Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bee's House

Hey there chicas/chicos. :P Sup? Lawlz. The weekend is about over, and tomorrow I have another school of week to look forward to. Except! Friday we have off for Veteran's Day, so isn't that spiffy? Right now I hear grunting noises coming from the living room, and after peaking out to see what the commotion was I see that my father is practicing with his deer call or something..strange.. :P I am happy with how the blog seems to have been very updated this weekend. An entry Friday, and two on Saturday, one today (Sunday)...hopefully the stats are good (: Well, Thursday and Friday were excellent school days! I was happy to come home and tell my parent's of my good grades I learned of this week. I was particularly pleased with math because a) I have the most trouble in math, always have, always will. b) this was a test the day after Halloween so I didn't study as much. Even so, I was jumping like a jelly bean to see I got a 100! =D Wow my face lit up like a lightbulb (whats with all these similies?!..maybe all that poem writing for English class..) :P Haha ^.~

Friday night I went over my friend Abby's house after school (she left me a tag -points-) and we had a real good time. We really just needed to be alone to talk because school just wasn't private enough :P Haha, and I am glad we did. We even went for a walk to talk some more :P Then I got to go with her to the building she was to record her Reflections dance at. She is doing the Dance category to the theme "My favorite Place" and she did so good! I was the person in charge of turning the music on&off. Her dance rocked, she made it up herself too =) Afterwards we went on the computer, and just "conversed" a lot more. It was nice to go over Abby's since I don't all too much, so we may start more often which would be cool :]

This weekend I didn't do much because the past two weekends I had way to much to do (with PSATs and Drama) so wanted to just stay home. I did go to the library though and found out some valuable volunteering information, and may get started on a volunteer thing there soon. I was in the mood to stay up very late last night, and did just that :P I hadn't stayed up late since who knows..midsummer maybe? I stayed up until midnight (woot woot) playing Runescape and chatting with Stephen. It was fun. He mentioned in his entry yesterday about how he was "creating a conversation right now that you'll see posted in the near future." I assume he was refering to that conversation? Lol, :P

Anyways, I have a computer test to study for (which is rather fun to say, because I like the computer and can study for it on a computer and like..yeah yay for the computer :) My daily blog special icon was not made by me, so I give credit to whoever may have made it...hehe. Now it's time for the little R&R (no, not exactly Rest and Relaxation..but...) ----

//__Radically Random__\

I wish everyone a very beary day ;)

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