Sunday, June 04, 2006

Wii Dreams

I asked this question to Hesser about a week or so ago -- "Is it healthy to dream about video games consoles that aren't out yet and that I'm playing them?" I think his reply went among the lines of "No." Well, I guess after last night that I'm not too healthy.

Yet again I had a dream about the new, upcoming Nintendo console, Wii. I don't remember the details too great and I'm even surprised I remembered my dream (maybe it's the fact I went to bed at 4:30 this morning after looking at some videos that made fun of Sony's press convention at E3 this year) but I think I was at some gaming convention, maybe even E3 2006 itself. I remember this man handed me what was supposed to be the Wii's controller that we know of today, but itstead it was a really big and wide remote control-like object that, in my dream, they called the Wii's controller. It sort of reminded me of my DVD/VCR remote control and it could've been that because I used it last night when I watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with my grandmother. Anyway, I recall that I was playing some game with this remote, excuse me, controller and it was extremely difficult to hold, because it was so fat and thick and heavy. I actually kept on dropping the controller everytime I waved it around, and I'd pick it up apologizing to the man. I remember at the end of my dream (or the end of the part I remember) that I handed back the controller to the man and asked, "This isn't going to be the final version of the Wii's controller, right? I find it very difficult to hold." The man replied, "As of now, this is just a prototype." This dream was not healthy at all I presume. I wish I remembered my dreams more and in greater detail, such as my mother who tells her dreams like she's reading them from a book about one's in our family who passed away, events of the past being recalled, etc. I guess I never inherited that trait.

I remember dreaming about the Wii again when I slept up my sister's house two weeks ago. I remember I awoke on the couch (where I 96% of the time sleep up there, even though I have my own room) remembering my dream. Actually I didn't remember it just now but it's coming back to me at this second. I got it -- My father or somebody came home one day with a game for the Wii and gave it to me, and I was quite depressed. Why? The Wii wasn't coming out for another six or seven months. Then I think (this part is very foggy) that my nephew came over and had none other than the Wii with him, and he was jumping around my computer room waving the controller through the air and playing some game, maybe the game my father gave to me. And I just sat there and watched him, sad that I did not have a Wii.

I always have dreams about video games, yet details I never can remember. I think they just get too weird at some point and become too complexed to remember. For example, I remember, when I was much, much younger, I had this dream about Sonic and one thing after another happened until it became too complexed and when I awoke all I knew is that the dream had Sonic in it. I also remember dreaming about Harvest Moon 64 back in, what, 4th grade? Now I don't think that dreaming about planting crops, milking cows, etc. is too healthy, now is it? Currently I've been having dreams about Runescape all of the time. I think I had one that had something to do about Zezima in it. I do not recall too well...

Now let's get off the topic of dreams for a second and talk a little Runescape.

My current plan in Runescape is to buy a whip, and I think I mentioned that before. I'd be doing the new construction skill right now if it wasn't for the fact that I'm saving up for a whip, which currently costs only 2.5 million gold pieces. Which is amazing after Craig bought his for 3.1 million gp. Why? The new construction skill is also called the "money sinker" because all the skill does is take money out of the economy and you can't really make any money off of the skill. I mean, in your treasure room, a steel dragon costs ten million gp! Sure, it's sort of worth it because you have a steel dragon all to yourself and if the drops are the same as the dragons from the Brimhaven Dungeon, then you'll get your money back from the dragon medium helmet drops. Right? As of now, that's sort of incorrect. The economy of Runescape has gone crazy. Oak logs, worthless in the past, are now costing 250-300 gp, the same amount as yew logs do. Planks are selling for a lot. Normal clay or nails are selling for a lot. There has been so much money going into the Runescape economy before this skill that construction and the way it's set-up, paying millions of gold pieces to NPC's, had to be done. Because there was so much money, prices rose for a lot of items making the average gp worth less than it should be. Now with this new skill, prices have gone down. Dragon med helmets cost only 600k, as before construction they cost about 900k! Whips went from in the early three millions to the med two millions. Even barrows and rares dropped in cost. This is not a great time for merchanting as people are selling out their banks clean with low prices to sell the items fast because they want money for the addicting skill known as construction.

Now back to my plan of getting a whip. I heard that many people get money by high alching yew longbows and as I may have mentioned this plan before here, I think, I plan on doing the same. What I need to do currently is getting my runecrafting to 44, my fletching to 70, and my magic to 55. I'm actually not that far behind in these goals, besides for runecrafting, because I went up about twenty levels yesterday or the day before from level three. I need to currently mine 7,295 rune essence, not pure essence, but rune essence. I plan on making fire runes up to 44 runecrafting. Plus I like going to f2p servers when I have the chance, thus I only get rune essence because pure essence is member-only. I currently have mined about 3,200 essence. I, however, took a break from mining twice yesterday when one, Caitlin went on and she did the Sheep Shearer quest, and when two, a new friend of mine that I made while waiting around for Caitlin to finish shearing sheep wanted me to make him 400 air and mind runes if he provided the essence, because it would help both him and I. I did provide about thirty of my own essence for him. I then found out he had a clan so I thought that I'd join it. It's no fighting in the wilderness or PKing clan, but just...I don't know, a group, with seven members. I don't even remember the name. One of the clan member's birthday is Tuesday and birthdays are big, special days where we give presents away and I was asked quite a bit for some money, but I'm on a tight budget because of my whip. I just ask my fellow clan members to not bother me when I'm doing something important or something member-only on a member-only server.

Four more days of school, it sure does feel good. I have my civics final tomorrow and Caitlin told me it was hard and was practically a guessing game, so I'm going to study around four. I was hiding on my laptop all day upstairs since I woke up around twelve so I think I may walk down the stairs and introduce myself to a brand new day.

And now I'll leave you with one of my favorite mottos that come to mind that my favorite Pennsylvania groundhog says on TV:

"Keep on scratching."

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