I hate to announce this, but I am debating with myself upon the virtual fate of one of the five blog authors that make up our family here at Buddy Foote's Blog v.2. The blog author is Jenifer. As you may or may not know, Jenifer lost her internet around last October/November around the time she joined the blog, and was only able to publish a few entries since she arrived. Being in finical situations over getting laid off regularly, car payments/insurance, rent, and even simple factors that we may take advantage of such as food and gas money, it didn't look like they were going to obtain the internet again for a few more years. And recently their car, after finally paying off all the payments, broke down and they didn't have the money to replace the engine in it (thankfully my father was very nice enough to "give" his old car to them). I always had this hope that Jenifer or her husband or even both would obtain this good-paying occupation and be able to finally start off on a better note before they turned thirty. However, a bit of a plot twist occurred recently. Around last Friday, I guess that Jenifer and her husband had an uneasy argument or whatnot and Jen left the house and went somewhere. As you can tell, I know little details and even if I knew details, I wouldn't be willing to spill them out to the accessibility of millions of people. Anyway, I sort of ignored such conflicts as I stay up in my room for a majority of the day and family issues are mostly the last thing I hear about. So upon going downstairs to brush my teeth after three in the morning on Saturday after getting level thirty on World of Warcraft, I was surprised to hear the phone ring at such an early time. I was expecting it to be some telemarketer or some anonymous caller, however it was my brother on the other line. He had to speak to my mother, who was upstairs sleeping, but I didn't hesitate and I woke her up. As I waited at the top of the steps waiting for the used phone so I can put back on the base, petting my one cat Gizmo, I overheard my mother speaking to my brother. After the phone conversation ended, my mother told my father that Jenifer got a DUI. Jen went out to a bar hours after leaving her apartment, must've got quite loaded, then went driving however somewhere in there her husband somehow got into the car (yet again, nobody tells me anything), they were fighting as her husband probably didn't want her to drive drunk and made her pull over, they were making enough noise to cause a local resident to call the cops, and then the cops came and arrested Jenifer whose blood alcohol level was three times over the legal limit. She will get her license taken off her soon for a pretty long time. Just think, my brother had his taken off him for thirty days when caught just over the limit, and Jen was three times over so it could possibly be ninety days or more. I think they have to attend a court hearing to find out the amount of days.
Now to insert a section about the new Harry Potter book, eh? I'm not the kind of guy to spoil any of the plot in a book or movie, so you may read this upcoming paragraph without looking away in fear. No spoilers are present here.
On Saturday, after going to bed so late in the morning, my mother woke me up a bit after twelve giving me some sort of orange item. My eyesight was a bit blurry as it normally is after being woken up suddenly, but through the blur I could make out a hardcover novel with the jacket art portraying one of the best known literature characters since the classic children books came out. Yes, the fancy crimson red writing at the top of the book said "Harry Potter" to confirm that it was him, looking with my bad early morning eyesight. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the last installment in the Harry Potter series, was mine. I honestly spent a majority of the day yesterday reading it. And really, I do have to read it before going back to my normal routines. I can't go on any online communities that are live (WoW, Runescape, chat rooms, AIM, etc.), speak to anybody who is a Harry Potter fan, and cannot go around any public area with a large amount of people until I finish reading the large novel. Why? I don't want anybody to ruin the freaking ending on me. I mean, I read the sixth Harry Potter book a pretty long time after it came out. Upon announcing to my friend that I got it, he came out right away and said, "By the way, -insert person here- died at the end of the book." I honestly wanted to run to his house with a baseball bat and beat him a few times to teach him a lesson, but instead I cursed at him violently. And yes, it was the real Foote too who did it. Anyway, I read about two-hundred pages yesterday and I plan to read the same amount today, however I'm only functioning on five hours of sleep because I woke up around seven and couldn't fall back asleep so this will be death to my eyeballs. But I must have the full story in my head before somebody ruins it on me. And even here, I'm not reading any comments until I'm done with the book. Chase or Caitlin, if you post a comment, please Google Talk it to me, thank you. Otherwise I must be cut off from the outside world. Oh, and the book is excellent so far.
~EDIT~ -- Author of the Month poll will be up today. Don't forget to vote! The authors for this month include Buddy Foote, Chase, and Caitlin. Remember, vote only depending on the blog entries in July 2007 and no other entries. Do not vote due to preferences either. Do not vote for yourself. Do not be biased at all in your decision, please. Let the next AotM be chosen fairly, may the best win, and have a good day.
I feel that you should keep Jen, just put here on an inactive thing. Do not give someone else the job. Also, if you want to get back at the original Foote, just tell him Mangini, Chad, and the Jets stink.
I want the new Harry Potter book.. but it's unlikely that I will get it anytime soon. Have fun reading =]
I know what you mean. I hate when people spoil books/movies/whatever for me! Enjoy it =)
I know what you mean, when I got the book I didn't go on the internet as well, I hate it when people spoil the ending for me. Have fun reading!
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