Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Walking on Air

I really enjoy tasting a spoonful of history from time to time. Just enough to get my tongue wet, maybe bring a warm smile to my face. :) Stumbling upon past blog entries has done just that for me. I've only been writing here since 2006, yet I cannot decide whether it feels longer or shorter than that actual space of time. Last evening I was scanning through some of my very first entries, and they were really quite cute. With the idea of moving to a new blog home in the future arising regularly, I can really only feel much excitement and anticipation for new thoughts to be exposed on untouched pages. ;)

I am leaving early this weekend for a two week vacation. Not a family vacation, specifically, but a warm and hopefully relaxing vacation nonetheless. I remember, during the Spring when I was at the high point of being pummeled with everything a teenager can possibly face, and imagining myself in a few months lying on the beach with absolutely no due dates or social headaches to worry about. The thought relaxed me and helped make everything at the time more worthwhile. It is pretty neat to think of how immensely busy a person can be during one month, but within a matter of weeks they can be free, accomplished, and rewarded for all their hard work. :) If there is one stressful concept weighing me down continuously still, it is that of "college." I still personally feel distaste towards the entire concept of figuring out and making decisions so very important. I have never, ever, been a fantastic decision maker. Even the slightest of situations, like deciding whether I want a ham or turkey sandwich for lunch, can cause me to bite my lip and stare blankly at the person asking me until they say "How about turkey?" and I readily nod without a problem. I am eager to further my education, don't get me wrong, I love learning, but knowing I have to decide on certain things is absolutely not my cup of tea. Sometimes I wish the perfect school would land at my feet. That is highly improbable though, and I probably would not even like it anymore once it fell. I've been changing my mind a lot too which makes everything more difficult. Last week I could have wanted to be a surgeon in Florida, and this week maybe I am craving the idea of majoring in bugs in a rural university in Wyoming. Really now, not a word in that last sentence has ever stood true, but at least you can see how wide of changes my mind can make. Oh and by the way, bugs, as well as dirt, are two very new exciting majors in some colleges across the country. Check your local listings. xD

Sunday I went to Warped Tour, which proved to be another exhilarating event. I went last year for the first time and it was so thrilling and amazing I fell in quintuple love with my favorite band and had a stranger's saliva hit my ankle. Even though I'd have to say last year's was a bit more fun, I still had a good time going again. :) I got to see Family Force 5 play, who are my favorite. Just watching their more than adorable sweaty faces play, dance, and sing right in front of you is priceless!! ;D It was also really cool to retrieve a beach ball which they later signed for me. =)) Another neat group worth mentioning that we saw was Shwayze, which were actually pretty cool, and more popular than I had thought. [I honestly didn't know who they were until that day..hush. :P] My friends and I would have loved to see more bands, but we were forced to leave a little earlier than expected due to a severe thunderstorm that poured on top of our very heads. xD I have never been as soaking wet as I was that afternoon. Boy oh boy, I was squeezing gallons of water out of my clothes. haha :P I think being heavily rained on was really fun though. I mean, I was with my great friends, and we are running across a parking lot that, note: is muddy and flooded, and hail is falling in your face so you are forced to close your eyes and hope that the gravel smacking your bare legs won't hurt too bad. xD Haha oh my gosh, it was something else. :P We even took pictures of us as soon as we reached this little off-limits shed we found, as shelter was a necessity once we left the compounds of the pavilion. ;P Anyways, I really like Warped Tour because of the close interaction with the bands and the immense crowd of people. This one guy in a band questioned me repeatedly as to why I had the word "Florida" on my tank top. It turned out he was from Florida, and if I didn't agree I was from there too and that was why I had the shirt on, then he was going to take my paper from me. xD Haha see..you never know what to expect! :P

As soon as I have pictures developed from the concert, I'll be sure to pop a few on here. :) Another item you may be curious to see pictures of is my first car! =) I am incredibly ecstatic [and tremendously grateful] to reveal that there is a smaller sized vehicle [Chevy Malibu] now residing at my home in which I have begun learning to drive in. It is a pretty cute car, and I really adore it! I drove it on the road twice thus far, which was quite an experience that took sooo much focus and energy from my mind. I felt really drained and weak afterwards, is that normal? Haha. ;P

Anywho, I am happy to say I have logged onto Runescape a time or two this week. My brother enjoys playing it a little here and there, and even if it may be infested by younger humans by the mass load, it is still fun to cut trees and make fires and get lost when you are a clueless wonder without good virtual game direction! ;)

I feel like there is a lot more on my mind I could share in this blog entry. Sometimes though, maybe it is "just enough" to focus on the more positive aspects. At the current time I think it is sometimes more relieving to stay clear of the road construction and take an alternate route because maybe that other way will be decorated with blooming flowers and fresh trees, filling your heart with hope and your mind with wisdom. So many people get injected with doses of burden and it will really weigh you down if you aren't strong enough to break the needle. Not everybody is strong like Superman though, but at least you can try. ;)


Chase said...

I have been writing here since 2006 as well, and It feels like forever i think.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never been to Warped!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've never been to Warped!