The three of us rode our bikes down the road, then into a large hidden field that had a basketball court. Annabelle had brought chalk so with all of us helping, we made the longest hopscotch I had ever been on. xD Phew, after hopping through that one you were heavily out of breath! :P We invented new hops, like the cube, and the ape. It was really fun. Once we were done, Nicole and I grabbed chalk and went crazy writing Family Force 5 stuff ALL OVER. xD We wrote FAMILY FORCE 5 really big on half the court, then while Nicole was writing in huge letters the names of all the band members, I went on the other side and wrote lyrics, song titles, and anything else like "CANs love ff5!" and "we met family force 5!" haha and just tons of things like that. :P By the time we were done the entire basketball court was covered in our markings. It was really great though, because we know other kids will come play there too and see. :P It was quite a work of art. ;]
We had to go back to the cottage then as it was getting dark. Nicole and I ate marshmallows around the fire, and I'm pretty sure more than half of the time was spent playing this one particular board game with Annabelle, who loved it. :P It was called like "Disney's Guess Words" game or something. Well all you had to do was get a one worded clue and then you have to name what Disney movie it's from. [Ex: Dwarfs; Snow White] Although many were much harder than that, haha. I liked the game, and it was really hilarious at times and got everybody laughing with the ridiculous guesses we'd say for clues we didn't get. :P
Once Annabelle went back to her neighboring cottage, Nicole and I stayed up until about 1:30 in the morning, which for us is early I suppose, [but you have to factor in your main component who was missing, Abby :P]. We pretty much just spent the time listening to music, doodling, and then talking a lot. Again, one of those great talks was had late into the night. =]
The next day Nicole, Annabelle, and I did a whole bunch of things. We started off by playing more of that Disney game, and then I was having tons of trouble calling my house [I must've tried 5857856 times. :P...turns out my phone/phone line was broken!] We went for a few more bike rides until lunch, and then after we ate it was time to go out on the boat. I was pretty excited because the three of us were going to go tubing. Nicole talks about how she goes tubing a lot [since her parents have the stuff] and we always wanted to go do it together sometime, and now we finally did and it was a blast. =] I had only been tubing once before, last summer, and it was a short ride and I was scared to get on at first, but this time it was a lot more different. Two tubes were being dragged behind the boat, Annabelle sat in one, Nicole and I lay on the other. We must have been dragged for an hour straight, at least, allll over the lake, over all these waves and bumps and then we'd go faster or slower suddenly. It was quite thrilling, haha, and loadsss of fun. I love water stuff, because I'm a fish, who loves to swim. xD We really did go for a nice long ride. I loved it! Some parts were SO bumpy though, and I had to hold on so tight because you're like flopping up and down. :P At one point, Annabelle and I jumped into the water and switched tubes. I had a hard time climbing up on a huge tube in the middle of the lake, but hey, I actually finally got into it and I liked that side, because you always flew up and over the boat's main "back" wave, and it's like you're flying! :P My arms felt really numb afterwards, I guess because they aren't use to being in such a tight position for so long. I also scrapped up my one elbow pretty bad and parts of my body are sore but other than that I didn't fall off and it went very well. ;)
After that we went swimming in the lake or floated around on the dock. We played more games outside and went bike riding more too. The whole time was really nice. :] At night people were even having fireworks go off, so that was pretty neat. You'd think it was the 4th of July, and it actually felt like it was too. ;PAround dinnertime that day Nicole and I tried desperately to figure out how to play "Family Feud". :P We had a hilarious time at it. xD First, it was hard for us to set up, then asking the questions and getting the answers to show in the right slide view was harder. :P I remember this one time in particular, the question was like name 5 bands that consist of all family members. Well her and I are sitting there writing things like the Jackson Five and the Osmonds [etc etc] :P Well then we go to view the answer [hoping&considering we got the card in right] and the answer it shows says "Bottoms/hips". We were laughing so hard over this, because we didn't expect that to happen and it was hilarious at the time! xD Another time this happened again, with a question saying something like name specific battles fought in America, and then the answer showed up as "Soap." :P Hahahaa. It was bad, but then! Miss Annabelle is like so smart, she comes over later and figures it out better than we ever could because she has actually seen the TV show before, and she's only in 5th grade. xD Finally we started to play, and I really loved it, but we spent so much time fooling around over it that then I had to go shortly thereafter. :P
I really enjoyed spending the weekend with Nicole and Annabelle. :] I truly felt like I was on vacation somewhere far away, but in reality it's not that far where I was. A perfect place to spend my Labor Day weekend though. =] I hope everybody else enjoyed theirs as well!
Now again I must return to school, which might be challenging at first since the long weekend allowed me to think summer again. ;P I'll end here now, wishing you all a nice week back doing whatever it is you do. (;
Radically Random...
[very random internt quote! do you get it?]
"Youtube myspace and I'll Google your Yahoo!"
Hah! I love that quote *steals for later use* lol.
The Disney game sounds really fun. Reminds me of a game my cousins and I used to play. Ooh tubing! It's SUCH fun, isn't it? I've only been once though.
The whole cottage and town area sounds gorgeous. Like a great place for taking photos of the scenery. LOL @ the chalk masterpiece!
I used to do chalk graffiti with one of my friends all the time! I forgot all about that. We'd be covered in the chalk, as well as all the possible sidewalks and concrete surfaces we could run onto. Hahaha. I love it.
xD Funneh quote.
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