Thursday, April 05, 2007

Post April Fools' Joke

If I tricked you or not, I would like to say 'sorry' for the last blog entry that I have composed that was my sick idea of an April Fools' Joke. It was very ill-willed and wrong of me to create such a masterpiece as that and post it on the internet. I know, it should have been locked away inside of my twisted mind forever, but once in a while a tiger has to eat, right? I would also like to thank everybody who commented that blog entry. I would have to say that such a piece a work was a great success to the author, who is proud of his cursor for not jumping violently all over the computer screen. Thank you cursor, and stay still, please. Oh, that's because I was bumping the mouse. Stupid me. Anyway, I would like to thank Caitlin, Chase, Jen, Joey, Botanreaper2, Dante, Josh, Josh, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, and Madonna for such a chance for my fame to shine. Shine brightly and blind all! Yes, yes. I do like USB ports. They are my banana peel and bread crumbs.

Is it too late to say 'April Fools!' for everything above that I just said besides the 'thank you for commenting' part? If it is, then darn.

I hoped that my "WTF!?!?" blog entry would turn a head or two, and I think by the comments it has received that it may have. Thank you for tolerating my insanity while reading that entry. I did make myself seem angry at the end but that set the tone of the writing that I was trying to express. I actually hoped that the entry would circulate around a bit, but I guess that I made it sound too fake by adding that 'Jagex has ties with terrorist' part, which I highly agree with. But it was fun writing it and many had fun reading it and that's what matters to me. Even if the regular reader population of BFBv.2 may only be two or three people, as long as that entry interested every single one of the readers, then that made my day. I try to interest everybody in all of my entries though, so don't think I'm putting all the stress on one of my owned ones. Plus I find the other blog writer's posts to be more interesting than mine a lot of the time. Kudos to you guys. If you missed the April Fools' entry, you can find it here.

~Crossword of the Day~

The Great Wiki Search #2

Have a good one. I'll hopefully have an idea for a great entry tomorrow.

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