Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving '06

Happy Thanksgiving :] MmMm..turkey, potatoes, vegetables, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, biscuits, and pies will be eaten in large amounts today as families gather, laugh, talk, and express their thanks for having one another. I like Thanksgiving. It is a lot of fun. I got up this morning, ate a small breakfast, than proceeded to watch some of the Macy's parade which is my personal tradition. I love watching some of it for Thanksgiving and the Christmas Day morning. I am having a great day! My mother announced earlier than this has to be one of our best Thanksgivings (: I agree with her, everything is going really well. I just stayed home with my immediate family to have the meal, as any distant relatives live, well, distant. :P I ate a little while ago, and the food was delicious. I was so full afterwards I felt my fullness. Haha if that made sense.. I hope everyone else is having a great holiday as well! In celebration of Thanksgiving, I came up with the idea last night to have this entry revolve around a few of the main things I am very thankful for this year.

The number one thing I assume everyone is always thankful for, along with myself, is the simple fact of having your wonderful family, friends, and good health. =) This year I was also thankful that everything worked out better than I thought with that sun room that got flooded. I am thankful it wasn't any worse and didn't seep into any other rooms. Today there is fresh, new carpet down and the room looks better than ever. :] I also need to say thanks to my friends..because I love my friends, each and every one of them so much, and am so happy I have them because they are always there for me, and have shown me this past year specifically how much they care about me and that I can trust them. =) (Thanks you guys!)

Second of all, I said today that I was thankful for being able to keep up such excellent school grades again the start of this school year. That's real important to me, and scoring the highest grades I can on my schoolwork is what I try to achieve. I was thinking the other night how some people enjoy sports, some people aspire to play an instrument, and well my goal in life is to do the best I can, whatever that may be, in my academics. :]

The last thing I will mention here that I am thankful for is the past, or last year in particular which is still fresh in my mind. A lot of things have happened that I was so unbelievably thankful for I can barely begin to express thanks on. It is pretty hard to say how thankful you are for things that happened which can described as having a dream or two come 100% true. It was great, and well, I won't bother to go into details, but stuff just meant a lot to me and I was thankful for things that happened, good or bad, that I will never forget, yet grow to learn from. ;)

That about raps up my Thanksgiving themed entry for the time being. Although I do want to take a quick moment in mentioning a few things that happened to me as I played Runescape last night. I must have had a small amount of exp left to gain in order for my Attack level to rise to 30, since that occurred within 2 minutes of killing a single Minotaur. Then I decided I was going to remember that place, so I could come back and raise my Strength and Defense levels later. I continued to get what I needed to mine coal again. I was so excited to see myself carrying a spiffy Adament pickaxe. It's pretty cool. I was talking to a lot of new people last night as well. I put on those funky lederhosen shorts I believe was the name of those weird shorts I got, and this one girl came over and starting making fun of me&my shorts, as well as calling me a "noob" which I didn't respond to because it's pointless and I'll wear whatever funky weird Runescape-ian clothes I prefer since it's just a game and it's fun to dress my character up so goofy. Anyways, random people mining coal next to me stuck up for me and yelled at her, which was so nice of this one guy who did! Later I ran into the one man who helped me find the pickaxe shop last week. I felt bad when I didn't recognize him at first, but once he told me it all came back. He is very nice and asked how I was and the such. My mining level is 32 or 33 now I think, and I am just storing up all this coal for the time being. When I am mining I have been getting a lot of random events lately. I got three just last night! Two in a row was the one where the guy gives you a strange box, and the other I had to dance like a mime on stage and in return he gave me a mime shirt and boots which I loved. It was so fun! Haha, I like that game a bit too much sometimes xD

Radically Random...

--Turkey Day Tongue Twister --
(courtesy of
The two toed turkey towed twelve times ten talking turtles.
How many talking turtles did the two toed turkey tow?

Have a great Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ;D

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