Friday, March 21, 2008

Parade Politics

Hey hey, hey there. :) I guess it is about time I type up an entry. For the most part, school, chemistry, and being a part of the play occupy most of my time which leaves me with little "blog-time." However I'm on my little Spring/Easter Break now so I have no legal excuse. I like being busy like I've been, because I know if I wasn't I'd have TOO much time on my hands, but I don't know. xD Well I mainly want to focus this entry around my time at the St. Patrick's Day parade last weekend, which was a blaast!

It was last Saturday, and pretty much was all day. There was an extra big hype because Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hilary Clinton, was scheduled to attend. I think her being there was a big deal in the area. I was extra excited because I figured even more people would be there, and I may have said this before, but I extremely love big crowds at big fun events, like the parade. I think it adds more excitement to my experience, haha. :D I got up early and went to the mall for awhile beforehand as the streets grew more and more crowded. Everybody was dressed in green and political signs were being given out for either Hilary or Obama. I was never offered an Obama I'm not sure where people got those but it was exciting. Not to totally support any particular person/side, but I like Hilary and I think just her running in general is history in the making so I really wanted to get a nice picture of her that day. :) I think the parade this year was one of my best times going, if not thee. :P I saw a lot of friends I knew, was not totally freezing out on the street, had a good spot, and yessss eventually did snap some good photos. :D

For some reason this blog is ending up rather short. Most of my blogs have decreased in size lately. :P Anyway, I'd like to share some of the photos I took of the parade, but forgive me because I am not much of a photographer but I think some are decent, hehe. :)

Here are some cute irish dancing girls:

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My best picture of Hilary, herself! :D :D I even got the sign, without realizing it!

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It was so tough to get close up and grab a shot. I was literally in mob after mob. :P I say that because I chased her three times down the street until I got my perfect picture. :) It was nuts, people all over, secret service staring you down with guns in their trenchcoat pockets, police rope holding crowds back, and everything. :P

Example mob: [if you look hard enough you can see Hilary squished in there somewhere. :P]

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What a fun day. :)

I have a large chem assignment to finish up over my break. AP Chem is quite a challenging and time-consumingclass. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for it, take the AP Exam in May for that class. I'm 99.9% sure I would not be interested in pursuing a chemistry/science related major/job in the future, but the fact I worked so hard in chem this year and dedicated so much time, if I did not step up to the challenge and attempt that major exam, I'd feel the purpose of me in that class would be defeated. Totally and utterly defeated. I have nothing to lose, except maybe some dignity if I fail, but I like challenges, especially scholastic-related ones, and I'll admit I am curious myself how I'd score. Good or bad, I don't have extremely high hopes, my life doesn't depend on it, but I guess we'll see how it goes. :)

Aside from that, I have to choose classes for my senior year really soon. I've been thinking about it over the last week, and I feel like I am getting fed up with a lot of stuff. Some days are worse than others, but I don't know, stuff is really bothering me. And no, not the stuff you may be thinking of it, even more stuff than that stuff. :P I am stopping.

I just remembered something and it made me really happy, actually, haha. So off that topic. I bought a fancy brand bikini yesterday. It was such a good sale, such a bargain, and I loved it. See it was interesting yesterday because I had a dentist appointment and was shopping beforehand when I found the suit and I didn't have time to try it on so I was stuck. We had to leave but they said it could be returned if it didn't fit me so it was bought and in my hands it went! :P It is so cute, it is black with white polka dots and red along the side. It is just the kind I wanted too. :D It fits me as well. (: When I was at the mall before the parade last week, I drooled at all the cute new styles in the fancy stores, now I have one myselfffff! =) Cannot. Wait. For. Summer.

Have a Happy Easter. :)


Anonymous said...

I never had a tolerance for politics.

Happy Easter to you too.

Anonymous said...

That St. Patricks parade looks cool. And I'm not into politics much.

Hope your easter is good.

Anonymous said...

heh I don't like being bored either.

nice pictures! I know what it's like taking photos in a mob--your photos aren't blurry at least.
Guns and trenchcoats? Sounds exciting (well, I guess not exactly if the guns were used, but yeah...)

Sales are always awesome. xD

Happy easter to you too!

Anonymous said...

Oh man i forgot to celebrate st. Pat's! Wish we had a parade or something!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you got some cool pictures of the parade! Especially the one of Hilary; you must have been up pretty close to get a shot like that! Yay for getting that cool bikini too, it sounds very cute. I wish I was skinny enough to wear a bikini, haha. :P Anyway, good luck with your chem test - I'm sure you'll do great! And sorry for taking so long to return your comment - I've been out of the blogging routine for a couple of months now and I didn't even realize I'd gotten comments on my last entry. Oops!