Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wisdom Comes, Wisdom Goes

Where did this past summer go? Honestly, all I remember is hanging outside with Craig sometimes, having sleepovers, doing community service for the National Honor Society, going to Hersey Park, going to my hunting cabin twice, and playing World of Warcraft on and off. Otherwise, the summer literally jumped from July 11th to August 29th and school was back in session before one could fully take in the relaxation that the summer vacation offers. This summer was a very carefree one, however, and after a stressful school year, it is well worth it to just sit back on the computer doing whatever the hell you want or go sit outside without that worry in the back of your head that you have tests to study for or homework to complete. But alas, the new school year is here and more worries, more stressful attitudes, and more challenges await. One of the things that I hate about my school's yearly schedule is that we go back to school before the holiday weekend (Labor Day). Honestly, what are we going to achieve in three days that can't wait until the following week? Well, I would've had that thought before this school year. Eleventh grade is no joke -- we got homework on the first day and more on the other two days, and I already have a quiz and a test next week. And I know deep down that this is only the beginning of the troubles that I'm going to run into in my education career. With classes like AP Chem, anatomy/genetics, English III, Spanish 3, etc., I'm going to have a lot of homework and studying to do. My AP Chem homework on the first day of school took three hours to complete! That's one class with one assignment -- imagine having homework in four classes and two tests in others on one day. See -- fun, eh?

This school year may introduce me with new wisdom, but at the same time, some old wisdom left me. Specifically, wisdom teeth. Yesterday I had my three wisdom teeth removed down at my oral surgeon in Scranton. I wasn't looking forward to the operation (mainly only because I had to miss a day of school which I disdain), but already having around thirteen to fifteen operations in the past on my birthmark and then the remaining scar, I was used to the procedure of getting the heart monitors hooked up to you, the IV in, and then the medicine that causes you to 'pass out'. However, it went by so fast and that I wasn't used to such. Mostly before I had my birthmark surgeries, they took their time when putting me to sleep. Maybe that was because I was younger then. Having this surgery, I sat down, the surgeon asked if I had any last minute questions to which I replied 'no', they stuck the monitors on me, IV was put into my blood flow, they inserted the medicine, and within a minute I was fast asleep. Just the speed of it all amazed me. And before I knew it, I was awake with a numbing sensation around and in my mouth and pretty doped up on nicotine. They took me to the recovery room in which I was only in for five minutes max, they went over the procedures that we had to carry out at home, and before I knew it I was walking out of the office back to the car. The pain didn't start coming until a few hours later when the nicotine began to wear off. I couldn't take any painkillers beforehand as my whole mouth and chin were numb (and I was drooling saliva and blood badly due to the gauze in my mouth) so in-between having to wait for the numbness to wear away before taking any pills for relief and the intensifying pain, I wasn't a happy camper. I was incredibly miserable, giving everybody a hard time, and at the peak of the pain, I was in tears. Finally I was able to get sense in my mouth to swallow a single painkiller and within fifteen minutes the pain finally went away a bit. When it did, I took another painkiller as a precaution to prevent that horrible pain from returning. And then, finally, my mouth stopped bleeding and I no longer had to place gauze inside which made me feel a lot better. I had to place ice on both sides of my mouth to control the swelling then (and I should be doing such now however I'm writing this blog entry so go figure). And I couldn't eat much yesterday because my stitched areas would hurt when the food slipped over to them and I couldn't really open my mouth wide enough and even had a hard time swallowing -- and this was simple and soft foods like this frozen snack, pudding, and soup. Today I can eat much better, thankfully, and I already ate about three puddings, a frozen snack, and Jell-o.

I would write more, especially about other things that I had on my mind, but I'm just in no mood to go on further. I just want to add quickly that I got to level 42 on World of Warcraft last night and I have a funny story to say about something involving my pet wolf on the game, but that will have to wait for a later time. Sorry about this poor entry -- didn't write in a while so why not write after getting a surgery when I had lots of free time on days beforehand? Yea, that's how I am, I guess.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Ouch! I had to get 4 wisdom teeth out 2 springs ago. The top ones hadn't even come through the gums yet but they went ahead and removed them.

Hope you're healing well.

Ah man, I know. That "pass out" stuff goes fast. I didn't realize when it even went in!

I agree that the summer went by really fast.