Monday, July 25, 2005

Links Galore! #1

Well, here's the deal. Once in a while on this new blog, I'm going to have a post every once in a while containing links. Yes, nothing but links. Well, there will be a description going with the links but otherwise, it's just all about the wonderful links. You don't care what I have to say, although you sort of have to to be reading up to this far. Enough ranting! On with the links!

These first four links were provided by my good friend, Chris. You should know him from my old blog and if you don't know him, then do not check out my old blog to know him. Very bad retarded conversations were made. And it wasn't him being a stupid ass at all, it was me.

Enough worthless text! The first link comes from an article on video game violence. This article provides very good information if you want to support the cause that video games do not teach kids that it's okay to grab your father's hunting rifle and go out on the highway and snipe cars. Crazy lunitics who don't lock up their guns correctly and don't take proper care of their kids teach their kids to snipe on highways. Ever since I got pissed badly by Jack Thompson and Hiliary Clinton and their decesions with Rockstar about turning Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas into an Adult Only (AO) game over a mod called "The Hot Coffee Mod", I thought an article like this was needed. And more. really covered the case good and blew the steam off my chest for me.

This article I didn't fully read because it was weird and I didn't want to believe it. It was an interview or a press conference or something with a government offical from Afraica explaining to us to "not give money to the needy in Africa because the rich and powerful are taking it and wasting the money." So was the whole Live 8 concert a waste? Well, it was good entertainment. We should still do something however and not listen to this guy, but that's just me and I don't matter.

When Chris sent me this extremely weird page, I was very curious. You can only listen to this so much without having the urge to bang your head off of the keyoard. Most people won't even be able to go that far. They see Pee-Wee Herman and they run for the hills, causing them to get rid of every tab they have on Firefox.

A giant gummy bear! Run for the hills! This creative project must've took a while (a day and a half of work) but as the many pictures of it shows, it was worth the effort. Now I wonder what he did with this. Did they eat it or did they put it inside of an air-tight glass jar and worship it? There's probably mold growing on it if they kept it. I noticed that while watching last Thursday's episode of Attack of the Show (AOT) on G4TV this morning at midnight (I like to use details as you can see), they had this page on there as one of Kevin's interesting pages to see or whatever it is. The moral of the story, I didn't get this from Attack of the Show, I got it from Chris.

Well, I got those four from Chris but does that mean that's all that I have? Of course not!

Have you been a Nintendo gamer for a while? Enjoy listening to MIDI's or humming along to Bom-omb's Battlefield from Super Mario 64/DS? Then this video, "Nintendo Themes, A Cappella" may be for you. Even Chris was impressed by this, and for things that I show him, that doesn't happen much. In this "action-packed" video, you have them actually singing and used their talented voices to mimic the great Nintendo tunes we all grew up. Dr. Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Tetris, and Super Mario Brothers 3 are just some of the tunes they "sing" to. I love this!

The last link I'll show you because it's getting late. This site is just another Runescape fan site like the one I gave to you earlier today. This page offers a little bit more articles such as one on noobs although once you read one fan site, there isn't much more insperation to read the other. I like them both however and learned a lot.

And that's all for Links Galore! #1. I'll leave you at a good night for this. Just wait for Links Galore! #2 when I upd...ALAYEELAYAEEYAEEEYEAYYE!

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