog v.4!".

Why Buddy Foote's Blog v.4? Let me break it down:
  • The original Buddy Foote's Blog was started in January 2005 using a blogging platform other than Blogger (something like Forumer). The blog wasn't successful at all and looking back at it, it was the worst creation I ever invented. The entries were filled with no logic whatsoever, rambled on about nothing for long periods of time (yes, worse than I do now), and looked ugly and unorganized in general. The blog was hacked twice and is permanently hacked currently (do not even read it, as the hacker changed a lot of the text). I left that blog, however, in May 2005 long before the current hack.
  • On July 24, 2005 I created Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 using the Blogger platform. I was the only author on the blog at the time and wrote okay entries, however some I'm still jealous of today, like "Find the Pizza Boy" and "Interview With Blogger". In April 2006, Caitlin joined the blog and around midsummer Chase joined. Production on the new layout started around July 2006.
  • On the blog's first birthday, July 24, 2006, Caitlin released the new layout which as of now I would like to call Buddy Foote's Blog v.3. However the blog's name didn't change (and probably never will), this layout was an upgrade from the original black Blogger template. On this version, Jenifer and Joey joined the team, and the blog grew in page views slowly. Buddy Foote's Blog v.3 is noted for the horrible glitch that occurred August 2006 in which I forgot to close a JavaScript tag in the production of the layout and browsers other than Firefox could not view the blog entries. Being that I only used Firefox, I was not aware of the problem. The problem was fixed shortly after it being found, but the damage was done and the blog went from getting 70+ uniques daily to less than 20. It took a while to recover. However, in the year 2007, the uniques shot right back up and the blog seems to be flourishing once again. Production on the new layout started August 2007.
  • Buddy Foote's Blog v.4 will be the next installment in layouts and probably one of the last. The layout contains three columns, looks pretty, and contains many features that readers can take advantage of, other than the reading of the actual entries. Started August 2007, the blog layout is planned to be released the same month. It seems that two new blog authors are added with every new version, but that will no longer be the case. And yet again, the blog will retain the name Buddy Foote's Blog v.2, or BFBv.2 for short. More or less, these extra version names only apply to the blog layout used in that time period.
Well, I'm going to go and take a break from working on the new layout. I hope this entry provided an insight on what the future of BFBv.2 holds. Have a good one.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

High School Musical 2

Less than a month ago I finally got to see the original (and first) "High School Musical", the movie on Disney channel. Friday was the world premiere of the sequel, "High School Musical 2". Now after seeing the first one I literally fell in love with the movie and the actors! Therefore I was just pumped and could not wait to see the sequel, as I had enjoyed the first one so much. =]

What team?! Wildcats!
Well, just a few days ago I was invited to go to my friend Ashley's sleepover birthday party on Friday. I was a little sad because I wanted to get to see the movie the day of it's premiere. :P Everything worked out just fine though. I knew ahead of time the movie would be on a lot, so went to Ashley's and had a good time. Despite being very tired last night from sleeping about an hour the night before, I stayed up to "party with the Wildcats of East High" to watch High School Musical 2! :D

you are the music in me :] -troy&gabriellaIf you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil many details, but I'll just say how FANTASTIC I thought it was! Awwww it was super cute in so many ways. :) I love that movie so much. xD I enjoyed every bit of it. There were more songs&dancing this time, as compared to the first. It takes place in a summer country club [as everybody probably knows by now]. :P It was an awesome movie though. I still have the songs stuck in my head. The whole time through the movie I was just smiling and tapping my feet. :P High School Musical 1&2 are really fun movies to watch and perfect for my age group so you should definatley catch it! ;) Go Wildcats! x)

Miley Cyrus - Hannah MontanaAt Ashley's party on Friday, we got inside too late to catch the premiere of HSM2, and we didn't want to see the end before the beginning. I thought it would have been cool to watch it there, but since we missed it that was alright. We did watch the new Hannah Montana at her party, haha. Which I actually wanted to see because it was a new one with the Jonas Brothers in it! :)

Jonas Brothers I'm growing to like the cute Jonas boys more and more, and have to say I'm surprised with how fast they are becoming really popular. xD It seems this summer as a whole I've watched a lot more of the Disney channel then I have since...6th grade maybe. I'm glad though, because I like their shows and sort of can relate to some. If it wasn't for starting to watch Disney more I would have missed out on some fun Hannah Montana shows &knowing who in the world the adorable Jonas Brothers [they're a band, by the way] were! :P Haha so whether I'm 16 or 12, I like it, m'kay. :P Plus a lot of my friends do too. xD hehe.

We pretty much layed around at Ashley's party. When I first got there her friends Brittany, Tiffany, Megan and Sam were there and then another Tiffany came late and we played wiffle ball and an interesting game called "Shot Pudding" [get it? eh eh. xD]. I liked chucking a large can of chocolate pudding across her backyard. Hah. :P Later more people came, like Emily, Lauren, Matt, Paul, and TJ, whom I all know. I thought her party was fun, but for some strange reason I was a whole lot quieter than I normally am. I really don't think I spoke much. Ashley figured it was because of the lack of Abby and Heather around me that I was being so quiet, but who knows, haha. xD Everybody didn't really fall asleep until 3am or so, and I sort of never fell asleep. I'm not sure if I was even that tired, but I just layed there for a long while waiting for morning. :P I was a little uncomfortable and the sleeping arrangements were awkward for me, and I probably could have moved but I never did. :P

Family Force 5 lead singerAnyways! The next day once I got home from her party I had to go out shopping and I was hoping to pick up my pictures. They didn't have them though, but I did get the pictures just today. :) These were the pictures off my disposable camera that included a few from Warped Tour, swimming, and stuff with friends. I was worried the whole time none of my pictures would come out because I had never read the directions to do it the right way, but thankfully that wasn't necessary and all my pictures are really nice! =) The ones of me swimming are funny, especially jumping off the diving board. My legs and arms are all outstretched and I'm just like "Yay! ;D" I did get a few nice ones from Warped Tour though with and of FAMILY FORCE 5! :D I have this super great one with my friends and Soul Glow Activatur! :) He's sticking out his tongue and my friends and I are all smiles, haha it's so funny. :) Man, that day was amazinggg. :P Once I get some of those pictures onto my computer I'll share them!

The end of my summer has and will continue to be so very busy! I have so much going on, I barely have time for the computer. I just really wanted to write a blog entry though. :P I am trying to save special time each night to work on stuff for this blog layout, but since the party and the movie I missed two nights, but later on tonight I will definately do something. Next weekend, the last weekend before we go back to school, I've invited two of my closest friends over so we can make the last "unofficial" weekend of summer one to never forget. So this weekend and this week I have things to get AND things to do around the house to get ready for that. Plus I have places I have to be this week. Oh, and to add more to my list, I have to find good time to read and do back-to-school stuff! xD Busy busy girl. :P

I'm going to share the movie trailer for High School Musical 2 as my "special" today. It really is a GREAT teen movie! :D

Radically Random...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Entree Tyme

Entree tyme. :] I'm listening to FF5's new audio blog as I sit and take my second attempt to write a blog. I wrote the whole thing this morning, but then it accidently got deleted and I lost it. :[ I haven't been online since Thursday and it seems I have some catching up to do. :P I do have some good news to announce! I checked my e-mail earlier and I have been officially approved to run the main Family Force 5 fanlisting!! :D I am so thrilled! I cannot wait to finish setting it up! :]

Buzz.I spent most the weekend over my friend Heather's house, and the second half swimming at the pool. :) I had a lot of fun. Heather and I went shopping and played outside most of the time. The animals up at the barn are doing well, although the second kitten had ran away a few weeks ago. =/ The other kitten Smokey was still there, cute as could be. It was fun playing with her. She'll chase and pounce at anything we use. We also ran across the street and climbed the fence to see the two horses, Belle and Ginger. They both seem to be adjusting well to the new large area they were put in, including a fresh water stream. The only problem was that many flies bug them, and we tried to spray them with stuff but it only does so much. At one point, Heather and I were climbing old tractors [haha, don't ask] and a bee landed on my leg. It was crawling carelessly around it. Nice eh? :P Luckily, I didn't get stung. I love hanging out with Heather though. We have a good time, just running around doing whatever. :]

Ella EnchantedThe night I slept over we watched the Disney movie 'Ella Enchanted'. I have to say I enjoyed it, as it was really cute and had a sweet ending. It reminded me a lot of Cinderella though. Speaking of movies, guess what movie's world premiere is Friday the 17th!? High School Musical 2, ft. Zac Efron, Vannessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and the whole Wildcats' gang are back for a summer movie at a country club. I can't wait! Haha, sheesh, that really sounded like the movie commerical itself. ;)

I finished reading "The Good Earth" last night. The story follows a Chinese man, Wang Lung, and his family. I have to say I felt jipped by the ending, though I did enjoy the novel overall.

I can't believe how fast August is going. I look at it as there being only one really full week left of summer. Some friends have asked me if I'm ready to go back to school, have I done any shopping yet, etc, and my answer to most is no. I don't really have things I need to buy, except maybe one journal. The rest is taken care of, or I bought so many notebooks last year I don't need any. :P

Party?I keep flip-flopping over this supposedly "belated birthday party" I had wanted to throw this summer. Well, being the extreme procrastinors my family and I seem to be, the last minute is approaching to do anything about this. Right now, I'm to the point where having a party seven months after my real birthday seems pointless, as I'm closer to turning 17 then I am 16. Plus, what do I know about throwing a party. What was talked about doing depends on the weather, which isn't exactly cooperating, and I can't bear to give people such short notice. Therefore, I'm thinking maybe next summer or definately the summer after, I'll have a party someday, although not neccessarily a birthday one. In turn, a fun idea is emerging with two very close friends of mine that I'd be extremely content with going forth with. ;) Nothing is official yet, to those friends of mine that may read this. I'm saying that we'll just have to wait and see. - sighs-

I have to end here now because I have a list of things to do. ;P Helping with the new blog layout being up with the top of my list. ;] Adios ♥

Friday, August 10, 2007

The New BFBv.2

August seems to be an extremely inactive month on the blog, with only two entries excluding this one. However, there is work going on behind the scenes that one cannot see that will come at you fast when it is completed. Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 is going to get a haircut, a shave, and get some new clothes when the new blog layout is released later this month. How far are we in on the actual production of the layout? 0% done. Yes, we're doing good, aren't we? You may be able to add one or two percent in there though because I have come up with some ideas for the layout, including new blog features and the whereabouts of where certain page elements will be placed. Caitlin is helping a lot too. Caitlin is the brains behind CSS programming, logos and other images, and much more. She pretty much constructed the second BFBv.2 layout, which you may be viewing now depending if you're reading the entry around August 10th, 2007. I want to do a bit more work myself on this one which translates to the new layout will have many glitches and will be ugly looking. I'm the guy responsible for the glitch that occurred when the last layout was created by forgetting to send an end tag from a Javascript widget to Caitlin which made the page not come up in certain browsers and I didn't find out the problem until the damage was done and we lost visitors and readers. And Chase is also helping by giving out helpful ideas in terms of blog features. I don't want to give any features away yet as they're still in the scrapbook, but hopefully they'll allow some interaction between visitors/readers and the fellow staff here at BFBv.2.

The layout theme is going to be black and silver with the same green and blue colors used and will have three columns besides the two we currently have -- the left sidebar and middle section with entries. The small biographies for the author's will be revised a bit, throwing in other elements to read as well as a random picture generator. We're going to get rid of the web cam (very, very inactive and I dislike being displayed on the internet live) and move many current page elements around. You'll just have to wait and see the layout. Hopefully it'll be as good as I can see it in my head.

Can I blame my own absence from the blog on the development of the layout? No, not at all. Being that the layout isn't even being worked on yet by means of actual coding, I can't even point a finger at it to blame. I do blame World of Warcraft and headaches though for getting in my way. WoW is becoming quite addicting, which is a bad thing as I have to go back to school in nineteen days. And mostly I waste time on WoW trying to figure out what to do. I'm only level thirty-five and Craig, who started playing about a month after me, is already thirty-eight or maybe even thirty-nine as I wasn't on since around nine yesterday. That's not surprising though, as this one person I met when I started playing is a perfect example. I was a higher level than her, maybe only seven, when Kyle and me quested with her in Dun Morogh. Just yesterday when I was on, I noticed that she signed on (I didn't talk to her since that day), and she was level 51. It just goes to show that some people can level better than others. In general, I stink at World of Warcraft. Oh well, at least my dwarf has a cool hat I like.

Well, I'm going to go now. I still want to head onto WoW to try and finish up Missing Diplomat, read a bit more of "Good Earth", and start the coding of the new blog layout. If today is like the other days in this past week, then I'll only probably play WoW and waste the day doing something unproductive, like randomly falling asleep. Oh well, better preserve the summer while it's still here.

Have a good one.

P.S. -- I would also like to add that Author of the Month will be inactive until the new layout. Please do not vote as the poll will be reset.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Only The Really Real

Hi ho, hi ho, here on the blog I go. xD I feel like I haven't written in ages. See, my last entry was extraordinary. Not only was it huge but it was filled with so much joyful emotion that I think it wore me out. :P Therefore I didn't even let myself think of writing another one for many days. Actually, I wanted to write one mid- week but that never occurred because I got distracted with other offline events. I just woke up before and with a freshly revived mind I'll try to remember the things I did since my last entry and write about them. :)

Monday I had my friend Heather come over. I mentioned entries' ago that I set up a tent in my backyard. Well we finally made plans for her to come and camp out with me. ^_^ It was a lot of fun, and she spent almost two days over so that was cool. She has limited internet access at her own home, so when she comes over she loves the freedom and time I give her to go online my laptop to do any&all the things she wants [mostly myspace, but y'know ;P] So we spent a lot of time inside on the computer actually. I would have perferred otherwise but that's just because I practically live on the thing and could use a break, but I let her on and she was so happy to go online, so I was happy. :) We did play outside a lot too, and with my brother. It was a lot more fun once the sun went down. We all played out in the dark for a few hours even. I think playing hide-n- seek during a summer night is awesome and I don't get to do it that often. Heather and I hid and Chase and my dog were supposed to find us but they didn't we tried to sneak up on them and scare them. Haha however any way it worked out was fun. We then played volleyball and other games and were just running around. It's nice because the night air is very cool and then you don't get as hot, really. :P At one point we climbed up the large hill in my backyard and got to see the huge reddish glowing moon. It was really really breathtaking to stand all the way up there and see it in full view straight ahead. Plus all the stars were surrounding it, so I loved it even more, hehe it's just so pretty. :)

I think it was around 10:30 or 11 Heather and I tried to settle into the tent. We have had many sleepovers before where neither of us had enough blankets and freezed our buttts off. xD This was sorta one of them, haha aw. :P I didn't fall asleep until past midnight, like one maybe because I had to run back up to the house fifty times for something or use the bathroom so it was funny that I had to keep unzipping the door which is mighty loud in the night, and wake poor Heather up the second she is half-asleep. xP Then when I was finally down in the tent for good I didn't sleep well and had one of those nights where you're sleeping lightly and every hour or so you will be awake and then you go back to sleep and the pattern repeats itself. It wasn't one of those good sleep heavy straight through the night sleeps, haha. By 3 or 4 in the morning I think some of the cold was really setting in on us because I was freezing and wrapped myself up cucoon style. xD By the time it was 5 I realized Heather had done the same exact thing so we looked hilarious laying there with nothing showing but our nose, hahaha. We were both up then too and laughed over this realization. Then we just got colder and tried to keep each other warm. It probably didn't help that I was wearing shorts and a tank top with a small jacket over my arms, and this shirt on my legs, [el oh el it was so funny thinking back xD]. By the time the sun started to roll out it warmed up the inside of that tent immediately so I fell back asleep hard until like 10 since I was now so toasty. =)

It was fun though, it's always fun to do something different like that, and my tent worked well. :P The next day we just hung out outside or on the computer since it was a pretty warm day. I'm just glad she got to come over and all. :]

The rest of the week we've had a heat wave of sorts so I spent everyday swimming, being the fishie I am. ;) I love swimming. I've said this before, but it's very true. Unfortunately, the one day I got burnt a little, and then the next day I tred to practice diving in the weird way that I do, and got water in my ear that didn't get out for hours. xD I am happy to see next week will remain warm so hopefully I'll get to do some more swimming. =)

The Good Earth by Pearl S. BuckFriday I actually stopped by the library and checked out my first book of the three required novels I must read for English class once school is back in session. Since "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck was the first title I had written down, it was the first book I looked to get out. I've read seven chapters in it so far, and have to say I enjoy it. Some of these summer reading books from the past are true classics about themes or plots I don't understand or can follow well, or they simply don't interest me so I don't really act pumped over them even though I like to read. "The Good Earth" is about Chinese culture in a way, so at first I wasn't sure it'd become my new favorite or anything, but it's not bad at all. I am looking forward to reading some more in it today. :]

Birthday Partay Time ;)Yesterday was a really good day. Being Saturday and all, it's always nice to have some sort of plans to look forward to if you have the choice. I thought it was really great that Steve [Buddy Foote] invited me [in place of Corey] to come by for his grandmother's 80th birthday party. :) I had a nice time getting to see all his family and hang out in his house since I never really did before. :] His family was all really nice to me, so I felt comfortable being there. :] We spent a lot of time in his living room using the Wii. I was happy I got to try it out! It was my first time ever like, touching one of those, haha. I liked it, it just would probably take me a few times to get used to it. (: Overall, I hope his grandmother enjoyed her party and I'm glad I got be a part of it. [Thanks for having me over Steve!] =)

I suppose that about rounds out my week, being today is Sunday then eh? I wanted to write this entry last night but I stayed on late changing the layout for Starry Bliss ever since I found out what I was doing wrong that it wouldn't work in other browsers. See, being I was using net2ftp, I didn't know my actual file name for a subpage had to have certain words after it. Freewebs, my old host, did all that for me sort of automatically and I never realized that before, but I understand now. :] See! I'ma learning, hehe.

Luv Addict - Family Force 5Oh my gosh! I just realized I forgot a major portion of this blog entry that I wanted to write about!!! How could I forget! See I just remembered because I am nearing my Radically Random segment and I knew all week what I wanted to put there and well, oh my gosh! :) If you don't know, you MUST know that I love Family Force 5. :) I met them at Warped Tour last week. That entry can be found here. Well they have been running this youtube video sort of series called Really Real Shows that simply showcase the band members being normal&goofy in their everyday life. My friends and I have seen all the RRShows since school and each one was always funnier than the last it seemed, so we fell in love with them. :) Last Sunday they put out their 17th Really Real Show, where Tub-o, their guy that usually tapes the shows, lets Soul Glow Activatur, the lead singer, take over the camera and film whatever footage he wants. Well when I was at Warped Tour with my friends and we first saw SGA with a camera, I'm not sure it registered to us all that it may just be film for the next RRShow, and if it was, we doubted they'd keep any footage of us because we're nobodys and they can easily edit&delete us out when they put the show together y'know? The cool thing is, that they didn't do any of thaaaaaat! I almost collapsed out of my chair when watching their new RRShow and saw them filming the Warped Tour area I was at. Before I knew it there are my friends and I posing for a picture with SGA and smiling and mumbling "oh my gosh oh my gosh" because we couldn't believe it was them. :D :D :D So now not only did we meet the band, talk to the band, get pictures with the band, &autographs of the band, but are PERMANENTLY AND FOREVER clipped in their RRShow for ALL fans to watch!!!! Wow. That day was amazing and it only got better! I can't believe it. :D My friends and I were ecstatic all over again. :D :D :D

So as you could guess, my Radically Random for today will be their newest RRShow for you to check out if you want, and see how cool it is, hehe. Just don't fall too much in love with them, they're already taken, hahajk;)

Radically Random...

Family Force 5 - Really Real Show 17

Friday, August 03, 2007


'ello there. I feel like writing a late-night entry so therefore it's going to be short and not too witty. I was just on World of Warcraft for around a half hour and was in Loch Modan (God only knows why I was there) and thought that I would start to quest in Stranglethorn Vale. I was always afraid of this zone as it's one of the most active PvP zones, but Craig gained about two to three levels in the zone so I knew that I would have to try it. I have to hurry up and level so I can do some battlegrounds with Craig once we're both 38-39. Craig got far ahead of me, though, and therefore he created an alternative toon to keep him occupied while he waits for me. Now in that half hour I was on, I was ganked twice in this same area working on the same two quests. I went to the Rebel Camp and got two quests and headed over to the area where I had to complete the quest at. I'm there, killing some medicine men and fighters when I notice a red dot coming out of the jungle on my mini-map as I had 'Track Humanoids' on. Right before this two Alliance players ran in, so I was hoping that it was just another ally and not the Horde. Well, I was wrong. I thought something was odd as the guy just stood there, and I was in the middle of a fight with an NPC so I couldn't turn the camera to look. Then I saw the fire spell come, and some swirly blue things, and then before I knew it I was dead. I looked and some undead mage killed me. Okay, my spirit didn't have to run too far to my body so I wasn't too ticked off, but I was hoping the guy wasn't camping at my body. He wasn't, thankfully. I'm continuing the quests and I'm over in the corner of the area near a mountain when I see another red dot coming out of the jungle. Was it the Horde? Of course. I see him and he's a level 37 or 38 orc hunter. I wave to him, hoping that maybe he wouldn't kill me. I start to run over to an NPC to kill it when I notice that he's chasing me. I didn't feel like running far into the jungle, so I just stopped and accepted my fate as his crocodile killed me. Honestly, I could've been a jerk myself and killed some Horde players that were in the twenties, but I was nice and let them go. I didn't see those players today, however. That was a couple days ago. I logged out in my ghost form as that hunter seemed like he was going to camp at my body, and I just get pissed off whenever I die. At least it's not like Runescape where you lose items, and hell you don't even lose durability when another player kills you, but it's the annoyance of running back to my body over and over again that bothers me. Oh! And the major thing that bothers me is if they kill my pet first. Why? Because I have to revive the pet and feed him back to happy. I don't mind if they just kill me and not my pet as I can just summon my pet when I come back to life, but . . . damn Horde.

My grandmother turned 80 yesterday and her party is going to be tomorrow. Corey can't come now so Caitlin is coming instead. And then I'm staying at Craig's tomorrow night as we're going to Hersey Park on Sunday. I'm really paranoid now about traveling or going on any rides since that bridge collapsed in Michigan (God bless the dead and lost ones and the family of all involved). Watching that news coverage gave me chills and definitely made me think deep. I just sometimes sit down, close my eyes, and try to put myself into a situation that I could barely even imagine unless I was there. But alas I could see it. I could see myself going down the highway, bumper-to-bumper as there was road construction, and then just see and feel it. I'd feel like I was at the top of a drop on a rollercoaster. Just that sensation one gets before they fall and then the fall itself, downward at an almost ninety degree angle. However there is no track to even us back out again and a great possibility that we would not be walking out of the car alive. The smashing of steel and concrete hitting off each other as it crashes into the mighty Mississippi River below. Then we hit the river itself. Glass breaks, water gushes in. Bloody and injured, we try to escape from the flooding and wrecked car, but the current of the water is too great to open the doors. We try to smash the windows. The water is almost over our heads at this point as cars and parts of the bridge crash around us. Do we get out alive? Don't ask where that came from.

I'm dead tired now, so have a good one.