Sunday, June 18, 2006

Awakeover #2 and La Piscina

Sunny sun sunshine! :D Hello.. it's Caitlin. Buddy Foote is probably at his hunting cabin right now having a blast, and I would like to keep the blog updated for him since he just wrote in like his last entry he was going to try to have something new each day. Hopefully this helps! Friday night I attended another "Awakeover" party with two of my best friends, Abby and Nicole at Nicole's house. Although it wasn't as terrorizing like the first one so I had even more fun this time ^.^

I arrived around 6PM and found Nicole and Abby outside on this really cool swing. It was kind of scary to go on it for my first time.. it was just this tiny wooden seat hanging from a tree but they pushed me really, really high and far and then Abby spun me around so fast, and so many times I had this indescribable weird feeling of thrill and dizziness. It was really cool though because I like that dizzy feeling. When I was little my brother and I would play games where we'd spin around in circles until we fell down. Haha :P I might ask my father when he gets home if we can put one of those swings up. Anyways, then we got ready to go the movie theater for Nicole's birthday. We watched "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift" with Bow Wow (the rapper) in it since both my friends really like him. I thought it was the best movie I have seen with them yet. In previous years we watched "From Justin to Kelly" and "The Longest Yard" but this one was so much better than I thought it'd be! I figured it would be very "boyish" and about cars racing around. Well, it took place in Tokyo and had a bunch of cars drift racing in the streets at extremely high speeds which made that theater room soo loud! My ears hurt a little bit after. Anyways, I enjoyed seeing that movie. =)

We got back to Nicole's house and after some cake (in which we forgot to sing Happy Birthday!) haha we went downstairs and Abby and I were sleeping over. I brought my Dance Dance Revolution mat and we tried with Nicole's mat to make two player work but it never did so we didn't really play DDR like we thought we probably would. Instead we made up a dance (actually 98% of it was made up by Abby) to the remix version of a song called "Miss Murder" by the band AFI. Great song by the way! The dance turned out really cool too.. its fun and I was doing it this morning again for fun. So that took up a good chunk of hours.. around 1 we layed our sleeping bags out and watched a tiny bit of Bow Wow DvD's because as I said my friends like him. Bow Wow's alright and can be a bit adorable at times, but I never was crazy about him before :P I didn't see much of that DvD though because Abby and I ended up wrestling and rolling around on the floor like wild weirdo's. Haha that was so much fun but you should see my legs now! They are all bruised up because Abby kept trying to pin me down by lying on top of me and her hip bones would poke into me and then she would randomly jab her elbow into my leg and it hurt so I'd try to wriggle free and it was a mess and we were all over the place. One time I got out by my leg kicking her in the stomache.. haha it was all safe though, but lots of fun! A half hour later I thought it was over and we tried to "sleep" and Abby came rolling on down. She asked for me to lie flat on my stomache so she could roll over me without hurting me. I don't like when people do that to me, I just get scared anyways lol it was fun and I had fun ~! =D

We fell asleep for "real" after 4 in the morning I guess after a bit of stuff being piled into my sleeping bag (but this time nothing as crazy like what happened at the first party thank goodness lolol).. and I had to make sure I woke up by 9:30 to call my mother since she was picking me up to take my brother and I swimming. Thankfully the phone rang loud at like 9am and that woke me up.. and I made sure the rest was up with me just "because" haha. We had a good time. I don't know how or why I had strength to stay awake at a pool all day yesterday after such a sleepless night. It was the first time I went swimming this year, and since I was up and figured I probably would go online rather than stay home and sleep, I went along. That was a nice day too. I didn't swim that much for two reasons - I was tired, and the water was freeezzZing! It was pretty cold and that's never enjoyable. I went down the twisty waterslide three times though because I have grown to love that slide. I won't dare go on the other though.. it's pretty much a straight drop and I admit I am really scared and worried that I will scratch my back up badly (like my friend's and brother's backs were last summer), or that because I kind of don't weigh enough that I will just fall the wrong way or out or fly forward or something scary like that.. so I just don't go on that one.. yet! I have a feeling somebody or something might make me one time :P

After getting 13 hours of sleep last night, I felt good and rested, and we got to go swimming again since it was much warmer today. My mother took us somewhere else this time (we are going to check out a lot of different places this summer), and I used to go there a lot one summer many years ago. I like it, even if it doesn't have a waterslide (but a diving board!) I don't dive off of it though.. haha I kind of know how and I kind of don't so I just jump if that makes any sense..and I enjoyed spending the afternoon there. Unfortunately, I don't have my own swimming pool in my backyard so whenever we can my mom usually takes my brother and I swimming somewhere and I have always had fun going to places like that. ^.^

Right now, I plan on working on the layout again. I am making a goal to make sure this blog has a new layout up way before the end of June. I can be slow with these things though.. on my little website StarryBliss *pokes side links and smiles* I was planning and working on layouts on that for over 3 months.. simply because I do it when I can and am in a really good mood to focus on that sort of stuff. I hope Buddy Foote doesn't mind though. =/ This week I might get to spend time at a friend's pool and volunteer with her running arts and crafts projects for young children who are attending a Vacation Bible School at this church that (neither of us go too) but is right down the road. So I will see about that, could be fun...hmm =) I just got off the phone with her so that's why I's one of those "we'll see" kind of things xD *shrugs*

One more thing.. I feel like randomly writing down a very good song I have been listening to a bit too much. "Everything is Alright by Motion City Soundtrack" *nods* I love that song.. and it is being overplayed at the moment in my head, tehe check it out if you never heard of it but I am sure you did! =) Byebye!
P.S.- La piscina in the title stands for swimming pool in Spanish.. I just struggle with title that's that ;-)


Anonymous said...

haha fun night, fun night (:

awesome movie (:

awesome wrestling with caitlin (:

awesome everything!

i miss seeing that movie .. i need to buy it when it comes out.

that was soo funny- when we first got in the theater i was walking around and i was walking in front of the screen and i was making noises during the movie haha. OMG! caitlin, remember that wierd guys voice! ROFLOL!!!!! i was crying i was laughing so hard!

ahhh i sure do miss that night (:



Anonymous said...

caitlin, i forgot 1 important thing..