Saturday, July 14, 2007

Banana Splits, Fruit, and Culture!

Banana Split Ice Cream [mine didn't really look like that]Mmm. I just finished eating some really good ice cream; Banana Split. :D I never had that before, and surprisingly enjoyed every last bite. For those that may not know, a banana split has strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream together with banana and chocolate syrup on top to finish it off. I don't like trying new foods, and am very picky when it comes to eating something I never had before, so when I saw pink ice cream in my bowl I raised my eyebrow and questioned what it is I am about to eat [since the only ice cream I ever had was vanilla, chocolate, or the green mint kind]. Nobody would tell me though until I was near done. I then started to eat it up and it tasted sooo good. Then I kept saying "I taste banana! I taste banana!?" Haha I am pleased I enjoyed it and tried something new. Goes to show that it can be a good thing to do that! ;) When I was real little I ate a strawberry once at my aunt's house and I thought it was so disgusting. Ever since then as I grew up I went around thinking I didn't like strawberries, so I never ate them and they were never in the house. Just recently I have developed a fond taste for the fruit! In June I went to my friend's house and we ate a bowl of cut-up plain strawberries with breakfast and I couldn't get enough. Now at home I really like them, and really like strawberry flavored foods like strawberry poptarts and yogurt even more than I used to. :) That added to my like of this ice cream I am guessing. Plus it was pink, and that being one of my favorite colors, made me happy to look at it, hahaha. xD Oh and bananas! Don't get me started, but I love strawberry-banana together, and bananas are just as delicious on their own. :)

Fruit oh joy!I didn't plan on writing this whole entry about food and my taste buds, so I better end that while I am at it. I do want to say one more thing though. I have been eating so much fruit this summer. I noticed I have been eating some fresh fruit everyday, something I rarely used to do. I love it though, it is so tasty! ;) Watermelon, grapes, pineapple, strawberry, banana, you name it. I think I've ate almost every fruit there is so far, except lemons or limes maybe, since I don't eat salted lemon slices like some of my friends do, haha. This also just reminded me of tomatoes. Growing up I strayed away from that fruit/vegetable/who knows food because I 'assumed' I didn't like them. This summer I have started eating them again. It is very strange I think, but all very healthy nonetheless! :]

I was very happy to see my icon positioning picture idea worked real nice in my last entry. I was worried I wouldn't get them within my words the way I wished, but I figured it out. :) I am going to try to do that every entry now if I can.

I keep on forgetting that I am going to be going to Warped Tour in thirteen days. I have no idea what I am going to wear, or anything, & this is sort of a big deal to me. :) I never went to any concert, or anyplace to see popular bands play before. I really can't wait to see Family Force 5, and a list of others I promise to post as a "Radically Random" before the concert. ^_^

Today was a really nice day, and as I hadn't been out in a few days I really wanted to go somewhere. It turned out there was a "Culture Festival/Unity Day" sort of event happening today in the park so we made plans to go check it out to see what was there, and then go for a long walk. There were various stands set up throughout the far side of the park across from this museum showcasing foods, clothing, and other accessories associated with that particular ethnic background. It was small, but real cute. The Spanish food really filled the park, along with these tasty looking barbequed ribs and chicken. :P I remember seeing a Puerto Rican section, African American, Jamaican, and what I called "Hippie" because all I saw there was tye-dyed stuff, maracas, and long haired people. :) Hehe. There was also live music, college information stands, face painting, and suits I think they let you put on to sumo-wrestle in. :P My library's "Bookmobile" was stationed there too, which I immediately wanted to go and see. I never went inside this bus they have and I found it really neat. They have books and all kinds of stuff inside that you can check out for 4 weeks, longer than the typical 2 the normal library offers. The people inside this bus were real nice and gave me a few things on when they are coming very close to my home.

BridgeAfterwards we went for a long walk in the park, something we do regularly, and got to see the new treehouse and bridge that was still in process when I was there last with my school for a field trip in May. The treehouse was really pretty, and the lookouts upon the gorge made me throw a rock and make a special wish. I love that park a lot, and plan on having my belated sweet sixteen party there even. I'd say I had a nice Saturday, I was just super hungry when I got back home, haha. :] Thinking now, that banana split was just the thing to top off the day too. ;)

I'd maybe write more, but I am empty on things to really say right now. Sorry, but I forgot to try to get a Roller Coaster Tycoon screenshot since I didn't play it much in a few days. Don't worry, I'd like to have them up next time for sure! :] Instead, Buddy Foote gave me the idea to post a 'JoCo' Lyric of the Day. Not sure if he was serious or not at the time, but I just remembered about it now and since I don't have the screenshots, I will tack on my favorite lyric of my favorite artist from my current favorite song of his, "I'm Having a Party". :P

Radically Random...

i'm having a party

hey, you wanna sleep over?

we're gonna eat candy &&

get headaches in the basement


Kristin said...

Wow that makes me so hungry! I love summer cause I can eat all the ice cream I want! Mwahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow. I never had a banana split before. I think I'm gonna try it. There's a nearby Ice-cream parlor. Yummy. That's good you're trying new things. Expecially HEALTHY new things. That's really good. I'm proud of ya. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yum I love banana splits! It's good you've been eating lots of fruit.

I've always wanted to go to a warped tour, but eh i dont know just never have.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for fruit!!!
I havn't visited your blog in a while, so I thought I'd drop by and comment <3
Wowee! I'd KILL to go to the warped tour. I can never get enough money to get tickets and fly over there though lol.
Anyways, I better go before I get swallowed up by jelousy :D
Toodles! <3