Friday, September 21, 2007

Kitty Cat

Song of the week!Phew. I really feel like blogging! It's a shame I am too busy during the week to sit and write anything then. I noticed blog stats seem to go the lowest then, and it's hard because there isn't much Steve and I can do when we are drowned in school work. ;P Well, I had a tough week. I am looking forward to the weekend and being rejuvenated for the following school week. Picture Day was Thursday, say cheese. xD The weather got warm which I enjoyed. I was sick with a cold though. I have this weird cut by my eyebrow. My thumb keeps bleeding since I whacked it hard off of something or other. :P I feel reaaaaally itchy. I am currently addicted to listening to the song "Dark Blue" by Jack's Mannequin. Big Brother ended this week. My English teacher told me my outfit was cute today. :] I like to sleep. I think cats are cool. &that's all my current rambling introductions for now. :]

Big Brother 8 WinnerYes, Big Brother ended Tuesday night with the season finale. I felt sad in a way because it is such a great summer reality show, and this season 8 was hands down the best yet. =) I remember when it started back in July. Aw, I will miss watching it. For the record, Evil Dick won the grand prize and Daniele won second, but to me, just the fact that the both of them made it was enough for me. The Donato's stole the game's heart, they both got money, the end! :D Can't wait until next summer ! ;]

Before I started writing this I was looking at my Xanadu and CAT mousepad from Warped Tour, and it made me miss summer even more. Warped Tour, if you haven't heard, was amazing, and I miss that day. I miss the stifling heat, my burnt shoulders, my tank top. haha man, I miss summer. At least my tan hasn't really faded yet. I'm still darker than some, which is a plus to me because you'd think with my red hair I'd be pale as a ghost, but due to dark eyes I'm grateful to tan nicely. :)

That's right. :PI felt bothered today at school, so didn't have the greatest day. I was probably tired too though. I was supposed to leave for a doctor's appt. but this is the second week it was cancelled due to unknown reasons. :P Ridiculous eh? Well, we've had it with that I suppose so now have to look for another. :P

I did have a shocking surprise that cheered me up when I came home from school today though! I got home after 3 let's say, and was upstairs changing when I heard my mother calling me. I thought she wanted me to go and see a deer in the backyard. [Haha honestly, yeah, that's what I thought. :P] I run to the window and see this kitten jump up onto our back deck. I go "oh my gosh! don't scare it! let it be!" and I rush outside. Typically I know the animals on my road, along with the stray adult cats, but I had never seen this kitten before. Plus it wasn't running away, which other pets on the road would do. I was pleasantly surprised to see it following me all over the yard, purring against my legs, and not leaving me. I figured maybe my neighbors got a new cat or something, so we just assumed it'd go back home soon enough. As the sun continued to set, the kitten was still hanging around. It slept on the deck a little, and then my brother and I went out to see it again and tried to play with it. I couldn't help but pet it, it looked so harmless and cute. :] Well, I'm not sure whose it is, or if a person just dropped it off because they didn't want it anymore [that happens]. It didn't have a collar or anything, and wouldn't leave even when it was spooked a little. xD My brother kept calling it Gerome and Evil Dick or something [haha] and I was calling it Chopstick [lol don't ask why, verrrry random word that popped in my head first]. :P As of now, I have come to two conclusions about the mysterious cat. I don't think it is a neighbors'. Reason being they were outside and would have wondered where their new kitten was if let's say they just got one, haha. Second thought I had was during the summer when my friends and I use to lie in my hammock, we'd hear random meowing but could never find where it came from. Was it that same kitten? Who knows. :P It's still a kitten, but a larger one, like probably nearing a year old if not already. That's my guess, but what do I know. xD It's adorable though, has a precious face and four white gloves on it's paws. ;P It was gentle too. When I was younger I think I was scared of cats, but ever since I got use to them with my friend Heather they grew on me, and I guess I know better how to handle one now. xD I secretly hope it stays..hehe. It was something new and exciting and cheered me up today, like I said. My brother and I were outside the whole time just playing around with it. :] Then we decided that if it were to hang around more than a few days, we'd call it Oliver. :D Good name? (: I don't have my hopes up or anything, and if it belongs to someone I hope they get him back. It was fun to have around tonight though. Weird too, not used to a cat following me. :P My dog was aggressive though. She flipped out at the sight of the thing until she calmed down. xD I think it's just so cool though. :) I love animals and my nickname is Cat for goodness sake! x) hehe.

That's all I have for now. I'll write again before the weekend's up. I want to go see the kitty again! ;]


Ashlee said...

Aww, I'm not much of a cat person but kittens are just precious. You think you guys are going to keep the little dear? (not sure if it's a boy or girl haha)

Woo random rambling is the best. Unleash the subconscious thoughts!!

Man, you're lucky! I have extremely dark hair and eyes but I hardly tan. You can bet that only about 10% of my summer tan is lingering around lol.

Anyways, revamp: I've been trying to focus more on school so it's lasted longer than I expected. Hopefully it ends in the very near future. :D

Anonymous said...

eee I'm sick right now too x__x something is going around because everyone is getting sick it seems...

aww....I used to have a kitten that followed me around xD lol
hopefully you get to keep parents are very much against keeping pets x__x rofl so dogs are cats' enemies xD

Anonymous said...

AWW the kitten is simply adorable.hopefulyl you'll get to keep it :) it's just too cute to let go astray!