Monday, July 30, 2007

Too Much Too Soon

First of all I must say sorry for not posting in a while. In short, a lot was going on and my WoW addiction is picking up, so therefore I spent most of my time wandering around with my pet wolf on a video game than doing effective things with my life. Honestly, I don't even think yesterday existed to me. I played WoW all day, watched a movie, and fell asleep. I know, what a fulfilling day, eh? I hate those kind of days. I mean, the summer is pretty much over as at the end of next month we're going back to school, I still have two more books to read, and community service to do, and I spend a very valuable day that I'll be longing for come November doing nothing. Those are the kinds of days where I feel like I have no energy and I am the laziness master, but hey, we all get those days sooner or later. Friday night I was at a camp-out with friends and stayed up for twenty-four hours, so really I do have an excuse for being lazy. I was dead tired. This whole weekend I only slept approximately ten hours. But why am I going on about this when I have a lot of random and pointless topics to discuss! Let's move on . . .

The blog's birthday was six days ago, July 24. Yes, Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 is now two years old. Last year we released a new blog layout on the big day and made a big deal about it, but this year I totally forgot about the birthday until two days afterwards, and even then I still didn't put up any notice of it. We were going to create a new layout for this year but Caitlin and I felt quite sluggish about the topic and did some extreme procrastination. As you can see, we're still procrastinating. Of course, I don't want to rush the layout or it'll be reflected in the layout itself. You'll get a layout sooner or later, but nowhere near the date of the birthday. Maybe September? We're thinking about making the layout simple. Not too many "addons" or the blog may not look too professional. You know when you stumble upon a blog and you see things like a clock or something and you're thinking, "Is this really necessary?" We don't want to have that element of the page where we just throw a lot of extras on and take away from the blog entries. I want to come up with original ideas too for new features and maybe even interactive features. We had the forums (which turned into a disaster), we still have crosswords (take too long to make and I don't even know if people use/enjoy them), and I made the feature 'Ask Teh Foote' (was only used once). So there you have it, every interactive feature the blog had was turned down in its own little way. I still have plans for bringing back the forums, spicing up the crosswords somehow, and altering the Foote asking thingamabob a bit, but naturally you need to have more modern features too. I was thinking of changing "Ask Teh Foote" to "Ask The Author" and then you choose an author from a drop-down menu, type up the question in a text box, and submit it, in which the query is e-mailed to me, and then I notify the author of the question. Just a thought, but I want to get all the authors in on the blog features as well. But anyway, happy birthday BFBv.2 and may many more follow in the coming years.

Speaking of birthdays, my grandmother's 80th birthday party is this Saturday. And it's going to be thrown at her house, where I live. And the house is going to have to be cleaned. Now, I hate cleaning. If you ever saw my bedroom you would be able to tell that. Let's see, I have a telescope in the corner, some sort of cat house with two holes in it and the top has a square piece of wood on it that I use as a table, a tube of former Tootsie Rolls on my desk with cut up pieces of green construction paper inside and a few small round metal objects, a Wal-Mart receipt, some Yu-Gi-Oh poster behind me that you color and it has velvet on it that I got a long, long time ago, a dresser with random tablets and books spread across it and a brown shirt crumbled up, and . . . you get the point. I'm not a clean freak and not organized whatsoever. Which is surprising as people think I'm lying when I say such. At school I'm very organized: My tablets and folders have to match in color for a specific subject and certain papers go on certain sides of the folder and certain materials go in certain divisions of a multiple subject notebook. Even my locker is clean all year round while some students have to spend ten minutes at the end of the year cleaning theirs out. So when people know me at school, they think my room would be spotless and organized and clean but they're wrong. Here's some more stuff: a roll of paper towel, a random red ball lying on the floor, pieces of white paper, a giant 'Banana in Pajamas' banana with no pants (my cousin once took them off and I never found them afterwards) near the telescope, a yellow kickball, some Easter nicknacks, a very old Bible . . . so yes, how did I get onto this subject again?

Ah, yes. The party. Most of the family will be here on Saturday to celebrate the milestone in my grandmother's life. So my mother wants the whole house tided up, including my room. Now here's the problem in this. Is the freaking party going to be in my room? No. So why the hell should I clean it? I'll close the door during the party, only allow Corey and Craig to come in, and everything will be fine. I think some relatives like to snoop around though, so that's why I'll install a security system. Where will I get the money? Who knows, and I doubt I'll do such, but I know as a fact that I'm not cleaning my room. I'll be seventeen in less than three months (and still without a permit) and if I choose to live as a mess, then let it be so. I'll help clean up areas of the house where people will be, but as my room is off limits, it will not be cleaned. I know the lifestyle isn't healthy, but I should hope to evolve out of it by the time I own an apartment or house.

Friday night, as I already mentioned, I went to a camp-out hosted by Tiffany. My memory of the night is a bit fuzzy as I was up for twenty-four hours and the lack of sleep killed me, but I'll try to mention some important events. The people who went were Tiffany (naturally), Cassandra, Sammy, Gabby, Matt, Kyle, Darrin, Corey, Josh, and me. Craig was invited but he didn't go as he was invited in such a short notice. Well, Corey drove me there (he's a good driver -- very safe) and once we arrived, we just stood around waiting for Josh to come with the tent. Darrin must have come earlier to pitch up his tent as it was up already, but Corey, Josh, and me wanted to sleep in our own so that we had room. While waiting, there was this pretty loaded girl there who claimed to be our history teacher for next year. She was younger, maybe 23 or 24, and she was flirting a bit with Corey, asking him to show her his six-pack abs. He said, "If you give me a 105 on my report card for the first quarter I'll show you them," and she agreed. And then Corey did something else to earn himself a 105 on the midterm. Then this "teacher" got him by saying that she was still in college and that this was her last year, so Corey embarrassed himself for no reason. And now I am putting this on the internet to embarass him further. Anyway, Josh soon came with his very large tent and it took the three of us about a half hour just to put it up. It was supposed to rain that night, so we put a tarp under the tent and some waterproof covering on the top. However, a plot twist happens later on and the tent isn't so waterproof then. So we wait around and after ten thirty Kyle, Darrin, and Matt come. And due to my foggy memory, I don't remember much. I know Corey and Kyle fought a lot (Kyle fought physically while Corey fought verbally), we went swimming after midnight (only Matt, Tiff, and me), some wild events went on (Tiff and Sammy abducting Corey, the two tents pulling each others stakes out, some weird events in the trailer like prank phone calls, flying Lego blocks, etc. and well . . . the usual) and then the attempt to fall asleep. It was around five or six in the morning when it started to rain. I was mostly in the tent all night due to the heat lightning outside (I have a bad fear of being outside when it's lightning) and was finally getting tired enough to go to sleep when it struck. The rain came down hard, and at the time it was Matt, Josh, Corey, and me in our tent. We thought we were going to be fine due to the precautions we took about everything being waterproof, but we were wrong. The four of us huddled together under sleeping bags hoping that we wouldn't get struck by lightning (somehow Josh fell asleep during the peak of the storm) and laid there, waiting out the storm. Then I felt it. The ground underneath me felt wet. I thought this was odd as we had a tarp underneath us, but there it was, patches of water forming underneath the floor of the tent coming through. I thought at first that maybe it was water that was leaking from the roof of the tent in this corner where the waterproof covering wasn't covering, but it wasn't. My sleeping bag, pillow, and other items were starting to get wet, and then I really started to worry. We pitched the tent next to a freaking creek. What would happen if it was one of those storms where a large amount of rain falls in a little amount of time. We would have a flash flood on our hands with a creek right outside one of the four doors of the tent, and who was sleeping next to that door? Me. Thankfully the storm stopped five to ten minutes later, and after the damage was done, we flocked up to the trailer where we hung out until we went home around eight in the morning. Stupid me, I left Josh sleeping in the tent probably in a puddle of water, and he came up to the trailer a while afterwards wondering where everybody was and why we ditched him. I just hate to wake people up when their sleeping. We then gathered our stuff together and went home. My stuff was soaked with water, but at least we survived the storm. Honestly, the storm was so intense I thought a tornado was going to form, but thankfully, nobody was injured and it was just an everyday thunderstorm. My father told me later that day that the water came into the tent because we had the tarp outside the tent. What I mean is that besides just the tarp covering the bottom of the tent, parts of the tarp were visible on the outside, thus the rain was able to fall onto it, run down to where the floor of the tent is, and collect under it. In shorter words, we created a rain gutter. So next time we'll play it smart and just lay the tarp so that it's not visible at all. Or play it smarter and not camp-out when it's supposed to rain.

Too much is happening way too soon it seems. Wednesday I was supposed to go to Camel Beach but now my father and I canceled it and we're going fishing instead, I'll have to clean all week while having to do community service and try to level to forty on World of Warcraft (I'm 32 now), my grandmother's party is Saturday, I'm going to Hersey Park on Sunday with Craig and his family, Matt wants to hang out sometime next week, I still have two books to read for school, and before I know it, I'll have to get into my school shopping mood. Why is everything put off to the end of the summer? My goal of getting player moderator status on Runescape never happened (I still log on regularly to chat and report -- mostly to communicate with Botanreaper2). Oh, and my father still wants to get up to the hunting cabin before the summer ends, and I want to see if I can bring three friends and have another camp-out up there (I'm looking to bring Craig, Corey, and Josh). So yes, too much too soon. Oh, and another thing, Caitlin's party is in August before school. Wow, they keep on stacking up, eh? Don't worry, I have time on my hands for everything. It's not like I have a job like Mr. I-stand-at-a-cash-register-all-day man (you may know who I'm referring to but I won't state it).

Just to say what I'm doing in WoW lately: I'm currently level 32 and I think halfway to 33. I'm trying to make money for my mount at the moment, picking herbs in the Wetlands and other areas, like Duskwood. I also like to kill beasts from time to time for skinning (which is a decent money maker) but I mostly only gather leather when I have to kill beasts for a quest. I was last questing in Southshore and once I do all the quests there, I'll be out of questing locations. I may try and do some instance runs, but the only instance I ever did was the Deadmines (also known as VanCleef or VC). I just can't wait until I'm level 39 so that Craig and I can do battlegrounds together. I think Craig is level 33 at the moment. Craig is always traveling and winds up in Horde territory quite a bit. I could've been an ass the last time I played and killed a level 24-27 blood elf paladin and a level 21 (?) orc hunter, but I thought I would be nice and spare them. Maybe karma will be kind to me then and some random level 70 won't kill me, but that won't happen.

Here's a few WoW images that I randomly took since I started playing:

And here's two images of an interesting glitch that happened to Craig in which he was stuck on a griffin. The interesting part is that I was the only one to see this event, as Craig was fine on his own screen.

Well, I'm off to play some WoW or eat or do something. I'm starving. Maybe I'll hang on Runescape, you just never know. It turns out that Chase's two Runescape accounts were hacked. We suspect these hackers from school, so I'll target them first. And I plan on making those '' shirts soon, so if you see a tall blonde kid with glasses wearing one, it's me. Don't hurt me . . .

Have a good one.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Warped Tour 2007 - Family Force 5

-flips out- Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

In all seriousness, I am getting to the point where I don't know how much longer I will be able to have enough humanly energy to flip out as much as I have in the past few days!! It has taken me all this time to compose myself and calm myself down enough to write a legible blog entry. If I was to have even attempted to write one Friday morning let's say, all you'd read would be:

&that's just the beginning! :D As some of you may be aware [those more than others, esp. if I spoke with you after Thursday, you'd be telling me to shut it by now haha], Warped Tour was Thursday [July 26th] and it was a day to NEVER be forgotten. It was not only AMAZING, FANTASTIC, TERRIFIC, AWESOME, SUPER, AND OUTSTANDING, it was ALL those words and MORE!! I have thought and thought over and over again if there is even one possible word in the entire English language to sum up the extreme joy I have felt in the past few days! :D :D I have never been this happy, pumped, and excited in my entire life! :D I mean, my heart is throbbing just thinking of the events that happened on July 26th. I don't even know where to begin. I just need you all to know, that it was one of the greatest days of my life and I am never going to forget it!! :D It was definately something special, and I have had a hard time making myself STOP randomly smiling 24/7. :D :D Oh em geeeeee!!!!!

Now that I have somewhat tried to make you, the reader, see how exciting Warped Tour was for me, I will try to calm myself down and write all about it without skipping a single detail because I'd love to have this to look back on. :D :D :D :D

Let me start by saying Warped Tour was my first huge concert, ever. I had no idea what to expect except what my imagination led me to believe. I never thought I'd see such a mass of people there as I did either. xD For being my first concert, it sure was the best thing I have ever gone to. I still cannot believe it. :D I feel like pinching myself twenty times over to see if I had dreamt the entire day. xD

I woke up at 6am on Thursday morning. The earliest I have all summer. I got up as though it was a school morning in a way, which obviously felt weird. It reminded me of my vacation to the beach because typically that would've been my one summer day I wake up at 6 or earlier. :P Anyhow, it was planned that I would meet up with my two best friends Abby and Nicole, along with Abby's friend Erica, by 9am so we could head up to the Toyota Pavillion, where the concert was to be held. After trying to eat the largest breakfast I could, and again packing a small backpack with last minute neccessities I hoped would make it through security, I was on my way to Abby's house. We spent most of the car ride there speaking of the bands scheduled to be playing at Warped Tour that day that we were excited to see, and of course, most of the time was spent discussing the band we three share as our ultimate favorite, Family Force 5. :D I mentioned once before that I get more excited when I go someplace and it is packed with people, but I wasn't prepared to see the amount of people already lined up to go inside to Warped Tour! It blew my mind how long the line was. If I could describe it's length I would, but that'd be impossible. I later learned there were thousands of people there, the majority teenagers. I also saw a number of classmates and other school friends, not to mention my English teacher a few times, but that's for later. ;) The sun was beating heavy on top of the mountain as we joined the very very very far end of the line. I didn't mind though, we had a good hour& a half to wait though until 11 which is when they'd start letting people through the gate, Warped Tour itself not starting until noon. While standing in line my friends and I just chitchatted a lot and I tried not to breathe in all the cigarette smoke. [Seriously, that whole day I felt like I was choking, haha every other person smoked, aaccck.] Amid conversation I mentioned to my friends "Oh my gosh you guys, you know what I just realized, Family Force 5 is breathing the same air we are right now!! Like you guys they are so close to us can you believe it!!" That brought upon an exciting FF5 conversation when all of a sudden my friend Abby gets this look of ultimate shock on her face and she starts to point to the left of me and goes "OMG. Is that Nadaddy!!!!!!!?!?!?" We turn in that direction and before our eyes we notice that in fact it IS Nadaddy, the keytarist of Family Force 5 walking on the outside of the long line with Tubbo [their video producer] holding a huge Family Force 5 sign advertising the time and stage they were going to be playing that day and asking strangers who did not know who they were to buy their CD.

You can just imagine the pure excitement wiped over my friend's and my face when we realize that they are walking closer and closer down the line towards us! We didn't have a clue what we should do, so I'm like "you guys help me like wave them over or something!!" I start waving and Abby joins me and Nadaddy sees us and comes right over and next to him is this shirtless man with a hat and sunglasses on, with a huge video recording camera blocking his face and he is filming it right at us. It takes a minute for it to sink it but Abby realizes right away that the cute shirtless man is none other than the lead singer of Family Force 5, Soul Glow Activaturrrr!!!!! :D Apparently half the band was just walking around to get word out and being as unknown as they are, nobody else around us even cared who they were. [Note: This made it even better. My friends and I love unknown things and stuff that isnt popular. We love how nobody at our school even knows of this band, and we love how it's our special thing in a way and that makes us be able to enjoy it more!! :D]

Continuing! Soul Glow came over and just held the camera right in my face so I was just standing there smiling like a complete fool and waving sometimes because I couldn't believe it was him and we knew he was probably picking up footage for their Really Real Show youtube series. :D Tubbo, the guy trying to sell their CD, begged us to buy like four of them and we already have the CD [obviously!!] so we just wanted to talk to the band members there. Abby and Nicole could barely speak, and all Abby kept saying to Soul Glow was "can you sign my shirt???" I wanted Soul Glow and Nadaddy's signatures too because they are awesome members of the band and I could hardly contain my excitement!! I had brought a sharpie marker and gave it to Soul Glow [oh my gosh he touched my hand and I thought I was going to meltttttt...for goodness sake he didn't have a shirt on!! :P] So he proceeded to sign Abby and Nicole's shirt, it read "SGA". In the meantime Nadaddy signed this piece of paper I had. Then I asked for Soul Glow's and as I tried to hold the paper steady in the air my hands were shaking so bad he had a hard time keeping the marker steady! Haha woah. But he got it down and I was thrilled. Then Abby was a step ahead of me and already had her camera out, mine was still in the box, lolz. So she started taking pictures and asked if Soul Glow would get in one with us and he did! I am flipping out just writing all this down! It is unbelievable. :D :D :D :D [Note: Abby got her pictures developed yesterday, so I have some to share in this very blog entry!!]

This is the first picture when we first saw them! As you can see Soul Gow has the camera [and no shirt. hehe] and Nadaddy is the cutie in the green pants and Tubbo is the guy holding the sign to the left!

This second picture is hands down one of my absolute favorites! This is the one Soul Glow posed for with us!

If those pictures are not amazing, I don't know what is! Hahaha now look. If you can't relate to my obsessive joy and excitement at that very moment, just picture this right now: Think of your all-time favorite band/musician. The one that you have heard every single one of their songs, followed their progress, catch them on TV, maybe even tape it, you have pictures on your bedroom walls, you have even written "I heart -band name-" on your school notebooks. The one that you are obsessed withh! Now, imagine meeting them and getting to talk to them and take pictures with them!!!! :D :D It is NOT everyday you get to meet your favorite band. I feel EXTREMELY lucky! I mean, Warped Tour didn't even begin and here we have met half the flipping band!?!!?! :D :D :D :D It was an extreme moment of joy! After they left we just drooled, practically, and all we kept saying was "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what if i sweat the signature off? oh my gosh, did we just meet who i thought we met? oh my gosh!!" It gets better!

A few minutes later on the opposite side of us Chapstique, the guitar player in the band was walking on the other side trying to catch up with the rest of his guys! I turn around and there he is! That cute blonde wearing his chipper shades and flashing that gorgeous smile exactly the same way I see it every day on my bedroom wall picture. Now my friends and I were already shaky from just meeting the other two, now Chapstique!!!! Oh my gosh!! :D He was super friendly! He came over, gave us high fives, I almost missed I was shaking so bad, and then he started to ask our names and he goes "what's your name" to Abby and she just kept saying "whaaat? whaat?" like we were in such a daze. I even said my name twice by accident because I was so out of it. :P He must think we are such dorks, oh well. :P We seriously couldn't control ourselves. None of us had ever met a band we loved like this before, everrrrrr! Chapstique was real sweet though! We asked for a picture and he said "Sure! As long as we can make it awesome! :D" I have that picture to share as well! You can decide whether it came out awesome or not. ;)

Here you go:

Awwwww isn't that just the best!! :D :D It turned out that a few lesser known bands were freely walking around the lines getting word out. We did meet a few other band members of people we never heard of, but hey, they were cool and let us listen to their iPod so that was all good and it passed time while waiting in line! :D

The rest of the time waiting in line I barely remember. My friends and I could not stop talking about Family Force 5 and how we just met half of them and that this day is already off to the best start EVER!! :D

Around noon we finally got in through the gates because the line started to move quickly. I had my bag searched but thankfully passed! I was happy I didn't open my drink because then you had to throw it out. xP Which would have made me mad because I wasn't about to spend 5 bucks on a drink inside smaller than the one I bought for a dollar fifty. Anyway! :P

Earlier when we had met half of Family Force 5 we made the best mental note ever that they were going to play at 1:00 at the stage. :D Oh boy, I couldn't wait to get to see them play live!!!! A band called Bless the Fall was playing before them, and since we got there early we had to wait until they were done which seem to take forever and they were just a big screamo band and yeah, it was loud. xD Abby, Nicole, and I got extremely lucky AGAIN. We were able to get up right in front of the Hurley stage as close as you could possibly get! You couldn't get any closer than we did! Right up to the gate in front of the security guard. I could almost lean over and touch the stage! Hahah. :D So this made us really happy! We waited paitently and just got really excited and enjoyed watching Family Force 5 preparing their instruments to play next!! Some pictures were taken during that time. Check them out below! :D

Hearing Family Force 5 play live was UNBELIEVABLE. I mean, it was the most exciting thing to have happen right in front of me! :P I am even surprised over my own obsessions with this band now that I think about it! Haha, like my whole life I have loved listening to music and I'd like songs here and there, but never have I liked a band as much as them. You may think I am only saying this because I saw them, but that's not true. Ask any of my friends, I liked them the whole past school year. This has only made me like them even more! I haven't been this obsessed over an artist since Britney Spears in SECOND GRADE. I loved her then. I still find pictures and posters and CDs and I had of hers back then. I would've cried if I met her, haha. Not so much anymore, but you get the point. It takes A LOT for me to fall into a major obsession over music. I mean I love plenty of bands, they sound good, are cute, whatever. Family Force 5 has the whole package and them not being real popular and taken over by those follower kids who would just like them to be "cool" makes it all the better! :D

Okay, back to their live show! As soon as the music started pounding through the speakers you couldn't hear the person next to you, all you could hear was Family Force 5 and you felt the waves of music dance throughout your body and you wouldn't even realize it but you'd see yourself just dancing like you never thought you could and loving every moment of it! Being right up front with my best friends who love this band as much as I do was pricelesss! Just seeing Soul Glow Activatur right in front of my face rolling around screaming "HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE PUT A LITTLE LUV IN IT" is amazing! Period. My friends and I were just screaming and singing along to every lyric we knew and dancing and just flipping out. It's something incredible, I can't even describe it! I remember singing along to "Replace Me" and Soul Glow had his mask on and it looked like he was looking right at me and I just kept singing the lyrics right on with him trying to hit every word and my friends were doing the same thing. It was AWESOME. They sang the following songs: Kountry Gentleman, Drama Queen, Love Addict, Numb, Replace Me, and the last was Earthquake, one of my favorites, and def. one of Abby's! Before they started to sing their last one Soul Glow was like "Everybody now jump up and down for this last song or you have an ugly personality!" Haha I remember him saying that or something. xD Whether he said that or not the loud beat of that song was enough to make the stiffest person ever flip out. My friends and I [along with the large crowd standing behind us] started to jump up and down throughout the whole song as we sang along. Oh my gosh, it was incredible! :D When it was all over, my ears were ringing and my legs felt like jell-o, I thought I might fall over, but all I could do was smile and say "wow."

What a moment to remember in my life eh? :D I have more pictures to share now from when they played on stage! :D Lookie below:

You can tell from these that there is nobody in front of us besides the security guards! That's how close we were able to shimmy up. :D Plenty of other fans lined up behind us, so we were lucky. [and I am 99% sure we were FF5's biggest fans there that day, ahaha.]

My favorite live show picture- :)

The rest of Warped Tour was still really exciting. Hot? You betcha. Sweaty? Oh yeah. I saw Big D and the Kids Table, got the signatures of Hawthorne Heights, heard/saw Amber Pacific, Chiodos, All Time Low, and the others, witnessed some cool mosh pits, had someone spit on me, had full bottles thrown over our heads, but nothing else compares to seeing my favorite band. :D I mean, my friends and I couldn't talk or think of anything else but Family Force 5 the rest of the day!!!! :D

The thing that still amazes me, is that the day got better YET! :D Every band there had a merchandise tent set up. We were so dazed we walked right by FF5's tent the first time, but eventually we found it! At the merch. tent we met Intern [FF5's new well, intern, haha, he didn't get a cool nickname] and Tofu Pup [or Pop, I'm not sure]. It was also at the stand where the band members were taking turns hanging out at. After the show we saw them walk there like nobodys! Haha like, they are so cool. :D We went to the merch tent about five times. Haha. Each time someone new was there. Abby met her favorite band member, Crouton [the drummer].

Here's the picture of them both! Cute huh! He's got her arm around her! ;)

We also saw Phatty, who plays the guitar too, but we didn't get a picture with him, which I sorta regret now. :P Anyways, Soul Glow Activatur was there one time so I talked to him like a normal person my second chance I got to meet him. :D I told him how awesome he was up on stage, and that I really like him&the band, and you guys are my favorite band. He was sweet, gave me a playful punch, and I asked if he'd get in a picture with us again for my camera this time and he teasingly said no, but did. :D He put his arm around meeeee in it and I have yet to get my pictures done but when I do I promise more pictures [I hope!;)]

We spent a lot of time walking around and checking out some other bands, and the day was the best everrr! :D I had so much fun with my friends and meeting Family Force 5 is something I will not soon forget. :) Before we were about to go [had to leave a little early, but nobody complained because we were grateful anyhow] I was asked if I wanted to buy something from the FF5 merch tent. In the other four times we stopped there I never bought anything, despite Abby and Nicole buying everything they had. [The pins, poster, AND t-shirts. xD] I told them I think I definately will get something, I had to have an amazing souvenir. ;)

Going back to the FF5 merch tent one more time was MEANT TO BE. Family Force 5 has this really cool guy who goes by the name of Xanadu. He drives their bus and dances on stage during their shows. [You may catch him in the pics above. He has massive orange hair.] Well, my friends always teased me that he and I look sorta alike. I always thought it'd be cool to meet him, and we hadn't all day, but when we went to the tent that last time guess who walked over while I was paying for my awesome FF5 t-shirt!?!? Xanadu himself! With a cup of coffee like he just woke up, and his frizzy ol' hair! :D Abby started freaking out and kept saying "CAT! Get in a pic with him RIGHT NOW!" So we did, and got two sweet pictures with Xanadu!

Here's the one with me. Twins much? :P

After pictures Abby actually asked the poor guy if he thinks my hair looks like his! Hahaha! :P Xanadu was super sweet though. He actually took the time to have a whole conversation with me and my friends! He was telling us how he hasn't washed his hair in three days, and he is tired and hot from lugging the amps to the bus. We felt bad for him. He took time to talk to us though! It was so sweet of him. :D An actual conversation! With Xanadu!!!! :D

It was amazing. I was so happy we went to the tent for that last time and I bought the coolest t-shirt everrrr. I love it. I have hugged it many times already and looked at it fifty times at least, haha. :D

All this just about concludes my amazing day. :D I have some things to show for it too. Autographs, pictures [obviously], free CDs, and other cool merch. I also have two blisters that I adore, and I pulled a muscle in my right calf quite badly from jumping up and down during Earthquake. I love every second it hurts so bad. I love every time when I stand up I limp terribly because it hurts like never before. I love it all! Know why? It is a CONSTANT reminder of the best day I have had. :D :D -rubs leg- It is still very sore. It's a bad muscle pull. I love it though, so much, haha. :)

The ride home, that night, the following day, the day after that, and today has been the most obsessive days of my life, not to mention the happiest! :D All I have been talking about nonstop has been Family Force 5! I go around my house singing their songs, dancing to them with my iPod, and I even petted the poster on my wall. Almost kissed it, but figured it may be dusty or something, haha. I am sure I am driving my family nuts with this obsessions but I love this band dearly. I can't stop obsessing and saying to everyone I talk to "can you believe I met FF5!!!!!" The coolest thing is that my friends Abby and Nicole are totally just as obsessed over this. Especially Abby, she got her pictures developed literally the next day and when she saw how picture perfect they came out she nearly fainted in the store when the guy had to take them from her and ring them up. Seeing the pictures has made it all the more real for me! :D I was talking to Abby today and our whole conversation was like "!!!!!!!!!!! OMG CAT!! OMG BEE!!!!! WE MET THOSE!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D x3874676"

It's been incredible. I am growing redunant here, but I can't even get the words out! Haha it was amazing. I was thinking back earlier that I remember just this pastt school year in World Cultures my friends and I would play the Really Real Shows of FF5, laugh our butts off, blast their new song at the time, "Never Let Me Go", make their picture our desktop, and Abby would even draw Crouton, her favorite. :D Then in "Oh Con's Computer" class next period, we'd talk nonstop about FF5 some more. We had even made our own funky band nicknames up. Abby's was fouton, similiar to Crouton. haha. I forget mine because Nicole and I fought over Nadaddy. :P I remember we would always discuss how cool it'd be to meet Family Force 5 because knowing how they aren't super popular, they'd appreciate their fans and talk to us. We'd dream of what it'd be like. We loved them so much you guys! Now our dream not only came true, but became more than we ever hoped!! :D It's been wonderful sharing this all. =) My hands are very sore now. I want to hug my leg and kiss my poster now [haha jk]. I hope you get to meet somebody you really like just as much one day, dear reader. Thanks for reading my story. =)

Love, Cat.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The minute the screen loaded the phone rang, so I will call this post Phone.

Hi, I am back and I brought another thrilling post about my life. Wait, before I get into my stories, I want to say that Caitlin leads me at the polls, I accidentally voted for myself before I read not too, so she leads. Any who how is everyone doing. It is good to know everyone commented on my last post like I asked to, for my question about socks....well too late now. That makes me question if there really are readers at this blog, not just the writers. Well, I started golfing two days ago. Of course it was not real golf, virtual golf on the game Hot Shots Golf Fore. It is a real awesome game though and Buddy, I recomend you try it, it is a real good one. It is challenging but fun, and the mini golf is great as well. Also, about one week ago I finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird, so I started to read the narnia book about lions and witches. I really hate it and it bores me. I do not see why that book would be reccomended for freshman to read. Thank the foote that it is short with big letters and pictures. Yesterday was real weird. I have one dog named Cjoe (yes, Cjoe is not mispelled, it is pronounced Joe, it is like that so it can be a C name). She is 12 years old, and I had a weird dream about her. When I let her into the house, a twin of her followed. Now, my dream myself could not tell them apart, but it was like the real me was watching it and I could and was yelling "Hey, its the one on the left". The "twin" dog had these eeire pink lips and gums, cream yellow teeth, and had two hippo bottom jay teeth, two huge botton jaw canines, and a big snake tongue. Ironically I was waked by my dog's barking at 4 o' clock, so since I could not fall back to sleep, I spent the rest of the night watching some of that Japanese anime stuff. I find it real stupid, but it is funny to watch and think why to these people make this stuff.

The thought of the beggining of school has changed from a looming fear to something that is fast approaching,l Summer is just about over for me. I will be forced to go back to school, and act all nice and happy to everyone, and get all A's, and die a little more inside......That line turned out more creepy than I expected, awkward. Hmmm, what else have I been doing???? Well back to the world of video games I finally beat Sly 2. In this game you are thieves and an anti hero (which I guess means you do bad things to do heroic things, like steal). Great game, a must for anyone with a PS2. Also, I am becoming much closer to getting my Pokemon Crystal back. It was a great game and I just want it, but all in due time. It is 12:19 already, another day down the drain. Well I might as well try to get something out of it, also Caitlin, I expect some tent football today. Over and out....(HA, I know have my catchy ending line to posts too Buddy. I patent it and no one else can use it!!!!)

P.S. I want someone to teach me how to put videos and pictures in my posts, and I thought I might as well do a daily blog special although I have not in a while.

Daily Blog Special (Intresting Fact)- 1997 was 10 years ago. How is this an intresting fact. Most people in the writers peer group were much younger than, and the fact that it was 10 years ago seems surreal.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Concert's Soon

Warped!I seem to be unaware of how fast the days go by, and I am losing track of remembering what day of the week it is, it being summer and all. :P Anyhow, Thursday is fast approaching and I am barely ready! For those in the dark, I am going to Warped Tour on Thursday!! My first concert, if it can be called one. ;] I keep getting a bunch of different views of what it will be like. I do know that it will be amazing. There will be a large selection of bands there. I'd give a number, but I don't want to be mistaken. [I'll count later.] Currently, I picture a mob of screaming rebellious punk rock teenagers and twenty-something drinkers with spikey hair flipping out over their favorite hardcore music band. xD Naturally, this doesn't seem like my "scene" and it isn't, really, but I am a huge fan of the music and a fan of my friends and am very excited to go because I know we'll have so much fun!! :D Haha, in fact, I have the kind of music featured at Warped Tour blasting off my computer now. I just had to turn it down though because I can't think while typing a blog entry at the same time. :P

Hardcore?I know Warped Tour is going to be packed, probably more packed than anything else I ever went to before. That only makes me more excited though, because for some reason, when I go places and it is filled with other people, I grow more excited by the sight of them all! x) It's an all day ordeal too. I have to wake up and be at my friend's house before 9am. There are all these rules of what I can and cannot take in with me to the pavillion, which worries me because we are still unsure and it would ruin my day to be in trouble. -_- Thursday is going to be warm and when your shoulder to shoulder with other sweaty people in some pit in front of a stage, well, I am expecting it to be many degrees warmer. ;P I decided on wearing this new black and white striped tank top and jean shorts, so I hope that works. =) Oh my gosh I am so excited, hehehe. :) It will definately be something to remember, and I will write a whole blog on it this upcoming weekend! =)

&this is how we put up a tent, son!Okay! On to another topic now. ^_~ I had a good weekend. The weather was comfortable, and perfectly breezy so I got to finally set up our camping tent in the yard. I want to have a few camp sleepovers with friends (and brotha!) before the summer's end. Since we haven't used the tent in a few years, I was hoping it would still be in good shape. Luckily, it was better than good, it was great! I washed it down too, and opened the windows so it's still up and airing out today.
Actually, all day yesterday it poured and the tent got rained on. It has a rain roof though, and I was pleased with there being only a few puddles inside which should easily dry. Tents are really fun to hang out in. I like to pretend it's my own little hut or something, haha.

HSM!Sunday night I made specific plans to catch a TV movie I always wanted to see, but kept missing it or didn't try hard enough, or I was simply busy elsewhere! o.o The Disney Channel hit-movie "High School Musical" is my hands down new favorite movie! It originally came out last year, and I'd hear people ranting and raving over it, but I never got to see it myself, and I always hoped I could soon. Well, I finally did see it and am absolutly in love with every part of it! Haha, it's really cute. =) I'm sure everyone else has already seen it, so I won't bother writing what it is about, but now Caitlin has seen it too! 8) I've been singing the songs from the movie all day yesterday and today as well because they are so catchy in everyway.

Cutest couple!;)It also took the two hours of that movie to make me realize how huge of a crush I have on the main actor, Zac Efron [who plays Troy]! xD What a CUTiE. ;) I also really like Vanessa Anne Hudgens, who played Gabriella in the movie. ^^ The sequel, "High School Musical 2" is coming out on August 17th, and I plan on watching it that very first night! I can't wait haha, I am a huge fan now. xD Shame I missed it so much the past year and never saw it earlier!

For my "Radically Random" I have gotten the names of all 57 bands posted to play at the Warped Tour I am going to!=) I will bold the names of the bands that I like and/or really want to see most. ;]

Radically Random...

A Static Lullaby, Alesana, All Time Low, Amber Pacific, Anberlin, Bad Religion,
Bayside, Big D and the Kids Table, Bleed The Dream, Bless The Fall, Boys Like
, Chiodos, Cinematic Sunrise, Circa Survive, Coheed and Cambria, Cute Is
What We Aim For, Escape The Fate
, Evaline, Family Force Five, Funeral for a
friend, Gallows, Haste The Day, Hawthorne Heights, IainTerry band, It Dies
Today, K-OS, Killswitch Engage, mayday parade, Meg and Dia, mustard plug,
My American Heart CA, New Found Glory, Paramore, Parkway Drive, Pepper,
POS, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Revolution Mother, scary kids scaring kids,
Straylight Run, Street Drum Corps, The Almost, The Dear And Departed, The
Fabulous Rudies, The Graduate, The Human Abstract, The Matches, The
Rocket Summer, the spill canvas, The Starting Line, The Toasters, The Unseen,
The Vincent Black Shadow, Throwdown, Tiger Army, Underoath, Valencia

Wish me luck guys, [hehe hope I don't get trampled!]

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Blimey Mate

I hate to announce this, but I am debating with myself upon the virtual fate of one of the five blog authors that make up our family here at Buddy Foote's Blog v.2. The blog author is Jenifer. As you may or may not know, Jenifer lost her internet around last October/November around the time she joined the blog, and was only able to publish a few entries since she arrived. Being in finical situations over getting laid off regularly, car payments/insurance, rent, and even simple factors that we may take advantage of such as food and gas money, it didn't look like they were going to obtain the internet again for a few more years. And recently their car, after finally paying off all the payments, broke down and they didn't have the money to replace the engine in it (thankfully my father was very nice enough to "give" his old car to them). I always had this hope that Jenifer or her husband or even both would obtain this good-paying occupation and be able to finally start off on a better note before they turned thirty. However, a bit of a plot twist occurred recently. Around last Friday, I guess that Jenifer and her husband had an uneasy argument or whatnot and Jen left the house and went somewhere. As you can tell, I know little details and even if I knew details, I wouldn't be willing to spill them out to the accessibility of millions of people. Anyway, I sort of ignored such conflicts as I stay up in my room for a majority of the day and family issues are mostly the last thing I hear about. So upon going downstairs to brush my teeth after three in the morning on Saturday after getting level thirty on World of Warcraft, I was surprised to hear the phone ring at such an early time. I was expecting it to be some telemarketer or some anonymous caller, however it was my brother on the other line. He had to speak to my mother, who was upstairs sleeping, but I didn't hesitate and I woke her up. As I waited at the top of the steps waiting for the used phone so I can put back on the base, petting my one cat Gizmo, I overheard my mother speaking to my brother. After the phone conversation ended, my mother told my father that Jenifer got a DUI. Jen went out to a bar hours after leaving her apartment, must've got quite loaded, then went driving however somewhere in there her husband somehow got into the car (yet again, nobody tells me anything), they were fighting as her husband probably didn't want her to drive drunk and made her pull over, they were making enough noise to cause a local resident to call the cops, and then the cops came and arrested Jenifer whose blood alcohol level was three times over the legal limit. She will get her license taken off her soon for a pretty long time. Just think, my brother had his taken off him for thirty days when caught just over the limit, and Jen was three times over so it could possibly be ninety days or more. I think they have to attend a court hearing to find out the amount of days.

So yes, you may now see the conflict that I'm debating with myself. Jenifer is going through a rough time in her life, and I doubt she would be willing to stab a few blog entries at us for who-knows-how-long. I think we should wait it out for a few months and see how things are going then before deciding, but should Jenifer still be a blog author at this site? I want to say yes, and add a little tag by her profile indicating that she is currently inactive or suspended. However, the other blog authors or even readers may feel differently. I wouldn't want to totally give her the boot though -- why add another conflict to her life? Sure, she may have a little criminal record now but you can't let such a thing break up a family and she's a proper member of the BFBv.2 family. And I reassure you that if she wasn't in sticky finical situations a lot and had the internet that she would be blasting about one or two entries at us a week, but it'll soon be about a year since she had internet, and well, talk about sticky situations, eh? And without a doubt you may find a new blog author here within the next month to make up for the loss (however I'm running out of friends who are computer literate and enjoy to write). I really didn't want to exceed a limit of five authors, but when only a few are active and you don't want to retire any, the family begins to build up after awhile.

I can think of this situation in a brighter way, however: Jenifer may be doing community service with me.

Now to insert a section about the new Harry Potter book, eh? I'm not the kind of guy to spoil any of the plot in a book or movie, so you may read this upcoming paragraph without looking away in fear. No spoilers are present here.

On Saturday, after going to bed so late in the morning, my mother woke me up a bit after twelve giving me some sort of orange item. My eyesight was a bit blurry as it normally is after being woken up suddenly, but through the blur I could make out a hardcover novel with the jacket art portraying one of the best known literature characters since the classic children books came out. Yes, the fancy crimson red writing at the top of the book said "Harry Potter" to confirm that it was him, looking with my bad early morning eyesight. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the last installment in the Harry Potter series, was mine. I honestly spent a majority of the day yesterday reading it. And really, I do have to read it before going back to my normal routines. I can't go on any online communities that are live (WoW, Runescape, chat rooms, AIM, etc.), speak to anybody who is a Harry Potter fan, and cannot go around any public area with a large amount of people until I finish reading the large novel. Why? I don't want anybody to ruin the freaking ending on me. I mean, I read the sixth Harry Potter book a pretty long time after it came out. Upon announcing to my friend that I got it, he came out right away and said, "By the way, -insert person here- died at the end of the book." I honestly wanted to run to his house with a baseball bat and beat him a few times to teach him a lesson, but instead I cursed at him violently. And yes, it was the real Foote too who did it. Anyway, I read about two-hundred pages yesterday and I plan to read the same amount today, however I'm only functioning on five hours of sleep because I woke up around seven and couldn't fall back asleep so this will be death to my eyeballs. But I must have the full story in my head before somebody ruins it on me. And even here, I'm not reading any comments until I'm done with the book. Chase or Caitlin, if you post a comment, please Google Talk it to me, thank you. Otherwise I must be cut off from the outside world. Oh, and the book is excellent so far.

Well, I'm off to read Harry Potter at eight in the morning. Have a good one.

~EDIT~ -- Author of the Month poll will be up today. Don't forget to vote! The authors for this month include Buddy Foote, Chase, and Caitlin. Remember, vote only depending on the blog entries in July 2007 and no other entries. Do not vote due to preferences either. Do not vote for yourself. Do not be biased at all in your decision, please. Let the next AotM be chosen fairly, may the best win, and have a good day.

~Another EDIT~ -- There will will be a new change to the voting process. You can now choose more than one author to vote for, in case you have more than one favorite author and wish for them to win or you just can't decide. If a tie occurs, a new five-day poll will be put up where only the tied persons are selected and voters can only pick one. I hope this system is better than the other one. Have a good one.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Title Shmitle

About three different topics to talk about in this blog have been floating around in my mind the past few days, and of course, me having the hardest time making decisions ever, cannot choose which to stick with for this particular entry. Therefore I will probably jump all over the place to talk about each and every one. :P

For some reason I feel cranky right now, most likely due to my increasing hunger as I wait patiently for dinner. I have no other reason to be, but it seems every so often I have these days. :P Anyways, that isn't even important, haha, but it isn't helping that I have the largest pimple I have ever had smack on my forehead! xD

KittensYesterday I went over to my darling friend Heather's! We had a "grand ole time." :P Luckily, the rain held off the entire time I was there, so we were able to play around outside a good bit. We headed up to the barn where I was overly anxious to see these two new baby kittens! And boy were they not the cutest things ever!? Ah I couldn't stop exclaiming "they are soooooo cute!!" over and over again, haha. :D One was a little smaller than the other, named Tiger, and the other was given the name Smokey. I'm sure just by their names you can somewhat picture what they must have looked like. :P I had a blast playing with them, holding them, and tickling them! :) They followed Heather and I all over, and Tiger really liked to play. We'd swing some rope in front of her face and she'd claw and bite at it. It was so adorable. :]

...and the chicken crossed the road. -bawk-While we were up there, the chickens needed some water, as always, so Heather went in and gave them some as I threw some food to distract them. It was then Heather noticed what appeared to be a dead chicken laying on the opposite side up against the fence, covered with lively chickens pecking at it. She groaned because apparently a few chickens have been dying recently ever since her uncle cooped them all up as opposed to when they used to just roam all over the place. Heather told me they fight and sort of kill each other, which is a nice thought dont'cha think? :P Anyhow, we went to look at this "dead" chicken but we noticed it's head was moving, it was breathing, and it's eyes still moved so we concluded that it was still alive just paralyzed from the neck down because it was just laying there with it's feet twisted underneath it. Heather and I felt really bad for it, and if it was still alive we wanted there to be hope for it's survival because it was pretty sad. She immediatley moved it out of the other chicken's pecking grasp, and put it into some shade. She tried giving it water and some feed, but it only drank a few sips of water, poor thing. It looked as though it was dying this slow, suffering death right before our eyes and we couldn't do anything about it, which made the situation more upsetting because we both love animals dearly.

Mama Chicken!?!Later on after dinner we came back up to play with the kittens and check on the chicken. I got there first and was shocked to find the spot we last saw the chicken at was empty. No sign of a chicken anywhere. It was really strange and multiple possibilities came to mind such as maybe her uncle came home and killed it, some animal like a fox grabbed it, or I even thought maybe the two little kittens did something, although that all seemed very unlikely. It was on our way walking in the opposite direction of the coop did we find the chicken laying in the grass still in that same helpless position, barely being able to hold it's own head up. I have to admit I was really interested in how in the world that chicken moved so many feet away from it's original resting spot!?? It couldn't stand up, it's backside was completely malled and open-wounded thanks to its pecking relatives, and it was bound to enter death any moment. Therefore how did it get there!? :P Well, we know for a fact nobody was up there after us/before us, so unless an animal picked it up and placed it there gently, the chicken must have rolled itself there! Quite unbelievable I must say. This gave us some hope yet again for it to recover, so we tried to have it drink more, but it only took one tiny sip before it's breathing grew increasingly slower. By that time we went off to play with the kittens and then her uncle and his family came up and Heather explained it to him a little as her cousin Colby showed me the kittens I was already well acquainted with, haha. =)

I've yet to hear what ended up happening with that poor chicken. It's probably dead now, but it was interesting to keep an eye on and such. I always find it exciting to go up to the barn and see all the animals with Heather. :) Afterwards we did some more things outside, like play catch next door in the church parking lot where a dog came after us and people waved like maniacs as though they knew us...but I didn't recognize them, haha. x)

Big BrotherI missed watching my favorite show, Big Brother, because I was so occupied outside and stayed over late. Thankfully, shows full episodes of it and I was able to see most of the show this morning. The only downside is that they cut out the commentary, which can be the best part [like the diary room comments and any social interactions like I missed two fights, for example]. That was okay though. I did wish for Daniele to win HOH since she came so close, but I am sure Chase is happy with who did win though. ;P That's Nick over there, haha I only posted him in a humorous notion because he is the cutest guy on the show and his face is pretty to look at it. =) I've been watching Big Brother the past eight seasons, and have this strange obsession with it. It's a fun summer reality show that I really enjoy. I've yet to hear of anyone else that is as into it as I am, except my one friend but she is too busy being online now, so... xD I know it is a popular show though and many people watch it.

The other day I was searching online for friends/people I knew from my past. In my kindergarten and first grade years I went to a completely different school then I do now, and had made a few friends and when I came across an old book with all of my classmates names in it, it brought back a few memories. With their full name I figured I'd search the number one online teenage addiction, myspace. :P It's harder to find a teenager without a myspace then one with one, so I knew I'd come across a lot of old classmates now sixteen years old and engulfed in the online myspace/aim craze. xD The interesting part is that I actually did find a handful of people that I started school with all those years ago. Some pictures showed resemblences, while others I had to assume it was them by matching their location with what would have been my high school's name if I had gone there still today. It was really cool. I kept debating whether I should bother to possibly private message them and say something, but I can guarantee that would creep them out and it's doubtful they remember me as I always tend to remember others.

Old Times, Old Friends, Old Memories...After my searching and seeing new faces on old friends, I couldn't help but ponder later that night what my life would have been like if I had stayed at that school and later went on to the large combined high school with them. I wondered who I'd be calling my "best friend" today, and if it would have still been that girl Kaitlyn who was my first best friend, whom I yes, found the myspace page of. I wondered who my close knit group would have consisted of, and if thir influence would have made me grow up with a different style. The high school football games I'd go to would consist of cheering for the "Hawks" rather than the "Chiefs." It's this little stuff that sort of fascinates me. I also wondered who the "boy" I liked would have been. Back in first grade Kaitlyn and I both liked the same boy a whole lot, and it's cute to think what could have came of that. I had two amazing teachers back then, and I am sure later on I would have had more great ones too. It's weird though, really weird to think huh? Then again, I thought of how even more strange it is for me to picture myself never meeting the close friends I have today, so it's a very "weird" image overall. xD The point of saying this I guess was just that it was nice to see an updated photo of these people my age I last saw when I was six years old. To me for some strange reason, I find it like a piece of my history, a face in my mind that is there and never will be forgotten, whether anybody else ever thinks of it or not. It is neat to me! :)

I suppose I won't write much more, because I'm learning that some new blog visitors don't neccessarily find large entries "fun" to read unless they contain much excitement to hold their attention. Not that this matters much to me because I just like writing it and it's not so much as who reads it anyway, but eh, maybe you know what I mean. :P

Radically Random...
Very cool picture of a plaid yellow lab! I love this for two reasons:
1.) I am obsessed with plaid. =)
2.) I adore yellow labs!! =)
Oh and I just had to add a Coulton lyric to a song I was listening toooo. :)
"Re: Your Brains"
All we want to do is eat your brains
We're not unreasonable,
I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Conflicts, Conflicts, Conflicts

You may know that when a multitude of conflicts is present in a story that it makes the story interesting, dramatic, and controversial, thus making the story enjoying to read. However when applied to the real world, a lot of conflicts present in one's life does not make the life too enjoying but rather makes living that life troublesome. Everyday, however, new conflicts are introduced. A new block is added to the 'conflict tower' multiple times throughout the day. They may range from your best friend's dog getting ran over by a SUV to several US troops getting shot down in the Iraqi war. They may not directly apply to you, but will affect you sooner or later down the road. And the worst thing to do is to cause conflicts yourself, but it is almost inevitable to do so. Accidentally spilling the milk while pouring it over your breakfast cereal is just a minor conflict you may think, until your mother finds a little spot you forgot to wipe up and flips out at you, thus making you feel bad in the end or causing a fight to break out -- thus making more conflicts. It's all based on the simple equation of 'cause and effect'.

I really don't know if the above made any sense or not or even where it came from, but it all spawned from some conflicts that I'm facing right now. They're not major conflicts, but choosing a side will indeed cause more conflicts to arise.

The fight is between Runescape and World of Warcraft. I cannot decide which one I should play. For a little bit of background information if you're not aware of my current position: I played Runescape for over two years when I quit June 2007 and started to play WoW. On Runescape, I am combat level 100, have 99 woodcutting, 1610 total level, and a decent bank, while on World of Warcraft I'm level 29, probably rested enough to get to level 30, but otherwise I'm poor having only around fourteen gold. On Runescape, I can simply pick a goal and stick with it, however most of the community is immature and do not care about your wellbeing; while on WoW, it's a bit overwhelming as to decide what to do, which zone to train in, and especially on trying to avoid the Horde as I'm on a PvP server, and the community contains immature people, pure jackasses, and then the most mature and friendly people you'll ever know. On Runescape I actually know what I'm doing while on WoW I'm normally just going with the flow and taking guesses -- I waste half of my time locating enemies, interactive environmental objects, NPCs, etc. and even with the MobMap addon that I installed. Runescape is filled with a diverse selection of skills while World of Warcraft forces you to do two main skills while the rest of the game is fighting. I also like to look at it from this standpoint: I'm eligible to obtain the position of player moderator on Runescape while on WoW you get no special position, but also with some of the updates that Jagex are coming out with recently, they're making the game a bit too easy. Honestly, we have a make-x for potions and arrows now (how would you even activate the make-x function for them though?).

Here's another problem. Who are my friends on each of the games? On World of Warcraft I have Carol, Kyle (who is currently inactive as a crash that WoW caused broke his laptop), and Craig, who just got the game on Monday. While on Runescape I have a multitude of friends, including Botanreaper2, Caitlin, Chase (who is currently inactive), and many, many friends from elsewhere on f2p. Craig is also included as a Runescape friend too as he still has members however it is unknown to me at this time which game he'll stick to. At my current position, I can play both World of Warcraft and Runescape, as Runescape is free. However I am bored of reporting constantly especially since Jagex doesn't seem to acknowledge me, and I have these hidden desires to do fletching, woodcutting magics, get all skills 60+, 100 million total exp, slayer, etc. Thus I would have to get members. Now, $20 a month is a lot of money. Yet again, at my current position, I can interact with both my RS and WoW friends, but if I wanted to get members, then WoW would probably have to get the boot. That means my WoW friends will get ticked off at me, even though 98% of them I know in real life and I could easily walk to any of their houses as they all live in my hometown. But here's another conflict: Craig just got WoW on Monday after I persuaded him to get it. I would hate to leave him on WoW after he forked out around $50, but while I was more into WoW he wanted me to come back to Runescape -- so we sort of switched places in our gaming interests I guess. But maybe I would be able to get both members and still have the accessibility to WoW as members was my birthday present back in 2005 and WoW was a present for my good grades in school, but I probably wouldn't have much of a outdoor social life then, would I?

World of Warcraft is a great game though. The graphics are sweet eye candy, the environments are large and stunning, and the whole fear factor while wondering around contested territory wondering if a random monster or the Horde will attack you makes your heart pump at a faster pace constantly. Also, the thing I love about WoW is that it rarely gets boring as there's so much to do. Don't feel like getting exp? Then go train a skill or do a battleground for honor points. I have this dream to get level 70 and just go kick some Horde butt in revenge for the level 70s constantly killing me in contested territory, but I fear that such a day will never occur. And back to the 'never get bored' factor, you really can't get bored unless you tried every race/class combination and played each to levels 40-70. Honestly, on Runescape, it gets boring. The skills are redundant, we're all humans who, upon leveling and getting money, have the option to do all skills and get whatever item they want, and it's mostly heated competition over everything. If you have the task to kill 12 worgens on WoW, then there's not going to be only five worgens in the game and there will be six people fighting over them, there's maybe 50+ worgens. But if you get the task to kill 117 fire giants on Runescape from a slayer master and you wish to range them from underneath the waterfall, then you'll have lots of competition -- especially possible arrow stealers.

Another factor is that WoW has such a massive history and great articles of lore that I would rather sit down and read about it on WoWWiki for hours than play the actual game. And with the many skills that you can pay half-attention to on Runescape, I would be able to fish, woodcut, cook, fletch, etc. while reading about WoW. I used to hate going on Runescape forums and reading, as many of the posts made you think differently about something or it was filled with immature and illogical ramblings about a new update or a discussion. I think forums bring out the best and the worst of a community, and many Runescape forums did just that. Don't get me started about the official WoW forum though -- it's mostly composed of bragging, immature jackasses.

You may tell me, "Just don't play any MMORPG if you have such feelings," but I can't just shrug them off. They're a part of my life and they develop my creativity. You may offer me suggestions to try other MMORPGs, but adding more to my list would only add more conflicts. Feel free though to comment and help me out here, but I think that in the end, I'll be making the ultimate decision solo. There is one major factor that would cause the final decision to be made: if I became a player moderator on Runescape, I would quit World of Warcraft, get members on Runescape, and love Jagex and others on Runescape like my own family. Actually, upon the release of that new Town Crier, I traveled and spoke to the one in Varrock and he told me the qualifications that I would need to become a mod. Well, I believe my standards fit them all, but the whole 'your account must be secure' topic threw me off. How does Jagex know if our account is secure or not? Well, I sent in a query about it yesterday so hopefully I won't get an automated message and I'll know the definite answer, if it's able to be told that is. I know that I was hacked last year, but since then I created a challenging password, installed many virus and spyware softwares running regular scans, and I have created bank PINs, password security questions, etc. that are hard. So I hope Jagex doesn't find my account to not be secure, as it is.

I'm done here. I have to eat, read, clean the litter boxes, etc. so I shall be off. I will have to duel myself over these conflicts.

Have a good one.

Can I please kill the Mockingbird?

Yesterday I finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". I do not get what makes it such a famous book. To me it is just a story about some kids lives and a hermit. Can someone please tell me what the hype about that book is all about. In other news I have recently developed a hate for South Korean merchandise. I wanted to buy something on ebay from there, but when i calculated shipping it came out to $19. The item was like $18.50. School has been lurking at me from a dark closet this past week. I signed up for metal shop, eventhough my friend Corey said it could lower my gpa. I told myself last night that I would just have to work extra, extra hard, but I still feel weird about it. I guesss I should start getting ready for school as well. I made of list of things I will need. A nice zipper binder, two clickster 5 lead pencils, and 4 packs of 5 lead. That is all I shall need. I really do not care much for my freshman year approaching. Last year I had 11 study halls every 6 days. Now I have one every 6. I may even need to bring some books home. Also there is a dance thing and I do not want people to ask me because I will be forced to say no, then they will tell other people that I am like stuckup or something, you know what I mean. I do not want to go with anyone.

I just noticed that it is raining, so that seems to end me having any chance to go outside today. Guess I will just hang inside with all my buddies lol. Again, I saw Family Guy last night. The episode was hilarious. Peter is fishing on a boat when he rescues a drowning guy. The guy is naked but he thinks he just lost his suit in the water. To apologize he invites the Griffins over for dinner. When they are greeted at the door, there little baby answers, and he is naked, but is is just a baby. Then the parents come down and the family learns they are nudists. After some veryfunny "over pg 13 humor that ifI showed anyone would laugh" a boy Meg's age walks in. Meg blushes then after some more hilarious stuff, the family leaves. Meg pursues seeing the boy her age, and they meet at a mall, where they are egged for being nudists, and the boy buys something while there that I cannot say but made it real funny. Eventually Meg's parents try being nudists for the boy, so they all play Yahtzee together. Peter wins and does the in your face dance at Meg, then she screems and runs away. Finally as the boy leaves the naked Peter and Lois stand at the door when Quagmire walks in (he has a secret obsession with Lois).. Very funny episode.

Also I would like to start a discussion over black socks. Nike makes these black ankle socks that I like alot and wear all the time. According to some people black socks should not be worn with snekers as they are only for dress and will make your feet smell and give you athletes foot. If this is true why does nike make a sport sock that is black. Please comment on this subject. In other news, lets talk about some video games. One of my all time favorite games from when I was little was my Pokemon Crystal version. Recently the internal battery died, so my file was destroyed. Not to worry though, I am currently looking on ebay for a brand new one, I really loved that game and a new one lasts 6 years plus. Also on my Nfl 2k5 game, I unlocked all my milestones and crib items, so the only replay value I have left is franchise and against other people. And finally I have aNascar game(by the way racecar spelt backwards is racecar), and I really like to play it because you can win by crashing other cars out of your way. Also my sister seems to be dwindling in her play of Roller Coaster Tycoon, so I say to her get on it because I want to get Mega Park. Also, this has nothing to do with video games but I just wanted to say it, I have a new desktop background of Eagles reciever Reggie Brown, with the whole 2007 schedule right next to it. It is realy nice compliment fromthere official website. Hmm, iI have more things to say but will wait until next time to say them. Goodbye and Thankyou Caitlin and Steve, I am staying.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Subject goes here

Hi everyone, it is myself, the one and only skunk at the blog. Skunk meaning my hair condition not a bad odor. I was sitting here and thought I could come by and drop a post. One thing I want to make clear in this post is that I want my banner thing changed...... And just to say what i have on my mind.

I have been playing RC Tycoon still, but since my sister cannot keep up she is holding me behind. My sister has a few friends that I feel are on the darker side of things, if you catch my drift. She thinks I am just jealous. To be honest I am not jealous, just expressing my opinion, which seems to be not allowed by my sister but I shall do it here. I have mixed feelings on the upcoming school year. I do not want it to come but when it does it may pose to be a challenge. I will deal with it then. Basically I have no life, but to people who do I would like to know what someones life consists of. Do you like go places, and hang out with people? Please comment an answer. By the way I would also like to know how to add pictures and the such to my posts. I notice my profile only has 54 views as of now, so I thought it was weird I had so much, but then I looked at Caitlin's and Buddy's. Funny episode of Family Guy on last night. Chris is in danger of being killed so the family goes into witness protection in the deep South. I got some laughs. I am just sitting here waasting away the only free time I will ever have, but who cares. At least I have more of a life than my sister, no offense. Well I have nothing else to say, so goodbye.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Banana Splits, Fruit, and Culture!

Banana Split Ice Cream [mine didn't really look like that]Mmm. I just finished eating some really good ice cream; Banana Split. :D I never had that before, and surprisingly enjoyed every last bite. For those that may not know, a banana split has strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream together with banana and chocolate syrup on top to finish it off. I don't like trying new foods, and am very picky when it comes to eating something I never had before, so when I saw pink ice cream in my bowl I raised my eyebrow and questioned what it is I am about to eat [since the only ice cream I ever had was vanilla, chocolate, or the green mint kind]. Nobody would tell me though until I was near done. I then started to eat it up and it tasted sooo good. Then I kept saying "I taste banana! I taste banana!?" Haha I am pleased I enjoyed it and tried something new. Goes to show that it can be a good thing to do that! ;) When I was real little I ate a strawberry once at my aunt's house and I thought it was so disgusting. Ever since then as I grew up I went around thinking I didn't like strawberries, so I never ate them and they were never in the house. Just recently I have developed a fond taste for the fruit! In June I went to my friend's house and we ate a bowl of cut-up plain strawberries with breakfast and I couldn't get enough. Now at home I really like them, and really like strawberry flavored foods like strawberry poptarts and yogurt even more than I used to. :) That added to my like of this ice cream I am guessing. Plus it was pink, and that being one of my favorite colors, made me happy to look at it, hahaha. xD Oh and bananas! Don't get me started, but I love strawberry-banana together, and bananas are just as delicious on their own. :)

Fruit oh joy!I didn't plan on writing this whole entry about food and my taste buds, so I better end that while I am at it. I do want to say one more thing though. I have been eating so much fruit this summer. I noticed I have been eating some fresh fruit everyday, something I rarely used to do. I love it though, it is so tasty! ;) Watermelon, grapes, pineapple, strawberry, banana, you name it. I think I've ate almost every fruit there is so far, except lemons or limes maybe, since I don't eat salted lemon slices like some of my friends do, haha. This also just reminded me of tomatoes. Growing up I strayed away from that fruit/vegetable/who knows food because I 'assumed' I didn't like them. This summer I have started eating them again. It is very strange I think, but all very healthy nonetheless! :]

I was very happy to see my icon positioning picture idea worked real nice in my last entry. I was worried I wouldn't get them within my words the way I wished, but I figured it out. :) I am going to try to do that every entry now if I can.

I keep on forgetting that I am going to be going to Warped Tour in thirteen days. I have no idea what I am going to wear, or anything, & this is sort of a big deal to me. :) I never went to any concert, or anyplace to see popular bands play before. I really can't wait to see Family Force 5, and a list of others I promise to post as a "Radically Random" before the concert. ^_^

Today was a really nice day, and as I hadn't been out in a few days I really wanted to go somewhere. It turned out there was a "Culture Festival/Unity Day" sort of event happening today in the park so we made plans to go check it out to see what was there, and then go for a long walk. There were various stands set up throughout the far side of the park across from this museum showcasing foods, clothing, and other accessories associated with that particular ethnic background. It was small, but real cute. The Spanish food really filled the park, along with these tasty looking barbequed ribs and chicken. :P I remember seeing a Puerto Rican section, African American, Jamaican, and what I called "Hippie" because all I saw there was tye-dyed stuff, maracas, and long haired people. :) Hehe. There was also live music, college information stands, face painting, and suits I think they let you put on to sumo-wrestle in. :P My library's "Bookmobile" was stationed there too, which I immediately wanted to go and see. I never went inside this bus they have and I found it really neat. They have books and all kinds of stuff inside that you can check out for 4 weeks, longer than the typical 2 the normal library offers. The people inside this bus were real nice and gave me a few things on when they are coming very close to my home.

BridgeAfterwards we went for a long walk in the park, something we do regularly, and got to see the new treehouse and bridge that was still in process when I was there last with my school for a field trip in May. The treehouse was really pretty, and the lookouts upon the gorge made me throw a rock and make a special wish. I love that park a lot, and plan on having my belated sweet sixteen party there even. I'd say I had a nice Saturday, I was just super hungry when I got back home, haha. :] Thinking now, that banana split was just the thing to top off the day too. ;)

I'd maybe write more, but I am empty on things to really say right now. Sorry, but I forgot to try to get a Roller Coaster Tycoon screenshot since I didn't play it much in a few days. Don't worry, I'd like to have them up next time for sure! :] Instead, Buddy Foote gave me the idea to post a 'JoCo' Lyric of the Day. Not sure if he was serious or not at the time, but I just remembered about it now and since I don't have the screenshots, I will tack on my favorite lyric of my favorite artist from my current favorite song of his, "I'm Having a Party". :P

Radically Random...

i'm having a party

hey, you wanna sleep over?

we're gonna eat candy &&

get headaches in the basement

Friday, July 13, 2007


Yesterday I was sitting at my laptop upstairs in my room playing World of Warcraft (yes, it works again) just hearing the word that my nephew and niece were going to stay over when I heard hurried footsteps storm up the stairs. An excited voice streamed its audio throughout the house as I geared up with my earplugs, bronze med helm, and -insert random WoW armor here- and waited for the creature that would bring doom to my eardrums. A vile beast it was, however it took the form as an innocent and young five-year old child. I turned to face my fate face-to-face. My ears started to bleed already from the banshee. I looked around my room for my dagger, but only spotted a wireless USB mouse, a random "Butt Ugly Martins" action figure from Burger King, and a broken ruler. Out of ammo and weaponry I was. The target found me.

My nephew was here, and with him in his hands the device that can turn all evil -- a sexy, sleek black Nintendo DS. I recently loaned him my Super Mario 64 DS game cartridge as my Nintendo DS hasn't been charged since 2004 or 2005 and I figured that I would give the game data some exercise by letting Zach borrow it. And boy, did he give the game some exercise. When I gave him the game, I only had about 116 stars on my one file. Stupid me, I thought there was only four left but recently did I find out that Super Mario 64 DS had 150 stars, not 120 like the original. I found that out when Zach stuck the DS in my face and the three different files danced across the screen. My old file with 116 now read 150. I looked at my nephew and said, "Holy shit." Actually I didn't really acknowledge his success at the time as I was in a life-or-death situation on WoW in some dangerous area in the Wetlands, but I did learn from that initial moment a life-changing experience has just occurred to me.

I just got 'pwned' by my nephew. Now, let's look at the statistics here.
  • Zach -- nephew. Five years old, will turn six in September. Video game addict. Began playing games around one. Teacher: Buddy Foote. Owned the teacher n00b by getting 34 more stars in teacher's own game that teacher was unaware of. Other known victories: Wii Sports in general and mental math challenges.
  • Steve a.k.a. Buddy Foote -- uncle. Sixteen-years old, will turn seventeen in October. No longer a video game addict; casual console gamer; MMORPG addict. Began playing games after the age of five or six. Teacher(s): Petey -- brother; also maybe Jenifer -- sister and fellow blog author. Was owned by the 1337 student multiple times in many ways. Known victories: tennis on Wii Sports.
As you can see, my nephew is eleven years younger than me and can probably kick my ass on any game that he's experienced at. Now if we went to an arcade and I randomly picked a game and we dueled it out, then maybe I would have a better chance at winning, but if he played that arcade game about ten times, he would win almost every time afterwards. Even on Wii Sports like I mentioned, he is very good at bowling, baseball, and getting decently better at golf. I may be a bit mad at it at first, but I'm coming to realize that my nephew will indeed 'outgeek' me before I know it. And that's coming from a future computer programmer. I may know computer languages like C++, Visual Basic, Java, etc. when I'm 25 and he'll know HTML, CSS, PHP, and Javascript when he's 14 and be the #1 player of Runescape 3, beating Zezima Jr. by three billion exp in the high scores. I'll be looking back at this entry the day that happens and I'll say, "Dammit, he did outgeek me."

The only negative part of this is that all Zach does is play games, and should I also add that all he does is talk. I swear, he did not stop talking once since I woke up today until he left around seven o' clock, and I was up early because my mother wanted to send me off to do some community service but I didn't feel too well as I was achy. And when he's talking, it's mostly about games. He's not asking why the sky is blue or how a TV works or something, but rather he's asking how to stop the snowball on Cold, Cold Mountain from falling off the side of a cliff. That worries me because I hope that he'll be able to put games aside when hardcore schooling starts for him and be able to concentrate on his education rather than thinking about how to beat some mini-game on Mario Party 12 for the Virtual Nintendo 3000. I mean, I wouldn't mind the continuing rambling if it wasn't for the fact that he talks so loud that he can make your ears bleed after a minute. And even when I tell him to tone it down, he still talks like I'm standing half a mile away. I just hope that these aspects of him are just from childhood and he'll evolve out of them around seven or eight. I mean, when I was smaller I didn't want a lot of attention or want somebody to constantly play with me. I was the type that was quiet, observed my surroundings, and played in the corner by himself with some Matchbox trucks. Of course, naturally in my beginning years I would have been loud, disruptive, and want attention and such, but I guess I grew into a somewhat permanent phase where I became shy and quiet. However, I'm known to not be shy and quiet around friends nowadays and can be hyper, but I do have those moments where I'll just sit there and stare at a wall and think to myself. I guess the combination of my nephew and two nieces and some of my bitter classmates turned me off over time from wanting to become a teacher as I have limited patience around children. And well, I'm not too good at public speaking, teaching in general, and I would want a better paying job, so I can't blame the children for making me change my mind. How did this rambling on cause me to discuss my future occupation...?

And if you never heard the phrase "to be outgeeked" before this entry, thank my favorite artist, Jonathan Coulton, for it. If you never heard any of his songs, then I would recommend clicking this link and listen to some as you can listen to his full songs free-of-charge. Songs that I recommend will be listed shortly. This guy is naturally a genius. He used to be a computer programmer and he quit his full-time job when he wanted to do music for a living. He writes some of the best songs I have ever heard, both lyrically and instrumentally, and he has one of the best voices too. And yes, he is a one-man band but he sometimes travels on tours with some back-up singers and other unprofessional artists, like Kristen Shirts who did a ukulele remix to Coulton's popular song "Code Monkey". I want to see this amazing man on July 27th in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, but it's down in the south by Philly and with the cost of gas nowadays (as well as probably a hotel room as the concert is in the evening), it may not be worth the trouble. But can you do me a favor? I mean, sure, it's one favor reading this random and long post and if you're still here with me then God bless you, but can you please click this link and share my demand with me so that "JoCo" may come to the Scranton Metro area. I don't care if you live in Alaska or England or wherever, just please click that link and demand that he comes. That would mean the world for me. Thank you.

List of recommended JoCo songs to listen to, by Buddy Foote:

Re: Your Brains, Skullcrusher Mountain, Code Monkey, Tom Cruise Crazy, Creepy Doll, Shop Vac, Big Bad World One, SkyMall, I Feel Fantastic, First Of May, Flickr, Curl, That Spells DNA, The Future Soon, Betty and Me, I Crush Everything, and Skullcrusher Mountain (demo) if you want the acoustic version. Enjoy!

Have a good one.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Roller Coasting

Hey there. I feel like writing a short entry, so we'll see where this goes. Before I go any further, I absolutly have to say thank you to the few people out there I am unaware of who voted for me in this blog's last Author of the Month poll. :D I am flattered and shocked I won, let alone got the votes I did from people I don't know. ;) So thank you so much! =)

Roller CoasterWell, it's been really hot the past three days, and I only got to go swimming on one of them! Stinks huh? :P It's alright though, I kept cool and played Roller Coaster Tycoon a lot because the room my old desktop computer is in contains the proper "fixings" to stay cool, haha. :) I like playing rctycoon. We have the oldest one I think and it's lots of fun trying to win scenerio after scenerio. My brother and I work together as a team, and split the parks up. I'm working on "Bumbly Beach" currently, one of my favorites, being it is a beach and all. ;) One summer my brother and I almost won the entire game, but then I think the files got lost after some computer restore, and now we've started again because last week when we were without internet we went searching through our dusty computer game discs we haven't played in a while and found it. :P I know my brother will play any game until he has beaten it completely, so there's no doubt we won't get to "Thunder Rock" by the end of the summer. This time we even unlocked these super cool parks we never saw before, ever. One is so big. It's called "Alton Park" and I really like it. I'd post a screenshot of something from the game, but my brother tried in his last entry and I tried yesterday and it didn't work. I know now what I didn't try yet, so maybe later. ;)

RidesWith all this excitement over playing Roller Coaster Tycoon, my brother suggested him and I take a trip to an amusement park this summer someday soon. We haven't gone to one since...-thinks-...I had to be in 5th or 6th grade? I think it'd be nice to go again, but I have a feeling Chase thinks I will be willing to go on all the roller coasters and crazy thrill rides, but truth be told, I so won't be. :P I'm scared I'll get hurt or fall out because of my "slimmy slenderina" figure, lolz. xD I do like to go on rides though, and know it could serve as a good blog entry eh? :]

BracesI had to go to the orthodontist yesterday, and it was a little painful. The appointment before this was uncomfortable too. =/ They only changed my bottom wire, but the first time they tried putting in a heavy bottom wire that wouldn't fit in my mouth, so they had to pull it out. That's what was most painful. :P Now they are having me wear one really thick rubber band on only the left side of my mouth until I go back in August. It's weird only having to wear it on one side, haha. I was thinking this morning that I've had these on for almost a good three years. I got them on in 8th grade. I don't mind having braces, but I am growing a little anxious to have them taken off so I can see what my teeth will look like when it's all done.

I feel complete now with this entry. :) I am going to try to post pictures/icons of things that match what I talked about in the entry. I thought if I could post pictures it would brighten up my entry a little, maybe make it more appealing. :] I am grateful for being Author of the Month, therefore I feel I should step it up a tad, hehe. ^.^ I am not sure the pictures are going to work the way I imagined, but I will give it a shot. :P Have a good day everyone.