Friday, June 30, 2006

Rain, Runescape, & Raisins

Hiya. It is me Caitlin.. (I feel weird announcing that everytime) :P Anyways I am in the mood to type and have a feeling this could be a long entry. It had been raining for a couple days in a row (Buddy Foote wrote all about that in the previous entry).. and when I say raining I mean
heavy downpours. It rained so heavy at times it was very loud and quite frightening. I don't think I've ever lived through so much rain, or scary flooding in our area before. I feel very lucky where I am located because right now the sun is shining and the only reminder of the heavy rain is the noise of the stream and the soaked grass. It's not bad at all where I am *knocks on wood*. My basement got some water in it, but it always does.

I have a stream that runs through my backyard, that acts like a property divider I think. It ends up in the South Branch of the Tunkhannock.. and that leads to the Main Branch.. which ends up in the Susquehanna (I can't spell these tough Indian river names!! xD ) Plus there is a pond located down in my backyard too. Yesterday morning I went down to check things out. Since my yard was soaked and extremely moist since the ground can't drink all that water, I went barefoot (rather than destroy another pair of shoes) ! It was a lot of fun. At first I thought it was crazy gross, but it turned out cool. I was jumping all through puddles and stuff, running in some mud, and wet grass as tall as my knees in some spots, so as you can tell I enjoyed that. ^_^ The stream wasn't that bad, it looked very large, muddy, and fast as I expected but not as bad as it was when the nearby town of Jermyn got flooded that one day years ago. That stream had went over its banks big time that day. So really this wasn't anything to affect it, thankfully. Overall, I think the worst part is over for the flooding in our area for this storm. It was really bad in spots, and I feel bad for all those people. I think, and hope, the situation is improving now.

I had originally planned on typing up a blog entry now 2 days ago, but then I became very busy! Tuesday I spent the day at my friend Nicole's house which is one of the things I wanted to write about. We made plans to get together because at her sleepover party two weeks ago, I had all this money which was her father's, and she forgot to give me the 'Goodie Bag' from the party. I bet you're wondering why I had her father's money?! :P See, we went to the movies, and they have an arcade room. Before we went in her father gave Nicole a dozen quarters. Nicole couldn't hold them all in her hand so I was the only one with a purse and was given them to keep hold of. Unfortunately, they were all forgotten about and I left with all the money mwahaha ! ( hahah! just kidding! really, j/k :P ) Then Nicole wanted me to stay so that was fun. It was on one of the rainiest days we mostly watched movies. We started by watching Napoleaon (sp?) Dynamite. I always was really curious to see it since I had heard much about it. Well, my opinion on it was that it was really weird. Period. I don't think it was one of those 'good' movies.. I mean it's not like it had any story or point to it whatsoever. It is just some guy going to school each day being soo dumb I guess it's funny. Hahahaha yes it was really funny though!! Just so weird sometimes, like hahahahaha yeaaahh xD We couldn't take anymore of it, so turned it off and went outside later. It was really wet but we played on the swing that I mentioned from her party. I like that swing even more now. It is so much fun! Nicole and I got really muddy though. She had flipflops on! Her feet were like black, lolol and when we'd push each other she'd come back and her feet would hit my legs so yeah mud got everywhere so it was really funny haha =) Good time ^^ Joe Snedeker (a guy who does our weather on the local news) came by riding his bike, and I waved to him. He lives right there near Nicole by the lake so she sees him like everyday. Ha I recognized him right away, and I was pushing Nicole on the swing when I yelled "Hey some guy!!" And she got so scared it was a "bad" guy that the rest of the time she acted all weak and shaky. That doesn't make much sense but it was hilarious. xP I only put this in here because Buddy Foote will know who I am talking about..and just thought it was weird. LoL :P Once back inside we watched another movie,"The Johnson Family Vacation" and I enjoyed that movie too. Bow Wow was in it (I mentioned before Nicole likes him).. and it was funny at parts. Haha it was good though. I never watched so many movies before in a month.. I rarely watch movies because unless they really interest me, or I feel like sitting on a couch for 2 hours straight, I can't stand sitting through them.. I don't know.. I guess it bores me? :P Lately it hasn't though ^^

Yesterday my goal was to play Runescape for 12 hours straight. -cough cough- =) Sadly, I never even played for an hour =/ This week I went in Runescape a few times and looked around, then I felt like actually doing some playing and was/still am really excited. In fact, after this entry I plan on playing. This is what I accomplished though. I talked to some in-game lady character. She scared me because she seemed so depressed :P Then yesterday I played for an exact half hour. Buddy Foote being the incredibly nice person that he is, helps me soo much in Runescape. I even told him, like honestly, not all new players are this lucky. I am the luckiest! :D He made some circles on a map acting as a guide and gave it to me for where I can go to do some real RS playing. I went to the one area past a jail. A jail guard (or something similiar) did attack me in some way because I lost 4HP and then I ran from him. I didn't panic that time which was a surprise.. I wanted to laugh really, it was weird. I am paranoid though, constantly, when playing xD I killed maybe 10 goblins and 2 giant spiders or something close to that. I went up in HP, from 10/10 to 11/11 which was nice =) I chopped down a few trees and went up one woodcutting level. Ow, I am making so many typos which you won't see because I try to proofread but I had just put in "woodbutting" rather than "woodcutting" like ?!?! Hahahahah it was funny though LoL xD

The reason I didn't play much yesterday, nor talk to Steve that night about my RS accomplishments which I planned on doing (I'm sorry Stephen) was because my best friend Heather called asking if Chase (my brother) and I could come up and spend the day swimming since I won't be joining her this year on the 4th of July like usual. She had been soo upset over this, and so was I. I had this huge dilemma, and had to choose between friends (which are not friends with one another -sighs-) it was a disaster. I mean, either way I would hurt a friend. I was this close to not going anywhere and staying home to sulk that day if it was gonna be such a mess. Eventually Heather being the bestest friend ever who I love to pieces and I want her to know that, said I should just go to Abby's cottage at the lake since it is a bit different & a one time event probably and I'd have more fun. I was a mess though, I did want to go with Abby this year because this is the first summer they have invited me to do some new stuff with them and I am enjoying it and having lots of fun. I had spent most of the 4ths going to Heather's, and it was just a bad situation making people cry! Luckily, it seems to have been resolved now. I was so happy when Heather called me yesterday and invited me over because it showed me she'd be okay with it all. Chase, Heather, and I had fun swimming and feeding the animals at the barn. Then it was decided that we'll make it up because Heather and I might go to this fair together and do stuff. I think, hope, and know things will be fine =)

This weekend is going to be hot so I will probably get to go swimming. I now need to eat lunch.. and I have so much to do it seems but I want to play Runescape since I got jipped of it yesterday! xP Okay I wrote so much my "fings are fallin' off" and this entry had nothing to do with raisins.. except I was thinking of them because I can't remember the last time I ate a raisin.. hmm (: BByyee *!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

June Flooding

In my post titled "Archbald Park", I have said that recently we have been getting downpour after downpour. Well, it has been raining since Sunday and the last two days this rain caused rivers, creeks, and lakes to rise, streets and homes to flood, and damage and even about three deaths to occur. Let me first say that I live in Jermyn, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania; this being said for any new readers out there or readers with short memory spans, such as myself. A big storm front came into Pennsylvania, forming from the Carolinas, and carrying along rain showers and storms. Because of some other front or something (I don't even know if I'm restating this correctly) on the boundary of Ohio caused this tropical weather to stay in the northeast portion of the United States, and Pennsylvania is indeed in the northeast of the States. This rain has been here since Sunday like I said, and will be with us until the afternoon today. Now let me tell you why these huge band of showers and storms are strange. Normally when this area of the state floods (the northeast portion of Pennsylvania) it is after some tropical storm or hurricane. For example, Hurricane Ivan brought a huge amount of widespread flooding to this area with huge amounts of rainfall and many rivers went over their flood stage. But the flooding we're experiencing now is very queer because there was no hurricane or tropical storm that caused it. It just happened to come to this area, get stuck by a front, and rain steadly. On WNEP (my favorite local news station), the meterologist, Tom Clark, stated that a storm like this only happens about every one hundred years. So this is truly a lifetime event.

Like I said, river and creeks in the area are flooding. In Jermyn, PA we have two things to worry about; Rushbrook Creek and the Lackawanna River. Just a few years ago, Rushbrook Creek went over its banks, flooding houses throughout downtown Jermyn, destroying roads and bridges, exposing the foundation of one house that was located right next to the creek (and the strange thing there is that I believe the residents of that house last name is Foote), and literally ripping up a stretch of Route 107; a road out of Jermyn that my school bus takes to get to the Lakeland High School. I remember this event clearly. I think it was a Tuesday and school had already begun. The event took place in September. I remember being awoken by my mother telling me that school was closed. I stared at her giving her the weirdest face with the wildest thoughts filtering through my mind. She told me that Jermyn was flooding, that Rushbrook Creek went over, and that Route 107 was wiped out. Route 107 is the only way for students living in Jermyn, Mayfield, and Carbondale Township to get to the high school. I remember going for a walk that day, taking my dog Molly. I walked near the bridges that went over Rushbrook, water pouring over them, street closed. Then later my father and I went for a walk and helped, I believe, one of his friends clean out the flood water from their garage(?). Many of the small bridges in the alleyways over Rushbrook were too also closed, and still remain closed this very day. The next day we had school, and I wondered how in God's name we were going to get up in the country to school. In turned out our bus had to take us to school going up Wildcat Road, but this road is not close to home. The bus had to travel through Eynon to get to the Wildcat. For a few days we had to travel this way, being late for school and getting home late, but it was quite the ride. Then Route 107 became travable, but only by police escort, and only Lakeland buses had the backstage pass to get through. The flood damage on the road was now viewable. Whole chunks of road and railing was gone, on both lanes of the road. Huge trees washed over in the creek. Whole banks of the creek caved in. A wooden bridge crossing the creek to a lone house on the other side wiped away. It was bad, let me tell you. PennDot rushed repairing this road, and I remember my father was an inspector for the job. I used to sit on the left side of the bus on the way home from school and the right side of the bus on the way to school, just to wave to my father on the job. Finally the road was repaired and reopened to all traffic. However this event still scars my brain with unforgetable memories.

I went way off-track there typing up a whole paragraph (more of a novel) about a past flooding while right at this current moment as I'm typing this the rivers in the area are rising and my basement is getting flooded. But back to what I was talking about. There are two H2O threats to Jermyn, PA; Rushbrook and the Lackawanna River. By the 'short' story that I told you, you can sort of imagine the force of the Rushbrook Creek and that just by being a creek that it's no laughing joke. After that flood, I know why they call the creek "Rushbrook Creek". Anyway, now to the Lackawanna River. This river is the one that causes problems for my household because we're located closer to that than Rushbrook. Not in any of the years of my life have I experienced the Lackawanna River overflowing its banks, but it has gotten very high to do so many times, including this time. If this river, however, went over its flood stage, it would cause massive mayhem for Jermyn. But now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think many areas of Jermyn would be affected. East Jermyn would get the biggest punch from this flood though because it's flat and near the river. Any parts of Jermyn down in the Woodlands (a.k.a. rich part of Jermyn near Archbald boundary) near the river would be affected. And probably only the areas in what I call the "dip" in Main Street near Kenendy's beer distributor, because it's flat land near the area and is a "dip" in the road. But any other areas would probably not get hit because there's a big hill up from the Lackawanna River right next to Bridge Street, a street with a bridge that goes over the Lackawanna River -- a commonly closed bridge during floods. Plus Jermyn overall is a bit hilly. The only flat part of Jermyn really is downtown Jermyn on Main Street, but this is still very far from the river due to a huge, steep hill.

Now that we know about the dangers, let me state the current local problems from this flood. After being awoken at ten-thirty yesterday morning and pumping water out of my basement with the aid of my mother, I went for a bike ride (actually two bike rides, one to see what was going on and then another to take pictures [yes, I have pictures!]). First I headed across main street and down to the Lackawanna River, near Veterans' Park. First what I saw was a tree limb that fell on top of two new benches in the park and according to my father later on driving past it, crushed them. I, however, did not see any damage to these benches. On this road near the park you can see the river very good, because it's almost right next to the road but with a hill seperating it. And let me tell you that the river was very high and raging. I kept on walking with my bike starring at the river until I came near the Bridge Street bridge. The river seemed to be almost touching the bottom of the bridge. The bridge was opened at the time of my first ride, but at the time of my second bike ride, the bride was closed, as too was the railroad underpass. I then rode over to Rushbrook Creek (in some on and off showers and sprinkles) and took in the sight of the creek. Memories came back of that one September back when I was in 7th grade (I remember the grade I was in now) when I saw the waters of the creek; dangerous, fast, furious, deadly, raging, and muddy brown. I quickly got away from the bridge over the creek of fear of it going. Why? Back in that one flood in September, the flood washed out a bridge on Madison Avenue near my church (the Sacred Heart of Mary) and the bridge was closed for as long as I remember, I think opening maybe a year later. Details are a bit foggy. Then almost as soon as it reopened another minor flood struck the area and the bridge was forced to close again.

Some more widespread details now. Like I previously stated, the rain is expected to end this afternoon and the sun should shine (try saying that fast) for a bit. However that doesn't mean the flooding is over and that the river levels will lower. The river levels are actually expected to jump up. One part of the Susquehanna River tomorrow is expected to crest at around fourty or more feet, and the flood stage is only in the late twenties or early thirties. So there is expected to be massive flooding there. Waymart, where my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, neice, and their three dogs live, was flooded horribly due to excess runoff from the mountains near the small borough. My brother's basement was flooded and the water was at a risk of damaging their furnace. The Lackawanna River in Carbondale, Old Forge, and Olyphant going over -- even Archbald, a town right next to Jermyn! Also all of the Northeast Pennsylvania counties have some flooding, let it be minor or major, flash floods or just flood floods. Or F.L.U.D.D. from Super Mario Sunshine for the Nintendo Gamecube, who knows?

I don't have too much to add right now, yet I still want to say more but I'll keep that for future updates on this flooding. I will make sure that unless my house is swept away, the power is out, or my desktop and laptop both explode due to unknown reasons that you're updated. However my laziness seems to overpower me sometimes. Oh yes, just to add that my nephew and neice will be staying here for a few days and if you want more offical information on this flood, to head over to and look at the current headlines or if you're looking at this post and it's outdated, search for "june flooding" at their site. I have submitted two pictures to them for use anywhere on the media of this flood, so maybe I'll alert you if they show up anywhere.

Now I must alert you of pictures that have shown up on Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 media. Here you go:

Pictures of the 2006 June Flood, taken on June 27th, 2006:

Just to inform you that I'll present a caption explaining the picture first then the picture that caption explained.

A picture of the raging Lackawanna River taken at Veteran's Park. As you can see, there is a tree in the water.

More of a close-up on the rushing brown waters of the river.

The tree limb that fell on the two benches at the park. In the background you can see Kenendy's beer distributor that I was talking about, as this location would probably be at risk of major flooding if the Lackawanna decided to go over its banks. That would be a shame if this were to occur because Veterans' Park, the area in the foreground that you are viewing, was practically just created.

The Bridge Street bridge located over the Lackawanna. This was one of the two pictures I submitted to the WNEP news station. Like I said before, it seems that the river is almost touching the bottom of the bridge. Being that we're getting about two more inches of rain before this storm comes to a hault, flooding of the bridge may not be impossible.

Another view of the Bridge Street bridge, but showing off the fact that it's closed. If you too also look in the background, you can see the railroad underpass and the yellow barricades enforcing that the road is closed. I wouldn't like to live in those three homes at a time like this.

A view of Rushbrook Creek from the Jefferson Avenue bridge.

Another view of the creek from the side bridge, but different side. This photo shows the force of Rushbrook more dramatically.

A time after my bike ride, my father took my nephew and I for a ride to view some of the flooding in the area. We headed up to Nebraska, Archbald (only way to get there is through East Jermyn) to the Aylesworth Dam. Now I did not mention this at all but this is the highest I ever seen the dam. Aylesworth Reseivor (a.k.a. the Aylesworth Lake) is pretty far from the parking lot. Down a pretty steep hill and there's even a bit of a beach there. But as you can see from this picture, the lake was right next to the parking lot, almost touching it. This is the other photo I uploaded to WNEP.

Some submerged trees -- a common sight there during a flood because the woods around the dam are always flooded.

Some geese enjoying the extra water to move around in.

One other year my father pointed out a sign that was several feet up a tree during a flood (I believe the one after Hurricane Ivan) that said, darn it, I forgot. Anyway, the water at that time wasn't touching the sign and was even inches below it. Here in this picture, the sign is halfway covered with water.

Another view of the high lake. I question whether that deposit of dirt is there so that some equipment can move it around in case the lake goes over in the parking lot to create a barricade of sorts, but there isn't enough there -- not at all. Actually now that I look at it, that was a very stupid question, but I never heard of the backspace key so it'll stay.

A duck enjoying a swim in the lake. Funny part -- that place where the duck is swimming is mostly land, and a hill.

-Just an alert here. My WNEP desktop weather alert just popped up and all of the counties in their viewing area besides two have flood warning. All besides three counties have flash flood warnings.-

Another view of some Aylesworth flooding. You can see the wall of the dam i the beground behind the trees.

Right at the foot of the dam's wall is normally a dirt path. Right now, it's underwater.

Less of a close-up of the wall from the previous picture.

This was too taken near the dam, but in an area of the dam that I think is known as the spillway, I may be wrong. There's big cliffs of both sides of the spillway. And there were plenty of "waterfalls" coming off the rocks due to runoff. Normally these "waterfalls" are only drips of water at the least.

Taken on a bridge in Archbald of the Lackawanna River. River looked pretty high here. I bet this bridge will be closed tomorrow.

Lackwanna River from Poplar Street bridge in Mayfield.

Firetruck and fire officals on a closed street in the heights of Mayfield. My best guess is that they were pumping water from basements, but I may be wrong.

Another view of the Lackawanna from Poplar Street in Mayfield.

Some runoff from the mountain near my father's side job of building a doctor's office near Dickson City and Eynon.

The usual shade of the sky between a rain shower as seen in the past few days.

The runoff trickles down a road near the doctor's office.

That is all for the pictures. I will hope to get more tomorrow, I mean today (that's what happens when it's almost three o' clock in the morning), and Thursday. I will also bring you coverage on this very wet situation. If you're interested and want to know what's going on, make sure you visit I must check on the water flowing into my basement so have a good day. As for me, I'll have a very messy and wet one. And this post took me about three hours to type up (it's 2:54 PM now) so apperciate the fact that you were given a read like this.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Update On #Foote_Chat

[UPDATE with Runescape Hangman, brought to you by Buddy Foote]:

Big news for anybody willing to try out Runescape hangman on #Foote_Chat (on server without any ops (besides Helper_Ent) in the room. Anybody can now start their own game of hangman! All you have to is type in !hang begin if there is no game in progress and a new game will begin. However only ops (operators) can stop a game. As always if it's your first time at the channel and you never played hangman there, type in !hang help for more information. I have edited the text in the !hang help command so that everybody will understand how to play because I have been getting some people who did not enter letters correctly or said the whole word if they knew it -- to which you are not supposed to do! Now if Helper_Ent is in the room and no other op, you can start a game.

But if you read my previous post, you may be wondering how you'll stop a game if you came across one of those unsolveable words. Well, I edited the word list like I said I was going to and took out apstrophes and hypens, but I will shortly take a look at the list again and make sure I didn't miss anything.

For more information on Runescape hangman, #Foote_Chat, and other IRC-related reading, refer to the last two posts that you'll find in this blog, this being a post by Caitlin and a post from me.

Also, here are two pictures I took of the IRC chat in action. One picture is taken from the SwiftSwitch client and the other from mIRC.

Have a good day!

Archbald Park

Okay, I went a little off-track with my 'post once a day' thing I wanted to do sometime last week, but I've become very distracted with my Runescape plan and going outside lately in the past week or so. For one, my Runescape plan is running smoothly. I finally got my fletching to 70 the other day putting bowstring on 2,615 of the maple longbows I made (I sold the other 2,000+ to the general store that were unstrung along with a lot other junk from my bank that was running out of space). So that finished up step one:

Get 44 runecrafting
Get 55 magic
Get 70 fletching

Now I'm trying to complete step two:

Purchase a whip

So this is what I did and what I'm currently doing. I cut 1,017 yew logs, fletched them all into yew longbows (u), and now I'm getting flax and spinning them into bow strings to place on my yew longbows. I already have about 728 bow strings so I'll be done with that part shortly. Then it gets a bit complex for me. I need to head over to Varrock after making 1,017 yew strung longbows and mine about 500 pure essence (I already have a little over 500). Then I need to go do the Plague City quest so that I'm allowed to teleport to East Ardounge. Then I must go craft 1,017 natures (I already have about 140 natures so I don't have to craft so many). I was going to go do the Grand Tree quest so that I can use the Gnome Glider from near the shipyard in Karmaja to fly over to the Grand Tree's bank and then fly back to Karmaja. I might do this plan after I buy my whip and for future needs of nature runes. Anyway, once I get the amount of natures to match the amount of yew longbows I have, I'm going to high alch them all. I should then make around 781,056 gp. Being that I have 1,990,000 gp in the bank already (I'm not sure about the exact value), I will have 2,771,056 gp. And even on top of that, Craig and I are striking a deal. He's going to high alch the 2,615 maple longbows I previously made to get my fletching to 70 for magic exp, and give me the money he makes. After he does that I'll have, for me, a whopping 1,004,160 gp profit! That'll put me at 3,775,216 gp in my bank! Craig told me today that whips went back up to three mil, but I'm still going to try to get one for 2.7-2.8 mil on an unpopulated server. No matter what though; if I have to buy one for the old price of three million gp, I'll still have 700k+ in my bank to have. That's called a good life right there.

Anyway, I'm going to quickly say something that resembles the title of this post but it's going to be very brief because it's starting to thunder outside. Honestly, this weather yesterday and today was nothing but downpour after downpour. However, last week's weather was a lot nicer, and a lot hotter. On the longest day of the year (the first day of summer) Craig and I went on a small adventure that started as a walk to a pond in the woods a bit back in the area behind my side of town but ended up going farther all the way to the new Archbald Park that they built up near the Jermyn-Eynon Road near the Valley View school. This started up when Craig wanted to show me the pond where he found his new pet turtle in (which was actually a very large puddle in the road near a quite dirty-looking pond, not suitable for swimming). So from the Jermyn Park we rode our bikes to my house, dropped them off, and walked up Gibson Street near the projects to a small dirt road that led into the woods -- actually more of a quad trail. We kept on walking and walking with catepillar dung falling from the trees all around us until we got to the puddle in the road, where Craig showed me these almost microscopic frogs that were crawling around in the mud and grass that were about the size of the fingernail on your pinky finger. Then we went down a small hill near the pond (I think everybody calls it Master's Pond) and found a path that kept on going beyond the pond, so we followed it. Right there it split into two seperate trails, so we decided to take the left one. We walked up a hill through the woods with a very thick canopy to another trail that was larger in width and size and was out in the open, with no trees overhead. There were large plants and dead trees (almost looked like a swamp-type of area) on one side of the road, and then the woods that we came from on the other side of the road. At this point we were sweating and thirsty from the heat, but we kept on walking. We walked up this pretty big hill, not a steep hill but one of those sloping, gentle hills that seem like they take forever to walk up.

We walked up the hill until the road and area in front of us was flat. We kept on walking, seeing more paths and trails on the left and right of us. There was this one area that was like a circle, and had three paths on the left branching off of it, and then the road that we were on got smaller in width but kept on going straight. We followed it. We kept on walking in the blazing sun until the sound of cars on a paved road grew louder. I was the first to spot the sun reflecting off of a metal surface through the trees in front of us. We kept on walking until we saw what was to me at first a very familar sight, and in a few seconds after me Craig knew where we were at. We were in the woods right on the side of the Eynon-Jermyn Road near the junkyard where they keep probably hundreds and hundreds of wrecked cars to sell their parts. We were standing by what appeared to be a very rusty or burnt car trying to figure out where to go now. I figured that by taking the left trail in the first place back at Master's Pond that we'd be showing up at the Archbald Park, and by seeing where we were at then and there, I knew we were extremely close. So, I told Craig that we were going to the park.

We walked back on the path we came from, taking the second trail that went left by where we took our first break. We walked on this trail for a short time until I saw what appeared to be a field through the trees. Being at the Archbald Park before with my sister and brother-in-law playing basketball and catch with a football, and with my father taking me for a ride there once, I knew that there were grassland-looking areas with ponds near the park. I kept on telling Craig that I saw a field and that we were almost there, but he couldn't see what I saw, or at least what I thought I saw. We walked down a hill and took a sharp left on the trail to see what I knew I saw at first, the grassland and ponds near the Archbald Park, and off in the distance I spotted pavement and fences. We kept on walking. We saw a guy out in the tall grass walking his dog and some other guys down on a road that went near the two ponds that have gotten there in a black truck. We kept on walking and talking until we got to a paved road that went into the park. The only reason we probably went this far into the park was because we hoped they had a water fountain. After walking all the way to the bleachers at the football field, we realized that there were no water fountains or soda machines to try and break open. We were extremely tired, achy, and thirsty at this point; and don't forget hot from the UV-giving sun.

We then gathered up an idea. Because we were hot and sweating, wouldn't it be nice and refreshing to take a quick dip in the ponds? The ponds did look welcoming, or at least at first. We took a diferent trail down to the ponds when we noticed some signs. We were a bit nervous that they were going to say 'No Swimming' or 'Stay Out of Water!' but they only said 'No ATV's, mororcycles, vehicles, etc' (so therefore that black truck sort of broke the law). We walked down to the point where that truck was at, the road that went right inbetween the two ponds. There was a large puddle right in the middle of the road, right between the two ponds. This was because the road dipped down here. We quickly took our shirts and shoes off and went into the dirty/muddy-looking water of the puddle, crossing to the other side of it. We put our stuff down on the dry road on the other side and realizing that the water felt good (it went up to our waist), we went back in and sat in the water for a while, until we felt restored and rested up enough to go home. It got a bit windy at this point, and the wind made it seem a lot colder out being that we were wet. We were going to go swim in the actual pond, but luckily we didn't. Why? My brother told my parents that the ponds were about seventy feet deep because they were old holes (maybe stripping holes) from the mines in the area back in the days. And my father said it was full of goose shit. Well, that was nice to know. I knew that wasn't mud in the puddle. Anyway, we walked all the way back out of the woods, back to Jermyn, back to my house, and went swimming in my pool. Life is good.

Moral of this story: Do not go swimming at the Archbald Park. It's extremely deep and full of goose shit. Also, only go swimming in running water, like a crook, river, or pond that has a source of running water and an exit for the water. Never go swimming in stagmite bodies of water. They can be contaimated and diseased. And watch out for homeless guys with knives that live in the woods. We didn't come across any but they're out there.

I still have to post those pictures from my hunting cabin, and I tried to just a little while ago, but Imageshack is being a little #%@* to me and everytime I upload a picture, an error in the browser that I'm using comes up and says that the servers can't be reached. So I have to hit the backspace, click 'upload images' again, and then it would finally upload. After uploading two pictures that took about ten minutes (my pictures take a while to upload due to their size and when you have to do it twice with one time failing, it takes a while), I thought I'd stop using Firefox to upload the pictures and try Internet Explorer. Same problem. So I'll try again tomorrow or later on tonight, which will most likely be tomorrow due to my regular time of going to bed anytime from one to five in the morning. But I will get them on here sooner or later, even though it's a week after I stayed up the cabin for the night. I also made a movie but that'll never see the light of day due to my laziness. However I do plan on going on a movie-uploading marathon someday and post a ton of movies from the past, so you may just see this one. Plus I wrote blog entries up there too, but not on my laptop (I did get my laptop to the cabin but I didn't use it at all). I wrote these very long entries in my tablet and wrote them in only one or two hour intervals from each other last Monday. So I'll have to type them up.

And nobody besides Caitlin and two other friends of mine who couldn't play hangman because they were disconnected due to their ping or they kicked out my bot Helper_Ent came into my channel on IRC, called #Foote_Chat on the server Read the previous post to this one from Caitlin that has the information from me saying how you can get up and running on an IRC chat and come into my channel to chat or play Runescape hangman, with terms only from Runescape! I tried advertising the room on MySpace, but they block the numerical symbol "#" and replace it with a dot/period; and the only replys that I got after posting on a Runescape group was that they use SwiftSwitch. I wasn't asking you if you used SwiftSwitch, I was telling how to get to my chat and saying info on my Runescape hangman! Well, that topic died away anyway. But I plead you to come check out this channel and play Runescape hangman! Thank you. Also think of this channel as the offical Buddy Foote's Blog IRC channel while you're at it thinking about, stuff.

I also have to edit the hangman word list though...the script for the game doesn't corespond with apstrophes, commas, dashes, hypens, etc. So if you're playing and you're complaining that you didn't get the word TzHaar-Mej-Jal right because their were no dashes, that's because the script doesn't recongize them, and I'm no script maker or editor. For no, some words are impossible to solve. For example, n0valyfe (the number) and Seers' Village (the apstrophe). If you play and come across these, ask the op to stop the current game and start another, or just guess letters until the game ends. I'll notify you when I edit the list. That is all.

Have a good day.

[UPDATE right after posting]: I also forgot to add. Another person was talking to me in Runescape the other day that said they have found my blog and read through it. And then he said he only had one thing to say about it. "Wtf!?" Then he kept on going on about how much I write about Runescape and stuff. I ignored him. Sorry for ignoring you fellow reader, but do not be a dick to me and I won't be a dick back.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Foote_Chat

Hi friends! ^_^ It is currently raining outside....

"And tomorrow, I know,
Will be rainy at best.
And the forecast, I know,
Is that I'll be depressed.
But I'll wait outside
Hopin that I'll catch sight of the sun."

Lyrics from a song by Relient K that I was just listening to and was tempted to start off with since it is raining hehe

Anyways, I spent some time this rainy afternoon playing Hangman with Buddy Foote on SwiftSwitch in a chat room type of thing when he suggested in our GoogleTalk conversation that he wished he could play it with somebody. I had downloaded the SwiftSwitch client a few months ago so I had it and never really used it. I am probably going to be bad at explaining this but I will try. It's a lot of fun though for such a simple game of Hangman which used to bore me years ago. Although if you have bad eyesight, you can become very dizzy when people guess letters super fast, trust me, it happened to myself xD Nah, it's all fun though ^^ Plus, there is this very nice bot in that room just to add who likes tacos, haha. He starts the hangman games for us. All the words are Runescape words, but some were familiar to me. 'Jiggig' is my word of the day. Isn't that a neat word? :P I plan on continuing to play more shortly.

The network is and the channel is #Foote_chat so you should come into that specific place too and join us so the word can get out! :D Now I have a message from Buddy Foote to tell you:

"Hello, this is Buddy Foote. I'm in my state of laziness again and besides typing up my own little post, I'm just going to give this direct quote to Caitlin to copy and paste for me. Recently I have fell in love with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and I have my own channel, #Foote_Chat, on the server If you never heard about IRC before, I recommend you read this page. Anyway, my channel has some cool scripts added to it, including some protection scripts. The main script I have running on it though is a hangman script. Type '!hang help' on my channel for more information. This hangman game has Runescape terms only, including locations, skills, monsters, people, items, etc. To get chatting at my channel and other channels, downlod an IRC client. I recommend using SwiftSwitch because my channel has to deal with Runescape conversations and a Runescape hangman game. Now to get to my channel from SwiftSwitch, follow the following rules:
1. Open up the SS program
2.Click 'Show Internal Utilites' -- Above 'server information' and below 'world selection'
3. Click on 'chat'
4. Enter a nickname of your choice and then for the channel, type in #Foote_Chat.
5. If the log-in works, you will be sent to my chanel, #Foote_Chat. To get information on hangman, type '!hang help'. To play hangman, ask an op to type in the command. Helper_Ent is a bot and cannot start a hangman game. After each game this command, '!hang begin', has to be typed in again.

Yet again, the command to start the game has to be typed in by an op. Current ops are Buddy_Foote and Cait. If an op is away, they can't type in a command to start the game. If you enter the channel and there's a current game in session, type '!hang show' to show the current progress of the game.

Other recommended IRC clients are mIRC and IceChat.

Please come check out the hangman script (not made by me but props to Randy [try search for 'IRC script hangman' on Google to find his site] but the word list full of Runescape terms is made by me, Buddy Foote) and play this game while you also play Runescape (recommended only if using SwiftSwitch on a member server [because of the ad at the top of a f2p server, some of the game screen is cut off]). It's fun but only if you have a group to play with. Many new changes will happen to both the channel and the hangman game in the upcoming days, but I (or Caitlin) will notify you here. The word list will be updated shortly, but not until there's enough people playing the game to enjoy the current word list. I'd be happy to make you an op to operate the hangman game if you show that you're worthy enough to be responsible. Helper_Ent has to be in the channel for the game to work! That is all, thank you!"

~*One last thing that I, Caitlin, noticed! This is the 200th post of Buddy Foote's Blog!! :D

Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Farm

Hi everyone (: It's me Caitlin again, and I just got back from my best friend's house so I will write about that after I pet my adorable little fudgesicle of a dog on the head as she is looking up at me with eyes that are hard to ignore. :P I showed a picture of her on here before.. maybe in the one entry called 'Dead Fish' I believe?

Anyways, I spent the afternoon with my friend Heather. We went swimming at her grandparents house, and the pool water was the perfect temperature! They have a little diving board set up too, and it's a really great little pool. I loved it and had a lot of fun ^^

Afterwards we ate some so-called "whimpies" which is what people up here call sloppy joes. *cough* Hah I didn't live in this particular county or area my entire life so the first time someone asked me (and my brother had this same problem) if I wanted a "whimpie" many years ago I made some face and was so clueless *shrugs and smiles* Hmmm and then we went up to the barn. She lives on a farm pretty much.. and I'll mention again anyways that there are cows, chickens, dogs, cats, and two horses! There is a new horse up there now, another female, named Ginger (the other female is smaller and named Belle). Ginger is really pretty too. She was scared of me though. Heather goes right on in with them, climbing over the safe part of the electric fences! Hah right into all the cow manure. Okay well she urges me to follow her and I have no choice really. I know myself around a little bit, but it was pretty funny. I climbed over the fence and ran past the cows and their smelly manure on my tiptoes mumbling "ew ew ew ew oh ew oh ew ew!" haha and Heather is feet ahead of me climbing up and over the next gate. It's a lot of fun actually. I announced then that I really don't think I am a farm girl at heart.. lol :P I love the country and kinda can be a country (not farm) girl (since I am zero percent city-ish) but I am not too sure about me and farms. I love animals though and being at her farm is tons of fun because I help her do whatever to help the animals. Tonight we had to "try" to spray down the horses and cows with this stuff that gets those flies away. I went after Belle once Ginger snorted and ran from me. As soon as a drop hit Belle she flew off forward lol so I chased her calling her name xD Heather did the cows because I didn't favor standing in manure. There were just 3 cows in that particular pen, and the biggest black male wouldn't let it get on him when he had the most flies on him to begin with.

Once we returned to her house, we were hot all over again and stayed down in her basement where it was cool and watched the rest of the movie we started watching during dinner called, "Never Been Kissed" and it was a really good movie! I want to say it can be one of my new favorites simply because of the type of character the main girl was. She had to go back to high school as an undercover news reporter and it brought back flashbacks of how unpopular and unhappy her years were and that kind of stuff which I really appreciated at the end. I almost cried during two parts which was when they flashbacked to her senior prom and she was excited because the most popular boy asked her to go (as a joke as I predicted) and he ended up driving by with his date and they threw eggs at her which was really sad. Then at the end it was really special and sooooooo adorable I won't say (: Hehe good movie! Then I had to leave but I ended up semi-wrestling with another one of my friends now again lol.. Heather refused to hand the phone over to me so I could call my mother and the pushing from the couch down in the basement, during the movie, continued. Really funny xP

Now I'd like to just mention one last thing! Real reservations have been made and I am going on vacation to Ocean City MD leaving August 12th bright and early for one week. :D I cannot wait! I am so excited that I had a dream about it last night which was a terribly scary dream may I add, about me falling off a bridge because for some reason I was holding on to the back of our car with a rope and I was sitting in a milk crate that the rope was tied too.. so I was bouncing all around behind the car being dragged in some milk crate to the beach while we crossed this (real life) big bridge on our way there ?!?!?! O.o Umm yeaah! o.O

........That's all :P

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Awakeover #2 and La Piscina

Sunny sun sunshine! :D Hello.. it's Caitlin. Buddy Foote is probably at his hunting cabin right now having a blast, and I would like to keep the blog updated for him since he just wrote in like his last entry he was going to try to have something new each day. Hopefully this helps! Friday night I attended another "Awakeover" party with two of my best friends, Abby and Nicole at Nicole's house. Although it wasn't as terrorizing like the first one so I had even more fun this time ^.^

I arrived around 6PM and found Nicole and Abby outside on this really cool swing. It was kind of scary to go on it for my first time.. it was just this tiny wooden seat hanging from a tree but they pushed me really, really high and far and then Abby spun me around so fast, and so many times I had this indescribable weird feeling of thrill and dizziness. It was really cool though because I like that dizzy feeling. When I was little my brother and I would play games where we'd spin around in circles until we fell down. Haha :P I might ask my father when he gets home if we can put one of those swings up. Anyways, then we got ready to go the movie theater for Nicole's birthday. We watched "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift" with Bow Wow (the rapper) in it since both my friends really like him. I thought it was the best movie I have seen with them yet. In previous years we watched "From Justin to Kelly" and "The Longest Yard" but this one was so much better than I thought it'd be! I figured it would be very "boyish" and about cars racing around. Well, it took place in Tokyo and had a bunch of cars drift racing in the streets at extremely high speeds which made that theater room soo loud! My ears hurt a little bit after. Anyways, I enjoyed seeing that movie. =)

We got back to Nicole's house and after some cake (in which we forgot to sing Happy Birthday!) haha we went downstairs and Abby and I were sleeping over. I brought my Dance Dance Revolution mat and we tried with Nicole's mat to make two player work but it never did so we didn't really play DDR like we thought we probably would. Instead we made up a dance (actually 98% of it was made up by Abby) to the remix version of a song called "Miss Murder" by the band AFI. Great song by the way! The dance turned out really cool too.. its fun and I was doing it this morning again for fun. So that took up a good chunk of hours.. around 1 we layed our sleeping bags out and watched a tiny bit of Bow Wow DvD's because as I said my friends like him. Bow Wow's alright and can be a bit adorable at times, but I never was crazy about him before :P I didn't see much of that DvD though because Abby and I ended up wrestling and rolling around on the floor like wild weirdo's. Haha that was so much fun but you should see my legs now! They are all bruised up because Abby kept trying to pin me down by lying on top of me and her hip bones would poke into me and then she would randomly jab her elbow into my leg and it hurt so I'd try to wriggle free and it was a mess and we were all over the place. One time I got out by my leg kicking her in the stomache.. haha it was all safe though, but lots of fun! A half hour later I thought it was over and we tried to "sleep" and Abby came rolling on down. She asked for me to lie flat on my stomache so she could roll over me without hurting me. I don't like when people do that to me, I just get scared anyways lol it was fun and I had fun ~! =D

We fell asleep for "real" after 4 in the morning I guess after a bit of stuff being piled into my sleeping bag (but this time nothing as crazy like what happened at the first party thank goodness lolol).. and I had to make sure I woke up by 9:30 to call my mother since she was picking me up to take my brother and I swimming. Thankfully the phone rang loud at like 9am and that woke me up.. and I made sure the rest was up with me just "because" haha. We had a good time. I don't know how or why I had strength to stay awake at a pool all day yesterday after such a sleepless night. It was the first time I went swimming this year, and since I was up and figured I probably would go online rather than stay home and sleep, I went along. That was a nice day too. I didn't swim that much for two reasons - I was tired, and the water was freeezzZing! It was pretty cold and that's never enjoyable. I went down the twisty waterslide three times though because I have grown to love that slide. I won't dare go on the other though.. it's pretty much a straight drop and I admit I am really scared and worried that I will scratch my back up badly (like my friend's and brother's backs were last summer), or that because I kind of don't weigh enough that I will just fall the wrong way or out or fly forward or something scary like that.. so I just don't go on that one.. yet! I have a feeling somebody or something might make me one time :P

After getting 13 hours of sleep last night, I felt good and rested, and we got to go swimming again since it was much warmer today. My mother took us somewhere else this time (we are going to check out a lot of different places this summer), and I used to go there a lot one summer many years ago. I like it, even if it doesn't have a waterslide (but a diving board!) I don't dive off of it though.. haha I kind of know how and I kind of don't so I just jump if that makes any sense..and I enjoyed spending the afternoon there. Unfortunately, I don't have my own swimming pool in my backyard so whenever we can my mom usually takes my brother and I swimming somewhere and I have always had fun going to places like that. ^.^

Right now, I plan on working on the layout again. I am making a goal to make sure this blog has a new layout up way before the end of June. I can be slow with these things though.. on my little website StarryBliss *pokes side links and smiles* I was planning and working on layouts on that for over 3 months.. simply because I do it when I can and am in a really good mood to focus on that sort of stuff. I hope Buddy Foote doesn't mind though. =/ This week I might get to spend time at a friend's pool and volunteer with her running arts and crafts projects for young children who are attending a Vacation Bible School at this church that (neither of us go too) but is right down the road. So I will see about that, could be fun...hmm =) I just got off the phone with her so that's why I's one of those "we'll see" kind of things xD *shrugs*

One more thing.. I feel like randomly writing down a very good song I have been listening to a bit too much. "Everything is Alright by Motion City Soundtrack" *nods* I love that song.. and it is being overplayed at the moment in my head, tehe check it out if you never heard of it but I am sure you did! =) Byebye!
P.S.- La piscina in the title stands for swimming pool in Spanish.. I just struggle with title that's that ;-)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lakeland's Lady Chiefs

Yesterday was a day that made Lakeland School District history. Lakeland softball's state game was held yesterday a couple hours away from our school at some college campus. I never remember the details. Hell I don't even know who they played. This sporting event made history because it was the first sporting event (besides track and field however only individuals made it, not the whole team) in Lakeland's history to ever make it to a state game. Lakeland's football team was close a few times, but we were always killed by other teams nowhere close to this area. Even though this event made history, it was a sad day for the Lady Chiefs. They lost, 1-2. Which I must proclaim was not fair! Why? Corey and I agree (and Corey's neighbor who called him while we were talking on the phone) that a play they called was not fair. The other team was on offense and were batting. They hit the ball, the girl got on first, but there was another girl on base who was running to third, from first (?). Lakeland got the ball and threw it to third and as you could tell from the angle the camera was at on TV (by the way this game was on TV, we didn't go) that the ball was caught on third base before the runner got there, but the umpire or whoever called the runner safe. Then the next play they scored when that runner who should've been out ran to home. If they called that play fair, we would've went into overtime and had a chance to score. By the way, there's seven innings in a game, not six. Corey was giving me false information.

It was pretty damn heart breaking seeing our team who hasn't lost a game, went to states making a landmark in our school's history, losing a game to an unfair called play, and then seeing the whole team crying afterwards over the defeat. At least I have the pictures from the game Monday to provide to showcase a better, happier atmosphere from Lakeland, who won that game 5-2. By the way, Lakeland is wearing the red, white, and blue uniforms/clothing, our school colors. Also a lot of these pictures were close-ups taken of random people on the field and in the dug-out testing my zooming feature, and to amaze Corey by it too. Also I'm going to just throw these at you without any captions to go along with them.

Softball Pictures from Monday, June 12th, 2006:

You're going to be getting a lot of pictures throwen at you sometime Tuesday after I upload all of the pictures taken at my hunting cabin; on the road up there, pictures from up there, and pictures coming home, on Monday. My father, his friend, and I are going up there tomorrow for Father's Day. I'll probably mostly take scenic pictures of the great view, but I'm in the mood for taking close-up pictures lately. And just wait until the fall when football season starts. I'll be taking pictures from every game, so if you like football pictures, come back here around September. Well, I would prefer if you came back here everyday or every week, but y'know, do what you want. I'm trying to update this blog everyday again. Hopefully that will happen. I took that long absence before but that was because of my addiction to Runescape. But it won't be possible Sunday and maybe Monday because I'll be at my hunting cabin. But you always know, my plans never go the way I plan them out to go.

Now my father is running the sweeper in my room...but little does he know I'm sitting on my grandmother's bed on my laptop and she doesn't know that because she's in Flordia. Yea, yea. How do you like those chopsticks? might get even more pictures than the cabin on Tuesday, because Craig and I are supposed to finally go on our tour around Jermyn to take pictures to post on here. Y'know...I'll post those Wednesday then if we do this tour. So I don't kill all the 56k users out there...however I put my pictures in thumbnails so it's not like I'm ripping the RAM from your computer and throwing it away in a paper shreader.

I'm now going to provide you with a list of my Runescape goals this summer I wrote on June 11th. I already achieved some of them but y'know, I was too lazy to post this list here. I'm trying to get this list from my memory so it may not be too accurate because if I go into my bedroom to get it, my father may make me run the sweeper. Everytime I reach one of these goals, I'm going to repost a part of the list here crossing out the goal I have achieved. This should take me all summer to do. I felt like I should share this, so I am. This is just so you're aware to what I'm doing on Runescape these days without me always having to tell you.

My Runescape To-Do List:
  1. Get runecrafting to 44
    Get magic to 55

    Get fletching to 70
  2. Purchase a whip
  3. Get prayer to 52

    Wait, I need to go into my bedroom and get the paper with this list on. I can't remember the last couple steps.

  4. Get 50 crafting
    Get 50 smithing -- Do "The Knight's Sword" to help
    Get 50 firemaking
  5. Make bullseye lattern
    Kill cave slimes (slayer task)
  6. Get 25 herblore
  7. Do Heroes' Quest (FINALLY!)
  8. Get 50 thieving
  9. Get all skill besides carpentry to at least 50
  10. Do carpentry
Sounds like a lot, eh? I better get to work. Have a good day.

[UPDATE right after posting]: I forgot to add four Runescape pictures I took yesterday and today. So, I'll do that right now without a second to waste.

Runescape Pictures from June 16th, 2006:

Runescape Pictures from June 17th, 2006:

Now you may have a good day.