Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh Sea!

Seventeen summers ago I was seven months old. It was my first summer, and it was the first time I ever saw the ocean. I was quite the little tot, with my rolling red curls and big brown eyes. There was this instant affection between me and the foamy waves of that huge body of water. As other children next to me screamed and hollered in fear as the waves came gushing towards their little feet, I giggled playfully and wanted more and more of it. I didn't seem scared. I seemed fascinated. Every summer since then [give or take a few where life dealt no opportunity], I have been really fortunate to visit the ocean, stick my feet in the sand, and smell the salty air. In my mind, nothing beats that feeling when I first see the ocean again. I have so many memories of being at the shore every summer. From the afternoon a seagull stole my sandwich right from my hands, to the evenings where I walked the entire boardwalk to the inlet ledge, my mind holds on to these wonderful moments. This past weekend I returned from being on vacation there for two whole weeks. :) It was particularly different than past times for numerous reasons, but the feeling was still the same. I had a time I will always remember as it sure was the best two weeks of my whole summer. :) I was occupied with various activities at all hours of the day and night, so even though I brought my journal along in case I wanted to write, I never did so this time around. Most of what I wrote about in the last blog I published when I went remains the same with this trip so I wouldn't want to utterly repeat myself. I did do a lot of swimming though, and this time I brought two big inner tubes which I took in the ocean. They turned out to be pretty fun, as long as I didn't get stuck in the tube when a wave was about to turn on my head. Otherwise I may not be here right now to write this. xD I went on many walks as well. This time the place we were staying was in front of a large park, filled with trails, fields, and the bay. There was a gorgeous dock that went out quite a ways into the bay and walking down it was amazing, especially when the sun was setting. :) I also took the bus numerous times, which I honestly feel is an attraction ride in itself. Simply meeting all the different, and I mean different, from interests to culture to nationality, people that ride the bus is really interesting and lots of fun. I went to the boardwalk many nights and did a lot of shopping this time, too. I bought two pairs of shoes and after a lot of looking around for the one I liked the most, I bought a really nice tye-dye hooded sweatshirt with any decal I wanted to be printed on it. :D

There were also some other things. :) I went to an Elvis concert, met Spongebob and Patrick while I was away, attended an ice skating show, saw some dolphins and three giant blobby schools of fish, woke up in the night to go midnight madness shopping, admired the Amish, watched the Olympics, joked about this guy on the beach named Erv, had some possible senior pictures, lay in the sun, listened to some Spanish, went walking on the beach in the middle of the night in total darkness with two chocolate cakes, skinned my knee, climbed in the lifeguard stand, learned how to say "hi" using flags, rubbed like a total of 40 pounds of suntan lotion in my skin, wore big sunglasses and pretty outfits, sat in traffic, and then was involved in my first car accident. As you can maybe guess, I had an exciting time. ;] The car accident is true [as is everything else I just named], but thankfully it was not a serious crash of any sort. On our way down to the beach area, once on a certain stretch of highway, people from all states around meet and it just gets very crowded and very slow. Having multiple traffic lights to sit at makes it more congested, too. Well, everyone was sitting in bumper to bumper barely moving traffic when the small sized car behind us rolled into the back of our Jeep Liberty [if you don't know, Liberty's have the big tire on the back of the vehicle]. Suddenly there was a big thump, and I felt as though someone just pushed my back forward. The tire on the back of the Jeep is what took the entire impact, without it the back would have been crunched in! The smaller vehicle that hit the tire, well, the front hood and headlight area was very crunched in, paint was scratched off, the hood was open, and liquid was leaking out. Their vehicle would no longer move and had to be towed away. =O I was shocked and scared at first this whole event even happened. It was a pretty shaky way to start off a vacation, but I was just glad we had that tire in the back and of course, that nobody got hurt or anything.

Thankfully the weather was warm and sunny for the majority of the time I was down at the beach though. There was a thunderstorm or two, one time when everyone had to scramble from the beach. That was pretty exciting. :P I really did enjoy my time there and miss it a whole lot though. :) Now that I am back home, I've been trying to busy myself incredibly. Some stuff in my life back here still seems to be shaky. When I was away, it was like my mind physically could not let me think of anything but the ocean and the sun. I did worry, sometimes when I would try to go asleep, about this or that back at home. I didn't want to let it get to me though. I guess I just want everything to be a certain way, and being the doubtful person I can be, I fear the worst in all my situations. It is terrible though, how I can think up the worst case scenario so much that I begin telling myself it must be happening that way, when really maybe it's not at all. In the least, I can still have hope...

Now with school lingering so close you can feel it, I am beginning to be ready to officially enjoy and gain as much as I can from my final year in high school. I feel slightly more confident about handling all of these upcoming college- related decisions, and really, I just want everything to fall into place this year. I look at the senior year as one of those "we're all in this together" moments. We are a graduating class that grew up together, literally, and now that we are to appear as the most mature students, I have hope we can pull through together by putting any ugly immature aspects behind us and making the best memories we can one last time. :) I know that I wish to look back upon such days with a smile and a laugh, not a sigh of regret for not taking the chances that could have been worth everything. ;]

I am going to conclude my entry here. I have not lost any anticipation for Broken Typos, just like a baby in the womb I am sure it will be born and presented to the public when it is fully ready. ;P I will attach a few pictures below from my vacation as well. Adios!

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