Friday, March 07, 2008

Suddenly I'm Not So Young

Wow I want to write really bad suddenly. :P Um, I have a lot on my mind but I probably won't let myself share it all here. Thankfully I am in a little better mood than I was earlier today. -sigh- Anyway, I have been very busy. Busy is good, I guess. I realized again this evening how much I like organization and having a set plan of things to do and stuff to accomplish, on a list sort of, and it feels good to work towards crossing things off that "list." School and activities outside of it have really be occupying my time. I am shocked I have come to some sort of stage now where I am more so one of those people that have a list of "stuff" going on. :P For one, I am now a member on the school committee for an AFG program. They meet once a month. They as in other teachers, the principal, and a few other important people like a lawyer and a college professor. [That's all I can really remember.] I had fun my first time and was warmly welcomed. The meeting sort of focused on school issues, beliefs, mission statements, and what a graduate should "truly be." The student half was encouraged to get involved and share some of our opinions, especially when we were split into groups. It was pretty great. :) And to think this invitation for me only came about from a simple article I wrote for my Journalism class. :)

Aside from that, Drama is baaaack! I am pretty excited. Sure, the first two meetings/practices we had this week involved mostly arguing and disorganized conversation, but I think there is still hope and nobody should give up on us. :P To set the record straight, we are not doing Cats, but a night of broadway related idea. I cannot elaborate much at the moment, and I'd rather not anyway because that would give away many good ideas that were brought to the table. That way the show can be a surprise. I am a pretty optimistic person, however, and think that if we can pull this off, it will be one of the most creative and entertaining shows in the area. Truly. :) I'm so glad to be an actual member in the show this time though. It is incredibly flattering to receive compliments from the director that I am doing a wonderful job with the dancing, per say. I mean, [this is where I get pessimistic], I think I probably look like a thin flapping stick, so nobody better expect me to have some hidden talent out there, but it is just so fun and well, I get caught up in the moment, ya know? :)

Hmm...I feel like I have so much I want to say but not the energy to type it into words. For example, life. My future life. Within the past month, there has barely been one day that has passed where I haven't thought of, or spoken about college plans, career interests, adult life. Pretty much makes me sick, really. :P -pause- Yep, still feeling sick about it, lol. Scared is probably what, but I just feel so jeegjgfgkdskigkdfnfklndsfm about everything like that. I do enjoy talking about it though, it helps a bit. It just really has been a huge topic of conversation a lot lately though. Last night, I described the road of my life as being extremely foggy. If only I can clear through that fog, maybe I'd feel better, knowing what is actually right in front of me. Then I could figure out whether I needed to turn left or right to reach the dream deep within me. =/


Anonymous said...

Your heartfelt post made me feel as if I was not so young too, well not really but it was good.

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Buddy Foote said...

What the hell is that thing in the background? o.o

I have no youngish pictures. They were all wiped when I got that virus. :|

Anonymous said...

I too have a list (and a nice, lenghty one too) of stuff going on x__x
Ooh, a broadway night? Sounds fun. My school is currently doing the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie and there is tap dancing in it xD But I am not nearly a good enough singer/actor to be able to be in it, so I am just helping backstage...when I have not so much piano going on.

I am currently putting off that talk about "becoming an adult in society" until grade 12...still 2 years, but these past years have seem to gone by fast...I've decided to just enjoy what I'm doing right now (although it might be good for me to form some sort of idea as to what I want to do later......but nothing really seems appealing to me right now)