Friday, June 23, 2006

The Foote_Chat

Hi friends! ^_^ It is currently raining outside....

"And tomorrow, I know,
Will be rainy at best.
And the forecast, I know,
Is that I'll be depressed.
But I'll wait outside
Hopin that I'll catch sight of the sun."

Lyrics from a song by Relient K that I was just listening to and was tempted to start off with since it is raining hehe

Anyways, I spent some time this rainy afternoon playing Hangman with Buddy Foote on SwiftSwitch in a chat room type of thing when he suggested in our GoogleTalk conversation that he wished he could play it with somebody. I had downloaded the SwiftSwitch client a few months ago so I had it and never really used it. I am probably going to be bad at explaining this but I will try. It's a lot of fun though for such a simple game of Hangman which used to bore me years ago. Although if you have bad eyesight, you can become very dizzy when people guess letters super fast, trust me, it happened to myself xD Nah, it's all fun though ^^ Plus, there is this very nice bot in that room just to add who likes tacos, haha. He starts the hangman games for us. All the words are Runescape words, but some were familiar to me. 'Jiggig' is my word of the day. Isn't that a neat word? :P I plan on continuing to play more shortly.

The network is and the channel is #Foote_chat so you should come into that specific place too and join us so the word can get out! :D Now I have a message from Buddy Foote to tell you:

"Hello, this is Buddy Foote. I'm in my state of laziness again and besides typing up my own little post, I'm just going to give this direct quote to Caitlin to copy and paste for me. Recently I have fell in love with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and I have my own channel, #Foote_Chat, on the server If you never heard about IRC before, I recommend you read this page. Anyway, my channel has some cool scripts added to it, including some protection scripts. The main script I have running on it though is a hangman script. Type '!hang help' on my channel for more information. This hangman game has Runescape terms only, including locations, skills, monsters, people, items, etc. To get chatting at my channel and other channels, downlod an IRC client. I recommend using SwiftSwitch because my channel has to deal with Runescape conversations and a Runescape hangman game. Now to get to my channel from SwiftSwitch, follow the following rules:
1. Open up the SS program
2.Click 'Show Internal Utilites' -- Above 'server information' and below 'world selection'
3. Click on 'chat'
4. Enter a nickname of your choice and then for the channel, type in #Foote_Chat.
5. If the log-in works, you will be sent to my chanel, #Foote_Chat. To get information on hangman, type '!hang help'. To play hangman, ask an op to type in the command. Helper_Ent is a bot and cannot start a hangman game. After each game this command, '!hang begin', has to be typed in again.

Yet again, the command to start the game has to be typed in by an op. Current ops are Buddy_Foote and Cait. If an op is away, they can't type in a command to start the game. If you enter the channel and there's a current game in session, type '!hang show' to show the current progress of the game.

Other recommended IRC clients are mIRC and IceChat.

Please come check out the hangman script (not made by me but props to Randy [try search for 'IRC script hangman' on Google to find his site] but the word list full of Runescape terms is made by me, Buddy Foote) and play this game while you also play Runescape (recommended only if using SwiftSwitch on a member server [because of the ad at the top of a f2p server, some of the game screen is cut off]). It's fun but only if you have a group to play with. Many new changes will happen to both the channel and the hangman game in the upcoming days, but I (or Caitlin) will notify you here. The word list will be updated shortly, but not until there's enough people playing the game to enjoy the current word list. I'd be happy to make you an op to operate the hangman game if you show that you're worthy enough to be responsible. Helper_Ent has to be in the channel for the game to work! That is all, thank you!"

~*One last thing that I, Caitlin, noticed! This is the 200th post of Buddy Foote's Blog!! :D

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