Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cleaning Day

I'm going to have busy coming days. Yesterday my nephew and neice were here so I had to watch them all day although the rest of the day when I was on the computer, I started writing a story. I was influenced by some fan fictions I was reading on the computer and two songs, Yellow and Blue by The Used and Letters From God by Boxcar Racer. It was about those B.U.R.N. Mission stuff I was telling youabout in my first real blog posting although I added just a little paranormal to it. Okay, maybe a lot. Also I'm a year older in the story and it takes place in the summer of 2006. Well in that case, I would be older. Come October 27th and I'll be fifteen.

Now today I did a major cleaning scheme. While my mother was outside in the pool, I cleaned the litter boxes, swept up the floor, took the garbage cans up, brought the recyables down, took a shower, cleaned a hairball out of my ex-bedroom, ran the sweaper on the front steps, washed the railing, ran the sweaper in my room, cleaned my room, and then fed my lizard. That's a lot for me saying that I hate cleaning. Now my room is going to look nice for the next six hours until I go to bed.

Tomorrow my uncle from Flordia is coming in because of a family emergency on his wife's side of the family. I'd hate to get specific for privacy's sake. Although my uncle and neice are coming tomorrow also. So the point of cleaning was? You'd get my drift if you have little kids or ever watched them. House destroyers. Tomorrow I doubt I'll be able to hit the on button for the computer nevertheless write a blog entry.

Then the day after, my nephew, neice, and other neice is coming over for my mother to watch and my cousin, his wife, two daughters, and two sons are coming. I'm going to lock my door, hide under the covers, and stay as quiet as possible while blasting Blink 182 on my radio. Or maybe play with my lizard. Don't think dirty you fools, my leopard gecko. Wait, my door doesn't have a lock on it. Damn...

Afterwards it might be smooth sailing. I finished reading my second book for school today, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", which got me tired beause I read eleven chapters in less than two hours (there's only seventeen in the book). Now, "Shane" is next. Oh Lord for that.

Good day. Just updating blog readers, if there's any.

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