Saturday, December 22, 2007

Some Words From The Sass Master

well everyone, and by everyone i mean the 2-3 people who will read this. Merry Christmas. if anyone is a regular to the blog will notice iv been active as of late. that is with the Seven Deadly Songs segment, which is immaculate in nature and i strongly advice surfing over here for it. i have to wake up at an ridiculous hour tomorrow, 6 15, to finish up my shopping. i need to get my brother, sister, other sister, mom, and girlfriend. my stepmom is taking me. my plans for this vacation of christmas is as follows. because to me and some other people christmas is about the birth of christ i will be hitting church monday and tuesday. then i think sometime wed. - thursday i will attempt to start a band! woot thats right. so far the line up is me, my drumming friend neil... on drums, matt on bass, jordan on guitar, and me on guitar. i'm not sure whether or not i want a 4 member with one person just singing, a 3 member all playing instruments, a 4 member all playing instruments. or what but itll be fun. that weekend i have no idea. as is my absence of plans for new years. with that being said. Merry Christmas again friends, and please, stop by again. oh and you should listen to The Strokes


Anonymous said...

Lol Joey, I love your entries. :P

And I'm one of the 3 people who read yours, hehe. It's nice to have you active like this. =)

Good luck finding last minute Christmas gifts!

The band idea sounds cool, you definately have to best people around for it. ;] Sounds fun. ^^

The Strokes..hmm..The Strokes..I've heard of them..

merry christmas!:]

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get behind that birth of Christ stuff, but I'm an asshole and a pagan ( and I know a little history, lol ) so I'm celebrating today ( Solstice ), and I'm using the 25th for presents - hell yes! Lol. I know, I know, I'm a jackass about that kind of thing, but I'm just teasing dude, to each his own, right?

I got my copy of A Christmas Story today, special features man! I love that movie, about February every year I start to be like, "Fuck me, I wish they'd play that movie I like.", lol.

The Strokes rule, I'd follow 'Last Night' into the sun.

Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice and Happy New Year, man, I hope your 2008's a good one!