Hola amigos! :) Senorita Caitlin es aqui escribir. Ooo now, mi espanol actually might be bien! ;P Well now, I just got back inside from a fresh walk around my large backyard. It's almost dark, but not black yet, it's at that stage of day where the sun is gone and everything is just "gray" and getting darker by the moment. That time of evening is actually growing as my favorite. I love how just before when I was outside the wind was blowing brisk at times and everything around you has this black and white shade to it. The clouds in the sky were threatening and bats circled overhead. Wow, I'm growing poetic here now in a way, but really, it was so, awesome. xD Anywho! My brother, dog, and I wandered outside for a late day walk to the deep back of our yard to see if we could hear any noise from the home football game currently going on. I live close enough to the school that this is very possible. I could be at the game right now I suppose if I chose to go, but I simply felt like staying home this time around to relax as this school week was exhausting in a way, considering it was a full five days. I guess I am still adjusting to the summer-school change. :P Well we wandered around and were able to hear the beat of the drums from the bandreally clear in one spot and picked up enough of a rhythm that we could maybe hum it if asked. Pretty cool huh? :) I stood and listened for a while, and when there is no drum playing you can mainly hear a mixed "commotion" sort of noise, associated with a lot of congregated people. :P
Accck, I am like so itchy now everywhere too. Every few words I have to stop typing to scratch my head, leg or foot. xD I probably got bitten by bug[s]. :P I am listening to some good music right now, thought I'd add that. Aside from Family Force 5, I have a sudden interest in the songs of the bands "Boys Like Girls" and "The Rocket Summer". I really adore the male voices in these bands, something about them, makes me feel good all over. :) hehe.
I know what I want to write about in this blog entry, but of course I am saving it after I get my basic weekly rambling out of the way. ;) I think I want to vent a little on school this week. I have nicknamed last week "the week of homework", and this one "the week of studying". Reasons being obvious, but true in my personal opinion. Last night I had four exams to prepare myself for. It was rough. I don't mind studying, it's like reading and then trying to remember what you read [if you think about it that way]. Well when I have four different subjects, I don't get to spend the proper amount of time I'd like to reviewing the topics. I have to shortcut and go over basics mostly, and sometimes not study at all for the subject I hope I know best. :P Well out of the four, A.P. Chem was the only quiz, and turned out being for me the one I worried most about. Let me say, that I absolutly adore the new teacher. The only problem was this quiz would be the first quiz of the year and I didn't know what to expect, yet predicted it'd be hard for me. I've learned from experience that you go into any class's first exam of the year blind, not knowing what to expect. For example, biology last year was deemed a test to cry over. Once you have taken the first though you at least know what to expect for the next all year. :P That's how I think anyway. I found the AP Chem quiz tricky for me out of the other things I took today. =/ Therefore I think, if that's just a quiz, how may the test be? I believe in my last entry or the one before I mentioned Pre Cal and AP Chem will be my personal most challenging classes, and so far I've been heading in the right direction with that prediction. :P
I am liking 11th grade though in a lot of ways. I like that my attitude over things I use to worry about in school before has deterioated. I feel more confident and not as shy to go ahead and do things myself anymore. I enjoy having English first period a whole lot. :P I like my health teacher much. I like using fresh clean notebooks. xD I like that I've been greeting past teachers whenever I see them. I like how there are so many new kids of which more I hope to meet. I like how Nicole and I only have each other in gym class. I like my new clothes and shoes [some I didn't even wear yet! :P] I like how I'm talking to more people, and other people even more. :]
Now to easily contrast: I miss Abby in my class, much. I don't know why I sometimes feel awkward to participate in Spanish. I have yet to figure out how to have gym 3rd period as opposed to having it last period my whole life. xD I will have huge muscles by June due to heavy book lugging. I miss Heather on the bus in the afternoon so much I could cry. :P I wish everybody wasn't sick with colds right now. :P I am always worrying the senior boys next to me at lunch will spill more stuff my way or bother my friends like was done to me in 7th grade. I think my high school is stereotypical to the term "high school." I hope nobody hears my stomache growl 4th period and on. I feel like "Drama" is missing from my life with no fall play and memories. Every single teenager is just that, a teenager, with teenager thoughts, teenager likes, and teenager gossip, yet every single one of us is the same. I observe too often. I'm ending this paragraph now. ;P
Finally, I want to exclaim that I am a HUGE Big Brother fan! Last night had to be one of the best shows of the season, yet that's hard to say because this season as a whole was amazing, and probably my favorite! :) My entire family actually united on this one, and we rooted for the Donato's ALL THE WAY! I adore Danielle and really like her. Usually every season of this TV show I'd pick someone I like but then they'd show me a side of them I had distaste for, changing my opinion to "eh, let's see who wins for fun, I have no preference." This summer = totally different! Each show I was literally on the edge of my seat rooting for Dick and Danielle Donato to make it. They are amazing at this game, and to think this duo of long lost father and daughter could reunite under these circumstances and blow the house to pieces is awesome. Sure, Dick used some very nasty and rude tactics, demoralizing the souls of every player, while Danielle won seven competitions and they pushed each other further. Last night after studying, watching BB was superb, hehe :) I was sooo hoping Zach would go home. [Sorry Zach fans.] As soon as Julie announced that Dick answered the last question right in the final round of that last HOH competition I just started cheering and I must have arm pumped my arm right out of the socket, hahaha. :D This secured Dick and Daniele in the final TWO. That's right baby, final TWO. Donato's all the way!! Doesn't even matter who wins the grand prize now [although I hope Dani does], just the fact these two, astrained father and daughter, rocked this house like no other, deserves a big shout out, YAY! :D
There you have it, my blog entry for the week. =) Good luck to my football team tonight, it should be the start of the fourth quarter around now. ;) Take care everyone. :]
Radically Random...
Big Brother 8 - Final Two - Dick and Daniele
Oh, wow. The description of the way your backyard looked sounds amazing. Indeed, poetic haha.
It's great that you have so many positives about the school year so far..of course the negatives aren't so great. But I suppose life has to be balanced.
I don't watch Big Brother but everyone I know who does gets really into it. Cool that your favorite 2 people are in the top. I take it there's still one more episode to go?
By the way, it's always fun to see the corresponding icons to the paragraphs!
The description of your backyard was nice. I could picture it in my head. That time of day is a good one.
I'm glad I don't have to study anymore. I was always really good at cramming though. It is remembering, just like you said. It's good that you like your teacher though, I think that always helps.
I love Big Brother too! And I was rooting for the Donato's as well. I was so sad when they lost the first part of the HOH, but they pulled through. I hope Danielle wins too, but it doesn't really matter now. It's so exciting! Take care!
ee...I hate tests x_x...I always remember the stuff that never come up on the tests...
good luck with AP Chem!
Social Studies class is kind of boring for me...and its the class right before lunch, so my stomach always growls especially loudly xD
I've never been a fan of Big Brother. Then again, I'm not a huge fan of reality television shows in general. *lol* I think the whole reality thing has gone a bit far, although I will admit that I have seen a few really good reality TV shows. I figure that if you find a show you really enjoy watching, then that's all the matters. :)
x despair
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