Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Teh Pain of Elites

Listening to the song "I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton, I realize that I don't feel fantastic at all. I have been doing community service over at the Jermyn Park the last two days for NHS service, and just from picking weeds I feel like crap. I have no experience whatsoever doing it, so I hope that I'm actually doing a good job and not some half-ass piece of dung job. Really, my typing finger is in pain. And the bad part is that I still have a lot to do. I only worked on maybe 1/4 of the garden. It's a very long garden too, located near the parking lot. Yesterday I just pulled out the big weeds and today I focused on the smaller weeds in the same area. And with this heat wave just happening to pop up when I have work to do doesn't aid me in any way. Well, it has to be done I guess and the people at the borough are happy that I'm up to do it, so that makes me happy in return. I wish I had some sort of t-shirt that was blank where I could write "buddyfoote.com" on it to advertise while I work, but, hardly anybody goes over the park or even walks/drives by that early in the morning. Meh, I can make it and go walk around Wal-Mart instead.

What's my excuse for not posting in a while? Was it playing WoW? No, actually on last Wednesday World of Warcraft stopped working. I was over Craig's house that day and we lost our internet connections because the phone rang. At the time in-game, I was getting drunk at the summer festival that was going on. Then when I went to play again later when the internet came back, my laptop crashed, recovered, and restarted. Well, breaking news. Carol just told me that in the patch for today's update that they fixed a crash that was triggered by many unit frame AddOns -- and I do use a few AddOns so that may have resulted in my multiple crashes. So I may try WoW again after I publish this entry. I just want to get on already. Craig told me that Kyle's laptop broke because it crashed when attempting to get onto WoW, so I'm just lucky that my cheap piece of junk could recover while a rich piece of machinery like Kyle's didn't.

While WoW wasn't working, I was hanging out on Runescape for a pretty long time. My membership ran out last Sunday so I'm mostly just standing around in f2p reporting whoever breaks rules. I find it interesting that it's now an offense to ask for boyfriends and girlfriends in the game. More reporting opportunities for me. I probably sent in so many accurate reports, but yet I received no notice from Jagex yet. If WoW actually does work again, I may just abandon Runescape unless Jagex invites me to become a player moderator.

I do have a lot more to say but I want to rap this up to try WoW again before I go outside with Craig. And woot, Chase is posting again! Have a good one.

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