Wednesday, December 26, 2007

the gloves are off

okay steve, you think you can write a scary story, well guess what. my next short story is going to be released soon. its titled "Delirium Trigger" and its about a lobster fishing ship gone wrong. it will be amazing. and for those who are joey-story-virgins, go to the right hand side of the blog and look for stories, mine is "Her name was Thumbellina". oh and i hope everyones having the happiest holidays =]


Buddy Foote said...

It wasn't a scary story, but rather a tragedy-comedy. You may not be able to pick up on the genre as of yet, but it'll develop as the other parts of the story are unfolded.

Joey said...

ohh yeah? my story is gunna unfold your pants off my friend. but yours is very good