Monday, November 06, 2006

Remember Me???

Hello's ME...Jenifer, sorry that I haven't put up a post in awhile, but I have been fairly busy and don't have alot of time for blogging these days. Since I haven't posted in awhile I just thought that I would post something quick to let everyone know that I am still alive and well :-) We are so busy lately at my job all I seem to do anymore is work, work , work..... oh yah and I get some sleep in there too! Since the 2006 ChristmaS season is quickly approaching we are really swamped with orders at the Lovely Crown Distribution. For those of you that don't know what I do for a living, I work in a warehouse and we ship lots and lots of toys to customer's from companies called The Green Caboose and The Toy Workshop. Today we had 90 orders to complete for just one company, and I don't think that we got 1/2 of them done, that is because they were having problems with our computers and we weren't able to print out the UPS labels are needed to process the orders, so today was a really busy/confusing day. I am hoping that tomorrow will be better, but then again today was Monday and Monday's usually suck. Well I don't mean to sound like an old lady here or anything, but I must be headed to bed.... I know , I know, it's only 8:30 and I am going to bed, but 6 a.m. comes early, and I want to make sure that I get enough sleep so I am prepared for another busy day....

Nite :-)

"Quote Of The Day"
"Friends are those who know the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words"

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