Did you ever play the computer game called Doom? I never did until recently, when Chris and Ryan suggested that I download the game in order to play at LAN Party Saturdays that Ryan has at his house. The only attendees of the party are Ryan, Chris, and me, but three is enough to have a blast over a game where you, well, blast the hell out of demons with an array of firearms, rockets, laser guns, etc. It's also the only time where I get stressed out enough to curse over the game. That's why I don't play video games anymore that require skill to play -- I don't have the skill and as a result I get high blood pressure. Television and video games, two entertainment elements that I grew up on as a child, I no longer incorporate into my life. Sometimes I'll get trapped in to watching television when I walk by, see something interesting that my mother and/or grandmother is watching, and I sit down to watch it with them, but this rarely occurs. Video games, besides the occasional playing of Runescape, Trickster Online, or Doom, don't exist to me anymore. I seem like I have more free time when my mind is not distracted by these entertainment means. I already don't trust television -- I see it as a way for the government to distract us and to brainwash us with falsities. I also hate our society sometimes and by watching TV, which depicts our society, it's like standing by the doors leading into Wal-Mart for a day and witnessing a few fender-benders, a few couples fighting, some road rage, a few shoplifters -- y'know, the usual. I don't believe video games are used to distract though. Video games were invented for the pure joy of interacting with a virtual environment, and they still present that joy today.
I best stop writing before I get another feverous headache. Yet again, have a good one.
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