Sunday, November 19, 2006

Countdown To Wii

In approximately two to three hours I will be on my way to the local branch of the Toys R' Us store in Dickson City to purchase and pick up my pre-ordered Nintendo Wii. And God, I cannot wait. If it wasn't for the fact that hunting made me tired yesterday and afterwards went shopping in Honesdale, I probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep too easily. But I was out last night on the carpet of the living room floor fallen asleep next to my cat, Gizmo, so I had an easy enough time getting to bed to wake up for the upcoming big day. Today is an official Buddy Foote holiday -- Wii Day.

On this Wii Day we shall celebrate by camping outside of large retail stores days before the release of the Nintendo Wii. Today we shall celebrate by swinging the Wiimote viciously around the room, knocking anybody out who is beating you at Wii Sports. Today we shall create our own little Mii. Today we will look at the available Virtual Console games for download, and probably want more than half of them. Today we shall read this blog entry on the Wii's internet browser, Opera. There is a lot to do on November 19th around the United States of America on this Wii Day, and mostly it'll concern the playing of the Wii. Oh, how thou cannot wait until I hold thee control of the Wii in the bosom of my hand. The freedom of playing is so grand and simple that I may teach my grandmother how to do bowling or golf on Wii Sports. But alas, I must wait the long hours until the official purchase, and hope I do not get shot in the progress of walking outside of the store with the Wii's console box in those huge Toys R' Us bags with the giraffe on it.

My father informed me yesterday that I'll have to work with Wii Sports until he gets out of work today, and then we might run down to Circuit City and use his credit to get Call of Duty 3, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and an extra normal Wii Control, that hopefully the Nunchunk comes with it. This is a little off-topic but I bet that in the far future we'll have a "The Legend of Link" game, where you're Zelda or some new hero and have to free Link, or restore history in his honor. When you hear news of that game in the future, I bet you'll think of Buddy Foote and hearing it there...or unless somebody else came up with the idea on some forum somewhere that I'm not aware of. Anyhow, back on topic, I might get the Wii console, fool around with it for an hour or two, and do some homework or study until my father comes home. And hopefully he comes home early, because that's the only case then that he could take me to purchase the extra needed items.

When shopping at Honesdale yesterday, we went to the Kmart and Wal-Mart stores there, and they had no Wii console to demo to my disappointment. Kmart had absolutely nothing with concerning the Wii there, but Wal-Mart at least had some games like Call of Duty and Madden '07 on sale and even a free booklet on the Wii for some hardware and software information. I didn't take the free booklet, however, as I hate walking out of a store with something free because I feel like I'm stealing. But in other words, nothing too big on the Wii or even the Playstation 3 at those stores.

In other news...

While looking through a thread in the Runescape Community forums the other day, I was reading a general discussion on proper grammar and spelling in the Runescape game and community when I read that this one guy had a spell checker in his Mozilla Firefox that would check spelling in all text boxes. Intrigued by this, I went on a Google search and found some spell checker extensions but none of them worked because either the page to download the dictionary didn't work, or my Firefox version was too new for the program to be compatible. While searching longer, I found that at the end of this October, Firefox 2 came out -- and one of the features built-in was the spell checker. I quickly installed in on my laptop (I didn't get around to my desktop yet to install it) and I have to say that Firefox 2 is ten times better than the original Firefox just in look, operation, and functions. I highly recommend it if you didn't download and install it yet. I know that this is probably very old news, but I'm slow in finding out these kind of things. Download Firefox 2 by following this link here.

I also downloaded Firefox 2 on the computer I use at school for Computer Applications III. How? I downloaded and installed Google Pack which included the original Firefox, and then just hopped on the above link to upgrade to Firefox 2. And just for the note: even with Firefox and the internet security still down and even with Java properly installed, Runescape still does not work at my school.

Pokemon, with the accent over the 'e'. I was in third to fourth grade or around then when the Pokemon craze struck the United States forcefully and a new madness went around like the birth of AIDS. My entire elementary school was hooked to Pokemon in ways of the Game Boy games and also the trading card games. When Pokemon died down and Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh! took its place (and a bit later when the entry to the high school, Monster Cards), I would never dream of playing the franchise again. This last week, however, changed that thought around. Being in the 10th grade, my high school class is actually back into Pokemon. Yes, everybody is flocking into the school with multi-colored Game Boy Colors with Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, name it, and their link cables. I actually brought in my Pokemon Blue that I didn't touch in six years and trained my Mew that I won at an old Toys R' Us sticker contest -- if it said "You Win!" or something underneath the sticker of Mew, you'd take your game to the store and they'd take it away for five minutes and come back with Mew on your game card. Everyone at school was amazed that I had a Mew, but some got Mew with the glitch that's in the game. But geez, in conclusion, I never thought I'd be in 10th grade and everybody would be addicted to Pokemon again.

Well, that's it for me. I have to know search online for the answers to my cultures crossword puzzle where the answers cannot be found within the content of the textbook... So, have a good Wii Day and peace out!

And you are all deprived children because I refuse to post a "Daily Blog Special" on Wii Day.

But you are not deprived children because I'll have full coverage on my Nintendo Wii later this week or maybe even today.

Also I bet you a hundred dollars the new Runescape skill, hunting, comes out tomorrow.

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