Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blog Specials

Being that I have nothing creative or any complaints to write about at the moment, I figure I would just put up some blog specials for today. I plan on taking a walk around my hometown of Jermyn, PA sometime this weekend (maybe tomorrow after Easter dinner) to snap some pictures of the environment and setting that I live in, so if you're interested in looking at pictures then stay in touch for those to be uploaded. I'm debating to whether post them all at once or one at a time underneath my 'Picture of the Day' blog special. Please help me decide there.

And now for the blog specials:

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"how to become an autoer"

This keyword is telling me "I'm interested in breaking a major Runescape rule, I want to be banned, and I want to gain both levels and earn money while I sleep and "have a life" in the real world without doing any effort whatsoever in the game and decreasing the fun I have in-game and the fun that others have." Because you told me such, I hate you. Actually, if you do become an autoer, you better watch out because I'm an autoer hunter. Go to this entry for more information. I will hunt you down, report you, and leave the rest of the work to Jagex so that they'll get rid of you. Honestly though, autoing is not the answer for getting easy money or levels. Plus you don't enjoy Runescape the way that it was created for -- to feel the accomplishments of obtaining levels and climbing up in rank toward the top. Sure, you may never come close to the top and be competing with Zezima for rank one, but just the fact that you'll look at your 80+ combat and 1400+ skill total and you'll be happy because you went through the troubles of getting that high, and not some script that did the work for you. You may think that it's stupid, tedious, and will cause you to have no life, but like I always say, "What's the difference between Halo and Runescape when it comes to the hours you spend on each?"

Become an autoer, and I'll report you. Problem solved. Actually not really...for every autoer that I may help get rid of, ten more will just take their place. But hey, it's a fun hobby to endure in when I'm bored of skilling.

"runescapes zezimas real life high school picture"

That's just a little freaky. I'm used to these keywords a lot. People want to know Zezima's recovery questions, bank PIN, password, insurance policy, license plate number, zip code, and the like, but why the hell would you want his high school picture? That's just a little obsessive, don't you think so? I mean, I could understand if you wanted his medical record or what church he goes to, but a picture!? A picture is much more personal than any credit card reports, social security number, report card grades, employer information, etc. C'mon people. I want to say one thing:

Leave Zezima alone! And the sarcasm ends there.

Picture of the Day

Well, I'm off to dye some Easter eggs. If I don't post tomorrow due to my busy Easter schedule, poem writing, and Spanish verb studying, then have a happy Easter and like always, have a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, it's Emily. You're crazy. Happy Easter! :)

(Oh and Caitlin, if you're reading this, Happy Easter to you too!) =) <3