Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ad Cents

How are some blogs so popular when all the author does is post an article referring to another site, a single picture with a witty caption, etc. when some blogs out there (not pointing at any in particular –cough-) have so much heart put into them, filled with emotion and hope, and…stuff. Honestly, when I look at a blog that has a few short entries, I walk the other way. Maybe it's because I'm more of a reader/writer than "Hey, this site has no pictures! Me no gusto!" Well…I don't mind if the short entries are highly logical and present a question that makes you think about things very deeply. But honestly, posting some piece of media and that's it? It feels like just stealing somebody else's work to fill up your site with and that's that. There is nothing original about these sites, yet they have such an appeal that many users love. I guess that if you own a website, you just have to wait for the right audience to come around, and then hopefully some members will come back to see the same play over and over again. I also dislike how these blogs (and not only blogs, but other sites) just clog their page with ads. They're generating money for posting content that doesn't belong to them. What the hell? On the other hand, the unpopular blogs are lucky to generate a few cents in a month. However, a major factor is the ad service itself. I've been trying to get back into the Google Adsense program for a week now. My account was terminated back in the day when a 'friend' of mine thought he would be nice and click on my ads a couple hundred times without me knowing and therefore I couldn't warn him in time that it would hurt me in the end. Adbrite is a great service, but they rely on traffic too much in order to generate a profit. I remember when I made eight dollars using Adsense on a more unpopular site than this one. So who's better? Adsense, indeed. I really hope I can hook back up with them. I don't want to be punished for a deed that I had no relations with.

I just felt like typing that up while it was on my mind. I'm in the middle of completing a rather frustrating lab report for my AP chemistry class and figured that I can get my brain triggered by typing a lil' something up. It didn't work out like I hoped it would.

Have a good one.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let It Happen

For some reason, I am going to write a blog. If some twists and turns didn't approach me yet, maybe this blog would have been just totally filled with my normal numerous happy faces and "omggg the play was soo fun and like I took the AP test and it went okay and yay yay things are good blah blah :D:D:D." That isn't the case, however, because life comes at you when you least expect it, and what it brings with it could be reality checks that change one's point of view.

I have been busy. Verrrry busy. Thank goodness for it, though. :P I am going to be lost when life calms down. At least I have new stuff to look forward to though. I took that large scary AP Chemistry exam on Tuesday. Oh yep, I did it. It feels great to have accomplished something like that, something I stuck with, didn't quit on, studied for and worked for. It was tough, it was long, it almost made my eyes water. My teacher did a fantastic job preparing us for it though, 99% of the information I had heard of before. I tried my best and that is all I could have done. I really have no idea if I gained enough points for a 3, I'd feel extremely proud if I did, but I guess I won't know for awhile.

The play my school's curtain club struggled through multiple problems and worked incredibly hard on for the last 4 months occured this weekend. It was more fun than you could ever relate to, unless of course you are on Broadway or in high school productions yourself. :) I loved every single moment of being there for 4 months, no matter how tired I grew. Being involved in something so versatile is very rewarding. I learned so much and gained so much confidence. =) I'm glad I was able to be a big part of the show.

My time on the computer is hopefully going to continue to dwindle for awhile, like I may have said last time. The weather is improving and unless I have a school project, being online for more than an hour is unnecessary, give or take a rainy day or two. I am going to spend my time with the people who make me happy, not any hunk of people who make fools of me. :P Plus, I've got lots of new things I need to start looking into. :)

I am really thirsty so I think I am going to get a drink and end here. There is still that something I really love about this blog, it's weird, I don't even quite know what it is, but I could never write little blogs anywhere else. I'd feel so lost and probably stop after a month. Velcro is such a strong substance. I hope you all have a nice day.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Few Ramblings and Pieces of Poetry

I love when I go to health class and hear my teacher preach to us about how we're going to die younger than the generation before us. In other words, our parents should live longer than we will. He's always blaming technology and obesity as being the factors behind our expected short life spans. However, even though I believe that obesity may be a very large factor only depending on the individual, I more or less blame stress. Technology may sometimes add to the stress as we're presented with such an overwhelming amount of data at once to deal with, but I believe that technology is a great advancement in reducing stress. That's just my opinion without conducting any research on the matter. If you're stressed out, you can easily talk to somebody online about it, jump onto a video game and get your mind distracted by that, etc. But back on-topic: stress will cause our generation to die earlier than the previous generation. The world is just heading in a direction where conflict is plentiful and abundant and . . . I started this off going somewhere, but my mind is now being distracted by the three tests that I have to take tomorrow, plus trying to catch up on my AP chemistry work that I have yet to start. Drat. See: stress! It's amazing how American students are so worked up about school, yet America has some of the lowest scores in the world when it comes to education. That's telling me something. What about you?

I composed a few poems during the past week. I'm trying to get into a poetic mood. I'm not in the mood at the moment with the large amount of school work I have to compose short stories or anything, so I resorted to poetry. They're all little short untitled things that have absolutely no meaning (at least they might not to you). But honestly, they have no moral or theme. I'm experimenting with end rhymes currently, and they mess up the message I'm trying to convey because I have to then choose phrases that best match the rhyme. Honestly, it should be the rhyme that matches the phrase. I plan to write a pretty epic work soon called "Ode to the SAT" – so expect that in the near future. And yes, it'll be highly satirical. Speaking of SAT, I'll be getting my scores soon. I'll only post mine if they're worthy enough; and that would be a 1000+.

And now for the poems:

A Collection of Random Poems

By Buddy Foote

My eyes close – behold your face

Beautiful with indescribable grace

The lunging arm cannot hold

A value greater than gold

Laconic speech fills not mine ears

Silent reflecting expresses mine fears

Losing thou is to lose the world

Mine thoughts are left to be swirled

My eyes lay to rest at night

A scene written not by a playwright

Your image appears 'cross mine scope

My dreams creating the only hope

Words lay trapped by tongue

The love of one too young

To acknowledge the statement overdue

To which is said "I love you"

The textbook is too void

To speak of the property of love

The authors try to avoid

The angelic charm of above

The text forms columns and rows

Pigmented by the sweet perfume

The transition of your radiance glows

The torn pages fly away to doom

Covers hide the soul away

The inside is the only matter

The elements that hold the only display

To form the vivid points of chatter

Cosine or sine?

Why do you exist?

I would be fine

But now I am pissed

The unit circle speaks

Says not a lie

Of unforgivable weeks

That you made me cry

When can one not harvest the fine summer grapes?

The morning dew clings to the stems of thy fruit

The rising sun creates halos of the plump shapes

Of the many blooming flowers that one may pursuit

But be it only a single crop out of the produce

That catches mine eye compared to the rest

The oval mass filled with good-nature and juice

When looked upon creates a stinging pain in thine chest

What is to change than a quarter and a nickel?

The cashier hesitates when the drawer doesn't close

Who can turn to one so bipolar and fickle?

Who counts the change twice and then chooses to oppose

The customer thinks not too well of the man

Wandering eyes stare off into infinity

Thinking too much for a notion or a plan

Too desperate and young to lose one's virginity

But sex is not of the agenda!

Look not away, my dear Brenda!

Relationship flourishes through small talk

And one must not take the method to stalk

Alas I dream away to doom in the moonless night

Mine dreams creating the only hope

The vision of thou creates such a delight

My imagination the only way I can'st cope

Adieu! Adieu! I say to you

As thou fading images die with the moon

The rush and excitement allowed me to pursue

However my chance will die come the month of June

Have a good one!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

More Confused Feelings

I think writing a blog at this time will be the only way I can slightly calm myself down. I was going to continue taking a break from blogging because I have been so busy, enjoying the new life I have created for myself. However, getting things off my chest is the only way I can handle some situations right now. I'll start on a lighter note, saying that my busy-ness is due to being heavily involved in the school play, learning chemistry, and loving my three best friends with every ounce of energy I can muster. Today I had a great day. I came up the school around noon to paint sets, then my best friend joined me, then later we went to a new person's house from drama and enjoyed hanging out there with some other drama people. It sure feels refreshing to mesh with a new crowd with your long time pal(s) by your side.

It's really strange how human we all are. When the lights go off at night, and we lay our head down on the pillow, our heart is beating throughout the night because we are vibrantly alive with feelings and emotions, thoughts and fears, dreams and wishes. We are scared to be alone. Humans seem to be deathly afraid of being alone, growing up, and being alone...their entire life. Every book, movie, TV show, song, they all revolve around some sort of message. Someone looking for love, losing love, needing love, fearing love. It is as though our main purpose is to meet and keep enough close relationships in our life that we never have to worry about being alone. As I am growing up and experiencing different things, I feel more mature each time. It's like that scene in a movie you see over and over of some couple getting married. Before it actually happens to you, you can sit there and say you know what they feel like all you want, but truly, you have NO idea until it happens to you. That goes the same with everything else. You can pretend you know what it "must" feel like to be starving to death, but unless you have no food in your hands for weeks, you have no voice.

I am not even sure where I am going to continue to take this blog entry, but I just need to release this energy somewhere. I would like to say that I consider myself a decent person. I try to be very accepting of everyone and most of all, a good friend. I am not out to hurt anyone, and I believe in treating people the way you want to be treated. But if I went and treated people the way some treat me, the response I am sure would be devastating. I've been warned quite often though that some day someone may take advantage of that kindness and naivety. I still worry that may be the case because once I get to know a person, I automatically assume they are good and do good things, yet a few times my view has been shattered. I have a large class of students at school, and my whole life I thought highly of each and every one. Therefore I would act surprised when I heard they did this or that because I felt they were better than that. It wouldn't upset me too much, but it would enough because I guess I am just a caring person sometimes. It only gets very sad if some people decide to throw stuff in your face and change their entire personality in a negative way. That sure is the saddest. When the nice little girl you knew from the playground has shifted her whole personality in a matter of three high school years. Now growing up and shifting in a good way is wonderful, but other than that it can be extremely hurtful to watch.

I have been feeling very sick this week. It is a true shame too. I am trying my hardest to feel better, but every time I get a little closer, I am hit with a wave of pain. I feel like going on the computer is no fun anymore and I dislike spending time on it unless necessary. I miss my little website so I plan to fix it up soon, to hopefully revive my enjoyment of a hobby I enjoyed way way ago. Otherwise I feel like speaking to people in person and spending time with my friends, who honestly mean the world to me, is a much better way to be spending my time. Sure, chatting and texting whatever is cute at first, but nothing beats face to face conversation. Not only does it show the person cares enough to listen to your voice, but that they are confident in themselves and what they have to say.

Speaking of my friends, I don't care how many issues come and go in our lives, if you have an unbreakable friendship, you should do everything to never ever ever lose that. I don't think I could get through certain things if I didn't have such great girl friends. And even people who you may not be fond of enough to be good friends with, you should be kind towards them. Saying mean things behind their back will get you nowhere but 100% friendless and depressed in the end. It can turn into an evil cycle, just you wait and see.

I think that it is very important to not a judge a book by it's cover. What you see on the outside may look great, but what if it doesn't look great? What if the outside is torn and bruised, fuzzy or imperfect? Are you going to just cast it aside in an incredibly shallow and careless way just because the outside wasn't good enough of a "grabber?" If that is so, nobody should give you the time of day until you appreciate things in life for more than their appearance. What may be hidden underneath that ragged cover could be a story that relates to you more than you could ever imagine.

On that thought, I try as a teenager to avoid certain situations, but I suppose that being a teenager comes with certain excitements as well as tragedies, and in order to continue trudging forward we all have to have our turn at every aspect.

I guess life is one big lesson with many tests. I think we have to be careful with the chances we take because some may be worth the fall, but others may have you lose it all. However, when our chance is gone, it could be for the best or the biggest regret of our life. I am mostly a believer in things happening for a reason. Things break so others could be built. I hope this is so.

I'm looking forward to keeping my head up high and making the most of every step I take, no matter how many tears I shed or smiles I share. It is just a choice you make. Thank you and goodbye.