Monday, November 27, 2006

Loss of Words

Hello, hello. It's Caitlin. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving..or if you are Canadian or anything else I hope you had a nice..weekend! =P I pretty much did. Friday, aka Black Friday I did not go shopping, but rather spent the afternoon attending my friend Carol's 16th birthday party =) It was fun. I took my friend Abby with me, well she was invited xD We pretty much spent the time playing Dance Dance Revolution, pool, or air hockey. Later on Abby and I played this new fun card game with Carol and her cousin. I forget the name of it now, but I liked it very much.

Saturday I spent most of the day decorating for the holidays! The tree was put up, and my brother and I decorated it, lights and all. I love decorating for holidays, it's so fun! I am sad to see my Thanksgiving break end, but it was one of the better "turkey breaks" this year. :]

I don't have all that much to say in this blog entry. I am shocked at it's shortness, yet I am pretty tired right now. I went for a long walk at the park this afternoon to get some fresh air since it was a beautiful warm day for late November.

Naturally my last paragraph should be about Runescape, but as I didn't play Runescape like at all this break, I have nothing much to say. I was pretty busy doing stuff everyday I guess, and when I stayed on the computer long&late at night I guess I got distracted doing other things, such as chatting in the Foote chat room! It is rather spiffy in there y'all. =) My daily blog special today features a funny yet strange part in my conversation with Buddy Foote about a famoys Disney character. How we got on this topic? No one will ever know, but we did spend a good chunk of time discussing this..

Radically Random...

me: lawlzy lawlz popper poo xD
Stephen: poo?
As in Winnie?
me: sure ^^
but he'd be pooh
Stephen: Why is he Winnie The Poo?
me: winnie the pooh
i think
he's not
Stephen: *pooh
me: he's pooh
omg guess what
Stephen: What is a Pooh?
me: i made a winnie the pooh guild on neopets once
haha i wanna know now
Stephen: Because it's Winnie the Pooh
So Winnie is a Pooh
Stephen: But what is a Pooh that Winnie is?
A Pooh Bear?
me: i am gonna find out!
you intrigued me
Stephen: But if he's a pooh bear, then is a pooh bear a type of pooh?
Maybe a pooh means a male bear
me: "Pooh" was the name of a swan in When We Were Very Young."
and they adopted it for winnie
Stephen: A swan...
A geez
me: someone england once asked "What is a Pooh, as in Winnie the Pooh? Is there such thing or did Milne make it up in order for my niece to act all innocent when she is trying to be rude?" trying to be rude? o.o
what does he mean
Stephen: He means is Pooh meant as Poo
me: oh!
Stephen: Calling somebody a Poo is rude
So Winnie the Poo
me: gotcha. haha yeaaah!
Stephen: Funny, somebody thought the same as me
me: :P
Definitions of POOH on the Web:

* A term used to describe the upward trip of either a logging tool or the drillstring.
Stephen: Okay then. That tells me everything
me: :P
Stephen: Means Winnie is a lumberjack
me: hahahahahaha!
aw winnie the pooh bear
Stephen: It's extremely funny how we got onto this conversation


Sunday, November 26, 2006

#Foote_Chat: It's Back, Baby!

Since the early summer, the old official IRC chat room for Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 wasn't touched, and therefore collected dust and was deleted from the SwiftSwitch IRC Network. But starting today, the official BFBv.2 IRC room, #Foote_Chat, is back, and is no longer on SwiftSwitch. The room features scripts hosted on my created Helper_Ent bot about Runescape such as a 330 question trivia game (hasn't been worked on since early summer, thus is outdated) and a 1,700 word hangman game (was just updated today with new Runescape updates, including the hunter skill). The room isn't just Runescape coordinated, however, and being that it's the official BFBv.2 chat, we can discuss the blog, its entries, the members, topics covered on the blog, and any real world (or virtual) discussions that have to...discussed. #Foote_Chat is the place for friends of the members of BFBv.2 to come and meet each other, have fun group conversations, and possibly even play team trivia. One thing is for certain though -- as long as you have Java installed on your computer, you're done with the setup to have access to this IRC room.

Steps to #Foote_Chat:

1) If you aren't there already, go to Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 ( and wait for the blog page to fully load before moving the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen. To how you're reading these instructions and not being on the page at the same time is beyond me, but just for the joy of it, hit the refresh button.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see this:

Gasp! A portal to #Foote_Chat? I do think so. Enter your name, and click 'Chat Now'!

3) Hopefully a new window will pop up. If not, check your pop-up settings. The window should look like this:

That's your entryway to #Foote_Chat, and now you're safely placed in the depths of the official Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 chat room. At this point you can chat in peace and harmony. But, let's go a step further and look at this edited picture:

Red Arrow = Register. Click this and enter a password (make sure it's unique, hard to guess, different, and easy to remember) and your e-mail. And this point, you have registered the nickname that you're currently using. Want to change your nickname in the channel before registering? Type /nick newnick to change your nickname. Purpose of this: So nobody can steal your nickname and we know who you are (for example, if somebody came in as Chase and Chase never registered that name, then we may think it's fellow blog writer Chase when really it's a guy from Sweden).

Dark Blue Arrow = Identify. Every time you enter the room a different time, click this and enter your password that you set for the nickname that you're using.

Light Blue Cross = Ignore this whole menu.

Now that this is all set, you can now chat! Enjoy yourself at #Foote_Chat today!

Coming soon: Directions on how to get onto #Foote_Chat from mIRC.

Have a good one

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving: Worst. Day. Ever.

If you read the previous entry in this blog by Caitlin about Thanksgiving, then you can clearly see that she enjoys the holiday and loves it. As for me, I'm the exact opposite. I hate Thanksgiving.

I'm a person who believes in bad luck, and from the time of October-December, I experience bad luck a lot. Let's do a little history lesson of my life. For many years I would grow sick on my birthday that's on October 27th and therefore wouldn't really enjoy my birthday too much. Thankfully this year spared me on that, and I had a great birthday by going to the football game that was that night. Then, last year, I suffered a disease my doctor called "hoof and mouth" where sores developed in my mouth, lips, and on my tongue, and I could hardly eat or drink anything. And guess what? I developed that disease a few days before Thanksgiving. I remember spending that Thanksgiving on the couch, sick, and with an empty stomach. And as for December...well, I can't remember anything too bad that happened in December, except that December of last year was when my late cat, Pumpkin, grew the sickest in the state of his unknown disease, and then died early this year in January or February.

Well, the question is: did I have bad luck so far this year? The answer is quite simple -- yes.

If you would please do yourself a favor and refer to my last previous post that mentions "Broken Wii" in the title and do some reading up on that. By the title alone, you should be able to form an idea on what bad event happened just this last Monday, the day after the Wii came out in North America. Yes, my Nintendo Wii broke. For more information, please read that blog entry. So thus I had bad luck on that part. I slept over my sister's last night, and when she took me home this afternoon, I tried the Wii quickly (to see if it worked to show my sister and her husband the Mii's we made before the Wii broke) and it actually worked! I got into the Mii channel and showed that the Mii we made for them and others, and then the controller stopped working. I turned the power off and bad on, and luckily again the Wii actually worked. This time I popped in Wii Sports and grabbed the extra controller for Bob (my brother-in-law) and the game actually started without the screen freezing. We started a game of bowling and I was able to bowl both turns, and then it was Bobby's turn to bowl. Just when he was about to bowl and had to hit the "A" button to advance, the controllers stopped working again. I then turned the Wii off and back on, and then...the usual black screen appeared with the Wii broken again. So it's not that the TV/video setting is wrong or anything, and the cables are all in good shapes -- it just works when it wants to and other times do not work.

Tuesday the new Runescape skill, hunter, came out. Was that bad luck to me at all? Did I die and lose everything while hunting? Was I hacked? No, thankfully. I'm actually 31 hunter now, and I'm taking a good and long break from it as it was just too crowded for me. I love the skill, but I don't love crowds. I'm going to wait a month or two until the hype goes down, and then I might pick back up where I left off at.

Wednesday, oh dear Lord. Bad luck struck me like lightning. The day was going great until third period, Spanish class. My buddy, Matt, walked over to my desk at the beginning of the class before the teacher walked in to ask me to check his translations that we have to do for our Spanish Christmas cards. I was looking them over for mistakes when I noticed that he had "dos" and a noun after it written. I remember at that moment the Spanish rule that adjectives come after nouns, unless it's an adjective that tells how much of something there is of the noun it's describing. On my paper I translated "many gifts" the wrong way, having "muchos" after the noun for gifts. I erased what I had and switched them around. But, as soon as I began writing my correction, while holding Matt's tablet at the same time to quickly resume checking after I fixed my correction, the teacher walks in, looks directly at us, and says, "No copying, boys." So the class goes on a little bit and the teacher begins to go around the room checking the two things we had for homework (a worksheet and the translations) and she gets to my desk. I'm sitting there, starring at my translations for errors, when she taps my worksheet and says, "Good." Then she turns to Emily's desk to check her homework, and quickly reverses back toward me and tells me, "I can't give you credit if you copied." Now I'm a top-of-the-class individual with a 101.2143 average for the first quarter of the 10th grade and a person who never cheated or copied since elementary school probably in 4th grade and she goes and gives me, and Matt, a zero for homework when I wasn't even cheating nor copying in the first place!? Plus she was referring to a worksheet that wasn't even out on my desk at the time she walked into the room! I'll say it right now, but that's total bull! After she said that Matt tried to defend me and himself, but she said, "Okay, but then why was he writing something down while checking your translations, y'know?" Then, then! she goes on about if we complain about her class that she'll give us a detention or a suspension! Okay, there's two things wrong here! First, she threatened us, and second, no teacher has the damn right to suspend a student from school! And y'know what? I'm complaining right now! So to my Spanish teacher, why don't you just give me an e-detention right now?

And if matters couldn't get worse, my English teacher two periods later at the end of class was giving me an open book test to take home and do. I looked at the test briefly and told him that I did it already, and he told me to check my folder and locker for it. I checked both areas, and couldn't find the test, but I know as a 100% fact that I handed it into him, and this was about one to two weeks ago. Those two factors alone were some pretty bad luck in my case.

And today: I was in a horrible mood because I wanted to show my older cousin, his kids, and my other cousin, John, the Wii. Well, they saw the console of the Wii, but for the Wii to actually display on the television screen and work, they did not see. I was in a bad mood because of that, and when cutting a piece of pie, I got my mother mad and I started to flip out cursing. So, I got yelled at, but for all bad things that happen in this family, no tempers and punishments last for too long.

If you want to see a video of my broken Wii...well, that's not going to happen. But, I was looking on YouTube today and watched a video of a guy who has the same exact, word-for-word, problem that I have. The funny thing is that he said that his problem was 'unique'. Well, it wasn't. I have the same exact problem. Because this video is so closely related to my problem, I'm going to post it here.

And now for your 'daily blog special':

Pictures of the Day:

(The following are some of the few Runescape pictures I took of the new skill, hunter.)

Have a good one...and have good luck.

Thanksgiving '06

Happy Thanksgiving :] MmMm..turkey, potatoes, vegetables, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, biscuits, and pies will be eaten in large amounts today as families gather, laugh, talk, and express their thanks for having one another. I like Thanksgiving. It is a lot of fun. I got up this morning, ate a small breakfast, than proceeded to watch some of the Macy's parade which is my personal tradition. I love watching some of it for Thanksgiving and the Christmas Day morning. I am having a great day! My mother announced earlier than this has to be one of our best Thanksgivings (: I agree with her, everything is going really well. I just stayed home with my immediate family to have the meal, as any distant relatives live, well, distant. :P I ate a little while ago, and the food was delicious. I was so full afterwards I felt my fullness. Haha if that made sense.. I hope everyone else is having a great holiday as well! In celebration of Thanksgiving, I came up with the idea last night to have this entry revolve around a few of the main things I am very thankful for this year.

The number one thing I assume everyone is always thankful for, along with myself, is the simple fact of having your wonderful family, friends, and good health. =) This year I was also thankful that everything worked out better than I thought with that sun room that got flooded. I am thankful it wasn't any worse and didn't seep into any other rooms. Today there is fresh, new carpet down and the room looks better than ever. :] I also need to say thanks to my friends..because I love my friends, each and every one of them so much, and am so happy I have them because they are always there for me, and have shown me this past year specifically how much they care about me and that I can trust them. =) (Thanks you guys!)

Second of all, I said today that I was thankful for being able to keep up such excellent school grades again the start of this school year. That's real important to me, and scoring the highest grades I can on my schoolwork is what I try to achieve. I was thinking the other night how some people enjoy sports, some people aspire to play an instrument, and well my goal in life is to do the best I can, whatever that may be, in my academics. :]

The last thing I will mention here that I am thankful for is the past, or last year in particular which is still fresh in my mind. A lot of things have happened that I was so unbelievably thankful for I can barely begin to express thanks on. It is pretty hard to say how thankful you are for things that happened which can described as having a dream or two come 100% true. It was great, and well, I won't bother to go into details, but stuff just meant a lot to me and I was thankful for things that happened, good or bad, that I will never forget, yet grow to learn from. ;)

That about raps up my Thanksgiving themed entry for the time being. Although I do want to take a quick moment in mentioning a few things that happened to me as I played Runescape last night. I must have had a small amount of exp left to gain in order for my Attack level to rise to 30, since that occurred within 2 minutes of killing a single Minotaur. Then I decided I was going to remember that place, so I could come back and raise my Strength and Defense levels later. I continued to get what I needed to mine coal again. I was so excited to see myself carrying a spiffy Adament pickaxe. It's pretty cool. I was talking to a lot of new people last night as well. I put on those funky lederhosen shorts I believe was the name of those weird shorts I got, and this one girl came over and starting making fun of me&my shorts, as well as calling me a "noob" which I didn't respond to because it's pointless and I'll wear whatever funky weird Runescape-ian clothes I prefer since it's just a game and it's fun to dress my character up so goofy. Anyways, random people mining coal next to me stuck up for me and yelled at her, which was so nice of this one guy who did! Later I ran into the one man who helped me find the pickaxe shop last week. I felt bad when I didn't recognize him at first, but once he told me it all came back. He is very nice and asked how I was and the such. My mining level is 32 or 33 now I think, and I am just storing up all this coal for the time being. When I am mining I have been getting a lot of random events lately. I got three just last night! Two in a row was the one where the guy gives you a strange box, and the other I had to dance like a mime on stage and in return he gave me a mime shirt and boots which I loved. It was so fun! Haha, I like that game a bit too much sometimes xD

Radically Random...

--Turkey Day Tongue Twister --
(courtesy of
The two toed turkey towed twelve times ten talking turtles.
How many talking turtles did the two toed turkey tow?

Have a great Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ;D

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

School Entry #1: Broken Wii

I have formed a new idea in my head while either at home or school one day. This idea applies to all of the BFBv.2 writers that go to school, which are all members besides Jenifer. The idea is to, while at school, write on any scrap sheet of paper a basic blog entry and then later on that day or even week type up the entry or entries. The thought of this is that as I have stated on this blog before, the best time of thought for myself is during school, in the shower, or in the darkness at night in my bed right before going to sleep, where all the worries of the world flood your mind. So in conclusion, I can't write on paper in the shower (it'll get pretty soggy) and I can't write in the dark lying down with my eyes closed -- it's impossible. So, the only other option left is school, and therefore that's the basis of my new idea. And here is the blog entry I wrote today, unedited besides for spelling and any grammar mistakes I might have made:

11-21-06 -- Entry #1

*Right now I'm sitting in world cultures before the National Anthem while everybody is having short and sweet conversations. I checked this morning on Runescape Community and saw that the Runescape hunter skill came out today. I caught up on reading information about it while cooking my raw lobsters in the Rouges' Den, but my time was cut short when it was time to get ready for school. An incident occurred yesterday...and now I must go. The teacher is teaching.

8:02 -- *I now have the thought to leave the time on the beginning of each school log. We're now watching Disney's Hercules in cultures, and never seeing the movie before, I'm going to pay attention to it. Also I just found a sock in my pants...

10:55 -- *Thank God we did not have Spanish class today but instead in place of it study hall. Anyhow, back to my scare yesterday. My Wii didn't work yesterday. Yes, I played it for a little while yesterday making Mii's and my mother was playing bowling, but one thing led to another. After my mother was playing bowling, an error message popped up saying that the something could not be saved. Then, the Wii wouldn't work when turned on. The light on the power button would be green, but the television screen would remain raven black. Then, I actually got to the Wii menu, but the pointer would not appear on the screen. Then, again, the screen would remain black when turned on. I tried unplugging it for a small period of time, but that didn't work either. Time to be taught some transcendentalism...

11:28 -- *We aren't doing anything in English as of now, so I'm going to attempt to resume my story. My brother was on the phone last night giving me troubleshooting ideas from the Nintendo site to try and fix our problems, and none of them worked. I then went on myself and read some of the topics and spotted that my Wii, if standing vertical, had to be in its stand. Well, my Wii was vertically standing without the stand on solid glass, thus the vents on the bottom of the Wii had no air to breathe. I quickly ran into my living room, put the Wii on the stand, and unplugged the Wii for the night. This morning after playing Runescape and right before getting ready for school, I turned the Wii on to test to see if the problem was solved, and upon turning it on, it was working -- or at least for that tiny period of time. We'll have to see later on at home, and after typing up the entry...well, I have to translate my Spanish Christmas cards before typing. I'm starving right now as I hardly ate any breakfast and lunch is next period, so I'm out to try and fight the hunger. I'm out.

For some up-to-date information: My Wii is currently confirmed to be broken and no effort that I put into it can fix it. The same things are happening: nothing will come on the screen, it'll freeze on the health concern screen, some other things will freeze, the pointer won't appear on the screen, and the console won't recognize the controllers, no matter how much I sinc them. My brother wanted to play it after school today when he dropped the kids off to sleep over, and I thought that hopefully the console would work. And of course with my luck, it didn't work. After standing in line from five thirty to ten on a freezing morning just for the preorder and this happens to me -- I'm pissed and depressed at the same time. Plus I think it's my fault. Even before that, I went to download a Wii system update (before these mass breakdowns began to happen) and the loading screen froze, thus after waiting for around five to ten minutes I manually turned the console off. Everything ran smooth afterwards until my mother got that error when saving information to the internal memory after a game of bowling. Then like I wrote at school, one thing led to another. I was going to try and take some pictures before typing up this entry, but the 42'' wide screen HDTV that the Wii is set up at was being used.

Also to note: I filled out some form on the support section of Nintendo's site, so I should be getting a UPS label in the mail soon to ship my Wii or "control center" (whatever that is, whether it's the console or a part of it...) to Nintendo of America for repairs. This process should take a good two to three weeks, and I hope to God that they can fix it without erasing any of my precious Mii's. Thankfully I didn't get too far into my Zelda game for any lost game data there to be a big disappoint to me.

And now for the 'daily blog special':

Pictures of the Day

Runescape note: I am not going to try hunter until I'm done with 80 cooking, however I only need 30k+ more exp until 80 which isn't so bad, however I'm running out of raw lobsters. I'll hopefully start hunting tomorrow or Thursday.

Have a good one.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Runescape and Some Wii

'Ello (: Well as I said, it is time for me to write another blog entry this weekend. I really look forward to getting to write something. This weekend didn't go as I originally planned, I think I was supposed to go out shopping and all kinds of stuff but as it turned out we got flooded like I mentioned. My father had to rip up all the carpet, and then the cement floor underneath had to be scrubbed with this smelly clorox solution. Today the cracks were cemented and stuff. I believe when that room was first built it had been a porch. Anyways, it's still not the prettiest situation but I think things will get back together soon.

Only three days of school this week before Thanksgiving vacation! I would be happier and more excited, but I am not because I have a few big tests this week to get through first, haha, including Algebra and Biology. =/ Plus I am dreading getting back that Spanish :P I have some studying and homework to do yet tonight, and I want to go play Runescape instead..but I can't just yet, haha :P

Well, Buddy Foote got his Wii today! He is telling me about it right now, so I might as well share that part of the conversation right here:

hows the wii?!

Man, what a day
Wonderful. I was playing it today with my mother and brother. I only got one game and controller. And the nunchuck comes seperate and all stores were sold out
And the internet channel isn't out yet, and you have to buy it with Wii Points when it comes out

hehe oh, i see ;P it is so cool you have one though, i bet its a lot of fun ! :D

Oh yea
My mother hates games and loves the Wii

hehe :P

Of, if you could in your entry, include maybe the fact that when I went to get the Wii that a guy was robbed while I was there
he was? o.o
poor guy

Yea. The manager came in and said...
"People buying the Wii, if you could please go briskly straight to your car upon leaving the store as a guy was just robbed in the parking lot and we're getting the cops here now."

:O wow i'd be so scared lol

I was
Thankfully my father took me
He's a big guy
The Wii is amazing

I played Runescape last night after I finished my new layout for my little website, Starry Bliss. It is blue plaid, rather small, but I have been getting nice comments on it and I changed the music playlist and people have been "jamming out" on my page which is nice to see :P If anybody would be so kind, please visit it clicking here!

I told Steve what happened with Runescape and myself this weekend last night in our conversation so plan on posting that small "story" as my Daily Blog Special this evening. I have some things to add onto that as well. After getting the pickaxe I have been training by first killing those barbarians, but eventually ended up going down that hole into the Stronghold of Security place where I fought all sorts of different stuff, my favorite being the level 27 Minotaurs because they left the coolest things (I now have over 100 arrows to practice ranging with, yay!) It was a lot of fun down there, and I was proud I could kill such a high leveled monster. The level 16&27 goblins were a good pick of mine too, since the wolves didn't even leave a bone behind, haha. I may just stay down there and get all my levels of attack, strength, and defense to 30 or so before mining some coal again with my spiffy new axe I like very much! I also got a cool random event, where I had to kill the 4 feathered peasant and in return got those leathersomething shorts that leprechauns or something wear. The brown shorts with knee high white socks, and they are so cute and I like them because I wanted some kind of new outfit for my character to wear sometimes, haha, even if it looks weird on me. :P That is all I have for now, besides the story below of the rest of my Runescape-ness. "Have a sugary sweet day, as my friend Audrey would say."

Radically Random...

"i was heading to mine coal and had it up to here with people hogging it all with their super fast spiffy high mining levels&axes and being made fun of cuz i could never get anything lol. so i went walking around and got lost by the dwarven mines so when this random kid came up to me and said "hi" i said hi back and asked him if he knew where the pickaxe shop was and when he said he did i asked if he could take me there which he did. and he was a very nice Mexican, (he asked where i was from..i replied "" then he asked country so i told him USA and he told me Mexico which was if true :P) and he kindly took me there and left so i realized i was 200gp short to buy an adamant pickaxe, but i got one later, and it told me my attack had to be 30 and it was currently 25 or 26 so i was close. anyways i was happy i had one for whenever the day came i could use it..and then i started killing those crazy barbarians around the coal place cuz they ranged from level 10-17 and they drop arrows sometimes which i need..and thats my story (:"

Countdown To Wii

In approximately two to three hours I will be on my way to the local branch of the Toys R' Us store in Dickson City to purchase and pick up my pre-ordered Nintendo Wii. And God, I cannot wait. If it wasn't for the fact that hunting made me tired yesterday and afterwards went shopping in Honesdale, I probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep too easily. But I was out last night on the carpet of the living room floor fallen asleep next to my cat, Gizmo, so I had an easy enough time getting to bed to wake up for the upcoming big day. Today is an official Buddy Foote holiday -- Wii Day.

On this Wii Day we shall celebrate by camping outside of large retail stores days before the release of the Nintendo Wii. Today we shall celebrate by swinging the Wiimote viciously around the room, knocking anybody out who is beating you at Wii Sports. Today we shall create our own little Mii. Today we will look at the available Virtual Console games for download, and probably want more than half of them. Today we shall read this blog entry on the Wii's internet browser, Opera. There is a lot to do on November 19th around the United States of America on this Wii Day, and mostly it'll concern the playing of the Wii. Oh, how thou cannot wait until I hold thee control of the Wii in the bosom of my hand. The freedom of playing is so grand and simple that I may teach my grandmother how to do bowling or golf on Wii Sports. But alas, I must wait the long hours until the official purchase, and hope I do not get shot in the progress of walking outside of the store with the Wii's console box in those huge Toys R' Us bags with the giraffe on it.

My father informed me yesterday that I'll have to work with Wii Sports until he gets out of work today, and then we might run down to Circuit City and use his credit to get Call of Duty 3, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and an extra normal Wii Control, that hopefully the Nunchunk comes with it. This is a little off-topic but I bet that in the far future we'll have a "The Legend of Link" game, where you're Zelda or some new hero and have to free Link, or restore history in his honor. When you hear news of that game in the future, I bet you'll think of Buddy Foote and hearing it there...or unless somebody else came up with the idea on some forum somewhere that I'm not aware of. Anyhow, back on topic, I might get the Wii console, fool around with it for an hour or two, and do some homework or study until my father comes home. And hopefully he comes home early, because that's the only case then that he could take me to purchase the extra needed items.

When shopping at Honesdale yesterday, we went to the Kmart and Wal-Mart stores there, and they had no Wii console to demo to my disappointment. Kmart had absolutely nothing with concerning the Wii there, but Wal-Mart at least had some games like Call of Duty and Madden '07 on sale and even a free booklet on the Wii for some hardware and software information. I didn't take the free booklet, however, as I hate walking out of a store with something free because I feel like I'm stealing. But in other words, nothing too big on the Wii or even the Playstation 3 at those stores.

In other news...

While looking through a thread in the Runescape Community forums the other day, I was reading a general discussion on proper grammar and spelling in the Runescape game and community when I read that this one guy had a spell checker in his Mozilla Firefox that would check spelling in all text boxes. Intrigued by this, I went on a Google search and found some spell checker extensions but none of them worked because either the page to download the dictionary didn't work, or my Firefox version was too new for the program to be compatible. While searching longer, I found that at the end of this October, Firefox 2 came out -- and one of the features built-in was the spell checker. I quickly installed in on my laptop (I didn't get around to my desktop yet to install it) and I have to say that Firefox 2 is ten times better than the original Firefox just in look, operation, and functions. I highly recommend it if you didn't download and install it yet. I know that this is probably very old news, but I'm slow in finding out these kind of things. Download Firefox 2 by following this link here.

I also downloaded Firefox 2 on the computer I use at school for Computer Applications III. How? I downloaded and installed Google Pack which included the original Firefox, and then just hopped on the above link to upgrade to Firefox 2. And just for the note: even with Firefox and the internet security still down and even with Java properly installed, Runescape still does not work at my school.

Pokemon, with the accent over the 'e'. I was in third to fourth grade or around then when the Pokemon craze struck the United States forcefully and a new madness went around like the birth of AIDS. My entire elementary school was hooked to Pokemon in ways of the Game Boy games and also the trading card games. When Pokemon died down and Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh! took its place (and a bit later when the entry to the high school, Monster Cards), I would never dream of playing the franchise again. This last week, however, changed that thought around. Being in the 10th grade, my high school class is actually back into Pokemon. Yes, everybody is flocking into the school with multi-colored Game Boy Colors with Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, name it, and their link cables. I actually brought in my Pokemon Blue that I didn't touch in six years and trained my Mew that I won at an old Toys R' Us sticker contest -- if it said "You Win!" or something underneath the sticker of Mew, you'd take your game to the store and they'd take it away for five minutes and come back with Mew on your game card. Everyone at school was amazed that I had a Mew, but some got Mew with the glitch that's in the game. But geez, in conclusion, I never thought I'd be in 10th grade and everybody would be addicted to Pokemon again.

Well, that's it for me. I have to know search online for the answers to my cultures crossword puzzle where the answers cannot be found within the content of the textbook... So, have a good Wii Day and peace out!

And you are all deprived children because I refuse to post a "Daily Blog Special" on Wii Day.

But you are not deprived children because I'll have full coverage on my Nintendo Wii later this week or maybe even today.

Also I bet you a hundred dollars the new Runescape skill, hunting, comes out tomorrow.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Floody Music Classes

Hello der! I have tonight to myself for the most part, even though I had many options to do something or go somewhere..I declined them all :P I don't really know why..I guess I just wanted to stay home the whole time..that's not a bad thing, is it? :P I am, you guessed it, importing songs on iTunes, thus writing a blog entry in the meantime. Now I can't even begin to tell you how amazing Panic! At the Disco's CD is ;D It is great and I love it and plan to jam out to it all night...ahhh when I love a certain song or band I get so excited when I hear them that I feel like getting up and dancing all over the place until I run out of energy! Haha..
"Swear to shake it up..if you swear to listen, oh we're still so young, desperate for attention..."

Not only that, in the CD case I found another CD stuck in there which was a mix with another set of great songs on from bands like Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake so when I popped in this unknown mixed CD I was like "woah these songs rock! yay -import-" xD Music makes me feel good, hehe (: Okay I will move on now, if I can stop singing along&tapping my feet&bouncing my shoulders&nodding my head..lala "Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, FASTER!"

Yesterday we got pummeled all of a sudden with HEAVY downpours, I mean heavy, fast showers that cause flash flooding. In all the past floods in the area, thankfully, my homes were fine without any damage except for the water in the basement that everyone gets. Last night was different, very different... My stone driveway started filling up like a pond, and I have this slate stone path that runs on a slant down to the door of my one house connected to it. Well, I guess there was so much water that it started running down that path, filling the entire width of it, and rather deep, such as a mini stream of water you'd see on the side of a road. As I mentioned, this path connects to my one door. I have no clue what happened, maybe water came under the door, up from the ground, through the walls, but however it did the sunroom that is right there got flooded pretty bad. The carpet in the whole room is terribly drenched, it is filled with so much water the carpet feels like a shallow pond. Many items in the room got ruined. There was also some mud, and even a few worms, yes, worms! Keep in mind this is in my house, in the front sun room! =/ This was the worst flood-related thing that ever happened to me at that house, and it's not a pretty situation. We have to see next if the drywall got wet inside the walls, because if it did, deadly mold will start growing, fast, and it can make a person very sick. The room is already starting to smell weird, and I am scared to go in it.. It's a real shame, I am trying to figure out how this happened. It's so..weird. A pile of rocks from my driveway have found there way in front of the door on top of that, and my dirt road is broken apart at places, and my neighbor's group of boulder-sized rocks have found there way in my front lawn. It is quite messy =(

Aside from that, I had an okay week. Today I took this Spanish test that was a killa :P I found out there are like 4 points taken of per incorrect answer, and that's a lot..and I know I got one wrong already because I had to translate the sentence "The boys were working everyday." and that is imperfect and I am 99% sure I translated that in the preterite...but didn't think twice of it then because we barely, if at all, went over examples and uses of the imperfect tense! Unless I lost all my memory, I can't remember our teacher giving us the example for a sentence "The house was red." or something..-sighs- I get so confused in there, it's like we all can try so hard to do everything perfect and there will always be something the teacher claims she told us or taught us or gave us and won't believe anyone if we say otherwise.. =/ It is as if it is a useless battle, unless we can read her mind we will always, always, be a step behind and can't keep up, lol, if that made sense. I never know what to do then..I am so nervous when I walk into Spanish everyday because I triple check I did everything I had to do and didn't forget a word she man it's just not what I look forward to at all, and I apologize for ranting here but it's just I really liked Spanish last year, and I still enjoy learning how to speak another language because I can actually "get" that kind of's just..everything else I guess =/ So stressful sometimes.."Gotta Keep Trying" :P

I had an orthodontist appointment Tuesday after school. It was a bit..painful, actually. They have trouble taking my wires out to change them, which makes it more uncomfortable for me :P The only reason I am really bothering to mention this is because they said I am almost done, and that is mighty exciting. Sure, "almost or soon" can mean next year but hey, I guess progress is being made. December will mark two years of having them on, so y'know, that's cool. I wonder if I will look any different with them off, haha.

I think I have written more than my share for now, and will try to write another time this weekend. Thank goodness I wrote about my braces because that reminded me I got rubber bands I better go put in! :O Hehe, and then I may play Runescape. I have started to mine coal =) In my next entry, I hope to have one for this weekend, I will have to make sure to tell all about it..most likely for my daily blog special (; -bobs head to music some more-

/__Radically Random__
Some of the Best Awsometastic Words that Aren't Real:

1. ginormous (adjective): bigger than gigantic and bigger than enormous

2. confuzzled (adjective): confused and puzzled at the same time

3. woot (interjection): an exclamation of joy or excitement

4. chillax (verb): chill out/relax, hang out with friends

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Quick Update

Currently I'm at school in computer class, and currently it's pretty sad that this is the only place I have the free time and momentum of thought to type up an entry. Everybody else in here are working on brochures, or playing games on the computers, so I'm taking the time to type up just a quick update, and being at school, don't expect any 'daily blog specials' from me.

Three days until the Wii, and as the launch day grows nearer I grow more impatient until the day that I'm outside of the Toys R' Us in Dickson City with about three hundred dollars in my pocket, and I joyfully walk into the store, hand over the preorder slip, and run away with the Wii box. I plan on buying about two to three games, and also maybe an extra Wii controller. When the Nintendo DS came out, I was excited about it as it was a new form of handheld gaming. But, I only have a single game for it, the battery has been dead for about a year now, and I lost the charger. Even though I loved the DS, I never really got into the gaming mood of it, as Runescape quickly came into my life after the DS and that overtook all forms of console gaming. I do, however, want to take back my console gaming passion with the Wii, and that's why I want to purchase a lot at launch so that I can get into the Wii. Bad thing though, as I swear I mentioned before, that the Runescape hunting skill is probably coming out this following Monday. That means I'll only have one day with the Wii before I have to switch back and forth from the Wii to Runescape, and vice versa. A bad time for a new skill to come out in my life. I'm still not done with my goal of 80 cooking yet, and I'm only a few exp away from 79 cooking, and currently I'm 78 fishing. Cooking is like my new woodcutting -- I'm addicted to it. However, I was cooking lobsters this morning before school, and the small amount I recntly caught don't even seem to be adding up in the exp for 79 cooking. Oh well...

Time for Spanish class as the bell is going to ring within a few seconds. Yesterday she told us that we had a test tomorrow, and said that she has been telling us of this test for two weeks when it was only yesterday she told us.

Have a good one.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day Poem

Hi everyone, it's Caitlin (; I wanted to post last night, but I guess I let myself get distracted, and therefore never did. School was great this week, especially Thursday =) This week was pretty short, since we got today off plus this weekend. I was looking forward to this mini-break all week ^.~ Well first I guess I will explain what made Thursday so great! My English teacher had us write poems for a Veteran's Day Poetry contest sorta-thing. I had him in 8th grade and he had us do that then, and I was one of the winners that year and got to read it on stage in our assembly&everything. Well, as it turned out, I won second place again this year! ;D I couldn't believe it! I was very happy that my poem was liked :) Every year the school's FCCLA members put together this Veteran's Day ceremony, which is very nice, and the winners to that poetry contest they have every year get to go up and read it in front of everyone. It's real exciting and a lot of fun. I love it so much :D Yay! I plan on posting my poem as my daily blog special today so if you are interested, you can read it and/or leave me a comment because that would be cool if someone did.. :P On top of that, I got my report card at the end of the day Thursday and was really happy with my overal average of 100.7 because having been busy with drama for a good two weeks this quarter made me ponder if I still was able to balance everything. Buddy Foote beat me out though because he works so hard, and really deserved what he got, so when he sees this, good job! (: I came home smiling Thursday, hehe :P I also had the chance to come onto the blog at school, which was pretty cool ! -points to shoutbox-

I also have been playing Runescape a lot more than usual recently. It seemed I was developing the pattern of only playing once a week tops, typically on Saturday nights. Instead lately, I had time to go play after school which was fun. I have been mining, smelting, and smithing to get those levels up to 20. My mining is up to 26 I believe, and I finally reached 20 in smithing last night. It's a longer process than I thought, but not bad.

I slept in real late this Friday morning, savouring every moment I could to lay in bed until after 11am.. sHh xD Then I kind of lazied around the house, and ended up getting into this quarrel with my brother but it turned into a wrestling match because we got all worked up I suppose. My brother and I can be so strange, haha, like one minute we are pulling each other's arms off, and the next we were outside playing a peaceful game of catch with the football. o.o Haha, anyways now I want to go play some Runescape again. There is a high school football playoff game tonight, and as a matter of fact my friend just asked if I want her to come by fast and pick me up so we can go real quick and be a bit late..but her dad just left and she missed him so now the both of us I guess are stuck staying home, but that's alright, haha :P One more thing before I end this -- I hope you all have a nice Veteran's Day tomorrow ^.^

//__Radically Random__\
A Soldier's Letter
(written entirely by me!)

"It was a chilly night in December,
Before that given combat the next day.
A young soldier lay on his bunk's center,
As he wrote his beloved family a letter to say:

"Tomorrow's the day of that big, bold battle,
The one us soldiers fear the most.
Sergeant says we should not settle,
Until we've conquered the main coast.

We will be up and out by twilight.
There's not a moment to let go.
I hope that I'll be alright,
As we push forward through the cold snow.

Tell the little ones I love them,
And I appreciate their hope-filled tune.
I miss you all in this mayhem.
I should be coming home soon."

That next day was filled with many gunshots.
The air looked like a thundercloud.
Several soldiers fell and were forgotten,
Throughout their vital pursuit to remain tall and proud.

Three long weeks after the fighting ended,
A letter was delivered one quiet midday.
A family gathered to read what they most dreaded,
Their precious young soldier had peacefully drifted away.

Today that war is entirely over.
Countless soldiers have been laid to rest.
No one will ever forget to honor,
What they struggled to do at their very best.

A solemn flag continues to wave high in the wind,
Each time we hear that patriotic song, our Anthem.
A young hero had lost his life within,
To pay that ultimate sacrifice for the right of everyone's freedom."

Monday, November 06, 2006

Remember Me???

Hello's ME...Jenifer, sorry that I haven't put up a post in awhile, but I have been fairly busy and don't have alot of time for blogging these days. Since I haven't posted in awhile I just thought that I would post something quick to let everyone know that I am still alive and well :-) We are so busy lately at my job all I seem to do anymore is work, work , work..... oh yah and I get some sleep in there too! Since the 2006 ChristmaS season is quickly approaching we are really swamped with orders at the Lovely Crown Distribution. For those of you that don't know what I do for a living, I work in a warehouse and we ship lots and lots of toys to customer's from companies called The Green Caboose and The Toy Workshop. Today we had 90 orders to complete for just one company, and I don't think that we got 1/2 of them done, that is because they were having problems with our computers and we weren't able to print out the UPS labels are needed to process the orders, so today was a really busy/confusing day. I am hoping that tomorrow will be better, but then again today was Monday and Monday's usually suck. Well I don't mean to sound like an old lady here or anything, but I must be headed to bed.... I know , I know, it's only 8:30 and I am going to bed, but 6 a.m. comes early, and I want to make sure that I get enough sleep so I am prepared for another busy day....

Nite :-)

"Quote Of The Day"
"Friends are those who know the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bee's House

Hey there chicas/chicos. :P Sup? Lawlz. The weekend is about over, and tomorrow I have another school of week to look forward to. Except! Friday we have off for Veteran's Day, so isn't that spiffy? Right now I hear grunting noises coming from the living room, and after peaking out to see what the commotion was I see that my father is practicing with his deer call or something..strange.. :P I am happy with how the blog seems to have been very updated this weekend. An entry Friday, and two on Saturday, one today (Sunday)...hopefully the stats are good (: Well, Thursday and Friday were excellent school days! I was happy to come home and tell my parent's of my good grades I learned of this week. I was particularly pleased with math because a) I have the most trouble in math, always have, always will. b) this was a test the day after Halloween so I didn't study as much. Even so, I was jumping like a jelly bean to see I got a 100! =D Wow my face lit up like a lightbulb (whats with all these similies?!..maybe all that poem writing for English class..) :P Haha ^.~

Friday night I went over my friend Abby's house after school (she left me a tag -points-) and we had a real good time. We really just needed to be alone to talk because school just wasn't private enough :P Haha, and I am glad we did. We even went for a walk to talk some more :P Then I got to go with her to the building she was to record her Reflections dance at. She is doing the Dance category to the theme "My favorite Place" and she did so good! I was the person in charge of turning the music on&off. Her dance rocked, she made it up herself too =) Afterwards we went on the computer, and just "conversed" a lot more. It was nice to go over Abby's since I don't all too much, so we may start more often which would be cool :]

This weekend I didn't do much because the past two weekends I had way to much to do (with PSATs and Drama) so wanted to just stay home. I did go to the library though and found out some valuable volunteering information, and may get started on a volunteer thing there soon. I was in the mood to stay up very late last night, and did just that :P I hadn't stayed up late since who knows..midsummer maybe? I stayed up until midnight (woot woot) playing Runescape and chatting with Stephen. It was fun. He mentioned in his entry yesterday about how he was "creating a conversation right now that you'll see posted in the near future." I assume he was refering to that conversation? Lol, :P

Anyways, I have a computer test to study for (which is rather fun to say, because I like the computer and can study for it on a computer and like..yeah yay for the computer :) My daily blog special icon was not made by me, so I give credit to whoever may have made it...hehe. Now it's time for the little R&R (no, not exactly Rest and Relaxation..but...) ----

//__Radically Random__\

I wish everyone a very beary day ;)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Zezima Pictures

Today, while talking to Craig, I sent him a picture and he was curious on how I did it as he wanted to send me some pictures to see. Of course I used Imageshack, but Craig never did anything of that kind so I gladly pointed him in the right direction, as his knowledge of Imageshack can help us greatly in sharing information. Anyhow, he sent me the URL to the image in Google Talk and behold the image was of Zezima in the fishing colony north of the Grand Tree. Craig took four pictures of Zezima before Zezima logged out (as Craig said he seemed to be having some lag) and sent them to me, along with some extra random pictures. I give full credit to him for the taking of the following pictures. Enjoy:

Pictures of Zezima

Other Pictures

I also want to share with you this banner I made to advertise the blog in BlogExplosion:

(This can be used to link to us)

Also, I want to mention that there may be another blog special, or just a thing I may post every once in a while in a seperate link. This special will be of conversations with friends, with these friends mostly being Caitlin or Chase. Right now at this very second I'm actually "creating" a conversation right now that you'll see posted in the near future. I'm also thinking of creating (on my old "extras" page) an archive of "Crossword Puzzle of the Day" and the possible upcoming "Conversation of the Day". You may be wondering what the point is of the conversation pages. Well, it's to get familar with your fellow blog writers here and to see them in chat and how they really are. It's like the little background information that you wouldn't otherwise know without reading or scanning through the conversations. It may answer questions, raise questions, or send you for a little extra read if you're a BFBv.2 regular. So watch out for this new blog special, and new archive page.

That's mostly what I have for you today, so now I'll let you view yet more Runescape pictures taken by your own, Buddy Foote.

Pictures of the Day

"Comment That Keyword!"

"what happen to the old nite that used to play runescape?"

This tragic event happened actually a while ago, but The Old Nite passed away from a form of cancer. Therefore, The Old Nite's account is forever inactive. May his soul rest in peace.

Have a good one, before the bad one comes along.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Upon reading the latest Runescape news which at the beginning of every month is the Behind the Scenes, I have seen the big surprise that brightened up my day. A new Runescape skill, hunting, is to be coming out around the end of November. This gets me going for two reasons. For one, I don't believe there was ever a Runescape skill that came out so quickly after another from my prior knowledge of reading a lot of Runescape-related sources. Construction just came out in May, and now only six months later this rather surprising update comes along. And for two, I am a hunter myself and I'm very into the sport, thus why I know even though there's no information out as of yet that I'm going to love the Runescape skill of hunting. The only way I'll hate it is if it involves a lot of money, like construction, but even then I still have 4.8 mil in nature runes that'll be made when I alch 6.2k yew longs and I have some others things to sell if needed, such as ahrims top and skirt, infinity boots, some rune items, etc. So if money is involved, I'll be prepared. Actually once I get my current goal of 76 fishing and 80 cooking (I'm 75 fishing at the moment) I'm going to try to clean out my bank a bit to make money and for room. Sure, us members are getting three more rows of bank space, but if "hundreds" of items are coming out for the hunting skill, 24 extra spaces will not help me. However if money is involved and I'm not ready with the amount needed, then I may not be able to try the skill right away which stinks because I want to level the skill up as soon as it comes out. Another things that stinks is that the end of the month goes from November 20th and on -- and the Nintendo Wii comes out the 19th. I may be too busy with a combination of school work and the Wii to even try hunting as soon as it comes out. I'm just hoping it comes out right before Thanksgiving vacation.

I'm thinking a lot about hunting and came up with a few predictions that we may see with the skill. I will now list some of my predictions below:
  • Jagex, in the BTS, stated something among the lines of having many new areas to hunt in. With this, we may very well see new land above the Grand Tree and below the fishing colony up there, and maybe then to the west a little. I also predict some mountain routes in the mountains that are above the Underground Pass cavern and some land expanded south of the Ogre region. Also an expansion of the "elf world" with the long-awaited introduction of that crystal city, and maybe the crystal halbred. Why are these areas most likely the ones to be expanded? Because they would contain great and large areas for wildlife that you see in the real world, such as deer, turkeys, pheasents, squirrels, racoons, groundhogs, and the such; maybe even wild pigs, wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, etc. That's just speaking with realistic animals, as we'll guarenteed see fictional creatures that can be hunted, with maybe even in the long road demons and dragons. And also that's just speaking with the areas of the Runescape world we already know about. We may be entitled to new lands, islands, etc. Also maybe even the desert can get something for the hunt, along with the dark lands to the east of Varrock. As long as the hunting skill is spread out and there's enough animals to hunt in one specific area, I'm okay with the skill.
  • If deer are introduced to the game, I can see bucks having different sizes of their racks. Bigger racks may score higher hunting xp, and also will look better mounted on the wall of your player-owned house. However bucks with large racks are rare -- such as big swordfish or shark may be that you can stuff. The rariety of great game can be perfected the same way monster drops are. For example, a monster buck can be dragon chain rariety to insure that not everybody has a buck killed that big, making them not as special. This can also go for other hunted animals in the sense of how much they weigh, or their racks, colors, size, etc. Maybe we'll see hunting contests that act as a mini-game, where the biggest animal hunted is entered, and the biggest in that category of animal wins.
  • I hope that the rate of killing wildlife isn't too high as it would making hunting extremely unrealistic. Sure, the game is very unrealistic the way it is, with trees respawning before your eyes and such, but it wouldn't feel right from a hunter's perspective. This is just a minor concern I have.
  • The higher your hunting level, the more accurate your shot is with whatever we'll be using to kill wildlife. With this being said, you might miss a lot with a low hunting level, but then you may shoot and hit a lot with a high hunting level.
  • Besides just hunting and killing the animals, you can trap them and capture them with nets and other methods. I believe Jagex mentioned the trapping and netting part, but they didn't clarify whether we could capture the hunted for pets. As of yet, the only pet players could have are goldfish and cats, and they're getting old already. We still have those unusable bird eggs (a parrot on your shoulder would be nice, as Jagex has been keen on a pirate theme lately) and these eggs should be used in some way. Maybe have a bird of prey to scout out small game for you? Maybe. I also see the introduction of dogs as pets -- the perfect hunting animal. Cats are only good for things such as mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, and birds. But, captured creatures should be pets. Could you imagine a lesser demon following you around and obeying your commands? It would be annoying as they would block the screen in many spots if there was a large amount in one area (World Two Falador) but just the thought of it brings chills to my spine.
That is all I have for you on the upcoming Runescape skill of hunting (as in my own thoughts, as what I stated is not confirmed by Jagex), but if I get any more ideas I'll be sure to post them here. I may not be posting another blog this weekend as school work is pretty tight right now, and I'm going turkey hunting tomorrow morning, so maybe next weekend as I have Friday off from school. Sorry about my inactivitey on the blog, as I realized that I hardly post anymore. I will try to be more active here, but with the skill of hunting, real life hunting, school, and the Nintendo Wii, posting may be an ardous task.

Picture of the Day

Blog writer Jenifer and I at my grandmother and grandfather's 50th wedding anniversity a few weeks ago.

Have a good life...I mean day.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween '06

Hello. Well, I (Caitlin) have some free time this school night (which is very swuh-eet) and wanted to put up a blog entry in an attempt to do my part in helping the blog stay updated, which may result in a higher chance of keeping nice visitor stats. (: Yesterday was Halloween, and I went out trick-or-treating after school with my brother and friend. We had fun, it wasn't as fun as previous years, but I got tons of candy so that was nice :P I dressed up as a cowgirl with my friend and my brother just wore camoflauge and claimed to be a hunter. -shrugs- I wore jeans, a flannel shirt, and a large buckled belt. I tied a bandana around my neck and rope to my jeans. Then braided my hair and put a pretty expensive black cowboy hat on. It worked out pretty well. The weather was so perfect too! It was pretty warm that night which I enjoyed ^.^

Today I had a couple tests so I was stressed out about them all day. I had a SAT Prep vocabulary quiz (which I had to do some guessing on ;o ) and then I had a big algebra and biology test. They weren't as difficult as I worried so much over, but I feel relieved anyway that I don't have to worry about the bio anymore because I was supposed to have that test so many days ago but it kept getting pushed up (which was fine at the time) but now it is over && that IS good :P Oh, and I got my Spanish test back today as well and I got a 102! :D I was really happy about that because I had studied for that every night while at Drama last week, and being there isn't neccessarily the best place to study thoroughly, yet I tried and was pleased with how it worked out. ^^

I am listening to a nice song now called "Decembers" by Hawthorne Heights, and because it is kind of soft, slow, and sweet it is reminding me of something. Lately, a number of people&friends have been asking me why I don't seem as happy and that I am barely smiling half as much as I used to this past month or so. I tend to be a person who can't help but smile constantly, and it is surprising me that people feel I am like depressed or something. I'm not though, lol, but I guess I can admit I haven't been the happiest every single day I wake up recently, for reasons that don't make much sense. :P Sometimes I keep thinking about last school year and there were so many good things about it that happened at certain times throughout the year that I hoped when those times came around again this year they would be the same or better, and maybe I just have too high of hopes, but I don't know, it's weird. So far it just doesn't seem to be going as great..and I miss "stuff" :P I remember almost crying at lunch this school year already because I got so frustrated and upset out of nowhere, and wanted to go home. I don't even know whyyy :P LoL. I wish I could relive last school year so bad somedays, it was so awesome I can't even explain. And not even just that, there is more, but man it's so confusing...I feel so lost, it's hard to explain... =/

Anyways, I am focusing on other things, and will try to make this year and "stuff" good too, which that makes me happy to think :] Unfortunately, all that I just said probably made no sense to anyone, but I needed to just type it anyway. I am very happy to be writing here, it's good ^_~ I played Runescape Monday night and than just a half hour ago to finish this Halloween Event quest type of thing that Steve told me about. It was much easier to complete than I predicted, and at the end I got myself one of those skeleton suits and pumpkin heads like everyone else. =) After I post this I plan on going back onto Runescape to return to mining which I started doing. It's fun ;] Now I didn't forget about my daily blog special, and since I mentioned the song "Decembers" which just finished playing, I think I will post part of the lyrics below. I like them a lot :]

//__Radically Random__\\

"Let's try to remember these days back in December.
Our lives were very different, I was lonely when we first met.
A small upstairs apartment, driving through the darkness
To get back home before they knew you were even gone.

You don't have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat.
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink.
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love.
I always know I'm not enough to even make you think."