Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why Talk When No One's Listening...

My title may come off as being a bit gloomy, but its suitable for how I've felt on RuneScape the past few days. See, in the game there are players known and admired by all. Zezima, N0valyfe, Uloveme, Yogoson. These are all great players from the game. But there are a few players that are "pure f2p". These people are Mendark 9, and Syszgy for example. All i would like to say is that Mendark 9 and Syzygy were once members during their careers, so tehm falunting about as pure f2p bothers me. Perhaps they did get all their skills to 99s, but they were once members and to caravant around claiming the oppisite is an outrage i feel. But some may ask, how do you know they were members... Well here is how i know. If you go to account management on the rs homepage, then to recover a password, you get a screen to type a name in. Type Sysyzgy's for example. According to yourtube and the rs wiki he was nvr a member. On the contrary, you can cleary see underneath his recovery questions that he was once a member since it has his subcristion information. Now do the same process for my name (Trans Power) and there will be no subscribtion info. The same applies for Mendark 9 and some others. So why should these players get the respect and love they do when what they are really doing is lieing. Now do not get me wrong its possible for them to have only trained in f2p, but once a member always one i feel. They are great players, but i feel justice needs to be served, but as my title says no one wants to hear the truth. I am flustered by this fact but life goes on....

In other news I have been playing RuneScape some more. I got to 76 mining and I am close to 77. I thought of a good long term rs goals to keep the game fun. Note: This only applies if I never are to become a member, that is a possibilty but certain conditions apply. My goals after 84 mining are 1mil xp in every skill, and to get a 99 in something. I was thinking defense since its simple and benficial. Perhaps one day I will be the first pure f2p to get 1494. (Note I do not count Syzygy getting 99 prayer and 1494 since i check backed in november to see if he was a mem and it said it there, and he got the 99 prayer this january). Also i think there might be 1 or 2 pure f2p's with totals in the 1490s, but i need names to check it out.

In a happier mood i watched the movie Bruce Almighty today. It was a funny and i reccomend it, I also found out that Steve Carell was in it as the character he would go on to play in Evan Almighty. I also would like to bring up a subject thats been bothring me. I guess its partially rs related, but it has to do with being the best. The first player ever to play rs (during the beta) was Rab. He is the oldest but does that make him the best? The first player ever to reach 99 firemaking was cowchicken, is he the best? How can the term "best" be defined, not only in RuneScape but in real life as well. i was surfing the web and the idea crossed my mind about whats the point of doing something unless your the best. For example ( i use rs to analyze things a lot) prior to summoning everyone new who the best player was, Zezima, but who could even spell the 2nd best, Uloveme? Miles14 has the most xp in all his combats but he is not considered the best. Do not get me wrong its just a game, but I would like to define who the best is. In my eyes, I very well think its Rab. The first president is considered the best (George Washington for anyone who doesn't know) so i claim Rab to be the best ever. And for the notice the first person to ever be baned was named boot. Well, I guess thats all I had to say, i really just wanted to point out who was once a member etc. Until next time i suppose.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Walking on Air

I really enjoy tasting a spoonful of history from time to time. Just enough to get my tongue wet, maybe bring a warm smile to my face. :) Stumbling upon past blog entries has done just that for me. I've only been writing here since 2006, yet I cannot decide whether it feels longer or shorter than that actual space of time. Last evening I was scanning through some of my very first entries, and they were really quite cute. With the idea of moving to a new blog home in the future arising regularly, I can really only feel much excitement and anticipation for new thoughts to be exposed on untouched pages. ;)

I am leaving early this weekend for a two week vacation. Not a family vacation, specifically, but a warm and hopefully relaxing vacation nonetheless. I remember, during the Spring when I was at the high point of being pummeled with everything a teenager can possibly face, and imagining myself in a few months lying on the beach with absolutely no due dates or social headaches to worry about. The thought relaxed me and helped make everything at the time more worthwhile. It is pretty neat to think of how immensely busy a person can be during one month, but within a matter of weeks they can be free, accomplished, and rewarded for all their hard work. :) If there is one stressful concept weighing me down continuously still, it is that of "college." I still personally feel distaste towards the entire concept of figuring out and making decisions so very important. I have never, ever, been a fantastic decision maker. Even the slightest of situations, like deciding whether I want a ham or turkey sandwich for lunch, can cause me to bite my lip and stare blankly at the person asking me until they say "How about turkey?" and I readily nod without a problem. I am eager to further my education, don't get me wrong, I love learning, but knowing I have to decide on certain things is absolutely not my cup of tea. Sometimes I wish the perfect school would land at my feet. That is highly improbable though, and I probably would not even like it anymore once it fell. I've been changing my mind a lot too which makes everything more difficult. Last week I could have wanted to be a surgeon in Florida, and this week maybe I am craving the idea of majoring in bugs in a rural university in Wyoming. Really now, not a word in that last sentence has ever stood true, but at least you can see how wide of changes my mind can make. Oh and by the way, bugs, as well as dirt, are two very new exciting majors in some colleges across the country. Check your local listings. xD

Sunday I went to Warped Tour, which proved to be another exhilarating event. I went last year for the first time and it was so thrilling and amazing I fell in quintuple love with my favorite band and had a stranger's saliva hit my ankle. Even though I'd have to say last year's was a bit more fun, I still had a good time going again. :) I got to see Family Force 5 play, who are my favorite. Just watching their more than adorable sweaty faces play, dance, and sing right in front of you is priceless!! ;D It was also really cool to retrieve a beach ball which they later signed for me. =)) Another neat group worth mentioning that we saw was Shwayze, which were actually pretty cool, and more popular than I had thought. [I honestly didn't know who they were until that day..hush. :P] My friends and I would have loved to see more bands, but we were forced to leave a little earlier than expected due to a severe thunderstorm that poured on top of our very heads. xD I have never been as soaking wet as I was that afternoon. Boy oh boy, I was squeezing gallons of water out of my clothes. haha :P I think being heavily rained on was really fun though. I mean, I was with my great friends, and we are running across a parking lot that, note: is muddy and flooded, and hail is falling in your face so you are forced to close your eyes and hope that the gravel smacking your bare legs won't hurt too bad. xD Haha oh my gosh, it was something else. :P We even took pictures of us as soon as we reached this little off-limits shed we found, as shelter was a necessity once we left the compounds of the pavilion. ;P Anyways, I really like Warped Tour because of the close interaction with the bands and the immense crowd of people. This one guy in a band questioned me repeatedly as to why I had the word "Florida" on my tank top. It turned out he was from Florida, and if I didn't agree I was from there too and that was why I had the shirt on, then he was going to take my paper from me. xD Haha never know what to expect! :P

As soon as I have pictures developed from the concert, I'll be sure to pop a few on here. :) Another item you may be curious to see pictures of is my first car! =) I am incredibly ecstatic [and tremendously grateful] to reveal that there is a smaller sized vehicle [Chevy Malibu] now residing at my home in which I have begun learning to drive in. It is a pretty cute car, and I really adore it! I drove it on the road twice thus far, which was quite an experience that took sooo much focus and energy from my mind. I felt really drained and weak afterwards, is that normal? Haha. ;P

Anywho, I am happy to say I have logged onto Runescape a time or two this week. My brother enjoys playing it a little here and there, and even if it may be infested by younger humans by the mass load, it is still fun to cut trees and make fires and get lost when you are a clueless wonder without good virtual game direction! ;)

I feel like there is a lot more on my mind I could share in this blog entry. Sometimes though, maybe it is "just enough" to focus on the more positive aspects. At the current time I think it is sometimes more relieving to stay clear of the road construction and take an alternate route because maybe that other way will be decorated with blooming flowers and fresh trees, filling your heart with hope and your mind with wisdom. So many people get injected with doses of burden and it will really weigh you down if you aren't strong enough to break the needle. Not everybody is strong like Superman though, but at least you can try. ;)

What's Happening

Hi guys, its been a while since I've posted buy only because my last few posts back in april were completely ignored, and the recent inter blog drama. I will start though with a report on my current working out. I started weight training/lifting and running 1 mile a day back in March, and i have seen some marvelous results. My bench press max is about 165, which is 2olbs more then i weigh and I am only 15 >.> My mile time is within 6 mins, decent, and I can do 60 lb machine flyes with ease, back in march i had trouble with 10. Overall I have basically gotten sexified. In other news...

I have been playing runescape a bit on and off. I was never a member so there is not much fun to have but i play a bit. Currently i am training my mining to lvl 84. Its hard since i have no pals, and sicne free world training is real hard, but i make do. Only 2mil xp to 84 yay. Also i recently found out that my total lvl rank of 1069 is in the 100 best of that lvl, i big accomplishment i would say, and since i was never a member to add those other skills. My name is Trans Power is you are curious of my skills.

Summer has been ok i guess, it just goes by quick and your left wondering what you could of done with the time. Its almost August -blah- and my 2 week solo vacation is coming up so yay me. I spend my days sporaticly at best i would say, waking up around noonish to 2 (yea 2 thats right) but i go to bed around 3 or 4 but whatev' :P I have been following my favorite celebrity a lot lately though, and I usually will watch anything said person is in. All in all i guess nothing much has changed. Go Oscar Wilde and go Caydalyn go 50 wc!

Wow under 2mil xp to go =).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy New Blog Year! (3rd Anniversary)

As the character representative of Oscar Wilde states in "Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance" in regards to his birthday – "This happens to be my birthday, Robert, and on each of my anniversaries I mourn the flight of one year of my youth into nothingness, . . .". Oscar's wise words, most likely fictionally created by the author, Gyles Brandreth, only applies to living material. In the case of celebrating the creation of an inanimate object (with a great model being this very blog), one cannot be sorrowful about the anniversary of such. The age of this blog brings with it an uprising of content, friendship, and intelligence. Look not to the past with teary eyes, but rather to the future with high hopes of optimism. With the new site of Broken Typos hopefully being released in the coming month, there is without a doubt that the blog will be heading into a prosperous state. However, we cannot disregard the steps it took to get this far. Sure, the blog may not be roaring with activity and page views, but it sure as hell feels good to look back at it at the end of the day and see everything you have created over the years.

Here's to the third year of Buddy Foote's Blog v.2, and disregarding the name change to Broken Typos, may we witness and experience many more years of this blog to come! Now drink your ale before a nun cracks your knuckles with a ruler!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Real Value

Look around you at your current location. What do you see? In front of you is a computer, most likely, unless you are reading this article on a PDA, cell phone, or those new nifty iPhones. Are you at a desk? What material is it made of – oak, willow, maple? Look around the room. All that stuff that makes the room what it is. A bed makes a bedroom, a toilet makes a bathroom, a dining table makes a dining room, etc. All that materialistic junk that means so much to you. Do you really care for it? Of course you do. Everything around you came into your household via money. Sure, it may have been a gift or even a free handout, but throughout the lifetime of the object in question, money was involved somewhere. To even gather the material to manufacture the object required money. Money – greenbacks and coins. It means so much to society. Whatever we do as a society depends on the value of the nation's currency. Technically, unless you're a nudist, going outside in public without the motive of buying anything still involves money because, honestly, you have to have bought the clothes you're wearing.

Sure, we should appreciate people for who they are, what they do, etc. and not on what they have. Will we remember 'Person A' because he owned a mansion up on the hill or 'Person B' who died saving three children from a house fire? The sad and pathetic truth is that most people may very well remember the mansion more and therefore 'Person A'. The other guy just gets a mention in the newspaper and make the news for every local station for the day, but that's all they'll get. Why should we care what we'll be remembered for? It seems troubling to live one's life and then leave it behind without making some sort of scar. 'Person B' scarred many people by being a true hero, but 'Person A' will always have that material constructed of wood, brick, mortar, and glass up on that hill for many people to see until the mansion falls. Will somebody remember Bill Gates because of his role in the foundation of Microsoft or because he was one of the richest guys in the world?

We can always go around preaching about how society should be less materialistic, but is that really practical? If we choose to give up the materialistic aspects of society, then we hurt ourselves. How can we prove a point that life will be better without materialistic goods when we're defying the norms of society, and therefore we're suddenly in poverty. If I said, "Yea, life is good without money, cars, and everything," and the person looks at me and sees me dirty, starving, and 'not good' in their own self-image, then I'll be nothing but a contradiction to them. The point being: you can't prove that a materialistic life will be better when society doesn't allow you to prove that point. Everything must have value, or we have nothing to live for. What's your goal in life? Get a good-paying job, get a nice house, have a loving and caring family to give birth to and raise – besides the love and family part, the rest screams "Money!" And without the motive of earning money because we won't have anything to buy, what will we do with our time? Not even time, but our lives? What really is there to live for? Can love even exist without materials? Even though we say that society would be better without the need for money, the point is that we won't have a society without the need of money. The structure that controls our life, no matter how restraining it may seem, helps us. It makes us live. It guides us into a meaningful life. If you're willing to give up all your materialistic goods, you're only harming yourself and benefitting nothing. And good luck trying to find supporters. You might as well head over to an emo nightclub, but even then, they still want materialistic goods like razors and Snoopy bandages.

In the current American recession and with the skyrocketing gas prices, the one object on everybody's mind is money. You can never have enough of it. There's always something to spend it on. However, should we look to more in life than money? Of course, but even then, to get to that spot in life, money is needed.

And with that, I leave you for the night. Have a good one.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Facepalming Over Layouts

This fellow to the left here has the right idea in mind when it comes to a novice tackling the overwhelming challenge of creating a layout on an alien blogging platform. First of all, I would like to apologize for the unannounced hiatus I took from writing on the blog before I continue this entry any further. I have been having the biggest lack of motivation and creativity in my history and it’s been creating a huge impact on the list of goals I wanted to achieve this summer. More than three-fourths of that list will not be complete. Hopefully the challenge of creating a new website can be achieved, and therefore here we are on the topic that I initially wanted to discuss.

I’m ‘facepalming’ myself right now, actually, as I have an extremely bad case of writer’s block. I’m not sure how to cure it either. I need to stimulate myself more when it comes to writing. I find that it’s easy to write when faced with a conversational situation, but when I open up a blank Word document and try to write a mere sentence, I freeze up, close the document, and become depressed due to the fact that I failed yet again. I don’t even know why I’m typing this now. It’s just a factor that has been bothering me personally. Even though we migrated away from the main subject, maybe this random mumbling can help in the stimulation of my writing abilities and recalling skills. Okay, let’s try this again . . .

In June, I made the purchase of, which is hosted on Host Monster. I installed the new blogging platform that I wish to transfer Buddy Foote’s Blog v.2 to and really – that’s all I did. The new platform is Wordpress. I came into this project with optimistic dreams and a head filled with innovative ideas, until I saw what I was faced with. Creating a Wordpress layout is not as easy as making a Blogger layout. In Blogger, you only have one file to edit to change the layout of your blog. On the other hand, in Wordpress, you have a multiplicity of .php files (and .css file) to torment you. I read a variety of topics about creating layouts, including scanning sections of the book, Wordpress for Dummies, at Borders, but yet I still feel overwhelmed by the project. I could always cheat by importing a premade theme into my Wordpress files, using that temporarily, and then create a homemade theme whenever I feel prepared enough to take up that challenge so that I don’t waste a few months of paying for my web host, but I sort of want my own touch to the site before it’s opened to the public.

I am faced with a few problems that I’m debating over before I start production on the new site.

One sidebar or two sidebars? I currently enjoy having two sidebars, but with the addition of pages that will be implemented into the blog thanks to that function with Wordpress, will needing all that space to organize oneself be necessary? We might be able to do away with the author profiles that are currently on the left sidebar altogether by substituting them with an ‘About Me’ page for each author – maybe even adding a separate navigation bar for the authors. Will a lot of the features of the sidebars even be needed? Statistics? No – Wordpress has a widget that can handle that. Shoutbox? No – getting rid of that in the future site (to promote commenting). ‘Ask The Author’? No – this feature will either get a total overhaul or be completely removed. Blog Spotlight? Yes – even though it was only changed twice since the summer of 2007, I’m hoping that a simple PHP or Javascript script can add new content each time the page is refreshed, making this feature fresh and useful. ‘Author of the Month’? Maybe – however this feature may not be implemented into Broken Typos at first; even if it was, it would probably get a small spot on the sidebar with a page mostly devoted to the feature. Affiliate section? No – this section will be totally extinct on the new website; even if it exists, a page will be enough to get the job done. So in conclusion, we need a sidebar for: an ad or two (money is needed to pay for the host), recent comments, calendar, recent entries, archives, possibly collapsible author profiles, ‘Blog Spotlight’, etc. The question remains: one sidebar or two?

Wordpress is overwhelming in the fact that I’m used to dealing with only HTML and CSS, but Wordpress forces one to work with XHTML, CSS, and PHP. Actually, the majority of the template is coded with PHP. Therefore, one must understand how the code functions, what its uses are, its limits, and how it’ll alter your site. I particularly dislike the ‘if’ statements. Like – if no posts are found, then it’ll display this message. Sure, it’s handy, but I’m just intimidated by the complexity of what I’m facing. Therefore, if I create a homemade theme, do not expect it to be the best you’ll ever see. It’ll be two or three boxes with a logo, background filled with ‘broken’ typos, and bam, I’m done. Yes, it will be more complex than that, but that’s just the general picture. It will be more stylish than Buddy Foote’s Blog v.2, though. Also, we will be abandoning the white-text-on-black-background color scheme that has been plaguing Buddy Foote’s Blog v.2 ever since its creation on July 24, 2005 (yes, the blog’s birthday is in three days). Instead, the blog will have black-text-on-white-background.

To the right here is a little preview of the background that will be used on the new site. Do not fear – a solid white background will be used on the sidebars and main content area to make it easier to read. Also, I’m hoping to achieve a modern design by the use of borders alone surrounding the content areas. Another problem is that I don’t know what to do in terms of a banner for the site.

That’s all I’ll discuss for now. Yet again, please answer the question: one or two sidebars?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Smores Anyone? I am. It's sad how quiet the blog seems to be. I still care about it though. I care about so many things. I may even care way too much. That can be a problem, unfortunately. Attachment is not always the best, especially when you don't have a single smidge of a clue what is coming next. But will I stop caring? Do I even want to? Can you imagine how hard it is if you had to though?

I started writing a blog twice in the past, er, I don't know, week and a half? Each time I stopped after barely a few lines. I'd start writing in a moment when I felt a certain way, so looking at those 'rough drafts' now is interesting. A lot has happened since I last wrote, fun things. I'm enjoying my summer very much. However, I feel a piece is missing. A piece I am not even sure whether or not I want to add to the puzzle. That is what can be so frustrating. When you have this puzzle piece, sitting there, all odd and pokey-shaped, and you are just looking at it, pondering whether it is the right time to add it to your puzzle. You have to wait until the right moment, naturally. You can't go adding that puzzle piece before it has the other perfect piece to fit with.

I love summer, I absolutely do. It is so refreshing and the weather is more than gorgeous. I had a really nice 4th of July with people I feel I can rely on during any time. We spent the day at a nearby lake, complete with a boat ride, smores, and fireworks; your traditional fourth. Then we made sure it became very nontraditional from the norm and very "us" with staying up late in our "second home", going on the paper route, and out to eat. =) A few days later I stayed over with my close friend in her lake cottage. I had been there only one time before. It is incredibly adorable; the perfect getaway. We had a great time! Paddle boating around the entire lake, swimming, bike riding, basketball, late night walks, music, board games, and smores made the list of some top activities. =) She, and another friend there, also got me interested in a new TV show called "The Secret Life of the American Teenager." We watched the second episode while I was there, and I admit it caught my interest. It's pretty good, and today I watched the first episode, the one I missed, online. It's about a teenage girl and some other characters from her high school. The central idea focuses on this teenage girl, Amy, who is portrayed as a really "good girl", in the band, good friends etc, yet she finds out she is pregnant after a first-time accident. I think the story and the characters are pretty relevant to your "american teens." I'd say it's worth a watch. :)

I've mentioned smores about twice in that last paragraph. Therefore I'm mentioning them again because they are really great! :P I used to not like smores very much, in fact I probably avoided eating them altogether when at a campfire or some sort of event. I think I mainly just ate the marshmallows. This summer is very different though. I believe I've eaten smores at just about every outing/event I've been to this summer. xD And each time I enjoy them all the more. Haha, I know this paragraph is random at best, but I thought I'd share why this entry's title will be dedicated to such a tasty summer treat. =)

One last important thing I think is worth mentioning is that I finally felt ready to take my driving permit test. I went today and passed it. =) I've been more than sixteen, (seventeen..nearing eighteen), for months now but I honestly had no care previously to learn to drive. It was sort of a dilemma. I'm sure some past blog posts will demonstrate such. I've driven before, two very different vehicles in size, each making me feel wary of driving altogether at the time. I am extremely pleased I waited the length of time I did though. There was certainly no rush in my book. I was initially planning to go right after school ended last month, but I delayed reading the book which when I did start took me some time to feel prepared with. :P However, I feel quite accomplished with having finally taken and passed the test. I'm looking forward to "officially" beginning the process of learning how to drive. I'm sure it will come with a series of interesting stories to tell that I hope this blog will welcome with open arms. ;]

Until next time, syanara. ♥

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I was reminded that I haven't written a blog in a little while, and I certainly agree so I really feel like writing one right now. :) I'm having a nice summer, not anything extraordinary going on currently. It seems I've fallen into a pattern though. I'll be home for a few lazy days where I spend a lot of time outside, and then I'll go away for a few days to friends' houses or somewhere random. =P I have been playing a whole lot of volleyball it seems. I liked the game before, but now I enjoy it even more. I am really looking forward to going on vacation in August though. I don't want to rush through July or anything, but I absolutely cannot wait to go to the beach. It was all I was thinking about today. Just the whole atmosphere is exhilarating down there, and I am a huge swim and surf fan so I can't wait to do those things every day. :) The 4th of July is coming up and that may actually be one of my favorite holidays lately. xD This weekend will fit right in with my "pattern" of going away for a few days. ;]

I was watching television last night and started to feel pretty angry about the gas prices. I know, pretty random, but it was absolutely frustrating me. xD I was sitting there trying to make sense of the situation of our country. Maybe most people don't spend time dwelling on the subject, and I rarely do either but sometimes it catches my attention for awhile and instills some worry in me. The news reporter was explaining how cheap gas is in other countries, even Mexico, which charges like two dollars or less. Some countries charge twelve cents. Can you imagine? =P I understand those countries can supply themselves, but then I get frustrated over why the US ever decided to rely so much on other people. -sigh- The news story continued with showing how American people who live near the Mexican border drive into Mexico to purchase their gas, and sometimes have so much change left over they can go and eat a taco while they are down there. Hey, who can blame them. Too bad we live so far, hah.

Anyway, I've finally found some new music to listen to! I was growing incredibly bored of my 2000+ songs on iTunes [don't roll your eyes] so I proceeded to do a playlist search on the web. xD I went to originally, but proved to be a better source. -bobs head- Yeaaaah it was great!;] The title of this blog in fact is the name of one fun song I found to enjoy.

I'm going to be on my way now, have a sunny day!