Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving: Worst. Day. Ever.

If you read the previous entry in this blog by Caitlin about Thanksgiving, then you can clearly see that she enjoys the holiday and loves it. As for me, I'm the exact opposite. I hate Thanksgiving.

I'm a person who believes in bad luck, and from the time of October-December, I experience bad luck a lot. Let's do a little history lesson of my life. For many years I would grow sick on my birthday that's on October 27th and therefore wouldn't really enjoy my birthday too much. Thankfully this year spared me on that, and I had a great birthday by going to the football game that was that night. Then, last year, I suffered a disease my doctor called "hoof and mouth" where sores developed in my mouth, lips, and on my tongue, and I could hardly eat or drink anything. And guess what? I developed that disease a few days before Thanksgiving. I remember spending that Thanksgiving on the couch, sick, and with an empty stomach. And as for December...well, I can't remember anything too bad that happened in December, except that December of last year was when my late cat, Pumpkin, grew the sickest in the state of his unknown disease, and then died early this year in January or February.

Well, the question is: did I have bad luck so far this year? The answer is quite simple -- yes.

If you would please do yourself a favor and refer to my last previous post that mentions "Broken Wii" in the title and do some reading up on that. By the title alone, you should be able to form an idea on what bad event happened just this last Monday, the day after the Wii came out in North America. Yes, my Nintendo Wii broke. For more information, please read that blog entry. So thus I had bad luck on that part. I slept over my sister's last night, and when she took me home this afternoon, I tried the Wii quickly (to see if it worked to show my sister and her husband the Mii's we made before the Wii broke) and it actually worked! I got into the Mii channel and showed that the Mii we made for them and others, and then the controller stopped working. I turned the power off and bad on, and luckily again the Wii actually worked. This time I popped in Wii Sports and grabbed the extra controller for Bob (my brother-in-law) and the game actually started without the screen freezing. We started a game of bowling and I was able to bowl both turns, and then it was Bobby's turn to bowl. Just when he was about to bowl and had to hit the "A" button to advance, the controllers stopped working again. I then turned the Wii off and back on, and then...the usual black screen appeared with the Wii broken again. So it's not that the TV/video setting is wrong or anything, and the cables are all in good shapes -- it just works when it wants to and other times do not work.

Tuesday the new Runescape skill, hunter, came out. Was that bad luck to me at all? Did I die and lose everything while hunting? Was I hacked? No, thankfully. I'm actually 31 hunter now, and I'm taking a good and long break from it as it was just too crowded for me. I love the skill, but I don't love crowds. I'm going to wait a month or two until the hype goes down, and then I might pick back up where I left off at.

Wednesday, oh dear Lord. Bad luck struck me like lightning. The day was going great until third period, Spanish class. My buddy, Matt, walked over to my desk at the beginning of the class before the teacher walked in to ask me to check his translations that we have to do for our Spanish Christmas cards. I was looking them over for mistakes when I noticed that he had "dos" and a noun after it written. I remember at that moment the Spanish rule that adjectives come after nouns, unless it's an adjective that tells how much of something there is of the noun it's describing. On my paper I translated "many gifts" the wrong way, having "muchos" after the noun for gifts. I erased what I had and switched them around. But, as soon as I began writing my correction, while holding Matt's tablet at the same time to quickly resume checking after I fixed my correction, the teacher walks in, looks directly at us, and says, "No copying, boys." So the class goes on a little bit and the teacher begins to go around the room checking the two things we had for homework (a worksheet and the translations) and she gets to my desk. I'm sitting there, starring at my translations for errors, when she taps my worksheet and says, "Good." Then she turns to Emily's desk to check her homework, and quickly reverses back toward me and tells me, "I can't give you credit if you copied." Now I'm a top-of-the-class individual with a 101.2143 average for the first quarter of the 10th grade and a person who never cheated or copied since elementary school probably in 4th grade and she goes and gives me, and Matt, a zero for homework when I wasn't even cheating nor copying in the first place!? Plus she was referring to a worksheet that wasn't even out on my desk at the time she walked into the room! I'll say it right now, but that's total bull! After she said that Matt tried to defend me and himself, but she said, "Okay, but then why was he writing something down while checking your translations, y'know?" Then, then! she goes on about if we complain about her class that she'll give us a detention or a suspension! Okay, there's two things wrong here! First, she threatened us, and second, no teacher has the damn right to suspend a student from school! And y'know what? I'm complaining right now! So to my Spanish teacher, why don't you just give me an e-detention right now?

And if matters couldn't get worse, my English teacher two periods later at the end of class was giving me an open book test to take home and do. I looked at the test briefly and told him that I did it already, and he told me to check my folder and locker for it. I checked both areas, and couldn't find the test, but I know as a 100% fact that I handed it into him, and this was about one to two weeks ago. Those two factors alone were some pretty bad luck in my case.

And today: I was in a horrible mood because I wanted to show my older cousin, his kids, and my other cousin, John, the Wii. Well, they saw the console of the Wii, but for the Wii to actually display on the television screen and work, they did not see. I was in a bad mood because of that, and when cutting a piece of pie, I got my mother mad and I started to flip out cursing. So, I got yelled at, but for all bad things that happen in this family, no tempers and punishments last for too long.

If you want to see a video of my broken Wii...well, that's not going to happen. But, I was looking on YouTube today and watched a video of a guy who has the same exact, word-for-word, problem that I have. The funny thing is that he said that his problem was 'unique'. Well, it wasn't. I have the same exact problem. Because this video is so closely related to my problem, I'm going to post it here.

And now for your 'daily blog special':

Pictures of the Day:

(The following are some of the few Runescape pictures I took of the new skill, hunter.)

Have a good one...and have good luck.

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