Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oh That Boredom

I'm oh so very bored at this oh so very minute. x) -sighs- I don't like to say I'm bored, because I am sure if I thought hard enough I could find something productive and fun to do. Then it hit me, I am going to write an entry about boredom, but y'know what, I am going to make it a point to make this entry even slightly exciting so it doesn't bore you. If this ends up boring you too, then we're both in the same predicament and that isn't going to get us anywhere now is it?

I think I have been "bored" for the past few days actually. School only lasted three days this week before we went off on our "Easter/Spring Break". Those three days we did have school were refered to as "Spirit Week", but three days isn't really a full week is it? So they jipped us, haha. Not that it matters much to me anyway, well no, maybe it does. This blog sounds like I am having a strange aloud conversation with myself and my thoughts. Hopefully that isn't boring to you. Monday I was asked to participate in the Scholastic Bowl again, making it my third year. =) Tuesday we enjoyed a rather long talent show, and yesterday we just sit in the gym at the end of the day watching people particpate in athletic-related activites. I've never been interested in doing any, but I think every single year I end up feeling incredibly stuffy and hot with an oncoming headache by the end of the day because we're all so squished in there and I don't get any fresh air. xD

With all these activites going on, I didn't do much, if anything, in my classes all week. Although Monday I did take a Math test and read my Spanish dialogue. I'm not sure how I did on the Math, but the Spanish was half-disasterous. I never planned on raising my hand, but I couldn't take another day thinking about it, and in sorts, wanted to get it over with and before I knew it, found myself with my hand raised to volunteer myself to read it next. xD I think it went worse than I hoped. I didn't do bad or anything, I was just incredibly nervous and I bet my leg or hand was shaking and my face was all red. Then I ended up reading much faster than I had practiced. I jokingly had said to someone earlier that I should just "read fast and maybe she won't notice if I mess up a word" but I wasn't seriously going to try that. It turned out I read so fast I was stopped, asked to slow down, and then finish. I completely gave up bothering to trill any r's because my mouth was so dry from being nervous, and I just didn't like doing it very much. I was told I have a really strong "American accent", and for that lost 3 points. I'm not upset about that or anything, but I guess it's difficult for me to change the accent I was born with. :P -shrugs- I ended up with a 93, and that's real good, it was just an uncomfortable experience.

When we have school days, like before a long break or something, many of my teachers don't do anything. It's funny to me because I always feel they just 'give up teaching us for the day.' I don't mind the free time, but it can be very boring to sit in a classroom desk for 40 minutes straight with nothing to do, let alone the classes where nobody talks to me. =/ Anyways, maybe all those free periods contributed to me being sick of being bored. =P

I was home all day today, but hopefully it's the only day I am home all break. I hope to go shopping and just out places. I'm really in the mood too. I did try to keep myself occupied though. I woke up earlier than I thought I would, ate too many homemade pancakes, wrote a poem stanza, and then felt like dancing so I put on this video I found for my brother to watch and I danced along, it was fun. After it ended, I played DDR because I still felt like dancing. :P After I started to get sweaty, I tried to find something else to do but came up empty-handed. I signed in and out of Runescape all day. I mined some more ess so my brother can make me runes so I can get my magic level to 30. I got my runecrafting to 30 just yesterday, or the day before, not sure but it's 30 now nonetheless! ^^ Haha today I just wanted someone to talk to for a little bit and stood in Lumbridge to see how many times people would come up to me. I didn't get the results I expected. I was only spoke to maybe 5 times, and called a noob for declining a date offer. Maybe it was because I said "ew no lol." But I did say thank you to the guy for calling me a noob. Gotta take compliments when ya can, right? ;P Pssh.

Now I'm back to the point where I started this entry at. I went through the last few days of my life and now you're caught up (if anybody seriously cared, I doubt it :P) . I was thinking before that on days when I actually have things going on and plenty to do, is when I have people calling me, people talking to me on the computer late at night, people asking me to go places, tests the next day I should be studying for. Stuff like that y'know? Why can't it happen when I am sitting around with nothing to do and wish I had someone fun to talk to, or someplace fun to go last minute? =P -sighs- It makes me sad sometimes. My one friend is pretty lucky these days! She most definately went on a 'date' this afternoon with one of the cutest boys I know, and he invited her to come hang out again. Pretty sweet huh? =) I'm happy for her! ^^

Well, I know this entry didn't turn out majorly exciting, and I apologize for that. Maybe a cute boy will call me to come hang out this weekend, then I can write an exciting blog about it. (Hahahahahahahahahahahaha YEAH RIGHT.) =P No, but seriously, maybe I'll do something and when I write in the next few days that entry will be better. Until then, and if I don't get a chance to write before Easter, I wish whoever's eyes read this a beautiful holiday. :]

For my daily blog specials, I am going to start sharing another short series consisting of these cute funny poems my friend Abby wrote and emailed to me. I told her I'd like to share them here, and have her permission to do so, hehe. Maybe you'll like them. :]

Radically Random...

you"re good food & you"re a good friend.
we thought we"d let you know, you"re gonna end.
the food you make us,
is better than a bus.
tonight is gonna be the night
that you really bite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for no school, but boo for boredom. I have a feeling that is how I will feel this coming week. x__x

the last day before holidays was indeed VERY boring. We had a health presentation in the morning, then we just sat in class and talked for the other classes. In Social Studies, we were forced to watch an hour long video, which was really really boring.