Saturday, February 09, 2008

Here's to Life

I've been so busy lately, so I feel tired today. I've been listening to the band, "The Refreshments" lately though. Apparently they are an older band whom I knew of but have now been reacquainted with. :P I think you should listen to them if you haven't, they are soothing. :) In fact, the title of this blog has lyrics dedicated to my favorite song by them. Let's see, it's been about two weeks since my last entry and I am sure I have numerous things to speak of.

I got a part in the school play! A small part, a speakless part, but a part nonetheless! xD The day we found out who got what parts was very exciting. My best friend got the lead role, believe it or not. :) I am so incredibly excited for her. It's so amazing but she deserved it, she is the best dancer in the school and since the musical we are doing is mostly dance well, what could be better?! She always is full of spunk too and will do a wonderful acting job. ;) We've had two rehearsals so far and more coming. It is like taking a dance class for two hours after school. We've mainly danced so far, almost learned the first song through. The music is fun and I love being apart of it as well as having the chance to learn the dance. I'm really trying my best and was really surprised when given a compliment from our drama director that she remembered when she was in bed the night before that she meant to tell me that I am doing a really good job. =D It made me feel really good. It's so fun spending time with my friends there too. The play starts out with everyone dancing together because it is auditions. Then the main characters in the play get chosen out front and the rest of us [me included] get cut. =P It's different knowing that the night of the performances I am going to be on stage for a little bit instead of crawling out inbetween scenes when the lights are out grabbing props and doing technical stuff. =P It will be fun to wear a costume and have to pretend I am a serious dancer yearning to make broadway auditions but then act upset when I don't get picked. xD I'll probably mention something about how Drama goes in every entry I post from now until May. (;

Last Friday we didn't have school because of ice or something. I went to my friend's house for a while and we watched the video that was taped of my friends and I ice skating on my birthday. It was really great to see again because that was an awesome day. :) We played Grand Theft Auto and danced awhile when I was there too. I went shopping last weekend and realized how much I'd like to buy a new bathing suit. A real pretty one, but without strings. Plaid would be terrific, of course! ;P hehe.

Last night I went to the Penguin's ice hockey game with my friend Nicole. :) It was so much fun! I love the arena and there was a lot of people there. I always thought watching ice hockey was fun and last night's game was exciting. I liked sitting up high and watching the puck fly across the ice and see the players slam one another into the plexiglass. My favorite part was when the Penguins scored [they won by the way, 3-0]. When they scored, the goal would light up and the whole arena would be a huge roar, then music would play and everyone would pump their arms, clap, and cheer. It was so exciting hahaha. =) Afterwards I sleptover Nicole's house where we ended the evening playing karaoke and guitar hero again then watching The Office until we fell asleep. It was great! (:

I'm looking forward to the 4-day weekend we have coming up. I want to go somewhere or do something although I'm not sure what yet. I can always play WoW, hah. ;) I'm going to play some soon actually. Last time I played was probably one of the most fun times I've had playing the game. I love how I got to fly around and explore new areas I had not seen before. That, along with the swimming, is probably my favorite aspect of the game. Well I guess this concludes my entry for now, I have some stuff to do. :)


Ashlee said...

Congrats on the part! Is this a completely new, original play or something I might know? All that mention of dancing instantly made me think of Hairspray, but I'm thinking if it was that, you would have mentioned Zefron ;)

Ah, already thinking of summer I see! I kind of am for once too... as much as graduation is coming way too soon for my liking, I miss the sun. I've been sitting outside in my backyard for an hour or more everyday just reading and though I can feel the sun if it's directly in front of me, it's not enough!

Ice hockey is something I don't think my stomach could take lol. I don't like violence. Weird that my friend is getting me into professional wrestling though...

Anyways, hope you had a lovely 4-day weekend and a Happy Belated Hallmark -- I mean -- Valentine's Day!! lol JK. I'm not bitter; I do enjoy the holiday.

Ashlee said...

Oh my gosh... I was just thinking and realized I put BELATED instead of EARLY. I guess I'm used to being late for these things hahah.