Sunday, June 29, 2008

What to do…

Hmm…I don't know where this is going to go, I don't even know if this will be published. I'm just going to ramble on and see if I like it…So I've been contemplating on whether or not I want to continue with this blog, reasons that I don't even know. And the reasons I am aware of I am not going to say, as I will most likely get ridiculed anyway. So for those of you that never liked me in the first place, then YAY you can throw one hell of a party, bust open a piƱata of me while you are at it. For those of you who did like me, well sorry I guess? IM me and I'll type you your own personalized Matomatic IM entry. WOOT wont you be showing that off to the kids in school? Once school starts -.-…It is not positive yet so do NOT get up and bar the door...

VA Beach. It was an OK vacation, probably the worst vacation to VA Beach though =/. Not that it was bad, just the other ones were better. I missed, um, "people"…Um the weather was perfect, it did not rain on us while we were at the beach so that is good =)…All I have to say is FUCK North Carolina! Their fucking mountains were on fire and of course the wind had to blow directly at VA Beach, meaning the old ladies were wearing smoky perfume, and if that were the case there were giant bingo tournaments going on every single block…Ok yeah if you understood a damn word I just said in that last sentence then HIGHFIVE.

Everything down there was expensive, EXCEPT GAS. Gasoline was $3.83 at one station! But the necklaces I shop for were approximately $6.00 each! Let us just say it is pretty easy to steal things if you wanted…WHO SAID IT!? You better not be assuming anything, because when you assume…yeah you know how it goes.

Oh, something else I want to fuck…NOT like that…FUCK the air force. Of course there has to be a freaking naval base, air force base, and all that good stuff right next to VA Beach. I don't have a problem with the navy, since they don't bother me. But the damn air force bothers me. The jet planes constantly fly over your head from about 5 PM to 10 PM. And trust me, it is extremely loud, so loud your ears start to bleed o.o…

I am done typing for now, who knows for how long. It has been a fun journey on Foote's Funky Boat Ride if I decide to disembark on this island. Farewell mine companions, and good luck!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Colleges Look Here!

I've been practicing my admission essay for college. I'm not much of an essayist, but I'm quite pleased with the outcome of this scraped piece of work.

" You should accept me to your educational facility because I'm not racist, I'm not a Nazi, I'm not homophobic, I'm not a Republican, I'm not a communist, I'm not an evil dictator, I'm not a druggie, I'm not emo, I'm not drunk, I'm not a diabetic, I'm not lame, I'm not a transsexual cross dresser, I'm not a knot, I'm not a deviant, I'm not a pedophile, I'm not allergic to bee stings, I'm not pregnant, I'm not a jock, I'm not a hypocrite, I'm not Casper the Friendly Ghost, I'm not a motorcyclist, I'm not a blogger, I'm not a politician, I'm not dirty, I'm not cooperative in the classroom, I'm not passing elementary school, I'm not a gamer (as we all know that leads to violence), I'm not here right now so leave a message after the beep, I'm not attuned for Karazhan, I'm not a drinker of grapefruit beverages, I'm not the exorcist, I'm not an illegal alien, I'm not listening to Numa Numa, I'm not a sexist, I'm not tying knots in my shoelaces, I'm not repetitive, I'm not William Shakespeare, I'm not a writer, I'm not human, I'm not a woman, I'm not a troublemaker, I'm not talkative, I'm not contagious, I'm not a movie star, I'm not a band member of Weezer, and I'm definitely not doubting that you actually wasted all of your free time reading this pointless nonexistent college admission essay. Okay so accept me, fool. "

Thank you. If you actually read that, then you better seek medical assistance. Fast!

Have a good one.

Friday, June 27, 2008


See that little guy to the left? Well, this guy is the reason why my brother and sister-in-law are disallowing my nephew from playing Runescape anymore. Even though one shouldn't play Runescape until at least the age of twelve, the actual material in the game is geared toward a young audience. Harmless, fun, and addicting. A good way to pass the time as well as learn the mechanics of an online gaming world. There must always be a game to introduce a genre, and this is my nephew's introduction to the MMORPG world. My nephew is six, almost seven, and he's about level 47 on the game with a pretty good total level – but he can't play because there's a tramp in the game (that guy to the left). My "smart" sibling and spouse immediately think, "Oh no! Our son is picking up prostitutes on the streets of Varrock! Whatever shall we do?" and with that thought they lay down the law. You can't play this game anymore. That's the worst thing you can ever say to a young kid.

Thanks to an invention known as the dictionary (thank you Samuel Johnson), we can be provided with the following definition of what a tramp is:

  • One who travels aimlessly about on foot, doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant.
  • A prostitute.

Wow! Did you know a single word could have more than one definition? That's critical news to me! And heck, there's even more definitions to the word tramp but we won't include those as it would this entry too excessive.

Jagex, the makers of Runescape, would never dare to put anything sexual into the game. They're too clean and squeaky to even consider that dirty option. Therefore, I'm 99.53% sure we can exclude the latter definition of 'A prostitute'. Let's look at the first definition. I don't see anything faulty with this one. Clearly one can see that the tramp in Runescape is poor due to the clothing he's wearing. Plus one can even smell his odor through the computer if one doesn't have seasonal allergies. He's not only poor (as that's too much of a general word), but one can see that he's probably homeless. And what do most homeless people do: live underneath exit ramps in cardboard boxes and wander around aimlessly on foot looking for food or begging for money. Woah! What just happened? Look at the first definition again:

  • One who travels aimlessly about on foot, doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant.

Also, if you don't know what a vagrant is:

  • A wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support.

That's another term for a homeless person. By golly! We're getting somewhere here!

The life lesson we learned here today: don't assume things based on your limited knowledge! If I called your female dog a bitch, would you be offended? There's a ton of free dictionaries online as well as software such as WordWeb. Get it, fast, before all your brain cells die and you're crying on Johnson's grave wondering what a dictionary is.

Therefore, we can no longer assume that this NPC on Runescape is a prostitute, but rather just some homeless guy trying to make a living by begging for a few coins. My nephew plays other games, such as Guitar Hero III which is a T-rated game, but he can't play innocent lil' Runescape? 'Look at what ya did, ya bloody tramp! Ya ruined me nephew's gaming experience with the MMORPG genre. Ya should be ashamed of yeself!'

Have a good one.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Teh Foote’s Thoughts #1

I walked out into my yard today to retrieve the recycling bin and found that a new forest of giant blades of some foreign plant has sprouted up around the area of my yard. I named it the Forest of Rye and moved on with my day.

Having a phone on vibrate serves no purpose if you cannot feel it or hear it dance along some surface – including any soft material, like a couch. Make sure you put your phone in a pocket that has contact with your body. People get angry when you don't answer their calls, and angrier when you use the lame "excuse" that your phone was on vibrate and you didn't know the person on the other line was calling. You should know this as you have "ESP . . . N . . . 2" – quote used by my late English teacher. He's not dead; he's just late to class.

One day I walked downstairs and saw some DVD college course catalog lying on the kitchen table. Sadly, there were no computer-related classes. On the other hand, I was intrigued by a class titled The Joy of Mathematics. I believe it guarantees that I can do mental math as extreme as logarithms. I'm pretty excited about this, especially due to the fact that I can't do '6 + 9' in my head.

Garbage cans stink. Literally.

I was checking my voicemail today and my thought train went like this: no new messages.

I just went to Endless Mountain Movie Theatre, the only privately-owned theatre left in the area, to see the movie Get Smart. Not only was it highly humorous to the point where I wet myself from laughter, but I got a degree in engineering and a minor in business. I'm now a CEO of all things big and beautiful.

I hate broken errata. I do, however, like the synonym. It should be a band name or something. Maybe a blog title?

I'm single. If there was a double of me, I would have a twin.

Is there a way to export iPod libraries from the iPod to the computer? This has been bothering me lately. The computer that hosted all of my music was wiped a while ago, and since then, my iPod is filled with outdated songs that I would like to add more tunes to. As it's 80 GB, there's no point to wiping the disk space on the iPod itself. Damn Apple – tricky bastards.

I'm out!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moving to Wordpress

There are big plans going on for the future of Buddy Foote's Blog v.2. What big plans, you ask? I can't give away a lot of details in order to maintain the security of such a big move, but I can guarantee you a little morsel of a fact: the blog is moving from Blogger to Wordpress. I guess I can also give away another fact. The blog's name is changing. The URL,, will only be around for another year whereas the new name of the blog will also have its own domain name. The former domain name will just redirect to the new site. On the other hand, this Blogger page will just feature a big redirect to the new site.

Why are we moving? Wordpress offers a lot of features that I'm highly excited over. Oh, man! I should have mentioned that we're not moving to the . . . how can I word this – 'free' Wordpress but rather we're getting the script and installing it on a web host! Yes, this blog will no longer be hosted on a free service! However, I wish we had enough income coming in from ads to supply the demand from the host, but I'm very happy with the new Project Wonderful ads and the great advertisers who are being hosted on this blog. It's better getting at least a penny a day than three cents a month (sorry Adbrite; either I wasn't using you right or you were abusing me). My concerns, at the moment, are: A) finding a very reliable, dependent, friendly, yet not very expensive web host [I'm thinking along the lines of about seven dollars a month] and B) getting the money in the first place. Coughing to the blog authors – donations will be accepted with glee. I can't begin the tedious process of creating a new layout without having the website host to work on. I am, however, studying a book I got from Borders one night when I went out with my cousin, his girlfriend, and a friend. The book, which cost $37 and put a large gap in my pocket, is The Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design. I would recommend this book for any web designer out there, no matter how novice or experienced you are. Better yet; find it at your local book store and make sure you have a pen and notepad in your pocket to take notes. Would a store mind you doing that? By using this book, I shall create a professional layout that will send even the nuns to hell. I don't know why I said that. Let's pretend I didn't.

My biggest fear in concern to being hosted on a web host is their whole shared server ordeal. Most web hosts guarantee so many resources for such a low price, but God forbid if you come within a few miles from the limits that they guaranteed you, they can simply terminate your account and go on with their day. I'm sorry but I don't want to lose a very good and long-running website because some company went against their guarantees. I may actually have to read the 'ToS' for each host before I pick the one I want. Also, I want any downtimes to be a minimum. I honestly don't understand how Blogger, for example, can host so many free blogs, get no revenue from it, and yet be a very, very good host. Did I mention free? Whereas you have hosts out there eating seven dollars from your pocket or paycheck monthly and they offer worst services. offers amazing service for their free customers! Yet I hear horror stories about BlueHost! Why, dear Lord, why?

I am nervous about the move. However, I want to major in computer science and I believe such an experience would grant me skills I need to succeed in my major. If anybody is out there actually taking the time to read this, I have a few questions that I would like you to please answer via comment:

  • What webhost do you recommend for a hosted Wordpress blog? Please take into consideration the monthly payments, disk space, bandwidth, free script installations, etc. (Personally, I have been eyeing up Host Monster)
  • Do you recommend the move from Blogger to Wordpress? I'm going to no matter what you say, but I'd like to hear some experienced or biased opinions.
  • Should I stick with a dark layout since this blog had since July 2005 or move to a more 'pure' white-based layout (I'm preferring the white layout, at the moment).

Also, I would like to mention (as I got off-subject when I wanted to bring this up before) that I'm doing the move not because I have anything against Blogger, but rather because I want the freedom of using external style sheets, PHP, integrated forums and IRC chat, etc. I want to grant the blog authors such things as their own 'About Me' page fully customized by them that will act as their 'MySpace'. Okay, I'm giving out too much information. Photo gallery? Who said it!? A PHP script that will display different elements of the abused and never-used 'Blog Spotlight' section? Who said it!? Some form of currency that the authors gain based on the content of their blog posts? Yet again, who the hell said it!? Not only will the new blog offer interactive content for the user, but will also give something back to the blog authors who endured the hard times throughout the lifespan of this blog. I say 'thank you' to them. You will be rewarded.

I'm going to go off on an adventure to Candy Mountain now. Please consider those questions I asked, and if you're feeling very enthused, maybe add some more personal input about the topic. Also, I'll let you speculate on what the new blog title could be. We do have it picked, but I don't want to give it away just yet. I am very 'stoked', however, about the new renaissance of the blog. We'll soon say goodbye to Buddy Foote's Blog v.2, and hello to ______ _____. Who said it!? Have a good one.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Moose

right now i am listening via the internet to the morning show on the radio in west virginia that my cousin djs. mondays from 6 - 10 in the morning. heres the link he plays some crazy stuff. good ol cousin ryan

i find myself slightly confused by all the matt hating going on in the blog. like what did he do? everyones treating him like he ate a bald eagle or something. its probably just the same person insulting him each time. lol grow up. im wondering what to have for breakfast right now. ill probably pick pop tarts or rice crispies. im going to help my girlfriend at 11 (shes moving, but the place shes moving is actually closer sooo... yay!) and i have work tonight from 6 -10 stocking shelves wich MODERATLY SUCKS

lol my cousin just put on some oasis... NICE!!!!

in regards to the new Cute Is What We Aim For album, they released a new video! want it? i got it!
i just really wish i knew how to embed these videos.

since no one told me which compilation disk to review, im picking Punk Goes Crunk.
punk bands covering rap songs
heres the track listing, i will work on the review the rest of the day

Set Your Goals - "Put Yo Hood Up" (Lil Jon) (4:59)
Say Anything - "Got Your Money" (Ol' Dirty Bastard) (4:15)
The Secret Handshake - "I Wish" (Skee-Lo) (2:52)
Forever the Sickest Kids - "Men in Black" (Will Smith) (3:05)
My American Heart - "California Love" (2Pac) (4:16)
The Maine - "I Wanna Love You" (Akon) (3:03)
Emanuel - "Kryptonite (I'm on It)" (Purple Ribbon All-Stars) (4:30)
Person L - "
The Seed" (The Roots) (4:22)
The Devil Wears Prada - "Still Fly" (Big Tymers) (4:55)
All Time Low - "Umbrella" (Rihanna) (3:49)
Scary Kids Scaring Kids - "Notorious Thugs" (Bone Thugs and Harmony) (7:23)
The Escape Frame - "
Nuthin' but a "G" Thang" (Dr. Dre) (3:30)
Hot Rod Circuit - "Gin and Juice" (Snoop Dogg) (3:44)
Lorene Drive - "Hey Ya!" (OutKast) (4:24)
New Found Glory - "Tennessee" (Arrested Development) (4:05)
Just Surrender - "Sexy Back" (Justin Timberlake)

and please lay off blog bashing.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I really don't have a lot of time but I want to post this one thing for everyone to see…Leave me alone! I did shit and Whorry Torry Lorrie has a problem with me, and everyone else wants to comment fight on MY entry, when I'm just an innocent victim myself. So please, find somewhere else if you can, if not- whatever. Thank you =).

P.S…Whoever the fuck you are, as I have a strong feeling there is no ryan and your just someone I know, don't you ever talk shit about mine sweet innocent Barbra Allen…o.o…or w/e…Talk all you want about me, but don't fucking step there.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

RIP house, well, just 10 days

Well I was sitting here trying to think of something to do when all of a sudden Cupid struck me in the ass with an arr…wait, never mind. Forget I said that. Wrong diction in this case. The point I was trying to make was I wanted to find a way to pass the time until I can talk to mine Coy Mistress, as she is 'occupied' atm, and out of nowhere the idea to write an entry came to me. I'm listening to a personalized compact disc she made for me, of all the songs that remind her of me. It helps ease the pain when I miss her the most.

I was looking into the near future of my life and it's pretty busy and fun. This will probably be the last time you hear my key strokes for about 2 weeks. The past few days have been too cold to do shit, glad I'm not swimming or anything of that nature. Maybe it will warm up a bit for tomorrow, I haven't checked the weather yet. But even if it doesn't warm up I'll still be having fun. Tomorrow night I am going to mine Faerie Queene's dance recital, and afterwards I will be celebrating KKK day with BuddyFoote. (NOT the Klan of whom you are thinking.) I'll be at his house all day Saturday as well, doing whatever the fuck we want. Sunday I am celebrating the national holiday of Burgers with my sweet 'Juliet'. I'll be at her house all day as well. Jeeze, I might as well move to Jermyn for this upcoming weekend. Monday I will be on a quest to obtain all the necessities I need in order to live in Virginia Beach for a week. Yes, it is Vacation Time in the Matomatic household. Almost every year we go to VA Beach for vacation, except a few exceptions, which honestly, weren't as good. As much as I love nature, a beautiful view of the Smokey Mountains can't beat the infinite view of the great, vast ocean. That's my view probably since I fucking live in mountains =P. So si, mine body is leaving thy state late Monday night, and will not returnth till the following Sunday. So I will basically not even be home for 10 days, hence the title. I will make sure I write an entry when I get back, filling everyone in on life in other parts of the country…

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shrunken Length

It is 4:32pm and I am in the "moodood" to write a blog. Surprisingly it is technically only the second day of summer vacation, but that sounds wild. It feels more like the second week, and I do not know why. I've been spending a lot of time doing random activities that range from playing volleyball to watching TV to trying to understand the teenage population. xD Hmm..I guess I can start by welcoming some new friends to the blog. Hi Matt and Brittany! :)

It has been pretty rainy the past two days, on and off showers, some rumbles of thunder, and now the sun is peaking out but the temperature is cool. However, I am not here to report the weather...I guess it just is a boring way to begin a paragraph. :P Actually, here's some more on the weather. It is now thundering AND being brilliantly sunny. What a neat combo, eh? I agree.

I've seen quite a few movies lately, and I usually get the feeling of this general theme being present in all of them. "We're all in this together." Well, alright, so what does that mean? "Yeah yeah let's be mushy love each other and united we'll hold hands?" No. Not even the "I've been in your shoes, you'll get over moving to a new school don'tchu worry honey!" I think I tend to observe a lot, or so it feels that way. Every person is so different, yet so very alike. It seems that noticing the differences is much easier than taking the time to realize the similarities that exist. Take two fruits, for example. An apple and an orange, two very basic fruits, perfect for a compare/contrast paper, sound familiar? Oh yeah. Well if you were to ask a three old to describe the two fruits, I bet the first thing he/she would say would be "the apple is red and the orange is orange." Alright, why wouldn't he/she be more likely to say "both have seeds" or "both are healthy"? Maybe because it requires more thought, maybe because he/she is not even at the level to even know those facts exist. Contrasting them just seems so much easier in every way. Now don't you think that's just silly or do you think it is amazing?

Some of us might take that extra step to examine the similarities between an orange and an apple so much more than any three year old would ever be capable of. There might be a person out there who when walking down the street, doesn't think "wow that guy has grey hair, he must be old and, hmm, wrinkly." Instead they think "wow that guy is probably full of knowledge and wisdom for all his years are worth." There might even, -gasp-, be some person out there who actually realizes regularly that people are all in this together. Hmm..that sounds familiar. I wonder why? Maybe it's true, maybe it's false. That is for you to decide. But think about it, if we are all in "this" together, why would you want to hinder your teams progress in any way, shape, or form? Why would you want to judge differences? Is being nice better than being mean? Is that bully going to make it any farther than the the person they bullied? Hm. If you're labeled pretty, and you're labeled not, why does anyone care? That is SO hilarious. Refer back to the fruits. If Mrs. Apple is deemed no longer drop dead gorgeous because, -gasp-, her stem is tilted at the wrong angle, will dorky Mr. Orange worry his bruise is too noticeable? Wow, did you hear that? I think it is a crowd of loud people screaming "LAME!!" :P On another occasion, if a group of apples are name calling the oranges "bright blobs of citrus!", would it make literal sense for the oranges to counterattack with some fruity remark or be the better fruit and, -gasp-, accept the fact that everyone there is a fruit, all together they are, in one big category with the label that they are healthy and to be eaten seriously? :P Tough decision? Maybe. Sort of like war a little. More fuel for the fire, you kill my guy I'm gonna kill yours. You'd think that sort of mindset would come to an end by the later young adult years. And for some fruits, people, animals, or all of the above, it does come to an end.

Back to "we're all in this together", my opinion is that we really are. Rain or shine, happy or sad, rich or poor, we're all still human. We all need that lovely element called oxygen to fill our lungs with, and oh yeah, all of our feet get cold in the winter when we've lost that blue pair of socks. Oh, and most importantly, we all have emotions. Let's treat each other the way we want to be treated. :) Why kick your neighbor in the head just because they ran over your mailbox? If a big tornado comes and your basement is flooded, don't you want to feel better knowing you can count on your neighbor's for comfort and security? Think of the children! :P And really, doesn't it sound so much better to be on good terms with every one and every thing that you can? Nobody is saying everyone needs to be "BFFz" with that obnoxious boss you have at work, but is giving him a sincere "Hi, how are you today?" sound like too much to ask?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Gunna Put This Place On The Map

Hello Blog!!! how have you been? umm blogg? im talking to you! you never answer me! BLOG! MY FACE IS UP HERE PERVERT!

anyway its been wayyy too long since i posted. so im gunna now. lets see what is new with me. i have a job at mr. zs.

i went to knoebles yesterday and my girlfriend wanted me to go on the twister with her, now there are like only 2 roller coasters at knoebles, the phoenix which i loved, and the twister that scares me. anyone know if its faster or slower than the phoenix?

also another question, i have AP english next year, and i have to read 3 books, iv narrowed a list down to 6 so i want some opinions

Alice in Wonderland
The Catcher in the Rye
The Stranger
A Clockwork Orange
The Perks Of Being a Wallflower

3 important things are happening on june 24th
1. me and my girlfriend are celebrating a year and 7 months together
2. the new Cute Is What We Aim For cd comes out! the first single is a catchy number called Practice Makes Perfect, the album sounds more complex than the simple first one, it also has better writing and the vocals do a lot more. sooo hopefully ill be able to review it and put it up here
3. one of my favorite bands, forever the sickest kids have a video debuting on trl. heres the video

anyways i think the next thing i post up here will be another album review. the next one will be. umm how about i let you pick
heres your choices. there all compilation disks

Punk Goes Crunk
Warped Tour 2007 Disk 1
Punkorama 8

Monday, June 16, 2008


Do you hear that sound? Listen closely. Ignore the screeching crickets and cicadas. Hear it yet? Ah, what a brilliant and comforting sound – that is, if it were to even produce such a sound. The sound of freedom. Some may witness it. Some may long for it. All I know is that right now, I'm basking in its glory.

Borat over to the left has the right idea in mind. He's also celebrating some freedom-related event. Why am I free? Junior year, the hardest year of schooling that I ever went through, is over. Today was the last day of school (a relatively long year due to the large amount of snow days). With all of the tests and homework we had day-to-day with hardly any breaks or free time, it's good to finally be released to the feral wilderness to enjoy life. I felt like I was tamed by some horrible human being who made me do things against my will. No longer will I have to worry about finishing a chemistry lab. No longer will I have to hear how to do a unit cir . . . never mind, math just builds up upon past knowledge so that will most likely be recycled. The point being – for the next three months, I'm going to be the happiest kangaroo in Australia. I'm going to be the happiest eagle soaring in the Washington skies. I'm going to be the happiest golf ball in . . . screw it.

What will I do with myself this summer? After having nine consecutive months of constant work, how will I be able to downgrade to a level of lethargy? I better lay the asphalt, for that matter (inside joke). I have to get to work soon on moving this very blog to Wordpress on a hosted server. With a new layout, new blog name, and the new blog authors that have recently joined the blog (hello Matomatic and Chris and soon-to-be-joining, Brittany), the blog is entering a period of – I guess you can say – a Renaissance. Also, I plan to work rigorously on my future novel, brainstorming it like a chimpanzee that just left a zoo and found his first banana. And even more, I plan on studying vocabulary, programming, and math this summer, as well as reading a lot. And there's more social plans and stuff, but are they really that important? Well, of course, but they're too spontaneous and random to think of in-advance. All in all, it looks like a very successful and educational summer. Ain't that lovely now?

Freedom is calling me away now. I must follow the call of the wild. I must see my sweet Barbra Allen. My Faire Queene. I better shut up – I have to save this stuff for Matomatic. Have a good one!

Sluts In The Workplace

Ok yall, this is going to be my first installment on the blog, and im going to write about something very important to remember; dealing with dirty jesabelles in the workplace. In order to teach you about this very important subject I am going to tell you a little story about a slut and her systematic destruction of her workplace.
Now this all started around October when a kid met up with his friend of a few years back when they realized they work at the same place. So they said their “omgs” and “how are you doins”, and all the feelings he had felt for her back then came rushing back to him, and like a prostitute sniffing out a new hundred dollar bill she sensed what he felt, and planned his destruction right there. However, forgetting that for a while, they became quick friends again, and everyone thought they would become just a bit more by how they acted around each other. One, they were always seen together, always requested to work together, whenever one was on break the other would come over to where they worked, and whenever they looked in each others eyes they were never able to stop smiling….get the seemingly lovely picture. The putrid harlot was plotting the whole time for his downfall, and over the next few months this beautiful picture continued to be so, until the day he could no longer keep his feelings shut inside. So he told her how he felt, and was crushed by the look he got, but that was not the worst part for after crushing him with her look she gave him that same sympathy hug he had been receiving his entire life, but that slut was not done yet. That night she contacted him on aim wanting to talk, and they ended up making plans for a date the next Sunday. During the week he happened to notice that she had an away message stating “justin is amazing” so he wondered what it meant. So casually he brought it up in conversation and her response was that he was her best friend. Ok, he thought, no big deal they were just friends. Now it’s the next weekend at work and he hears some shit from a good friend of his, he hears that the slut and “justin” are boyfriend/girlfriend, so he asks her, and she says yes….completely crushed he thought things couldn’t get worse, until he asked the slut’s friend when this happened and she said that it happened Sunday, just a day after they made plans to go out. So for two weeks he wouldn’t even acknowledge her, until one night she came into work to visit him, weird he thought, but her reason for coming would shock and delight him.
She told him that her and her boyfriend were over and in fact her exact words while leaving were this…”I thought you might want to know that (smile)….call me.” Now this poor victim of this treacherous harlot thought he was in. So he gave it a week, and he asked her out…her initial response was “with you?”, then she went on to tell him that it was too soon after her recent dumping, even though she came to him that night, and she left him with the line every guy hates to hear “its not you its me..”---BULLSHIT!!! So lower than ever but unable to hate her still he sulks for a while, and in the mean time there is a back story to all of this that will explain how she is a slut.
There was this couple at the place where they worked, and they were great with each other and really fun to hang out with, until the that dirty corner stomper caught the eye of the boyfriend. What followed was screaming and fighting between the couple and an inevitable break-up, the harlot had another target. So they started spending time together, but he came to his senses and made up with the girlfriend and they were back together. In fact, the next day at work he wouldn’t even look at that horrendous skank, so that night she called him, and she told him that she had feelings for him…and he wondered why she is doing this now that he is back with his gf, and not when she had the chance when they were broken up. Suddenly it hit him, she is a slut, this is the only way she can operate…he and his girlfriend broke-up again anyway, but he and her first victim; both having being deceived; decided to make a pact to not let each other fall for her again. They then found out some information on her. 1.) She is the biggest slut in her school and will sleep with any guy that wants to, 2.) She calls all of the guys she is interested in her “best friend”, 3.) Her best best friend is a guy that has already graduated, wonder what they do together *cough cough* 4.) she recently called up the guy with the previous gf and told him she was having a party and it is just her and 10 guys…..slut slut slut slut slut slut slut. This is the kicker though, that after all of that she had the nerve to ask the guy she dumped on twice if he wanted to “hang out” with her sometime. She is the one that didn’t get an answer that time. Moral of the story: NEVER TRUST A SLUT!!!

I’ll bring you more later peeps, I’m out.

MG squared

Before I go and start writing blog entries, I would like to tell all of you as much as I can about myself, or however much I want. My name is Matt. I am a senior at Camp Lakeland. A nickname that was given to me way back in fourth grade is "Ugly," and many people still call me by that name. I do NOT take any offense to the name, as it is NOT true in any sense of the word ;-). –Off topic- I like to stress the word "not", as you can tell, along with other words, so more than 97.83% of the time you will see that word under Caps. Anyway, I play soccer in the fall, dome soccer in the winter and spring, and stay conditioned in the summer by running and riding my bike until the season starts again. I consider myself very athletic; I can play any sport, except for water polo, though I never tried. I also think of myself as pretty smart. I am in the top 10 of our grade. Most people consider me as a math genius, and since the day I proved I am smarter than a TI-83 plus I agree with that statement. (Honestly, long story but I once proved my calculator wrong, or Mr. CalCal as I like to call it.) I have a strange sense of humor, one that only Steve knows just as well as me, since he shares it exactly. That's probably why he is considered my best friend. Robert Knox in my opinion is one of the funniest guys to ever walk this planet, and depending on your sense of humor you will either highly agree with me or yell in rage and throw me in a basement. I am in a more than serious relationship, one that I never thought I'd be in at least till the days of college. I have found my soul mate in eleventh grade. Some may say that 17 is too early to know if you'll be spending the rest of your life with someone else, but there is always those slight exceptions, and I am happy to belong to that select few.

I have never been apart of a blog before, I don't even enjoy writing all that much, which is a main reason I am not partaking in AP English for this upcoming year. So why am I doing this? Hmm…let me rephrase my last statement…I don't enjoy writing when I am told what to write, for a grade, under a certain time frame. Here I can write whenever I want and about anything. If you read my entries, you might see sarcasm. You might see bitching. You might see vocabulary from the 17th century. Whatever strikes me at that moment is what you will get. But for now that is all, it is almost 12:30 am and I have to wake up at 6:30 am for that last time tomorrow until next school year for report cards tomorrow morning =/. See you soon...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Meaning of Life

As I'm getting older and getting closer to my ultimate goals in life (college and then my career), I have realized a troubling point. What is there to life? Our whole life educates us to become a useful member of society. And then, once we get "released to the dogs", we do our assigned duty in society until we're physically too weak and worn out to. Once we reach this point, you're sitting around wondering how much longer you have to live. When will I suddenly have a heart attack or stroke? Will I wake up in the morning to see tomorrow? The point being is that our life is used for the betterment of a bigger system. Once we're gone from this planet, however, we will not be remembered. Okay – we left a few loved ones behind possibly, but what about when they die? Once you go past great-grandmother or great-grandfather in your family, you're forgotten. People think: I'll try to get to the celebrity status. Hmm . . . will we know Brittney Spears in two hundred years? Doubt it. Unless you discovered something big in the science, math, etc. fields or donate tons of money to some organization to have your name assigned to a facility or a campus, you're gone. You left behind a tombstone and a box with your bones in it – if you're even that fortunate. Plus, what about the afterlife? Can we really be that certain that one even exists or is it some false hope that will encourage us not to panic when we're about to die? Yes, there are ghosts and other paranormal happenings that shout to us that some form of an afterlife exists, but if I'm going to be stuck wandering inside of a house for the rest of eternity: no thank you.

I also dislike how the main goal in life is similar to some sort of board game: make as much money as you possibly can by whatever means. The purpose of our life is to be trained to be an effective citizen with a well-rounded education, and then to advance our education in a career choice that we're stuck pursuing until we retire. By doing our career, we're a little ant in the colony bringing some food to the queen. It may be a few molecules of food, but it's something. Honestly – society is the demanding queen ant and we're just the little workers feeding it with whatever we specialize in. But back to the money. I honestly hate money, but I'm forced to look at ways to make money because money is an mandatory necessity to have in our society. I need money to do anything. I need money to go to the store and get a gallon of milk. I need money to buy a web host for the new blog. I need money to pay for an insurance on my life. Dandy, isn't it? Money may be the runner of our society, but it's the evil backbone of it too. Why are there bank robberies? Money. Why are there grand theft autos? Money. Why are innocent 70-year old women having their purses taken from them? Money. Add drugs to the money phrase where applicable. Refer back to what I said in the first sentence of this paragraph – to make money by whatever means. If your source of money comes from some deviant act, then so be it. If it weren't for you deviants out there, there would be a lot of lost jobs, such as police, emergency services, etc. Plus the news would be boring.

That's as much thought that I can muster into word form at the moment. Therefore, I may resume this topic at a later time as it leads to a lot of controversy within myself. Have a good one.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prac ti cal

Hello. I just got home from school. The year's really winding down and there is little going on aside from a final here and there. I really have not written in awhile. In a way I was avoiding writing for a few weeks in order to collect my thoughts. I usually just write about what's been new in my life; however, lately there has been too much and too little that I would not know where to begin. I can't believe it's June now though, wow. Sometimes I'll reflect upon the month of May and be really surprised I was capable of managing all that I had to carry during that time. xD

The weather has been unbelievably warm recently. It's very summery and makes me feel more excited for summer to officially arrive. One of the things I like about summer is not knowing what to expect. Ever year I may make numerous plans, but by the time school rolls around again, it's always interesting to see what I actually did end up doing. :P Therefore it's probably best to just be spontaneous all summer long. I think I'll make that be my goal, if I were to set one for this summer. I'll try to be more "in the moment" and just one of those "let's get up and go, do it and have fun" type of people. I rarely am like that, and it serves as a characteristic I was never very fond of. Sounds like a plan then. ;)

It is weird how "shy" I am being in this blog entry, hah. If that is even possible to show. :P I feel like there is soo much I can be saying, but something is holding me back. Maybe it is my craving for watermelon. :P Yep, that's gotta be it. I think I am going to take a survey or something and share it. I really feel like answering one, and maybe it will help me summarize some events of the past month. Hopefully I'll write again soon, too! :)

1) Do you think you're mature?
not completely.
2) Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?
not necessarily.
3) Who was the last person's house you went to besides your own?
4) Miss someone?
sure, if you'd like me tooo.
5) What are you listening to?
the tv, and some band i never heard of.
6) Do you clean when you’re upset?
hah yes, actually!
7) Do you like someone right now?
ask around, the answer can be anywhere, even in your sock! ;) ♥
9) What are you doing tomorrow?
taking my health final, eating, sleeping, studying, packing!
10) What is your favorite flavor ice cream?
strawberry, banana, and chocolate mixed.
11) Whats the most important thing in a relationship in your opinion?
hmm..well trust, honesty, and a sincere interest in being with the other person is always good. both parties wanting the same thing, like being on the same level is important, too. :)
12) Favorite color?
14) Who did you ride in a car with last besides your family?
15) Where is your cell phone?
on the table.
16) What's the color of your shirt you are wearing?
light brown.
17) What did you do Sunday?
i think that was the day i went to laurens, right? :P
18) Do you have any bruises?
on my knee, actually.
19) What were you doing at noon yesterday?
watching a movie/yawning/tearing of boredom.
20) How long does it take you to get ready?
an hour.
21) Have you been outside today?
yes and will be going out again.
22) The last text you received on your cell was from?
23) Are you tired right now?
i am, yes.
24) Last movie you watched? and when ?
i forget the name, some dance movie, and uh, yesterday.
25) What do you miss?
i miss things sure, but i am looking forward to other things too so.. i'm good. :)
26) Are you wearing any jewelry?
no i took it off.
27) Last person you hugged?
corey, and not the foote. xD
28) The last place you went to?
29) How's your heart lately?
30) Do you sing in the shower?
not really, a song might play through my head but i don't actually sing, psshaw. :P
31) Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
maybe, yes.
35) If you could fix things with anyone who would it be and why?
i'd have to give that some thought.
36) Do you think people should throw the word "love" around like they do?
no. that really bothers me. it'd probably take me a long time to admit i "loved" anyone, i think of it more seriously and as something special. :)
38) What should you be doing right now?
reading, eating, and laying outside.
39) Do you get along with your parents?
pretty much mhmm.
40) Whats the car of your dreams?
no preference currently.
41) Ever wanted to be a teacher?
yep oh yep.
42) Ever been stuck in an elevator?
no, thank goodness. :P
43) What do your friends call you?
44) First thing you notice in the opposite gender?
umm...i think i notice their voice, hair, and face first.
45) Favorite physical feature on yourself?
pshhh okay. let's go with my -thinks of something random- ..shoulder! :)
46) Have you done anything embarrassing lately?
everyday. :P
47) What did you last eat?
a sandwich.
48) What are you looking forward to?
49) Have any tattoos?
50) Do you hate when people smoke around you?

Well that was fun. Adios!(:

Friday, June 06, 2008

Go Somewhere Else!

There is a conspiracy theory, I tell you! Outside of my lovely house in Jermyn is a common meeting place for the freaks and strange teenagers of Jermyn. I can't go a single day without hearing about twenty vulgar words shouted out down Main Street in less than five seconds. Mostly these little street gangs consist of a few guys and a girl or two. They'll just stand outside of my house, meet outside of my house for about a minute then continue walking, or choose to dribble a basketball outside of my house while talking loudly. There is nothing more annoying in the world to me than trying to study or do my homework and hear a basketball bounce for about twenty minutes outside of my window. Why don't I close my window? I shouldn't have to! This is my property and I don't want that scum on it! However, there's really no actions I can take against these deviant individuals. I can go outside, bitch at them, and get my ass kicked, but I don't find that to be a very logical situation. Ironic that I'm the junior council member of Jermyn. But even on that note, I doubt even the council can do anything about it. One can't set curfew as this mostly happens throughout the course of the day. Plus, I'm against curfew in the first place myself. Why? If we can drive until eleven o' clock, why can't I walk around Jermyn quietly minding my own business past nine o' clock? That just makes zero sense to me. If I were step out of a car and walk a block at 10:15 PM, I'm breaking the law. Oh no! I never got around to asking council about Jermyn's curfew. I just remember that a cop yelled at me once when I was walking home from Craig's house about two years ago.

I fell asleep at 6 PM today as I was exhausted from barely sleeping all week. However, I was awoken only three-in-a-half hours later by a rude interruption from the outside world of those teenager scumbags. I entered the world of reality from my dream-like state when I heard the infamous and overused phrase, "Fuck you!" In my head, I registered that another street gang was positioned outside of my house. No surprise there! However, there were only two people -- and they were a couple. They were a fighting couple tonight. All I heard was, "Blah, blah, you barely treat me like your girlfriend!" and...stuff. And then she stole the guy's cell phone and ran off to resume fighting about two houses away. If I wasn't so drowsy, I would've yelled at them out of my window. I honestly can't stand it anymore. Sure, sometimes it's entertaining, but they talk so damn loud. These people think that their conversations are private, but in fact the whole street knows that Susan had sexual intercourse with Jeff now. Brilliant! I was wondering about those two! And I would like to add that most of these kids go to Valley View. I reclaim my statement from before: scumbags.

Have a good one.

WordWeb: #1 Tool for Vocabulary Nerds

While searching the collection of freeware that a variety of blogs have collected over the past month, a program jumped out and tackled me. In this case, I enjoyed the pain that resulted from the aftermath of the spontaneous tackle. This program, known as WordWeb, is a dictionary/thesaurus which activates upon holding in the control key and right-clicking on a word in any program. Yes, any program. You no longer have to have internet access to look up a word, or copy and paste a word into some internet dictionary because you're curious on what it means. And if you have internet access? WordWeb uses both their dictionary collection as well as 'tabs' to other online dictionaries – in case WordWeb's definition wasn't good enough. Also, there is a tab to Wikipedia. I find this program to be very helpful for my goal of learning a plethora of vocabulary terms throughout the course of this coming summer. Not only do I hope to achieve a better SAT score in the fall from my personal studying, but I also wish to better myself as a writer and be able to harvest from my 'pool of words' at any time without any complications. I highly recommend this program for everybody – it's free, reliable, fast, easy-to-use, and educational. Also, it can save a lot of time that it would take to open a browser and then a dictionary website.

It's amazing how computers almost completely replaced the printed dictionaries. I must say that I highly prefer electronic dictionaries. I find it to be a very tiresome task having to flip through pages upon pages of tiny text to look for a specific word, when all one must do on the computer is type in a word, hit 'search', and there you are. Plus, I find the electronic dictionaries to be easier on the eyes. Yet another task that technology has made easier to do.

I just wanted to throw this post up to notify any pedestrians walking by the blog of this great program. If you already have some offline or online source that you prefer over the others, then please share them. I used to use Microsoft Work's dictionary myself before I got this program, but the pain of having to open Work and then access the dictionary to look up a word was unnecessary. Also, WordWeb runs in your system tray. So, if you were to close it outside of the system tray (on accident, for example), you don't have to worry about searching through your 'program files' to access the program again.

That's all I have for you today. Have a good one.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Process of Writing a Novel #1

If you're expecting some professional advice on the dedicated process of writing a novel, then hit the 'back' button and run away. If you're looking for a personal outline of the process of a young individual planning out and thinking about the creation of a fantasy novel, then you have stepped into the proper domain. Welcome to the beginning of my long journey from the beginning to end of writing a novel, and the plan I have in using this very blog as a big aid in its formation.

Before I begin spilling out my inner feelings and thoughts regarding this topic, I wish to apologize for the lack of proper wording, sentence construction, etc. of this post. I'm in a writing mood, yet I'm not in a fit mental state to write too well. Finals are killing me and I'm still trying to catch up with the work I missed over the last week of school that I missed. However, there's always time to write a few things and get them out there.

First, my goal: I plan to write a fantasy novel series consisting of four books. The novel is based on a 48-page story that I wrote in seventh grade. Since I created that work, I have created more in-depth information regarding the story in my head. The story that I created back then was rushed as it was a school assignment. I helped in creating a more complex story by imagining my fictional world in different media formats: such as games, movies, MMORPGs, etc. I would sometimes sit down for long periods of time, meditating upon the concepts that were brewing up in my noggin. However, I eventually realized that I needed to start transferring this information from my head to text. It was too valuable to lose in my very fragile brain – God forbid if something were to happen to me (I'd probably have more to worry about then than writing a book). I started creating concept maps using the free program known as 'FreeMind'. I was also able to create new plots, characters, locations etc. using this program that I didn't already think up before, as it was forcing me to seriously begin to think about this long project I had at hand. However, due to the large amount of work that I had to complete at school this year, I wasn't able to do much (even though I created a large amount of information in my head).

This summer I plan on starting the pre-writing process. Not only does this involve character creation, outlines, etc. but also enhancing my writing abilities, studying vocabulary, etc. Too write effectively, I must know all of the suitable abilities. I can't run into this project with blind ambition. Through research, reading, etc. I wish to open up my knowledge to a wide range of subjects so that when I must draw upon this information in the writing process, I can do so without majorly delaying of the book.

I'm sorry – I can't write more now. I'm just – lethargic at the moment. Hopefully I can continue this (with more enthusiasm) once the finals are over. Until then, have a good one.

Monday, June 02, 2008

It’s Final…Time!

I liked how my previous blog entry allowed an open-discussion to occur based on a general question presented in the context, so I have another little question to throw out there that's picking at my curiosity. Whether you're in high school or college, you most likely had/have to take finals this year. However, I'm wondering, based on your education facility, how important the finals are. Like…hmm, I'm trying to choose proper wording here. Does your school prepare you for the finals in advance? Do the teachers/professors give you the information beforehand? Do you spend countless hours studying for a single subject or is it a cram-it-in-one-night ordeal?

The finals at my good ol' school of Lakeland High start this week. Particularly, only the elective courses are holding the final exams. Our last day of school is June 16th. The late dismissal is due to the large amount of snow days that we had this year. They built my school on top of a hill on the top of a mountain – it has been ravaged by wind, snow, and other elements of nature that normally have a fiercer force at higher altitudes. Off-topic: I love how the layout of the school was designed by a Florida company as they created three light courts scattered throughout the school so that we may enjoy the outdoors in three feet of snow. Bravo, old chums! In reality, the light courts are needed to – well – provide light to the classrooms. Wow I got really off-topic. The finals at Lakeland are enforced like they should mean the world to us, but the teachers barely prepare us to take their final test of the school year. Hell, we're lucky if a teacher actually prepares us. In classes such as anatomy, AP chemistry, etc. they expect us to know everything we ever learned and to apply it to the questions on the test. Other 'nicer' classes, such as Spanish III, sociology, pre-calculus, etc. actually give us a few worksheets and allow us to practice for the final. And then you have classes such as health and American History II when you don't know what the hell is going on (meaning they give you the info, but expect somewhat specific things when asking for it on the test). The path to prepare definitely depends on the teacher, as one can see here. I honestly wish the school board somewhat limited the teachers with their actions regarding the finals. For example, our "lovely" AP chemistry teacher is making us hand in homework on electrochemistry before we're able to even touch the final. I don't even know what the hell electrochemistry is as I was sick all last week and missed all of the notes and presentations regarding it.

I don't believe our teachers really give us enough of a heads-up when it comes to final time. We can't blame them, however. The school board doesn't know what the final schedule is until about four weeks before we take them, and the teachers are in a hectic rush trying to cram in as many lessons as they can before the year ends. That should be another handy rule enforced by the school board: "All teachers must stop teaching on May X and begin proper preparations for the final exams, if applicable." Honestly, stop teaching us already! If we wanted to give two shits about World War II, electrochemistry, or Susana y Javier, I'll freaking Wikipedia it over the summer (which I probably will). There's just too much going on right now for the teachers to cram all of this knowledge and information into us. What's even worse is that it's wasted effort. The teachers are trying to teach, but the students are too worn out to learn the information, thus the whole teaching of that lesson was pretty damn ineffective. Wasn't it? Go shove your oxidation states up your ass! Another lab to do? I don't expect an easy time in college – don't get me wrong – but how many classes do you have in college at once? That question always boggled me. I have seven classes, with others having about eight as I have a regular study hall. That's seven to eight exams we must take in a week. That's seven to eight teachers trying to throw information at us in a week. It's crazy! Just stop! Teachers don't understand that the world doesn't revolve around their class. They throw fifty assignments at us expecting that we'll go home and work only on that assignment. Well sorry – I might have two tests to study for, a Spanish skit to work on, three English poems to read, etc. And then one must create their priorities. What class is more important to me? Which one should I focus on more? And to be highly honest right now: even though it's aimed to be the most important class of our junior years, chemistry is at the bottom of my priorities list. I can clearly live without knowing the charge of a calcium ion or how many moles there are in a hot air balloon at an elevation of 2,043 feet. I don't care! In the life that I have planned out for myself, that knowledge will go in the recycling bin of my head, and stay there forever. You know what finals mean to me? The last time I have to give a shit about a class. And the day that I hand in my AP chemistry final will be the happiest day of my life – whether I did well on it or not. Hell, handing it in blank may produce a better grade than if I tried. And like I said before – I've been sick for over a week and missed six days of school. Therefore, on top of preparing for the finals, I have a shitload of work to make up. Good riddance!

Well, I have to go study, and read things, and learn how to do the trigonometry of a right triangle, and write with a pencil, so…have a good one.

P.S. Just to notify you, I got rid of the Adbrite ads on the blog. The blog should load quicker now. Still waiting for a reply from Google Adsense after about two weeks of sending the form in.