Saturday, July 30, 2005

Walking in the River

Two days ago, I found out some stuff about a fake love note I got in school a long time ago so I felt like going to my friend's, Craig, house to tell him some information on it because he was involved in the investigation efforts. I had nothing better to do with my time than trying to find out who wrote a fake note as you can tell. Although as the search efforts got me no where, just a simple conversation with a friend recently reveiled everything. Back to the point, when I got to his house, he wasn't home. He was at his brother's football practice which he was required to go everyday from Monday to Thursday.

I quickly got on my bike and rode all the way to the Mayfield Elementary School and met him there in a baseball dugout with my other friend, Shawn. Craig was being forced to read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" for school so he couldn't talk much. I was just sitting there with Shawn reveiling some aspects of the story that I'm writing on the computer. He's one of the only people who likes my writing. I once was writing a story called "Notes" on my computer and gave him the first chapter to read and he really liked it. He wanted the next chapter, however, it never came because I found the efforts of the story insane. I like play format better in stories because the dialouge is a lot easier to write:

Man: Hello good lad!
Steve: Um...hi. Can I help you?
Man: Do you have any chocolate? I have an errie stomach ache and chocolate heals it quite nicely.
Steve: Sorry. I have no chocolate.
Man: Then it is time for Plan B!
(Steve crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the man.)
Man: I shall go downtown and buy some.
Steve: Great! You're using common sense. Have a brownie.
Man: So you do have chocolate then?
Steve: I don't have any freaking chocolate!
(Steve walks back in the house and slams the door behind. He quickly locks it.)

Sorry about that. That's a short-handed version of a conversation in my story. Yes, short.

Back to the main point. After Craig finished the chapter he was reading, we went for a walk in the back of the school and up onto a hill that was a path that led into the woods behind the school. We walked around back there and we went down a path near the Lackawanna River in which I found a nice place to hang out. The area was three large rocks very close to each other and they were located near three trees. We established this area for our own. We then walked down the path until we got to some stepping stones to cross the river to the rocky island in the middle of it. We walked down this rocky shore until we got to the end. We didn't feel like going back the same way so we went up the hill that was in front of us to a forest full of ferns and ivy. We walked up and threw it, heading in the direction back to the school and walking through thorns.

We found ourselves on the other side of a large ditch located in the back of the school where the kickball always used to get kicked into. Sowhat did we do? Cross it. We went down the hill (in which I had a difficult time doing and slid, crashing into Craig and sending him over the dirty water located in the depth of the ditch), and then back up to our starting point where the whole journey began.

We went back to our establishment and were sitting there when Craig wanted to build a bridge out of stepping stones to the rocky shore in the middle of the river. There weren't any large rocks besides the unmovable ones we were sitting on. All of the good rocks were in the middle of the river. So you know who went to the other side of the river? Yep, I did. Our bridge which shortly turned into a dam didn't work out too well because the water just kept on going over the rocks. I tried to point this out to Craig but he disagrred with me. Finally after going back and forth across the river about five times, I gave up. Anyway shortly after, football practice was over so we headed back.

The moral of this story? Your shoes will be soaking wet afterwards walking through a river. Sure my shoes were runied anyways, but that's not the point.

Have a good day! My uncle still didn't come yet so I don't know what's going on...

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