Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Picture Motherload: The 56k Killer

Finally, the time has come. After more than a week of 100+ picture sitting on my Nikon 4800 waiting to be uploaded to Imageshack, they are blooming in large supplies on the Imageshack servers, flooding the realm and causing a stock market crash to occur. Unidentified flying objects have been seen in the skys over Madrid, Spain and forty nuclear bombs have been sent to Mars to start Cold War Round 2. But right here, these pictures are going to come forward to you through little thumbnails, previewing the goods that are on the other side in full view. If you have come this far then you have a strong internet connection because this post has been made to kill the 56k users off. Send dial-up to Mars with the fourty bombs. I bring you pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. So many pictures that the right clicker on my mouse may fall off and run away in fear of how many times I have to click to copy and paste the HTML code onto here. But do I care? Maybe. Right now I should be in school, where more than half of these pictures were taken, but I had pink eye yesterday and today. So I have to hurry up, post these pictures, and go study for three tests and quizzes. I have missed school for the first time since the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year began. My perfect attendance went bye-bye, as somewhat quoted from what Gorman said last night on AIM.

I have for you about 85 pictures of "The Beauty and the Beast" play that was at my school two Sundays ago. Then I have pictures from that Monday to Wednesday in which I brought my camera to school for our English class Odyssey scene event. I will not have any captions because I'm running out of time here -- school is almost out for the day and Craig will be bringing my homework home for me. Yesterday I was flooded with homework. This is all done thanks to Caitlin for getting my homework, worksheets, textbooks, and tablets/folders for me, thank you. Anyway, the people in the pictures are just there, no names mentioned unless asked. Feel free to comment and in that comment copy and paste the URL for a picture and then ask a question about it. I'll respond right away.

So, let's have the picture show begin!

"The Beauty and the Beast"

Before the Show:

Act I:

Act II:

Stage Bow/After Show:

In School -- Monday:

In School -- Tuesday:

In School -- Wednesday:

Special Walk Home -- Wednesday:

And that is what they call a rap. Or something among those lines. I don't think I took enough pictures there, right? Well, at least I can upload some extra pictures onto my desktop and then delete them from my camera's SD card now. I originally planned when I got my camera and laptop for Christmas that I was going to put every single picture I took onto my laptop, but at this rate and with even these pictures shown here I think my laptop's C:/ drive's storage would only be at around 11 GB. However right now it's 40.3 GB and I'm pretty damn happy about that. Only used about 2 or 3 GB's since I got my laptop. Now my desktop is a different story...that has only about 110 GB left from the 127 GB I used to have it at constantly in the past. Still, it's a lot.

Recently I had the desire to play Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, so I've been playing that this Tuesday and Wednesday a bit. I think Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 ruins the feeling the old game gave. Like I doubt I could play Zoo Tycoon 2 after playing the first. I just love that kind of gameplay and look those kind of tycoons offer. So far my park is doing pretty well, thanks to scenrio mode and the large loan you can make on there.

Make sure you have a good one. I won't though, as I catch up on my missed homework and tests. Honestly, I have to study for six different things, and I'll only take two of those tomorrow and with Spirit Week being next week, I don't know when I'll take half of my tests. I hope we didn't get a lot of homework tonight. We couldn't have really. Maybe English and civics. See ya. Oh yes, by the way, I still have a lot of videos to upload that I took those four days (same days I took the pictures) so expect them to be out in the open little by little.


Jenifer said...

I like the pics from the play, I didn't know that you went to it... what's up with the pic w/ John Korey on the pole?? That's funny, well I will be waiting for the video, well talk to you soon...

Unknown said...

cool pictures [:

Jenifer said...

you need to get some more pics of yourself on here, since you are such a sexy, talk to you later