Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ad Cents

How are some blogs so popular when all the author does is post an article referring to another site, a single picture with a witty caption, etc. when some blogs out there (not pointing at any in particular –cough-) have so much heart put into them, filled with emotion and hope, and…stuff. Honestly, when I look at a blog that has a few short entries, I walk the other way. Maybe it's because I'm more of a reader/writer than "Hey, this site has no pictures! Me no gusto!" Well…I don't mind if the short entries are highly logical and present a question that makes you think about things very deeply. But honestly, posting some piece of media and that's it? It feels like just stealing somebody else's work to fill up your site with and that's that. There is nothing original about these sites, yet they have such an appeal that many users love. I guess that if you own a website, you just have to wait for the right audience to come around, and then hopefully some members will come back to see the same play over and over again. I also dislike how these blogs (and not only blogs, but other sites) just clog their page with ads. They're generating money for posting content that doesn't belong to them. What the hell? On the other hand, the unpopular blogs are lucky to generate a few cents in a month. However, a major factor is the ad service itself. I've been trying to get back into the Google Adsense program for a week now. My account was terminated back in the day when a 'friend' of mine thought he would be nice and click on my ads a couple hundred times without me knowing and therefore I couldn't warn him in time that it would hurt me in the end. Adbrite is a great service, but they rely on traffic too much in order to generate a profit. I remember when I made eight dollars using Adsense on a more unpopular site than this one. So who's better? Adsense, indeed. I really hope I can hook back up with them. I don't want to be punished for a deed that I had no relations with.

I just felt like typing that up while it was on my mind. I'm in the middle of completing a rather frustrating lab report for my AP chemistry class and figured that I can get my brain triggered by typing a lil' something up. It didn't work out like I hoped it would.

Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I got my Adsense account terminated as well. I wrote back to Google twice and still haven't had any luck in regaining my account. I made over $100 last time I used it though...which isn't much compared to some of the more popular sites, but I was happy.

I agree with you on the sites that fill their entries with content that...well isn't much content. Me on the other hand, I tend to write overly-long entries according to some people. XD Lately, my entries seem to become longer and longer with every post. It's not purposely done or anything. Its that I don't think about the length of the post as I type and before ya know it it becomes very very long.

Anonymous said...

I'm in complete agreement with your observation on blogs with quality posts. I didn't create mine to lure in traffic or try to make money via ads, but there are too many that focus on this. I prefer the personal, share-something-interesting-with-you blogs. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I notice that too with blogs that actually require people to read. It's surprising, but it seems to be that a lot of basic blog readers were never in it to read or write, but to continue on where personal "content" sites left off.

apostrophic said...

I really don't pay much attention to things like Google rank. I really enjoy reading site that have a lot of good entries. I really like finding out about the author through their words.

Anonymous said...

Although I agree, posts shouldn't just be made for the hell of it - ie, posting one image because it's all you've got to share.

However, sometimes it can be rewarding to share a video you've particularly enjoyed watching (I did this recently).

Sometimes blogs with too long entries put me off! But I have a stupidly short attention span.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, that's a question many bloggers would like answered. It irks me when people do that. Post the article or picture, or sometimes just the link and call it done. WTF?

PhottoMatt does that all the time and I am of the opinion that the only reason his blog is popular is because he's one of the honchos of WP.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I just don't understand the popular sites and why people are drawn to them. I guess just following a trend of one form or another.