Friday, August 01, 2008

Beachy Hearts

Imagine it being the middle of the night and there is complete silence. Maybe you are lying in bed even, but you are wide awake. Have you ever started to hear a noise and worry it was someone breaking in or something? Then, as you get worked up, it seems as though the noise is only getting louder. Suddenly, you pause, and realize that what you are hearing is only the most precious and amazing part of your body. Your very own beating heart.

I watch hospital shows on television sometimes, last night in particular, and it is during times like that when I really appreciate and grow fascinated with the human body. Watching an organ transplant is really unimaginable. My favorite part is when the patient is given a heart, let's say, from another body, and once the heart is in place, there is that moment, that first moment, when you get to witness the heart fill up completely red and thump. It is really amazing, if you ask me. I guess the point I am trying to make is that when it is silent during the night, and you are awake, and you hear your heart beat, if you put your palm there for a moment, just a moment, and feel the knowledge of your very being alive, it helps you value what should be most important. Not everything always works out the way our naive minds sometimes hope and pray that it will. Every single person encounters some sort of mishap, minor and major, throughout their life. It is those minor mishaps that can really cause pain to the inexperienced. The kind of pain that simply consumes them entirely. They need to be told that even though their first bike broke, their pet turtle died, the girl they have a crush on doesn't like them back, Grandma is entering the hospital, or they have to move to a new school, everything will be alright. Everything will work itself out. Those that care won't ever leave your side, and those that do never belonged in the first place. You are a breathing individual with a beating heart, you are alive, you need to live, you need to cherish what you have, and focus on what makes you happiest. :) You may disagree, but in the least, thinking like that can bring hope to a dreary day.

Now that I released that from the depths of my unusual mind, I am here writing another blog so soon, as promised, because I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning. I will be on my way to enter the busy lands of sandy beaches, choppy waves, rugged boardwalk, crowded restaurants, and hotels with no vacancy signs. :D I'll be laying in the warm sand, thinking of nothing that bothers me, hearing the buzz of family chatter, and wondering when the cute little ice cream truck siren will return. It will hopefully be a nice escape for me, just some time to be away and feel excited over the different sights, sounds, and of course, the amazing smells down there. ;] I'm going to miss all of my friends a lot though. I am really excited to go, I can't believe it is tomorrow already, and that I will be there longer than I have ever gone for before. I plan to take plenty of pictures and will have a journal nearby for any possible blog excerpts. ;] I hope the best to come of Broken Typos, too! I guess this will be the end here. ^^ Wouldn't want to drag this out and bore any potential reader. So until next time, have a really good two weeks! :) ♥


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like the way you write. that was a really interesting post, and i just happened to stumble across this blog by accident. I wish I could make my posts as detailed and full of imagery as yours, but simply dont have the energy anymore. But after reading this post i'm going to try harder to make my posts more interesting. thanks =)

Anonymous said...

Heh, I spook myself really easily sometimes...mostly at night. But I get the same feeling sometimes, not from hospital shows so much, but more from reading by Bio textbook...the photographs of some really...gruesome stuff (mostly non functioning organs) or pig dissection makes me feel a bit weird and mindblown of potentially having that in my body as well...

Anyways...hope you have fun on the beaches!

Anonymous said...

very very true when you sit down and think about it ...........very clever