Sunday, April 23, 2006

Semi Night '06

"Hello fellow readers (if any at this moment due to my long absence away from the ultimate blogging sphere), I would like to inform you that I have some sort of disease. No, I don't have cancer or heart disease or had stroke-a-radius-times-two. I have in simple terms, writer's block. Yes! The block that stops you from writing like a writer should indeed write. I can't think up anything to write. Even though I went fishing with Caitlin last Saturday, I'm going to the semi with Caitlin this Saturday, and a bomb just exploded in my driveway two seconds ago and the army is invading my household, I can't type. Sure I can type this up, but that's it. I'm tired already from typing this. Sure, yes. You can call me lazy. Well, no doubt, I have a guest host on the Buddy Foote Show (no, this isn't actually a show for those people out there who I would have to directly tell them this). And this guest host is none other than my very, very good friend Caitlin herself! She'll be taking the regins for Santa Clause, excuse me, I meant me for say, a while. A month in a half or more. I'll post once in a while, but this writer's block is a severe case and the doctor said it may be fatal. Fatal to my skill of writing that is! Well, I typed enough. Let's have Caitlin have a chance to type. I'm letting her do whatever she wants. Post pictures of her dog, talk about brown cows, or maybe even say something embarassing that I did at school. Whatever. So ladies and gentlemen, here is Caitlin!"
-Buddy Foote
He had some more to say first too:
"The reason that I have developed in my head to why some of the audio in my movies are off from the actual picture is because the file format is .mov, in which all of my other movies, like the Schlasta one, are .avi. So I may convert them and upload them again when I have time, in like three months from now."


Hi! I'm CaituhLin =) Or just Caitlin will do, and I'm going to be writing here sometimes for this awesome blog which is the coolest one I ever saw. I've been a reader since day 1 and now I get to add my touch to it so that is fantasic ;-) I guess I will start by writing about the semi-formal my school had for the 9th&10th grade last night where Buddy Foote [his real name is Stephen] and I went together :D If I could sum the semi up in 5 words.. I'd choose wonderful..magical..surprising..magnificent..FuN. I was to go over to Steve's house around 2:30. I was so excited to be there, and got to be invited inside and sat and talked and his house is so nice =) Stephen looked so handsome! Aww ;-) We got some pictures taken, the start of a crazy picture taking night. I almost went blind with all the flashing! Also, almost all of Steve's family stopped by and they are so nice! I always wondered what his sister looked like in person, hehe aw it was so cool =) Steve also got me this beautiful awesome blue flowered, star, green leaves, hard to find button light up flower bouquet type looking thing that I really adore! The star on top made me love it so much more! =) =) Sadly, it was raining all day yesterday and the weather was miserable. I still had an awesome time though! Steve's parents took us over to our friend Kyle's house where everyone in our group was supposed to meet. There we got plenty of pictures taken and then loaded into this really spiffy limo! It had rainbow lights on the ceiling and it was just so cool and fun to ride in =) Once at the hall where the semi was going to be held, we got in line for pictures and stuff. I hope all the pictures came out nice..I am so sad about wearing makeup on mee though =[ I hope so much it still looked nice .. ! .. I thought it was so cute when Stephen had to put his arm around me for some pictures, I was blushing because it was that cute! Awww..I'll never forget it... =) Everyone looked so gorgeous last night! There was a lot of dancing too..only 4, just 4 slow songs were played the rest were bunch of fast songs. I am too shy 99% of the time to actually move thaat much but I tried and had fun nonetheless. Shockingly, Steve can dance "lyke woaahh!" And he thought he couldn't..haha what a JoKe that was ;-) So many people were dancing like nuts who I never thought could or would! Woot omigosh it was amazing! Hands down another best day of my life! Seriously, I think 9th grade is getting up there with 8th grade for amazingly fun school years! [; Anyways, did I dance with Steve? Sureeeee =) =) =) =) Plenty! He's so sweet, I think this was both our first real times dancing with him dancing with a girl&me dancing with a boy. Aw such puppy love-ish cuteeness =) I was thrilled he wanted to dance with me, and hold hands and jump and spin and all that fun stuff =D I'll never ever forget it! I had so so much exciting fun! It was hot in there though..people went crazy in that good kinda safe fun way too =) I did not want the night to end! Haha and luckily our cellphones were found. Steve was jumping a lot so I guess things fell out of his pocket. We got it back though, and it's funny because his mom said before we left that I should hold everything because Steve would lose it. Mommy's are always right and I know that for myself from personal experience too was funny. Sadly, most of my close friends didn't come to the semi, and I wish they would have. I hope so much that I will get the chance to go the semi again, I haven't had that much fun in a long time! =)

Afterwards, the limo took us out to eat at the Red Robin restaurant. I wasn't hungry, but very thirsty. Steve ate just to randomly mention to make this paragraph longer. I never went there before, and it was pretty nice. I can't think of anything that happened there though to mention.

Next, it was getting late and I guess the limo had to have us home by midnight so there was some slight confusion kinda. I ended up getting off with Steve back at his house because his parents, thankfully, were willing to drive me home =) I was excited and happy to get to go back over there for a few mintues, plus wanted to somewhat show Stephen where I lived. I got home safely, and so did Steve because he is talking to me now so I assume he is alive lol and so thats good right? Okay..yeah :) Anyways it was a great time!

Now I know I have to go study for a pre chem test that we have over this weekend! Ew I am sad over this..why this weekend? Steve probably has to go study now too, right Steve? "Right" so "Have a good one" as Steve himself would say! [;

1 comment:

Jenifer said...

aw....sorry to hear about the writer's block, to be honest, I think that I have a case of that recently too.....but I am glad that you 2 had a great time @ the Semi.....well talk to ya's soon....
<3 JEN