Friday, August 03, 2007


'ello there. I feel like writing a late-night entry so therefore it's going to be short and not too witty. I was just on World of Warcraft for around a half hour and was in Loch Modan (God only knows why I was there) and thought that I would start to quest in Stranglethorn Vale. I was always afraid of this zone as it's one of the most active PvP zones, but Craig gained about two to three levels in the zone so I knew that I would have to try it. I have to hurry up and level so I can do some battlegrounds with Craig once we're both 38-39. Craig got far ahead of me, though, and therefore he created an alternative toon to keep him occupied while he waits for me. Now in that half hour I was on, I was ganked twice in this same area working on the same two quests. I went to the Rebel Camp and got two quests and headed over to the area where I had to complete the quest at. I'm there, killing some medicine men and fighters when I notice a red dot coming out of the jungle on my mini-map as I had 'Track Humanoids' on. Right before this two Alliance players ran in, so I was hoping that it was just another ally and not the Horde. Well, I was wrong. I thought something was odd as the guy just stood there, and I was in the middle of a fight with an NPC so I couldn't turn the camera to look. Then I saw the fire spell come, and some swirly blue things, and then before I knew it I was dead. I looked and some undead mage killed me. Okay, my spirit didn't have to run too far to my body so I wasn't too ticked off, but I was hoping the guy wasn't camping at my body. He wasn't, thankfully. I'm continuing the quests and I'm over in the corner of the area near a mountain when I see another red dot coming out of the jungle. Was it the Horde? Of course. I see him and he's a level 37 or 38 orc hunter. I wave to him, hoping that maybe he wouldn't kill me. I start to run over to an NPC to kill it when I notice that he's chasing me. I didn't feel like running far into the jungle, so I just stopped and accepted my fate as his crocodile killed me. Honestly, I could've been a jerk myself and killed some Horde players that were in the twenties, but I was nice and let them go. I didn't see those players today, however. That was a couple days ago. I logged out in my ghost form as that hunter seemed like he was going to camp at my body, and I just get pissed off whenever I die. At least it's not like Runescape where you lose items, and hell you don't even lose durability when another player kills you, but it's the annoyance of running back to my body over and over again that bothers me. Oh! And the major thing that bothers me is if they kill my pet first. Why? Because I have to revive the pet and feed him back to happy. I don't mind if they just kill me and not my pet as I can just summon my pet when I come back to life, but . . . damn Horde.

My grandmother turned 80 yesterday and her party is going to be tomorrow. Corey can't come now so Caitlin is coming instead. And then I'm staying at Craig's tomorrow night as we're going to Hersey Park on Sunday. I'm really paranoid now about traveling or going on any rides since that bridge collapsed in Michigan (God bless the dead and lost ones and the family of all involved). Watching that news coverage gave me chills and definitely made me think deep. I just sometimes sit down, close my eyes, and try to put myself into a situation that I could barely even imagine unless I was there. But alas I could see it. I could see myself going down the highway, bumper-to-bumper as there was road construction, and then just see and feel it. I'd feel like I was at the top of a drop on a rollercoaster. Just that sensation one gets before they fall and then the fall itself, downward at an almost ninety degree angle. However there is no track to even us back out again and a great possibility that we would not be walking out of the car alive. The smashing of steel and concrete hitting off each other as it crashes into the mighty Mississippi River below. Then we hit the river itself. Glass breaks, water gushes in. Bloody and injured, we try to escape from the flooding and wrecked car, but the current of the water is too great to open the doors. We try to smash the windows. The water is almost over our heads at this point as cars and parts of the bridge crash around us. Do we get out alive? Don't ask where that came from.

I'm dead tired now, so have a good one.


Unknown said...

Gah, I hate getting ganked. That's why I never played on a PVP server when I played WoW. At least these guys weren't level 60's (level 70's now? I stopped playing before the expansion) out to just harass folks.

Anonymous said...

I used to play Diablo II and LoD all the time in closed b-net, but somehow I never got interested in WoW. Maybe it's just because I'm older or because I don't really have the time anymore...