Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Hello everyone. It has been awhile hasn't it. A long while at that. I deeply apoplogize from my haiatious. How are you all doing. Physched about summer or jazzed about school? Me, well i have just been going on with my crazy radical life....would a "lol" be proper here? I see many changes have been made, most noticable the url, and i would like to chip in to pay to the dot com.

I recently (today) started reading the book To Kill a Mockingbird. So far it is very boring and I am confused of the gender of Jem, Scout, and some others. Ooooo, blogger now saves my drafts automatically, something I could of used a while ago. I also started to play an old game again recently, Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 from 1999. I thought it had been destroyed forever, but I somehow saved it on a backup disc. I think it is real fun and it allows me to be creative with my designs and go out of this world with crazy designs such as underground rides. I will include a screenshot of my latest park I completed, Millenium Mines. I also discovered something in the game my sister will love, for I found it through a glitch, and personally the ride there scared me... Since I am a big Philadelphia Eagles fan (have been for many years) I have started to buy some new clothes for I plan to purchase tickets to some games for the 07-08 season. GO BIRDS!

The weather these past weeks has been wild hasn't it. Hot cold, windy rainy, the whole load. Makes you wonder what fall and winter have in store for us. My summer as usual has been very bland and boring, a lack of friends and things to do will get to you, but you learn to live and accept things like that. Well it is late...real late.... and ideas for more things to discuss are dwindling in my tired mind. Goodbye for now...(now not never).

P.S. Steve's reaction to me posting will give him quite the surprise. Also sorry Caitlin......Hope we can make up and conquer tycoon as one. By the way I have not quit rs for ever, just until I feel like playing again, like tycoon which I had a few year break from. Sorry, the screenshot is not working. Goodbye for now....


Buddy Foote said...

omg omg omg omg omg, Oh God my.

You're alive! =D

Very nice post. I enjoyed it greatly. ;) I'm a big RCT fan myself. I think #2 is the best though. #3 is too complicated for me. xD

Have a good one.

Unknown said...